2016 Starters - New Year New You

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  • Happy Monday!

    So on Friday I was down 1 lb. my coach and I decided to alternate days that I would have a restricted item and just have 3 non restricted on the other days. Well it worked! Stepped on the scale this morning and down 3 lbs since Friday! I am going to try not to step on the scale until weigh in. I am really bad at that but now that I see some movement I am super happy. My big goal was to break out of the 200's and I am sooo close!

    We recently bought my twin girls their first bikes. So I have been doing a lot of walking while they are learning how to ride. The weather has been beautiful here so I can't complain! My bike is pretty dusty but hoping by summer that they will be comfortable riding and we can all go riding together.

    Easter is approaching fast. What are everyone's plans for the holiday? My mother-in-law hosts and knows I am on program but doesn't really change anything on her menu. I am hoping for maybe a salad to go with her protein. I would bring one but she is a funny duck when it comes to people bringing things. She sees it as an insult as you don't like what she is serving. Might pack some cucumbers in my purse to munch on just in case.

    PS I found some awesome free workout videos on YouTube. Search for Fitness Blender. I have bad knees so I did one of their low impact workouts and I loved it. They have all different skill levels. Just figured I would share in case anyone wanted to try it out.
  • Hey guys! New to 3fatchicks here.. Although, I have been referencing the site quite a bit for info. I'm 4'10 and wanting a goal weight between 105-110. I started this diet on 2/11/2016 weighing 154.4. Not exactly proud that I let myself get to that weight but what's done is done and I just have to move forward. My last weigh in was 3/7/16 at 140.8. I did try incorporating the 30 day shred and like all of you said before it does stall weight loss. I weigh in today and am excited to see the results of last week. I am hoping for another 2-3 pound dropped. Anywho.. Just wanted to say hi and will check in to see everyone else's results for encouragement... Onwards and upwards!
  • Quote: I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand I am happy that I am loosing consistently. I am now just overweight rather than obese according to my BMI which is also a good thing. I really hate that I am loosing a such a low rate though. I know a loss of, on average, 2 lbs a week is really good. Especially since I have never lost at that rate before! It is just hard to not compare myself with other people who are consistently posting larger losses.

    I have not been logging my food. I come up with a loose plan at the beginning of the week and just stick with that. I am going to start really looking at what I am eating to see if I have too many extras sneaking in, or if I am maybe shorting myself on my veggies. I am getting in my water and supplements.
    sljumper, I too, just crossed over from obese to overweight on the BMI scale and have been doing IP since the beginning of the year with just over a 2 lb a week loss. I know it's not as much as some people have lost but I am thrilled with the results nonetheless! I have not had success losing at such constant rate, or sticking with a plan for this long ever before. Everyone has their own journey but I think your progress so far is great and you should count that as a win! I know I am!

    As for logging I do find it helpful, but I also and using alternative products and whole food substitution to packets, where possible. Myfitnesspal makes it super easy, and having a record allows you see at a glance your macro totals for the day or note you didn't get all the veggies.

    Good luck with your remaining loss!
  • I really wish I could be posting losses of 5lbs a week. That would be so nice. I am happy that I'm losing. I've had a hard time on a limited calorie diet w/exercise, etc, in that nothing happens while sticking to it w/o cheats. IP is working for me. Down 3.2 pounds in the last week, and my total since starting on 1/4 is just over 25 lbs. Woohoo! I have about 20 to go, I think.

    Happy Wednesday to all.
  • Congrats @mezmerelda!

    I had lost 1.8 at the last weigh in (Monday) but seem to have gained it all back. Trying to not get discouraged but man it's kinda depressing since I've been following the diet so religiously. I may even stop my daily walks to see if that has any impact. It's the only thing I changed recently is doing 3 mile walks...

    Happy hump day ya'll. Onward and upward!
  • Well true to form. Every three to four days and 2 to 3 pounds lost. Starting to see a pattern here. Really enjoying the IP Alternative and, as always, grateful for this site and the great information!
  • Hi everyone! I am happy to report a 3 lb loss over the past week, and this is after losing nothing the week prior. I have started tracking the macros from the foods that I am eating and it is definitely influencing my decisions. I have started making sure that I don’t choose multiple high calorie or multiple high carb packets in the same day. I am continuing to having a restricted item each day, I am just being choosier about which ones I have. Also, there is a pretty broad range over the allowed veggies. I really think that this is making a difference.

    Prior to tracking, I was eating over 1200 calories in a day. Since I have started making decisions based on macros I am staying in the 900-1000 range. I understand that for a lot of people, the appeal of this diet (in addition to the fact that it works so well) is the ease of it. We lose even without doing all of that tracking. My personality is one that tends to overanalyze and do extensive research so this isn’t a deal-breaker for me
  • Hi everyone. I hope all is going well!! Kinda of quiet around here.

