~*Jan Chat*~

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  • My dinner is calling my name, just waiting for DH to get home so we can eat!

    Norma - That is awesome about your pants falling down! You are living up to your username!! Definitely invest in a belt I'm AMAZED that you only had one suitcase to France....if only I was THAT organized. I used to go to Chicago on business for two week spurts, and I used to bring two LARGE luggage, LOL. But, in fairness, it was during that Polar Vortex and I needed big boots and winter coats, but still..... I'm still trying to figure out how we are going to manage with four luggage (one each) for our Europe trip this summer....

    Rana - I'm so impressed you can eat so cleanly! I do try my best, but I like "junk" too. For example, I love ketchup rice cakes....I would love to kick the habit, but it's a treat for me. Your decluttering is cracking me up....I'm home all day and still don't declutter as much as I should. I REALLLLLLY need to tackle the basement, but it's soooo daunting. Years of toy build-up!! I finished the kitchen though
  • SoMuchFattitude Good job on the loss this week!

    MsAnthropist Best to you as you deal with these health problems.

    NjPants Awesome problem to have! I've started buying sizes that are a wee bit small so I can wear them longer-- can't keep buying new jeans!

    I've had a busy but satisfying day. Got a lot of work done, had some good chats. I started my day with a big breakfast: scrambled eggs with rosemary turkey and cheese on toast (I'm SO INTO cheese on toast right now). Then the day kind of got away from me and I only had carrot juice for lunch. I just finished a dinner of quesadillas and veggies with ranch on the side. I'm thinking about going to bed early, but we'll see.

    Tomorrow's going to be a busy day, and I'll be running around town a bit so I'm trying to plan good food to keep me sustained. I already made a turkey wrap to throw in my bag for lunch. I'll have to give some thought about what to eat for breakfast. Probably cheese on toast
  • Tonight I pulled a pair of my "skinny" jeans out of the closet. Size 12, dusky pink, low rise, boot cut jeans. I visualized myself wearing them again. Remembered a specific instance when I wore them to the High (Museum of Art) when Van Gogh was showing. Remembered how they felt on my body. How much lighter, physically and mentally, I felt.

    I spent a good 10 minutes thinking myself thin before the cat and then DH interrupted.

    Does anybody else meditate or use the power of positive thinking to shed weight? I once read that until we subconsciously communicate with our body that it's time to let go, we'll hold on to the weight. Might be a bunch of malarkey, but couldn't hurt, right?
  • Oh, and hopefully skinny jeans die out soon. It isn't that I don't like that style, is just that my old pants aren't very fashionable right now. Looks like I'll need a new wardrobe too, NjPants!
  • Laura/Rana - I eat pretty clean too. I go by the 80/20 rule. The rule I have for grocery shopping is, "If I can't read the ingredients, I do not buy it." It started one morning when I was pouring my fat free cream in my coffee and I just glanced at the back panel and saw that it contained everything but cream. LOL. I've slowly transitioned to getting everything processed out of my house and can proudly say that the only time I really anything processed is if we go out. I also prefer whole foods that aren't modified/processed: full fat cheese, cream, ice cream, sour cream, etc. I'm also WAY more satisfied when I eat full flavor/fat products.

    NJ - It's a GREAT problem to have!

    Rana - HA! Nope! DH made me PROMISE to stop throwing things away. The other day he was looking for a piece of paper and when he found it he looked at me and said, "I was certain you'd have trashed it by now." It was a proud moment to rub it in his face that I hadn't.

    Laura - what'd you have for dinner? Also, you mentioned a day to weigh in, so I started a weigh in thread. Adjust whatever you want so it fits your liking (weekly vs daily), but you'd asked about a group weigh in day. Easier to track on a different thread, imo.

    MsA - I don't know so much as meditation but more of a sadness, personally. It was only 15 short months ago I was at my lowest and my life was totally different. I don't really know the woman in the mirror right now and I what I do know of her, I don't care for. I used to look in the mirror and see an athlete, a fat athlete, but an athlete by God. I miss that. It's definitely motivation, though.


    Went for a three mile run and that didn't turn out so well. DH coaches my nephews flag football team so he was going to that practice as I got home. Well, DH wanted me to leave the puppy in the fenced in backyard to burn some energy off while I ran in the neighborhood. It sounds all find and dandy, but I'm a paranoid mama convinced that someone will either steal my puppy, he'll get hurt, get out, etc. (Whatever, I own my paranoia - don't judge me. lol) So, I did one loop (.75 miles) and as I was running back up the hill our puppy spotted me out of the corner of his eye and lost his ****. He has bad separation anxiety. He was yelping, barking, howling, whining, etc. To the point where the neighbors checked in. So, I couldn't just leave him back there. He's only 12 weeks old. I managed to get him to do one botched loop with me (another .75 miles) but that was it. He was exhausted. I was also incredibly sore from my long run over the weekend. I cashed my run in at 1.5 miles and called it a day. Whomp whomp.

