Exercise, Diet and Support #5

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  • Well girls, it's getting windy here in Delaware. Cyan, I am here for 7months and then going back to Taiwan. We are on furlough, that means, missionaries go to churches sharing what we are doing and if we are lucky the church will financially support us. So this is no vacation mind you:-)

    reina--you have EVERY right to be mad. Man, I can't imagine. I mean, Joshua was bullied at school at 3yrs old and I was quite upset, but what happened to your son is outrageous. I would call a conference with teacher and the kids parents to let them know that this WILL not happen again.

    Lisa--congrats!!!!! Hopefully I can lose some weight and be in the same boat you are:-) My sister in law is going to have her baby anytime now (and a hurricane is here!!!). She lost over 120lbs and then unexpectedly got pregnant (and they have been married 15years!!)

    Well girls, I have gotta do something. I discovered my pants are a little more snug than when I came, and it's only been 2weeks!!! My sister has a treadmill, I need to force myself to use that. I may check out the South Beach thing. Yes, the first two weeks are hard I think, but then you get to get back to normal again I understand, kinda like Atkins. We'll see. It's hard while living at my parents house as I am not the main cooker here.

    Well, I need to get some things done. Talk to you later.
  • Hi Ladies TGIF!
    Today after work my friends come over with the dryer...My old one had to be thrown out...it was too old...the ball bearings were gone aside from a few other bits..the guy said it was too old to fix ...better to get a new one...so last friday at the movies...I was telling my friends of my woes and how I had to go buy a new dryer when my friend ...who I just met that day...says he has an extra dryer in his basement...and that he could give it to me if I wanted it....woooooooohooooooooooo...I said you bet I want it..how much do you want for it...and he said ...nothing...its yours ....so I said thank you so much....and then he offered to deliver it to my house and install this friday...now arent there amazing kind people in this world!...So Him and my other friend which happens to be his friend too are coming over after work...so I will take them out to dinner to say thank you afterward...and then, we are going to the movies to see Underworld.

    I made an amazing lunch today...cant wait to eat it...its 2 bean salad...didnt have a third bean to add with tuna salad! oh yum yum yum.

    Hey Reina..I cant believe that kid....I would be angry too if my kid came home with scissor marks on his neck! What did the teacher do? Unreal!

    Oh cool Taiwan...7 months in the USA! I hope it all goes well for you and that you get the financial backing you need. Also...I hope you stay focussed and not gain all the weight you so diligently worked so hard to get off.

    Debee...sorry to hear about neighbor problems..keep us posted.

    Newie..how are you doing? Are things getting better...let us know

    Well...its friday morning and its 9.30 am...A day of work ahead of me...well best get started...later ladies and have a great weekend

  • Hi all,
    I wish I could say I am being good today, but I am PMSing and I want Chocolate!

    Alex is doing better, and I am working with the teachers and the parents on the issue...

    I hope you all have a great weekend, and Taiwan, take it easy in Delaware... I hear those winds are crazy!

    Cyan, how cool is that you got a free dryer! I believe there are good people out there.......

    Talk to you soon,
  • YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! we have electricity! man, 22hours without electricity entertaining a 14month old and a 5yr old is not what I call fun. Of course we all pigged out:-) what else is there to do without electricity. Didn't realize how much I was addicted to the computer. We are all fine, nothing happened to the house thank the Lord.
    This weekend I am going to look at some books about weight loss, I DO NOT WANT TO GAIN!!!!!
    Well, I need to check my gazillion other e-mails.
    Take care
  • Hi, everyone! I am feeling pretty good today, despite the fact that I have a bad cold--caught it from the rest of my family. I get lots of bronchial congestion, croup, as well as the whole sinus clog mess that is part of a cold. The hardest part of it for me is that I cannot take anything for the sinus part of it because I am hypothyroid, and all the meds for nasal decongestion react badly with my thyroid med. (I know for sure because a couple of times I tried to take the decongestants--OTC and prescription--and--talk about a rapid heartbeat and dizziness!!) So I use a lot of tissue, cough drops, expectorant for the chest congestion, and cough suppressant if the cough gets out of control. I also drink warm liquids, eat soup, and cough out congestion (we won't go into that in any more detail, but it has to be done). Anyway, I am on the mend, day by day.

