I'm new!

  • Could you beleive I'm a little fat chick who actually lives on South Beach? Today is Day 1, just had scrambled eggs and broccoli and plan on enjoying my day off at the beach. But today I will feel better about my decision to finally lose these extra pounds for good instead of feeling slightly jealous of the many siliconized topless models around.
  • Welcome, Branquinha! And congratulations on making such a positive decision about your health! This is a great place to get support and advice, so check in often!

    I don't envy your living with all the "beautiful people"! But I know whenever I see someone w/a deep tan I alway tell myself that my skin will thank me for staying out of the sun all these years! And when I see someone who is obviously "enhanced" I remind myself that my body is still in it's natural state and sustained four beautiful babies through pregnancy and infancy! I find myself not being very envious after all!
  • Welcome branquinha! You've definitely come to the right place. And congratulations on your decision to start to eat healthy and lose weight! We're all in this together, through thick and thin! Be sure to check in on the Daily Thread each day. And also join us on the Weekly Goal thread.
  • Remember health is our goal, weight loss is our gift.

  • Branquinha, welcome to the Cyber South Beach. You know, you had better hold off on those references to where you live or this old chick will be on your doorstep come January! In here, the "F" word is Florida!
    We hope to see less of you. This plan really works. It broke my 15 year "plateau" of being over 200!