I look into the Mirror Saturday at the Beach DAILY 8/30

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  • What do YOU see?

    Can you believe the person that you are looking at is really you?

    You still look like the old you in many ways, but can you see the change?

    Are your insides now on the outside? Are you glowing? I bet you even have a smile on your face as you are looking.

    The weight change is mesmerizing. Your clothes are baggy.

    Your hair is shinny. Your eyes sparlkle.

    Take a picture today, or soon and put this on your mirror, make extra's and carry it with you. Put it on the fridge.

    This is a reminder of who you have become. She was always there. She is now your best friend.

    When you are tempted, alone, afraid, frustrated, bring her out and talk to her.

    Don't you make a lovely picture of health, happiness and pride?

    Make it a habit to look into the mirror daily and say something nice to her.

    I am so proud of the way you all have grown. Even if you feel down, you are talking about it and are making positive changes. We have all learned to laugh and we have added and believe in the word...NO.

    Use it and own it.

    Have a safe, healthy and happy Labor Day weekend.

  • Aw, Marcie! What a wonderful post! I think sometimes it takes our mind's eye a while to catch up with the reality of what we actually see when we look in the mirror. When I look at pictures taken at the beginning of the year it is hard to reconcile what I looked like with what I see these days. I am the same person, but then again, I'm NOT! I am so much happier now...and it isn't just about the weight loss. It is about feeling in control, taking charge, and enjoying life REGARDLESS of my weight.

    I took pictures before I started getting healthy, and while they are hard to look at, it has been an important motivating factor for me. I took pictures every month for a few months, and the difference I could see helped me when I was feeling down. And I think it is time to take some new pictures.

    Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
  • Right now that person in the mirror is not me unless my body has been invaded by a fat old broad. But I know the real me will show up eventually. Somebody in here said that fat is like a crappy old fur coat that you can take off. I can hardly wait!

    Yesterday was not an OP day! I am afraid I nibbled and tasted a lot as I cooked but I managed to drink water too. I did have a piece of my cake at the party last night and it was good and worth it! The darn thing looked pretty good when I finished although DH's comment was "Well, they'll know you didn't just buy it"!!! I think I need to take a cake-decorating course sometime. I'll put it on my Life List replacing naked bungee jumping!

    Today is a relatively free day with just a few must do things on my list. The Girls and I will walk (after skipping yesterday) and I hope to dabble away at some outside chores. My new daily goal is to make one change in my environment - like putting away the pots that are sitting on my potting bench.

    Have a great Saturday, Beach Beauties.
  • Marcie~ What a beautiful sentiment...Brought a tear to my eye. Thank you sweetie

    Franny~I think I will venture into the world of cookbooks. I love all books but don't have any cookbooks. Considering the way I cook I think it's long overdue. Thanks for the suggestion I will let you know how it turns out. Great idea on the pictures, I usually hate to have mine taken, but your right it would be a nice pick me up. thanks hon.

    Ruth~LOL, naked bungee jumping! Thats not even on my list but if it were I would look for something to replace that also. Love your idea on the home envoironment. If I do one thing a day I think it will make a hudge difference in my life. Thanks dear Ruth

    This weekend is kind of hard for me. My Mom died when we were all quite young. We are having a 20 year memorial mass for her. I can't believe it's been 20 years, sometime It's just like yesterday. So my weekend will consist of alot of family and alot of emotion. On top of that it's that TOM for me. It's almost 8 am and I've already been crying. Sorry so depressing It's not usually like me.

    Ellis ~ Sweetie thank you for that lovely quote on death that you posted a while back I copied it and am finding it a great source of comfort.

    Boy I need to pull myself together. Thanks for listening.
  • Mirrors? They scare me right now! I don't even have a full length mirror in my house....the one I had broke several years ago and I've never replaced it. I have a pretty good sized one on my dresser that I can see most of me in, but not one that I can see my whole self in. To be honest, I don't like to look at myself in the mirror very much. That's actually something that I need to invest in soon, so that I can watch the transformation of me into the lovely svelt person that I know is hiding underneath all of this fat!

    Today is my weekly weigh-in day. After all of the overeating that I've done this past week, I was afraid to step on the scale this morning, but I did it anyway....if for nothing else than to keep me honest. I was very excited to see that I am actually down 1/2 lb this morning!! Not bad considering all that I ate last week, and that I was expecting the number to have gone up!

    franny, you are braver than I am about pictures. I tend to avoid cameras as much as I avoid the mirror! I wonder what that says about me.....am I out of touch with reality, or do I want to avoid admitting the truth about myself to myself? I think it's because I'm embarrassed about the way I look right now, and don't want my overweightness preserved in pictures.

    Ruth, I'm so glad that you have a free day today. You are one of the busiest people that I know, and you deserve to take some time for yourself. Do something to pamper yourserlf today!

    sflake, I'm sorry about your mom. It's nice that you and your family are having a memorial service for her, and as hard as it will be for you, what a beautiful way of remembering her and honoring her love for you and your love for her. Even though she's been gone for many years, she's never really left you....she is with you always, in your heart.

    Enjoy your Saturday on the Beach, Beauties!
  • Good morning all from the great state of Texas!

    So far so good as far as my little mini-vacation goes...don't have to go back to work until Tuesday - how wonderful that is!!

    been staying OP so far - probably my only problem is i have been eating too many nuts - I have fallen in love with pistachios - they are so addictive - I almost can't help myself!!

    but, i am still down about 9 pounds after one full week to 171 - I believe that's my lowest since high school and the lowest I ever weighed in when I was doing WW. Everything from now on is net loss - woohooo!!!!!