    I am experiencing healing where my ex-job is concerned too. I received a note from one of my favorite former coworkers which indicated she understood why I quit. That helped because I was feeling very alone and as if I had never mattered to anyone in that job (I know that's not true, but when you're feeling down, you think goofy things). I also did receive my final paycheck, and a note from another woman in the office about obtaining personal items that I had left there--a table in particular that I want. I've decided that when I contact her about how to get the table, I am going to tell her why I quit as I did. She told me not too long before I quit that I was a real asset to the company. I believe that the owner more than likely said false or misleading things about me after I left, and I really need (for my own personal dignity and healing) for my words about my work, contribution to that company, and feelings about myself to be the last words spoken on the subject. That will really help me move on.

    In regard to my husband's situation, I am praying very hard for myself to be a good, supportive wife to him in his situation, and for God to be with him and help him in every area of his life so he can go in the direction which will help fulfill God's plan for him. I am also praying for my own ability to let go of the need to control the situation, and to live for today, one day at a time. We were at the bank with our friend yesterday, where we applied for a home equity line of credit, which should help us manage our finances and even help us improve them, no matter what happens. We should know by Thursday or Friday if we've been approved.

    We went to hubby's mom's 80th birthday party last night--I drank two glasses of wine on a pretty empty stomach, so I was feeling a bit drunk for a while (I'm not much of a drinker), but I laughed and had a good time for the first time in a while, which was really good for me. I really needed it. I think the wine even helped my cold, because the congestion is less this morning. I did eat some pizza, chicken, salad, garlic bread, and birthday cake too, but it was also the first time in two weeks that I've actually been hungry, and I stopped when I got full.

    Other than the party, I'm doing pretty well on my food. People are beginning to notice my weight loss--11 pounds since I joined you wonderful ladies at this site. I found low-carb bread at the local bread outlet for 90 cents a loaf yesterday, so that will help me there. I'm not eating sweets except for special occasions, and I don't snack on any kind of junk food. I'm not going to weigh this morning because of the salt content of last night's dinner, but I'm still on track.

    Thank you all for being there, sharing your stories, and supporting me. Congrats on your free dryer, Cyan--they're really expensive to buy. I'm glad things are getting better for you, Taiwan, in the aftermath of the storm. Reina--I feel for you with your son and the problems with other kid in school. I think it's wonderful how you are handling it. I've had a situation with my youngest that I probably should have handled more as you are doing yours. My Kathleen, who is incredibly shy and quiet, has always been placed next to the noisiest, rudest children in her class in order to help discipline those children, and I've never liked it because those kids keep her from getting the best out of her education and make her unhappy. But I never spoke up. I've never been much for questioning the teacher, since I'm a teacher myself and know there are usually reasons for certain decisions made, but now looking back, and hearing what you have done, Reina, I really wish I had said something. It's gotten better, though. Finally---this year the 3rd grade teacher moved her next to someone quiet, telling Kathleen it wasn't fair for her to have to endure a noisy person--thank you, Lord. My baby came home the very day her seat was changed to tell me how happy she was. I've made up my mind that if she is ever placed next to a noisy person again, I'll definitely speak up. Thanks, Reina. You really helped me.

    Well, time to go now. I've got stuff to do. Talk to everyone later.
  • Hi everybody

    Had a nice weekend but didnt get to walk Fri or Saturday. Walked 3 miles this morning early but shortly afterward, it started raining and has been the rest of the day. I was hoping to get another walk in.

    Reina, what a wild experience to go thru with a 4 yr old! I cant even imagine. You were right in stepping in now before something like that happens again. How did your battle with the chocolate cravings go?? I had peach cobbler today.

