New Mom Needing Weight Loss Buddy

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  • Hi I'm new here, and looking for some support and hopefully, to somehow be a support to others. I am a new mom of a 3 month old, and a bit depressed with my physical health with regards to my wieght and inactivity I need to get active and make healthier choices with my eating! So I'm doing it the old fashioned way. I need to lose 50+ pounds, and I need to get happier with myself Is there anyone in the same circumstances who would be interested in supporting each other?
  • I'm just wanting to bring this thread back onto the first page, as I'm still looking for a buddy.
  • Hey Diana!

    I am not a new mom but I would be glad to help in any way I can, I have 25 pounds to lose and just started weight watchers last monday, Maybe an e mail buddy?? I am 28 and have 2 girls one is 7 one is 9, they will be in school this Thursday and I will have time to be on the computer more and hopefully exercise LOL, If your interested I will send you my email address with the next post....Have a great night
  • Thanks for the note Christie. I'd love to have your support. I'm 25 and have a little baby, so I don't have a lot of opportunity for exercise. You said you have 25 pounds to lose, if your goal weight is 145 then you only have 17 to go. I was also reading in your journal that your high was 205. You have done great, keep it up. I'm not sure either waht my high is I was 216 when I was 9+ months pregnant, now I'm 201. So is my high considered 216 My goal is 147, I think that's it's reasonabe. I just started my weightloss yesterday, so I'm a bit motivated now, but my motivation usually fades quikly. Notice I said usually, I've done this before. I lost 20 pounds, then gained 22 then gained 22 during my pregnancy (not bad I figured). It's the 22 pounds that I gained before I got pregnant that I regret My goal is down 2 pounds for labour day. Then 6 more by Thanksgiving (Canadian Oct 13) which is also my b-day. Then 10 more by Christmas. This is my problem, I make goals too far in advance and then have a hard time reaching them, and then get sad and eat and well you know....
    School is starting already for your girls wow, summer went by fast Gotta go baby crying
    Talk to you soon
  • Hey Diana!
    I totally understand where you are coming from! I have yo yoed for 9 years and am so ready to break this nasty cycle! I am hoping Weight Watchers will be just the nitch I need to do it, plus I am in Tops and the meetings and weigh ins are a definate lifesaver! I missed about a month and a half and gained 10 pounds BUT I am now accountable and not just eating to make myself suposedly (feel better). So how is being a new mom? I know there is not a greater feeling than to have someone that loves you unconditionally and depends on you so much. I will do the best I can to help you stay on track if you help me.... I am sure we can do this!! We have too.....our kids depend on mom tooo much to let food keep us from being able to enjoy them
    They were and are my inspiration to stay as healthy as I can so I can do all the things I missed out mom died when I was 4 and it makes me thankful for everyday I have with them, I prayed VERY hard to be able to lose the weight and be here for my girls, now I just have to get back on track and try not to ever lose focus again! My oldest suffers from being overweight too so I HAVE GOT to show her there are other ways to deal with pressure and food isnt the only comfort there is, she saw me eat when she woke up in the middle of the night when she was smaller and I know it had a lasting effect on her. She is only 9 and weighs 147 so I have her on WW with me. Hope you got some sleep tonight and trust me you are definatly getting in exercise with a baby
  • Christie
    I understand the gaining 10 pounds when you were away form TOPS that month. I regained my 22 pounds when I moved to a different town (with no bike paths) and started a new job. I found my self not keeping in tabs with myself and my weight and voila....a massive gain.
    I feel bad for your daughter. I was overweight since my high school years and that was tough, but it must be even tougher as a child. I hope you and her both do well on WW. There is a WW an hours drive from where I live. It's just not worth the trip for me. I'm hoping to get my support from my husband, sister, and people on this website.
    I'm still wondering if you or anyone out there knows the magic rule, how do you figure your high weight? My highest was when I was way pregnant, as I'm sure it is for a lot of women. Anyone?
    Another question, do you or anyone out there know of a weight tracker on-line? I used to use one on Cyberdiet, but now they have a fee for members, and I'm not into that. I found the chart very useful it showed the ups and downs very well. This site should set one up. I find the site very helpful and friendly
    Goodnight and God Bless
  • Hey Diana!
    I use my highest weight as the highest from pregnancy but I was using the 185 because it was pre pregnancy weight , also on the food chart site I think there is a way to do it on other sites and I will look it up for you and get back to you ASAP.
    Oh and on the WW ..I am doing it from home and not the meetings, I cant afford the meetings so I am getting all my info online and I did go to the office for WW here and buy the companion shopper book and a recipe book to get started, it was well worth the money and I only paid 20.00 for both. Now it makes it easy to count points when shopping because I make my list before I go since I know the points beforehand. I try to get 25 or less a day, and let me tell you ...ths weekend has been the roughest one I have ever had!!!! But I will make it And so will you!! here is my e mail feel free to write me anytime and send me daily foodcharts or anything else that helps I will be glad to help in any way I can [email protected]

