Oct Newbies 2013- Happy Anniversary!

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  • Want2be- yes, Mom, Niece, SIL and myself will head to Italy. Big birthdays, Mom 75, Niece 25, Me 50.

    I agree about finding the right approach for ourselves. I am thinking of a WW or clean eating based approach to maintenance. I guess I am just in a hurry to undo my slide, 15 pounds to go. The second part always goes much slower. I want to be able to start shopping for pants and clothes for my trip. I always do better when I have an event goal, I swear I maintained for 14 months because of my other niece's wedding and the family photos!
  • Jenny, I'm sorry to hear about the running troubles. Now that I'm back on phase 1 I've given up all forms of exercise and I don't miss it at all!!

    Slip - the maintenance saga is bothering me too. I'm wondering if I need to be more stringent in having a P1 day (or similar)'after a splurge day. I've heard that naturally thin people moderate their eating after a big meal the next day by cutting back. That is something I haven't managed to achieve. Not sure if I'm capable of eating one bite of cake or muffin and then throwing the rest in the bin!

    I made crock pot pork roast with parsley and thyme over the weekend and it was amazing. So good to come home from work to delicious smells! Today is going to be tough. I have WI this morning and then a work lunch at a restaurant followed by a work function tonight for a couple of hours. I'm going to take some veggie soup from the freezer and have that just before the evening function so I'm not starving hungry.

    All the best everyone.
  • Jenny, I'm sorry to hear about your injury. I recently had ultrasound/xray on my ankle and it confirmed that I have two tears and some fluid buildup. I should have had it checked out when it started bothering me a year ago! I have a physiotherapy appointment next week. I have tennis elbow too so it seems my body is protesting against any sort of exercise. So frustrating!

    Rosie, the Phase 1 day follow-up after an indulgence day is hugely important. I'm finding maintainers at my clinic who aren't doing this are having issues like those of us here re-booting. It's definitely the magic formula. Interesting how easy it is to get complacent about this.
  • Hi ladies,

    Before I hit my wall/slide in November, I always did my Phase 1 day after my fun meal. My issue is with the constant separation of fat /carb meals- just got sick of it after a year and a half. Just do not see how I can live a life time doing it. Constantly thinking about what I can and can't eat together.

    Steph, so bummed that you are having pain. I know that exercise is a great release for you

    Rosie, will definitely make the pork soon. Did not love the Cinnamon chicken recipe. Good luck with your busy day! Hope your weigh in goes well.

    Want2be- the scale is going in the right direction! Yay!

    Long day, happy to say that dinner is made and ready to heat up.
  • Slip, I am also still looking at the “ongoing maintenance” saga…. seems so tricky. I know it should be simple but there has just been one thing after the other troubling me… hormones being the main one… but also I don’t seem to tolerate well all the protein in P1, and my body seems to be reacting to the products and just rebelling against P1. So I am trying a few different things just to see how to keep it all together… I know a big issue for me is when I get injured, which seems to happen more often now as I age, and I can’t keep the metabolism going with exercise.
    I had some liver/gall bladder things the last two months which I guess can come up with quick weight loss….something about the body not metabolizing the cholesterol in the same way. Quite a few stones, but I don’t have to have surgery because I was able to address it naturally. So I am handling that.
    I don’t feel out of control but I also don’t like the extra pounds on… my doctor seems OK with it, but of course I am troubled.
    Still working it.
    I like checking in here and seeing how everyone is doing.
  • Hi Amber, I had my gall bladder out in my 20s. Horrible at the time since I was misdiagnosed for almost a year. I feel your pain! As for Phase 1, I am sticking to it to lose 15 more pounds. A few of my work IP friends (they inspired me) follow the paleo diet for maintaining. I think accepting that slides are going to happen, and correcting and getting back to a healthy clean eating diet is going to be key on this endless journey. Just need to keep working on it.
  • Love your positive attitude Slip. I guess this is a journey with no destination in sight, but rather a continuous round the world trip!

    WI today was fabulous! Down 3.8 which is great as last week I lost nothing. Work lunch and drinks functions today went well. i didn't have the soup beforehand as planned because I left it on the kitchen counter at home. Grrrrrrr!!!! Even the best laid plans aren't Rosie proof sometimes! But I had club soda at the drinks, didn't eat anything and then got home around half 8 without any real plans for dinner so did scrambled eggs and raw celery. Rather strange meal but better than falling down and getting takeout!