    *Am I the only one that would be concerned about leaving their 12 week old puppy (that they've only had for 2.5 weeks) in the backyard? I either need a reality check or some support. I'll happily take either.

    My scale spike is coming back down.
  • Good Morning everyone! My weeks seem to go slowly now that I'm at home. I have been starting to peek at job postings here and there, but my husband gave me a mandate to be off work until at least the end of summer. I had a rough couple of years for sure and really need to get my mind, body, spirit aligned. But sometimes this is a boring task - LOL! Good thing my kids keep me busy

    Today I plan to attack some of my basement, then hopefully list some of my things for sale. Then I have a meeting at the school as well for planning a fundraising auction.

    Danielle - I'll go look for your thread when I finish posting here. Maybe if I do weigh-in daily it will keep me accountable a bit better. For dinner I had a slow cooker recipe - chicken breast cooked in cream of mushroom and white wine. It is one of my kid's favourites. Then I paired it with green beans. It was delicious...I wiped off most of the sauce. Sounds like an eventful run!! At least it's more running than I can manage I have never had a dog so I'm not sure. My daughter and I have been working on DH trying to convince him to get one, but so far it is a no go!

    Anna - I agree, I'm not into the skinny jeans phase! Though, it does work for my daughter.....she lives in jeggings. I often visualize myself being thin, but never thought of it as a "method", just a pipe dream.

    scout - Have a great day running around today! Did you enjoy your cheese on toast???


    OK, I need to get out of the PJ's and into some workout clothes here.......
  • Laura78/SoMuchFattitude - I didn't always eat this clean and I will admit that in the last year, some cheese puffs have made their way into my mouth... But I am surrounded by a lot of clean eaters (my friends are thinner than I am and they don't pretend it's "natural" that they are thin... they work at it). My family also eats cleanly and even my BF this year jumped on the bandwagon. It helps when the people around you are eating the same way.

    NJpants -- that's awesome! I hope you do get some new clothes. That's a great NSV right there.

    scout - good planning. I try to do the same thing myself.

    Back at work, so no decluttering in my foreseeable future until this weekend. I do need to straighten out my kitchen, so I get that done in the next couple of nights. I have more people coming this weekend to look at some stuff I am selling.

    The water weight is slowly coming off too.

    MsAnthropist - I am trying to remember to do the visualization. I think I had tried it back in 2009 but I forgot to keep doing it. I want to start doing it again because 160 is such a psychological number for me (never having gone lower -- would be my lowest weight since I gained the Freshman Thirty).
  • Laura, thanks! The name actually came about because my middle name is jean. When I first met a friend of mine, they had heard jeans. She actually thought my parents had named me after pants. Once she was corrected she decided to continue calling me Norma Pants instead of Norma Jean.
    Where all are you visiting in Europe? Packing cubes are a god send is what I'll say about limiting luggage.

    Msanthropist, I think visualizing it, including your brain in the weight loss equation totally works. I even created a vision/motivation board for myself. I think it helps.

    Scout, what a good idea! January is a big clothing sale month here. I snagged a pair of jeans for 8€! I have been thinking for that price I should buy a few more pairs in smaller sizes, but planning for my body to be smaller makes me nervous. Does anyone else deal with that fear?

    Rana, great job on the clean eating! It really makes a difference IMO. I sometimes fall off the bandwagon myself, but I've noticed my body revolts when I do.

    Danielle, thank you for starting this thread! I post and follow a couple others, but this one is my favorite. I enjoy hearing about everyone's progress, success, Ups and downs. Becoming a triathlete has long been a goal of mine. I've gotten into running and can do 5ks now, but I want to step it up and begin training for a triathlon. Do you have any tips for a beginner?

    We had fondue for dinner tonight. Three kinds of cheese in the sauce and so much bread for dipping. Je ne regrette rien! I am glad that I got my run in this morning though because I ate those calories tonight.

    The weather has been in the low 30s here. It's so cold that staying active is the only way to stay warm, but getting out to start my runs have been increasingly difficult. Is there a temperature where you just say forget it? Below freezing perhaps? Or just bundle up and trudge on?
  • MsAnthropist I just jumped on the skinny jeans bandwagon! The boot cut, well, the boot cut weren't cutting it any more! After I lost a little bit of weight, I bought a pair and haven't looked back. Highly recommend! I can't speak to meditation's direct effect on weight loss but I know it helps me both physically, mentally, and emotionally = a healthier me.

    SoMuchFattitude 1.5 is better than 0! I'd never begrudge anyone going back to a pet. I don't have a ton of experience with dogs, though-- I'm a cat lady.