    Just be sure to say it is you on the e mail so I can open it, I get lots of junkmail
  • free diet journal site it has 3 different journals thought I would let you check it out and see if it is what you are looking for
  • Christie
    I'm sorry that you've had a rough weekend so far. But, it's not over yet. Maybe go for a walk with your daughter and that will be a good end to it. I've had a good weekend but that's because my husband is home and there's always something on the go, but look out during the week. Actually this week I'm going to my Mom's 3 days all day and having the baby at a sitters. I'm helping my mom to pack for moving. This will keep me busy. I do worst when I'm alone, so it should be a good week. I'm oging ot weigh tomorrow as I haven't weighed in a few weeks. I hope the news won't be too bad. Well, I should go and make a late supper. But do try and salvage your weekend, it'll be a good start for the week
  • Hey there!
    I MADE IT!!!!
    I didnt cheat!!! I am so relieved! Now it will be smooth sailing till the next weekend LOL but now I can help you get through the week and you can get me through the weekends Anytime you feel like you are going to have a weak moment just feel free to e mail me and I will get back to you ASAP! Hope today is going good for you and just know YOU CAN DO IT! We are gonna whip this thing together!
  • Christie
    Yahoo for you, you didn't cheat. Well, I didn't either today, as I was busy helping my Mom move (ughhh). I weighed in today and it was worse than I thought. 202, I thought I might actually be less than 200, but nooo. I really have to do something about this. Wednesday I'm at home alone all day, it won't be good. I'll be snacking all day. Why is it that weekends are more difficult for you? My husband is at home watching me then, so it's haard for me to cheat. Although he eats alot (high metabolism) and I find myself eating more because of it. Anyway, I've got the baby sleeping, and should do the same myself.
  • Hey there!
    We both did good...thats wonderul!
    The reason weekends are so hard for me is that my husband and I used to go out EVERY weekend and celebrate his days off with food, we ate lots of mexican food and unhealthy stuff and it has been a habit of ours for about 3 years now to do it. So this was our first weekend we didnt go and it was so hard not to give in to it Oh and I have a tip for you on the eating all day while you are alone....Buy LOTS of fruit and clear out all unhealthy stuff from the cupboards that way all you will have available to eat are the right foods, it works SO well for me....well I am off to bed as well ...catch ya tomorow!!
  • Christie
    Hope you had a good day. Igot my physical exercise running up and down stairs with boxes. But (why must there be a but ) I ate poorly at both lunch and supper. I hope I burned it off. I'm holding my baby, rocking and typing, very difficult. Thanks for the tip, my problem is that I will bake something if I want it. My worst time is the afternoon, and tomorrow I'll have company then, so I should do ok. Do you find that you have a bad time of day? I gained a ton of weight when we lived in the city and went to restaurants all the time. Here there are no good restaurants, good for the health and wallet Have you ever tried the Atkins diet? I think about it from time to time. But I've heard about some people who once they could eat regular food, gained all the weight back. It seems to work for some though. Just a thought.
    Take care,
  • Hey there!
    Sounds like you did get quite a workout today
    I am sure you burned it off though, you will do better tomorow
    I did the Atkins diet for awhile myself and just as you said, I gained it all back and then some I mean it was horrible....I lost 14 pounds and then gained back about 17 to 20 !
    Now some people do really good, But others like me , just cant live without bread and potatoes for the rest of their lives ... I love pasta too and soy pasta isnt my idea of spagetti But if you decide that is the plan you want to follow I will do my best to help in any way possible, I know what you mean about the baby crying and you typing at the same time, it is only something us moms can do...we learn how to do what we have too when we need to get things done. Hope your day goes well tomorow and if you feel weak or tempted just pop in here and write it out, I found it really helps to get your mind off it....nite nite sleep well, you deserve it
  • Christie
    Well, today is going okay so far. I think I can't try any funny diets if I want to keep it off. The problem with diets is that one day you will eat "normal" again, and then regain the weight if you haven't made lifestyle changes. I was bulemic at one point and lost weight, but you know that has to be stopped, and voila gained weight. Hey, I just found a thread, New Years goal. Why don['t you join me there and make a Goal for New Years? Maybe yours could be to lose 17 pounds and be at your goal weight I thought it ws a good one to join. As before you know it Christmas and the New Year will be here again. Hope you're having a good day,