    Thanks Steph for the info on the Phase 1 day after an indulgence day. I will make that an absolute must in maintenance. I never really got to grips with the separation of carbs and fats. Hence why I'm back! But that is something I definitely need to pay more attention to.
  • FYI ladies: my dieters are also sucking at the separation of carbs and fats as well. When you think about it, meals that are high in carbs and fats at the same time are obviously not great and are suited better for indulgence days for example: pizza/pasta w/ cream sauce/burgers and sandwiches/bagels w/ cream cheese/popcorn w/ butter/lasagna/etc. I have to remind people of this all the time. High fat, high carb combinations are the worst for fat storage in your body. It doesn't mean you have to have protein w/ cabs only or fat only. Just keep either one low. I know it's a pain in the butt but the easiest way to do it is to keep your meals similar to Phase 1 dinner but add a small serving of sweet potato/squash/etc or a salad with some meat and cheese. Best to keep it simple to start.

    I know all this but I struggle as well.
  • Hi gals.... I'm back from my MX trip now and looking slightly browner although I wear 40 SPF Zinc & Titanium Oxide all the time when I am down there. I look at all the flabby, beet red, peeling bodies of the other tourists and am appalled. Doesn't anyone care about their bodies anymore??!! I'm telling you, there were Brazilian Bikinis down there on some sz XXL bodies, I'm sure of it. Ugh, if anyone shouldn't wear a thong-ish sort of outfit with a couple of pasties it's someone who is peeling from a burn & 100 lbs overweight. On a couple of really hot days I strolled along under a blindingly neon pink Victoria's Secret umbrella, lol. Perhaps I will bring back the pale look one day.
    Ok enough trash talk....

    So much reading to catch up with everyone!
    Sounds like everyone is back in the swing of things, I hope we get all our issues straightened out whatever they may be, physical or emotional traumas. I don't remember ever being in a Tony Roma's... sounds like I won't even bother. The restaurant I hate & my MIL loves is Swiss Chalet. YUK!! Lucky we don't have either around our little town.

    I am up a couple of lbs, back to 140, but I weighed myself after a 36 hr day filled with pyramid climbing, cycling, long bouts of walking, red-eye flights with screamingly tight connections, and then home to find an 'issue' with the phone company that we got DH's mom's cell from. So perhaps it is just inflammation... we'll see in a couple days when I weigh again. I will vent about the cell phone/family issues in another post when I feel a serious craving for a couple jiggers of the SKYY vodka that is sitting in my fridge.

    I don't know... personally I love the carb fat separation thing, but that is how my cravings usually go anyhow - sometimes I just want to eat all the salty fatty things, mac nuts, blue cheese, avocados, bacon; and sometimes I want to eat all the carby things, fresh strawberries with balsamic vinegar syrup, crunchy jalapeno tortilla chips & salsa, fresh pineapple, a mound of perfect fluffy basmati rice with only fresh ground seasalt & pepper. It just seems that that is my intuitive way of eating anyhow (it was before I gained weight due to illness). I figure if I want something that is too much of an equal mix, I can eat it for breakfast, which was the answer I was given when I wrote in to ask IP head office if it was an OK thing to do for maintenance.

    My issues these days is just an off schedule, with way less time to exercise & I need it for my sanity, and hardly any time to connect with friends because our schedules don't mesh. I feel bummed about planning the meals lately. Good news is DH has started his work season so I won't have to contend with fitting our day schedules together and consulting on what's happening when. It is much easier when you are on your own for the day and don't have to take into account someone else's plans.

    Tomorrow is a day filled with a dental cleaning appointment, a possible emergency-brake repair job (rear caliper seems to be sticking slightly & heating up), and a write up of a little 5 minute presentation I am doing on Thursday. Luckily no work til March 8th. I won tickets from the radio station this morning for playoff seats with our local Junior A hockey team - that's Monday. DH & I and all 3 parents are going out to celebrate our 2 anniversaries (on the 13th it is our 34th, and on the 22nd it is Mom & Dad's 53rd) at a concert of El Mariachi Los Dorados on the 15th. http://www.losdorados.ca/home
    And we have an 80's Film Festival with dress up potential and prizes that runs all three days & nights this weekend, lol. Gotta figure out a retro costume.
    I am busy this month, holy smokes, at least with fun stuff...