    Does anyone ever eat the turkey bacon - I think from Louis Rich? I think I got a hold of some bad stuff the other day - but after it was recalled out of my system involuntarily i felt great the rest of the day

    Really need to make some SF jello today - getting sick of the ricotta cheese/cocoa powder dessert.

    I will stay on Phase I for another week and then move on...I will be very nervous about carbs by then, I have a feeling and will be apprehensive about eating them...

    as for the rest of my weekend, going to make some breakfast, do some laundry, hang out by the pool b/c I need a tan, and chill out

    Ruth - I would also love to take a cake-decorating class (cake decorators are so amazing - i would love to have their talent!) - i think that would be such a fun and creative job...i also have this dire fantasy to be a florist (since i've been getting my wedding together, i find it so fascinating how they take flowers and make arrangements) - one of these days i'll give it a shot!

    have a great Saturday!

    My DF loves me on low-carb - he's never had so much breakfast on the weekends in his life!!
  • For YOU that need this

  • What a beautiful post to wake up to.
    As I look into the mirror this morning, this is what I see:

    That I am more in control of what I am eating.
    I feel better mentally, and am proud of my efforts.
    I'm noticing a marked improvement in my waistline!

    These are small improvements for the middle of Phase I on SBD, But I'm sure I will see more and more.
    I weighed for the first time this morning (after week 1) and was a bit disappointed that I had not lost more than 3 pounds. But, Hey...the scale and I have never been friends!!
    I am proud that I took the initiative to come to this place where you can get such wonderful ideas and motivation from others. It gives me a warm, safe feeling daily.
    I truly hope you all have a wonderful, safe weekend.
  • Sflake, I'm so sorry you're down, sweetie. What a beautiful idea having a memorial mass for your Mom. You don't have to pull yourself together, hon. You have ample reason for being sad (not to mention TOM!), but remember to be grateful for all the good in your life. Celebrate your Mom's life... don't regret it.
    love, hugs and prayers...

    I'm extremely cranky this morning, so excuse me for not writing to each of you individually. But I do love all of you...
  • Sflake-Sorry to hear you are feeling so down today. It seems like no matter how long the people we love are gone we still miss them. Your Mom is still alive in you, though, and it is wonderful that you are all getting together to remember her today. Take care sweetie.....

    Ruth-I've thought about taking a cake decorating class too, but the TASTE is the most important thing!!!! I think that MY "old fur coat" is mangy, and flea ridden!!!! Glad to hear you have a slow day, you DESERVE it!!!!

    Franny- My FIL is a photographer, so I have had to get used to having my picture taken. Still don't like LOOKING at the results though!!!!! (But I DO have LOTS of "before" pictures!!!)

    Marcie-I have to say that I feel like Ruth right now. I have been off track for a while, and am feeling sluggish and yuck. Maybe even cranky like SOME people here (who shall remain ELLIS!)

    Ellis-Sorry you are feeling yucky today. We are having company this afternoon, and I should be cleaning the house. Instead, DH dragged us out for breakfast and I am now on the computer. I am in an, "I VANT TO BE ALONE!" mood. Wish you were here so we could sit on opposite sides of the room and read!!!

    HI!! to all the rest of you!!!!
  • Hi everyone: Sflake sorry that you are having a down day, but with family I know you'll be able to celebrate your Moms' life.

    Marcie: I don't mind the mirror any more. I have a full length one, and it has been fun to ssee the difference, with the inches lost at curves. I'm flatter where I have never been flat. Namel;y the derriere.

    Ruth: Glad you are having a day of rest. Maybe a cake decorating class would be a 'me' thing for you to do. I posted a recipe, and hope you reviewed it. It think it would be acceptable on Phase 2.

    Ellis: Hope by the end of the day you are perked up a bit.

    Frannie: Sounds like a picture record is a good idea. One of my 'me' things is to go into a department store, and go into the plus size dept. and then say to myself, I don't need to buy my clotes here any more.

    Have a great day all. Ann
  • S'flake: Hugs coming your way - it's beautiful that you're all getting together to have a memorial service for your Mom's 20th. I agree, it never get easier and our loved ones are always in our thoughts - it's almost 20 years since my parents died and not a day goes by that I don't think of them and miss them. Celebrate the wonderful memories that you have and the life she led. She lives on in your thoughts and recollections.

    Ellsi & Den - I'll take the third corner of the room!

    All you Gorgeous Beasters - Enjoy your weekend and let's ALL work on getting rid of our 'crappy ole fur coats' (good one, Ruthie! )
  • Sflake I just wanted to send you some love right now. It's tough and if you need to cry or yell or just feel angry you do it.

    Pictures? I don't take them. I hate the way I look and I won't. Old pictures make me nauseous, esp the professional ones.
  • Thanks, Lizzie and Den. I feel better already.
    Opera, grab your book and celery and we'll cozy up on Den's wrap-around couch.
  • Hi all ... posting late ... hectic morning!!

    Sflake, sorry you're feeling down; it will last a lifetime. My mother died when I was 8 years old; I'm 43 now and have only the briefest of memories of her, but I still get depressed on Mothers Day and Columbus Day weekend (she died on October 12, 1968) ... a memorial is a wonderful idea but I know it can be hard ... my deepest sympathy and biggest hugs.

    My sons 16th birthday is Monday ... Ruth and dentrassi can you PLEASE come do the baking ??? I'm going to get started today .. he wants a cookout with about a million of his closest friends ... maybe I'll just go with 18 batches of brownies and 40 bags of chips ...

    Smile Ellis ...

    Gotta go ... too much to do ... have a wonderful Saturday !!!