    Cyan, I enjoyed the article you posted..thanks. Very good points in it. That is so great about the free dryer!! Such a generous offer! Sounds like a good guy to get to know better for sure.

    Taiwan, you poor thing...22 hrs with no electricity would drive me crazy even without little ones!! Thank goodness nobody got hurt and the house withstood all the wind, etc. Did you find any interesting new weightloss books you're going to check out?

    Newie, sounds like doing well and getting on with life after the job-loss. That was a sweet gesture by your co-worker sending that note. I'm sure it made you feel much better. Good luck with the line of credit. That should ease your anxieties some about the financial change you're going thru now with only one income.

    Lisa and Debee, I hope the two of you had a nice weekend! Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Well, tomorrow it's "Just another Manic Monday" Try to have a good one!

  • Hi Ladies
    Its monday...mondays are so friggin hard for me...but if I didnt work mondays..well...tuesdays would be hard for me...oh well...how did I do food wise this weekend..well I went to Santropol on friday...a huge sandwich filled with chicken salad and cream cheese and honey and nuts ....sooooo good but its like eating a mcdonald's value meal!! I then went to see The Underworld...pretty cool movie..it was entertaining.

    On Saturday...I had chinese buffet...although I had mostly sushi and no deserts...I did have general tao chicken..but just a few pieces..I am sure a few pieces too many...I also had water with my food....I a had water with my sandwich too.

    So not to good food wise this weekend....I also didnt do much in terms of intentional exercising...but I am back to it tonight...back on the saddle....

    Oh since I have stopped taking the pill...I havent had a real period since july 16 Thank goodness I dont have a boyfriend or else I would be freaking out right now. I hope my system kicks in soon and things get back to normal or else I may have to go back to the pill inorder to get things normal again...My doc did say to give it 6 month...so I am two months in...we will see what happens.

    Hey Miki...good that you got your walk in this morning...better than no walk...right?

    Hey Newie...good to hear that you are slowly getting back to normal. How is your hubby doing with his job? Let us know.

    Oh Taiwan...22 hours with no electricity...yikes! Good to hear that you are electrified once more! Let us know how your book hunting went...I am curious about the South Beach Diet too.

    hey Reina...good to hear that you are working out your son's incident...yeesh! scary situation there. Were you able to stay away from the chocolate

    Debee hope you are doing great..let us know

    Well its monday and I gotta get back to work

    later ladies

  • Happy Monday everyone!!!

    I wish it was a good start to the week for me. What normally takes us 30 mins to get to work and school this morning, took over 1 1/2 hours today! There was a bad accident on the xpressway this morning that had ALL the inbound lanes closed for over 3 hours, so that just created havoc on all the streets...It was horrible...

    Ok, I wish I could say I stood away from the chocolates, BUT, I compromised.....I bought the mini chocolates from the candy store, and had those, rather than a large bar, I had a small piece when I was craving it this weekend! Other than that, I ate pretty good this weekend.
    Right now I am eating my Burrito Bowl from Chipotle.... I love these things. I have them fill it with veggies and guacamole and grilled chicken breast and I hold the cheese and sour cream... It is awesome! I think I eat these at least 3 times a week! I am getting as addicted to this as Cyan is to Sushi

    Taiwan, how horrible to be without electricity that long, how did you do it??

    Newie, I am glad you were able to use my experience and learn that you can speak up when you need to... Believe me, if we don't speak for our kids, who will???

    Cyan, Sounds like you had a fun weekend! It seems like eating bad comes with the territory! Glad to hear you are getting back in the Saddle. Then I will feel that I have to jump on too! I need to get back into the swing of things again!

    Miki, your 3 mile walks inspire me. Where do you walk, what do you do, how do you past the time and not think of it as a "3 MILE WALK"????
    I need the secret???

    Have a great week ladies....
  • Hello everyone....

    How was everyone's Monday? Mine was pretty good. Worked from 10 til 7 but not a bad day.