  • Hi girls,

    Welcome back Liana! Your trip sounds amazing. I hate putting on a bathing suit! Your month is busy. Sweet to celebrate with the parents.

    Rosie, my dinners last week were weird combos too, just trying to get my food in. Proud of you for staying strong, bet you were ravenous! An endless round the world trip makes it sound so much better, .

    Steph, good info and feedback! Def. true, but sometimes I want a tuna sandwich with avocado or a salad with fruit, goat cheese, and nuts. Not crazy portions in maintenance, but choice. I know the separation works, but it feels really confining.

    TOM is here, so I am tired. Not expecting the scale to be kind on Sunday, because it never is around this time, but staying focused on the long range.

    I am really proud of all of us! Slip or slide, we have not thrown in the towel and accepted our gains.
  • Rosie: Great job on the WI this week!!! Your advice to Slip. "this is a journey with no destination in sight" made me really think tonight. I think I need to stop thinking of this with an end in site, or I am going to be back here again next year. Tough to wrap my head around though.

    Liana: Your trip sounds interesting. Lol. It always makes me laugh at the people who think they can pull off a bikini! Oh well that is why we are good people watchers!

    Slip: Be strong this week with TOM. It will be hard but the scale will usually reward us the week after. You got this.

    I am still plugging along. On plan which makes me VERY happy with myself. I have been too busy with work/home to post much.
  • Hi,

    Another tough day at school,problem/troubled kid with no help in sight. There has to be a better way! Had a work baby shower after school- did not eat or drink anything. Really hope tomorrow is a better day.
  • Tomorrow did not start out great! Unfortunately, the car broke down. Got all ready for work, went to start the car, turns over but does not catch. They came to tow it to the repair shop. Ugh. But maybe, it is an expensive blessing, because I was about to give my bosses heck. Hopefully with a little extra time, I can find a more diplomatic approach to getting what our class needs. Right now, I am in the midst of irritation and TOM is not helping.

    Update- engine was blown Bought a new car- budget time. 2012 Honda CrV with 30,000 miles.
  • Feel a little like I am talking to myself again, but going to post anyway.

    This has been a difficult life week! I am getting to a new stage in my career. After 29 years of teaching I am starting to contemplate a plan for retirement. It will take ten years but before Wednesday, I had never set a plan to leave even in my head. I love the kids, but am beginning to feel completely unsupported when a child has discipline/mental health issues. It is wearing me down and makes me sad. Not to mention, I am tired of being yelled at by a 13 year old bully/tyrant. I remind myself daily, to be compassionate toward him, because he must be carrying a heavy load to be so angry and cruel.

    Then the engine blew on the car. I now, have a new car and a car payment. Was so hoping to avoid this before the Italy trip, but nope! The car is filled with fun gadgets though.

    Through my trials and tribulations this week, I realized that this too shall pass. Next week will be better at school, my budget will adjust, TOM will go away and life will go on.

    I have been on Program but missed my veggies yesterday. Just no time with all the car issues. WI is tomorrow. I wonder what it will bring? I think being in control of my food is helpful right now, since it seems to be the only thing I have control over lately :P . About halfway through my reboot, yay!
  • Hi girls, shared this on the maintainers thread, but not sure who reads there. This is how I have been feeling about my weight loss.

    I think you are very brave and strong to share. This is a challenging journey and figuring ourselves out is key to lasting success. Your last sentence resonated with me, "I think I thought that by losing weight...." I struggle with this too. I think I thought that by losing weight, I would would be able to wear sleeveless dresses without worrying about my arms, nope. I think I thought that by losing weight, I would be able to stay off my BP Meds, nope. I think I thought that by losing weight, I would feel confident with my body naked, nope. Even with some of the disappointments in the reality of losing the weight, the thing I realized after chasing my goal weight for half of my life, getting there wasn't the magic pill. I know that I am healthier at goal. I like being perceived as thinner, the world is kinder and I enjoy shopping for clothes at a smaller size. I also found after my slide that I am not very kind to myself when I am gaining. All reasons to continue on the maintenance journey even if the results were not fairy tale perfect. Life is still life and size 16 or 8, I am still me, a constant work of joy and imperfection.