#294 Bale of Turtles Welcoming 2015!

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  • Dee - it is nice to see you again. Great job on the weight loss

    Bandit- Great to hear about your tops meetings. It is vital to have support
    on this journey.

    Judy- I am so glad that you have found something that is finally working for
    you. I wish I could do as well as you are. I had a surgery 1 month ago
    that is putting me into menopause at age 32. I just cant seem to eat
    small portions or stay away from things that effect me mentally and
    physically. I struggle with headaches and I cant seem to find the trigger.
    My weight is just not budging lately, but I cant give up.

    Ladies keep up the good work. You are doing it.
  • This is a good time of the year to set new goals. Since I am a retired teacher, my "year" always started in Sept. rather than in January. My goal to get to Halloween losing weight each week. i think that's doable.

    Glad to see more of us chiming in. Bandit, it sounds like you had a great weekend. My grandson started school here today and first day was good.
    : to all
    234.6/184.5/182 and thinner
  • Hi Cherry, you've had a tricky surgery. Does your doctor offer any help? You will stay successful. You've done so well so far. Keep on keepin' on each day and think back to what you did to lose your weight. Try each idea until one of them clicks. You are a very strong woman. I know you can do this.

    : to all of us.
  • Judy- Thanks so much for the encouraging words. Could you give us a sample of your meals for a day? I think the hardest meal for me to plan is supper.
  • Sure, Cherry, I'd be happy to.

    breakfast: egg whites and ff cheese omelet
    lunch: huge salad topped with protein (usually chicken strips or hard boiled egg whites or tuna)
    dinner: chicken thighs, cooked carrots, and a small salad (I can have a potato)
    I often have chicken for dinner...................either grilled or baked or even on stove top cooked with canned tomatoes and even topped with ff cheese like shreds of Kraft's fat free mozzarella

    I can have fish, poultry, shellfish and ff cheeses and yogurt along with loads of veggies and fruit. I avoid most processed foods, bread, and grains.

    I do a lot with chicken.............Moroccan style with onions and peppers and cumin or curry powder.
    then I'll make it Italian style with tomatoes and Italian seasoning and ff mozzarella
    I have put ff cheese on broccoli and topped a baked potato with it. If I get tired of any of these, I'll have ff cottage cheese with fresh pineapple or other fruit.

    I am sending : to you because I know you can get control of your food and figure out a way to keep your weight off.

    To all the Turtles, I'm sending and and to all of you that I've known over the years. Best of everything to you. Please chime in when you can.

    234.5/183/182 and thinner
  • Hi Turtles

    I'm new joined a couple of weeks ago. Found your Thread and would like to be part of the group.

    I'm using WW PP
    Weighed in Today

    Aug 19, 2015 SW 311
    Sep 01 2015 307.6
    Sept 09, 2015 306
    Sept 15, 2015 304.6 CW
    GW 185
  • Hi everyone

    Thanks Judy for your food tips. Menu planning gets tiring after awhile. The time I visited the Tops Club they had a certified Nutritionist there for their guest speaker. I mentioned that whenever I eat a egg @ Subway I ask for a egg white, the Nutritionist said if a person eats fewer than 7 eggs weekly to eat the entire egg because of the multiple benefits in the yolks. Unless a person is on a RX for heart disease & their doctor orders no yolks, eat the entire egg. My parents both had heart disease, so I thought I was doing the smart thing eating only the white, but she corrected me. Some weeks I might eat 5 eggs weekly, she said it's safe to eat 5 whole eggs but for my piece of mind if I eat more eggs for a recipe, etc to add just the whites. There's a delicious egg white recipe for chocolate meringue cookies if anyone likes a soft-gooey center w a crispy outside, almost no calories/carbs. Google Zonya, she's a Nutritionist & make her Lava cookies

    Cherry I'm soo sorry about u going through menopause so early. I hope you're healing medically & emotionally. A doctor removed 1 of my ovaries @ age 38 & @ 45 I went into a early menopause & went from a size 7 to a size 10. I'm ok with wearing a size 10, but if I hadn't given into my cravings, I wouldn't have gotten off-track w unhealthy eating. Ex: instead of eating ice cream, I should've made a fruity frozen ice dessert, etc. I turned 60 yrs old in March, like my avatar pic shows so my metabolism is slower now & I don't like to go to the gym so I read labels, eat a 1 portion serving per meal w the exception of veggies & avoid processed foods when possible. Like instead of buying shredded cheese, buy a block & shred/grate it yourself to eliminate the unnecessary sodium & unhealthy additives inside a bag of shredded or shaker of parmesan. It's simple & fun to make pasta noodles, w spinach juice from a green fruit smoothie prior to adding fruit, chia/flax seed.

    Everyone have a great week Up in Michigan we're only supposed to have 2 more days in the 80's & our fall temps in the 60's-70's are here to stay.

    I'm getting my long hair cut this week, my avatar was taken @ the beauty salon last week to help me decide how short to get it cut, so I'll b removing this pic. The lady beside me is deciding on her new color. I envy girls that have a oval or a petite face & can wear a cute pixie hair cut.

  • Amby,
    You are having a remarkable weight loss already.. Weigh to go!