    Cyan, that sandwich sounds Delicious!! You know I love anything with chicken. Hope your system gets regulated soon. Must be aggravating not to know if and when you'll get your period. Have the pills affected your weight any so far?

    Reina, believe me, I am not some exercise finatic for sure. I only am able to walk everyday because my sis walks with me, and if either of us isnt in the mood, the other always insists we gotta do it anyway. On days when one of us cant make it, then the other usually ends up missing also. I just cant seem to motivate myself to go alone. We pretty much walk 7 days a week as much as possible. She comes to my house because my road is better to walk on than hers. We go as soon as the schoolbus runs, usually around 7:15 a.m. The time flies because we talk about everything under the sun the whole time. My husband cant understand how we can have so much to say...usually by the time she gets home, 2 miles from me, one of us calls the other cuz we forgot something. We never seem to get caught up with everything we want to talk about. I think you did well with your chocolate...the mini ones were a good choice.

    Hope the rest of the ladies had a good start of the new week. Reina and Cyan, have a good nite. Talk to ya'll later...

  • Hi, everyone--I'm waiting for time to get my girls up for school. Last night I worked with older daughter on science report till 11:30--it turned out pretty well--I never could have helped her if I had been working--would have had no energy.

    I received my last paycheck in the mail over the weekend and talked on the phone yesterday to two other ladies in the office where I worked (owner on business trip)--got some much needed closure--said goodbye, told them what happened, did some venting, made arrangements to get several personal items of mine that I left in the office. All I have to do now is pick up the items at one of the 4 stores owned by the company (the one where I originally started), and speak to the manager there about getting a letter of reference that I can use in future job searches--she will give me a good one, I know.

    As far as hubby's job is concerned--he is on 3 days vacation (I was supposed to go on that business trip with boss), and we are doing lots of house work in preparation for carpet coming for girls' rooms (planned before I quit) as well as a new bed for us (also ordered before I quit). Last week he had a good week--his supervisor, he told me, took some time to work with him on some stuff he's been doing, and in general he felt he did a good job. This is how we're doing things right now: He's taking the opportunity he's been given to try to improve his work, in whatever capacity he can, get help if needed--whatever he can do to do his best day by day so he can keep his job if possible. We are also putting out feelers for job openings--sending out a few resumes, signing up with online services, stuff like that. After all, he hasn't been given any walking papers--told for sure he is losing his job or anything like that--just that he needs to improve or he will be given 6 months notice to find work. What I'm doing a lot of is prayer--as I've told you, I'm a very religious and spiritual person--have seen the power of prayer and faith in my life and in the lives of others I know. I've been praying both for myself--that I am a support to him--not a nag or someone who wants him to become what I think he should be (I've been guilty of the latter in the past, and it's time for me to change that.)--and for him--that he will be the person God wants him to be one day at a time, that he will be blessed in his work and led to the work he is supposed to do. I also pray that I can live one day at a time without worry about the future knowing that we are and will be taken care of. I've been praying with this book called "The Power of a Praying Wife" by Stormie Omartian--very powerful. It talks so much about letting go of control of your husband and giving him to God. In the last week, I've seen growing peace in myself and good things in hubby. At times I want to worry, but that just makes me feel crazy, so I keep going back to prayer.

    Anyway, hang in there, ladies, with your food and exercise--I know how hard it is to stick with it all. I am needing to drink more water; also I wonder if my activity level has dropped significantly since I'm not working like a crazy woman anymore--I'm trying to be careful and keep up with my walking. Well, got to go--one kid is in the shower, and the other one needs to get up. I'm going to see the Gyn. today for my yearly check-up--haven't had my period since June--actually 100 days today--not pregnant, took a test a few weeks ago--just working on that menopause--feel great that way except for some interesting hot flashes--it will be interesting to hear what she has to say to me. More later. Bye, ladies, for now.
  • Well, it's raining again. I was supposed to take my road test yesterday (but DMV only takes so many and I was one number late). Now because it's raining, they don't have tests today. They don't test tomorrow, so I have to wait til Thursday. It's pretty humbling being 29yr and sooooooooo dependent on my parents. I know they are ready for me to get my drivers license too. I had let it expire while in Taiwan, something i just never thought about.