    Pamela - Looks like you are doing well! I plan on having Easter at my house for sons, wives, and nieces, along with my brother and great niece. About 20-25 people. (Got to get cleaning.) My husband came up with a plan to help me. We are having Salad, baked potatoes with the fixings, and he is going to grill Tenderloin Filets. I will be have broccoli or something like that, so I intend to stay on plan.

    Imv and Maybefacecongratulations for passing over into a new chapter. I wish I were there with you!!!!! I also find logging food in MFP very helpful, but it aggravates me when I try to complete a days work, it says I need to add more entries. I have logged into there 67 days in a row as of today.

    mezmerelda I started on 1/13 and I'm down 27.5. Good luck to you, you are doing great.

    donna2theg I LOVE your pattern and wish I could see those results. I am still very happy to be going down. I am also grateful to this site!

    sljumper I can be an overanalyzed! I'm trying very hard to get over this, but like I said, I have been tracking everything and I find the researching helps me stay focused and keep going. Great job on losing 3 lbs. this past week.

    I had my official WI last night and It had been 2 weeks since my last WI. Lost 2.5 and am very happy. Stay strong and stay focused my friends, and please continue checking in here. I not real good at posting everyday, but I do reading everything and celebrate all of your accomplishes!
  • Hi fellow dieters😊. Wondering if anyone else is addicted to their scale? My coach says stick it away and just weigh there once a week. My reasonable mind says yes do that. The real me can't let it go (it's like a beloved teddy bear or something) even though I know my emotional state is directly tied to it. What have you done. I have been trying to just weigh once a day in morning. Wishing everyone a great week
  • Quote: Okay so I posted yesterday about me being on this diet and gaining weight my second week so I think I'm going to quit this diet and look into another diet good luck for everybody else
    Legaldiva, sad that you are quitting. The first three weeks were a roller coaster for me but seem to be getting the hang of it now. Wishing you well whichever way you go.
  • Quote: Hi fellow dieters😊. Wondering if anyone else is addicted to their scale? My coach says stick it away and just weigh there once a week. My reasonable mind says yes do that. The real me can't let it go (it's like a beloved teddy bear or something) even though I know my emotional state is directly tied to it. What have you done. I have been trying to just weigh once a day in morning. Wishing everyone a great week
    Totally get being addicted to the scale. I have left mine out, but only check on Mondays before WI, and then again on WI day (Wed). My emotions are totally tied to my numbers also and always have been. You could name almost any big event in my life and I could tell you exactly what I weighed. Another big thing to get over. Now that I start thinking about all my obsessive compulsive disorders, I think I might need counseling.
  • Sounds like everyone is doing great! Congratulations to all of us!

    I would be all over the scale multiple times a day if it was in front of me, so I keep it in the basement and run down there once or twice a week first thing in the morning to see how I'm doing, but that's it.

    I started working again this week (was on a leave of absence for awhile) and it's going well. Was worried I'd be more hungry due to old habits of snacking at my desk when working on the computer, and also just because I'm up almost 2 hours earlier in the mornings on days I work. But so far so good. Several people have noticed I've lost some weight and have been asking what I'm doing and are being curious and supportive, so that's great. A couple negative reactions about the program but I expected it to come from those specific people so I was mentally prepared and it's no big deal.

    Someone asked about Easter. I have a couple Easter meals to attend, it'll be a little sad to pass up desserts but maybe next year I can have a couple bites if I want. And maybe I'll be all teeny tiny and won't want any! Anyone have any good ip-friendly veggie dishes or salad recipes I can bring to potlucks?
  • Happy Friday!

    Had weigh in today and down 6 lbs!! Yay!! I was getting so frustrated and glad that alternating my restricted with a non-restricted worked. My coach had mentioned that if it didn't bump me out then we would try a week with no restricted. I love my sweet treats so glad that we didn't have to do that. I grabbed some of the trail mix this week so I'm excited to try those. Anyone else have them yet? Almost every other week they are sold out of the Krispy squares so I need to find a backup I love as much as them.

    TheNewMe- I am addicted to the scale as well!! It's terrible and I had to put it in the closet the other day. My coaches scale used to be so far off from mine. She has gotten a new one and now it seems we are about the same. I try to not step on it everyday. Put it away somewhere and see if that helps. and remember that you won't always see the scale move but your measurements will change.

    Anyone have any new and great recipes? I tried a Butter Chicken and it was deeeelish! But I love spicy Indian food sooo. Still addicted to roasted eggplant but need to watch my portion! I would eat it all.

    Have a great weekend all!
  • Hi everyone: great idea to put the scale somewhere inconvenient. Might stick mine in the bsmt too to encourage myself to do the stairs. Down 2.8 yesterday so encouraged. Home alone tonight and so wanting some of my old "junk food friends". I will be strong! anyone have a go to fo nights like this
  • Super pumped today. After 5 days stalled out at 200.0 (thanks TOM) today I hopped on the scale and saw 196.8!!!! Onederland for real!