    Laura78 I DID enjoy me cheese on toast this morning

    I was glad today that I'd thought ahead last night. The day moved quickly today, but I didn't suddenly find myself ravenous because I ate a good breakfast and had that turkey wrap and trail mix for a quick bite. I just ate pretty much exactly what I had for dinner last night-- quesadillas and veggie with ranch on the side (gotta get rid of those veggies...) and I added a Greek yogurt. Should be what I need to get me through some work before bed. That and a cup of coffee (evening coffee...I hope I don't regret it...)
  • Morning Ladies and happy Thursday! Busy night last night.....we had to be in three different places at once and somehow with some fancy footwork we managed to do it. Things are so hectic with the kids right now, I'm ready for summer already when all the lessons end

    The scale was really nice to me this morning - hopefully it stays that way for my official Friday weigh-in since that's the one I record.

    scout - Glad you enjoyed that cheese! I LOVE Greek yogurt. One of my favourite snacks is plain Greek yogurt (Oikos) mixed with berries - delicious! I have some most days. I wonder if I'll jump on the skinny jean bandwagon once my weight is down??

    Norma - Awww, that's so cute about where your name came from. I do have trouble thinking I will be thin so I hold off on buying the "skinny clothes" - however I do have a couple garbage bags full of clothing waiting for me to wear them! I believe there are in the size 12-14 range, which hopefully I can get into by the summer. Fondue sounds LOVELY! My trip to Europe is going to be a doozy - so excited!! We fly to Paris and stay in Disneyland Paris for 4 nights (I'm a Disney nut) - I have a couple things booked in the city, maybe I'll ask you about them sometime. Then we fly to Barcelona to go on a cruise which hits: Cannes, Rome, Livorno (Pisa), Naples (Pompeii), Kusadasi (Ephesus), Santorini, and Athens. We are all very excited indeed and I hope the kids get a lot out of it.

    Rana - I'm happy that water weight is making it's way out for you. I have a ways to go until I get completely, or cose to completely "clean"....but baby steps. I do enjoy a Lean Cuisine once in a while, it's a weakness! You will be happy to know (or probably not, LOL) that I did start tackling my basement yesterday.....but so far I made more mess than cleaning. I feel sick, actually, with the amount of "stuff" we don't use anymore. Of course, that is the nature of having kids that are growing up. I have a "donate" and "sell" pile that I'm working on. DS came home last night and went downstairs and screamed "WHAT A MESS!!!!" - LOL. So, I have to work on that today. And this is just one (big) closet in the basement.
  • Laura78 - it always looks worse before it gets better. Just trust in what you're doing! My house was ridiculous this past weekend, but now that the stuff is out of the house (although I still have one more pile to take to the Salvation Army) I feel pounds lighter.

    NJPants - the vision board is another one that I have to get on my list of things to do. I'm generally not into stuff like the visualization or vision boards, but I think that sometimes I need that extra help to get to the next phase in life. I'm ready for the new phase (it started back last year, so I'm kind of only catching up now). Glad you're still working out on the cold weather and if you find really cheap clothing, then make the investment into the smaller sizes -- I didn't have to do it, because I had smaller sizes from my past, but it's nice to be able to fit into a new size. Your body shape may change (unless your weight is evenly distributed all over) but at least you have a physical goal in mind to reach -- a pair of smaller pants or a dress. I did that with some clothes I bought online that didn't fit, and while they weren't fabulous pieces once they did, I was glad that I had them as a way of measuring my progress.

    The last couple of days have been crazy for me at work. My wrists are hurting from the typing! I've been downing water like crazy, but I'm forgetting to even eat (yeah, never thought I would say that in my lifetime!). I'm making juices this evening -- going to eat/drink a bunch of the veggies I have in my fridge before they spoil.

    Was reading up on taking magnesium not only for PCOS/IR but also for stress and other symptoms. I'm thinking of upping my dosage to see if it helps. And more B vitamins too. I take a bunch of pills (all vitamins) a day to balance out what I am not eating.
  • would love to join
  • kmstacy - Welcome!! We're a spanking new group so feel free to join right in

    Rana - I made a dent today....I have 18 things listed today on my storage wars board and I have a huge donation pile. I still have a long way to go, but it's going anyway. I'm trying to convince DH he needs to jump on board with this project
  • Welcome, kmstacy!

    Rana Enjoy the veggies juice. I love veggie juice and wish I'd discovered it sooner (started making it more of a habit a couple years ago).

    Laura78 I hope the scale stays down for you tomorrow

    The scale has been fluctuating up for me lately (188.4 this morning...) so My calories and activity are pretty spot on so I really think it's not enough water, not enough sleep, too much stress. The usual suspects.

    I have had a draining day; I actually came home early. I think I'm going to take a hot shower and get into bed with a book. This day needs to end. Tomorrow's a new one.

    Keep up your good work ladies. It helps keep me motivated to read others are working hard.
  • Awwww, scout, sorry to hear about your bad day. Unfortunately I can relate all too much. I had years of days like that! Hang in and big hugs!