    I don't know if josiah is going through a growth spurt now or what. Man, the past 2 nights he slept sooo well (previously he was sick, a mouth full of canker sores and wouldn't eat). now he is eating like there is no tomorrow!! He was up at about 1am and took a cup of milk. Up at 7am screaming! i ran into his bedroom and what was the problem? his mum-mum (binky) was on the floor! that was it. I thought he was in pain or something.

    I am reading the south beach diet. It seems to deal alot with the glycemic (sp?) index. The first 2 weeks look pretty tough, but friends of mine who went on it said yes, the weight came off the stomach first. After getting into phase 2 they said it was much better since you could add things back slowly. the theory is that things high on the glycemic index burn faster and so you get hungry faster (kinda like a quick sugar high) things low in the index, burn slower so you stay full longer. I think I got that right. I haven't really tried it yet, still reading about it and checking the website out.

    Well, I need to go. We may be visiting my brother today. My sil had a baby early this morning. Their first after 15years of marriage! she had the gastrio....bypass (i can never say that word) and lost 125lbs!! 1.5years later became pregnant. Dr had told them many years ago that they could never have children. she had something growing on her ovaries. So, she had a little boy Jacob Wayne Frost. 6lbs and? oz and 18in long. He will be spoiled rotten. She had way to easy a pregnancy and 3 hour labor---not fair I tell you, not fair. But I am happy for them, though seeing my brother as a father is hard.

    Well, enough. talk to you all later.

  • Good Morning Ladies
    I've decided to do an internal cleansing of my major organs..So after work I went to the herb store and picked up the stuff I needed...It will go on for about a month! I have another cold ...which is unusual and its good to clean out once a year...So I bought Milk Thistle...cleans out your liver, kidneys, spleen and stomach. I bought Sage...good for the brain (memory)cells and I bought grape vine...good for the blood. So I will keep you posted how things turn out.

    Hey Miki...you are so lucky you have your sister to hang out with and exercise with....I am sure it makes things easier when you have someone special to share your activities with. I havent gained any weight since being off the pill so thats good.

    Hey Reina Did you get some exercising in? I had all the intentions but I am under the weather again...another sinus cold...I hope to nip this in the bud with my body detox program...yeesh.

    Taiwan....good luck on your driver's test thursday. And let us know how you are doing on your south beach..I am thinking of trying it but I might as well wait and see what you say about it.

    Newie...stay strong for you and your family...I hope things work out for your hubby and work...keep us posted. have a good trip to the gyne's.

    Hey Deb and Lisa...say hello when you get the chance.

  • Hey Ladies,
    Hope all is well today.

    Miki, it sounds nice how you and your sister just talk and talk....I wish my sister would talk! she only wants to moan about all her health problems now. This is someone who never hurt in her life....

    I don't know, but anyway, I wish I could say I exercised, but I didn't. I will try to work on some sit-ups today, my goal is to work on my stomach right now, nothing else! That is why Taiwan's idea of the South Beach diet caught my eye....

    I wish I got rid of this gut! it is yucky!!! and I feel like I am preggers! and I don't like that right now....

    Well, I am off to pick up Alex and go home and watch 8 Simple Rules with the last of the John Ritter episodes.

    Have a great night....
  • Hi all..

    Reina, I forgot to watch 8 Simple Rules tonite!! I cant believe that. I watched all the specials about John Ritter last week and was so sad. I dont see how the cast is going to make it thru the first show without him where they deal with his death. It's still just so unbelievable to me. Hubby and I loved him...he was so hilarious. I cannot miss that show...in 3 weeks I think.

    Cyan, I've never done an internal cleansing. Dont know alot about herbs, etc. Makes sense to do that occasionally, just never thought about it.