    Tell us a bit about yourself and how you are doing. We'd love to hear. This is a nice group..............very nice group.................of gals who try to help others while going on their own weight loss journey. As you can see, we've got different ideas on how to get there, but we all have a goal in mind.....better weight and more fit. Good luck and keep on chiming in.
    234.6/183/182 and thinner
  • Hi Turtles,
    Dee, you've got a good point about eggs and the other foods. Right now I am working with a doctor who is suggesting the egg whites and lean protein even though that flies in the face of the most modern take on nutrition. All I know is that I have struggled with losing weight since forever and specifically since 2000. It is so great to have your input and your philosophy on staying fit with fun activities and eating what you want in smaller portions. it all makes sense and I love to see that it has worked so well for you. Can't wait to see your new avatar with shorter hair. My hair is dyed blonde and down to my waist. Isn't that wild?? I am way past the age when most people have this hair style, but it works for me...............at least for now.

    Princess, I hope you chime in because all of a sudden our group is active again. Bandit, always good to hear from you. i love your social activities.
    Cherry, I hope posting here and reading what is being posted keeps you in the right direction. Dee, love your input and Amby........looking forward to hearing more about you.

    to start us off, I am in my early 70's, am a retired teacher, have 3 children, 4 grandchildren, and live on Long Island, NY with my husband who is also a retired teacher. I love this site and am so happy this thread is picking up interest again.

    234.6/183/182 and thinner
  • Hi turtles

    Amby - Welcome to our group! Always nice to have new members with new ideas, looking forward to your postings.

    Judy - you are doing great with your new meal plan & when its working, its working! Great.

    Dee - A new hairdo is always fun. Looking forward to seeing your new picture.

    About myself - 62 year old, legally separated for many years, living with my dd & her fiancé and my grandson, Patrick. We have a dog named Kuba and cat named Willow. Still working & enjoy lots of socializing.
    Booked a trip yesterday with 3 of my gf in Nov, so looking forward to that.
    Been struggling with weight loss over the summer, so trying to get my butt back in gear & lose some weight before my trip.

    All - post when you can!
  • Hi Everyone
    Thanks for the Welcome. Where to start have fought the weight for about 20 years, did one round with WW meetings for 2 years and lost 55 lbs. But slowly over the last 7 years have gained it all back. I'm retired RN, have a hubby and 3 children along with 8 grandchildren. I love genealogy and quilting. We have 2 babies Kenzie an 8 yr old westie & T. C. a Black long hair cat, should have named them Yen & Yang.

    My biggest problem is I do not like exercise and my life is very sedentary. Along with the long hot summers here in Louisiana I tend to stay inside.

    I really like the new point system as I'm finding that I eat way more carbs than I would like to and that may be why I have had such a hard time getting the weight off in the past. Trying to keep them between 50 - 75 a day. While Weight Watches is low carb already, hoping this gives me an added boost.

    I was reading online about 2 new WW programs they are doing in Europe one is the low carb and other is the mediterranean. Is anyone else trying to watch their carbs?

    Judy - I think you have the right idea, the amount is not as important as just doing it.

    Dee - Please share the recipe for chocolate meringue cookies. We all need a good snack. You are so right about cheese the taste is even better grating your own.

    Bandt - it is hard to stay on point, have a good week

    I use to do the Walk away the lbs dvds and think I will get them out and start up again this week.

    Looking forward to meeting everyone, will be back tomorrow.
    Have a great day

    SW 311 CW 304.6 GW 185

  • Bandit, so glad you've got a group to travel with and it'll be nice to knock off some pounds before you go on your trip.

    Amby, I like your idea of getting out your DVD's. Any motion is a great start.

    I am determined to keep going with this program. I only lost 1/2# this week, so I have to tighten up and do better. I've been OP since July 4th. and I'm happy with my progress so far.

    Wishing everyone and
    Take it easy, chime in when you can. Let's do this!!!
    234.6/183/182 and thinner
  • Wow look at all the posting going on!

    Hi to Dee and Amby. It is always nice to meet new friends.

    Good to see you Bandit. Glad your getting back on track.

    Judy- Thanks for the tips on meals. I think that is a good direction for me.
    I know I am addicted to carbs and sugar and have horrible breakdowns.

    About me- I am 32 years old and have been married for 12 years this
    December. I have three kids ages 10,8, and 6 that I homeschool.
    I struggle at times with depression and anxiety and now am dealing
    surgical induced menopause. I lost over 100 pounds but due to
    meds gained around 50 back. I am not giving up.
  • Yes Cherry, don't give up. You can fight this!! Today you are doing the right thing for yourself. And tomorrow when you wake up, you'll be proud of getting thru a day and you'll do it again. We're all pulling for you. You can do this.

    I'm trying to come up with an idea for a Halloween costume. A lot of characters have brown or black hair. I figure since my hair is long now and blond that I will work around that. I'm thinking of Alice in Wonderland, creepy style, with darkened wrinkles,e tc. or maybe just a milk maid. I'll have to give it some thought, but time is wasting since we'll have our party the Sat. before Halloween this year.

    Food is going well. I'm hoping to lose another pound or so this week. It feels like I've hit a plateau, but I know to keep going and not give up.

    Wishing everyone the best!
    234.6/183/182 and thinner
  • Sorry to have missed the last couple of days, life gets in the way.

    Sounds like everyone is have a good week, got the DVD out and walked twice since my last post. Slow going but what do you expect from a Turtle?

    Grand Daughter turns 21 today so family getting together to watch Football and eat. I'm going some fruit before I go and I'm very lucky as my daughter inlaw is very health conscious and cooks healthy meals.

    Hope all of you have a great weekend