    Taiwan, you must have brought all that rain with you! Good luck on your driving test Thurs. Congrats to your brother and SIL!

    Newie, I too believe strongly in prayer. I've seen too many prayers answered not to believe. So just keep your faith...things will work out for the best, whether it's OUR idea of the best or not. Hope you have a good report at the doc tomorrow.

    Well all, time for me to hit the sack. See ya tomorrow!

  • Good morning, ladies! I took my walk this morning--2 miles, I think--I use the time walking for prayer. It also gives my day a good start--puts both my body and spirit in the right place for the strength I need now.

    Yesterday was a busy day--somewhat stressful, and I didn't always feel good throughout it, but it was a day where many good things happened. First--my trip to the gyne--I see his nurse practitioner--she is absolutely wonderful--spends time with me, and is probably more thorough than the dr. himself is. She was thrilled with my weight loss and walking, and thinks I am truly on the way to menopause--100 days since my last period--only 265 days more to go. Of course, I had the pap and will soon have my yearly mammogram--don't really mind either of them--more an inconvenience than a discomfort to me, but they are very important.

    I got all my personal stuff from my old job--down to a table and a garbage can I took with me to the office--had the opportunity to talk with two other women I was close to--asked one of them (a former supervisor) for a letter of reference for my files; it might come in handy someday--she said she would, but to remind her, since she can be a procrastinator with paperwork. Believe me, I will. I got a lot of emotion out of my system and received more closure. After seeing the two women yesterday and getting my stuff, I ate an ice cream cone. I was feeling pain, and I just couldn't deal with it. I knew I was comforting myself when I bought it, but at that moment I just really wanted something to help me feel good for a moment. It tasted good at the time, but later I got a stomach ache from it. Later, after the "drug" effects of the ice cream wore off, I still hurt. Anyway, that whole situation is working itself out.

    We received preliminary notification from our banker that our home equity line is on the way to approval. There's just a drive-by viewing of the house by the bank to do, and whatever other official paperwork still has to be completed. Anyway, that is another thing that seems to be moving in a positive direction--I am grateful. I will feel even better when all the papers are signed, sealed, and delivered. Patience and prayer, I tell myself.

    Taiwan--I don't know anything specific about the South Beach Diet, but when I have shared with friends the low-carb plan I am on, I have been told what I do is very like the South Beach Diet. I have also read about the glycemic index of foods playing a part in weight gain and loss, and in my personal experience, I have learned that the more carbs I eat, especially if no protein is involved, the more hungry I am quicker, and the more I get into a cycle of repeated carb craving and eating. I think it has something to do with insulin levels too. I have found if I eat plenty of protein--I personally am not particular--meat, cheese, fish, other dairy, soy, peanut butter (I don't eat eggs--make me sick)--as long as it's protein, I can eat a reasonable amount and not be hungry for some time. I am careful with anything with a high sugar or carb level, whether it be bread, fruit, cereal, pasta, yogurt, or desserts, because for me they trigger that cycle of carb eating. Anyway, that's my personal experience. Also, good luck on your driving test. I never cared for that experience myself. You'll do fine. Also, congrats on the new baby in the family.

    Cyan, I also have never had experience with internal cleansing, though I have heard of it. Does that mean you are on the toilet a lot? I do like to eat plenty of fiber to keep regular.

    I considered watching 8 Simple Rules and watching the other episodes leading up to the death of John Ritter's character, but I decided not to--too sad for me--I'm only 7 years younger than he was. I always have enjoyed him--he was hysterical in Three's Company--such a down to earth comic.

    Cyan, take care of that cold of yours--I hate colds--thankfully mine is nearly over--pretty miraculous for me. It usually takes at least two weeks.

    I agree, Miki, you are very lucky to have your sister as a walking partner. Having someone there to drag you out by the collar if you are trying to talk yourself out of exercise is a great thing. Thanks for your good wishes for me and hubby. One way or another, things will work out.

    Well, got to go--things to do. Talk to you all later. Bye for now.