~*Delicious for Christmas & New Year 2014*~

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  • izzyboomama - I have been on plenty of forums and groups that were basically little pockets of the internet where my ED was validated by so many people. That is why it took me so long to realize I wasn't being 'normal' I was being sick.

    But it is a fact that you will not likely be able to change their group or behaviors. People who have struggled with weight loss all their lives who have found a way to lose weight, even if unhealthy, might be offended by your idea that their way is unhealthy, if only because they are scared to face what might happen if their way is not the right way. The idea of gaining back a lot of weight lost is really really scary to some people.

    But I understand all your frustrations and I don't think you did anything wrong.
  • Thanks walrus!
    I have written out 4 thoughtful responses that my iphone keeps deleting. Thanks iphone!
  • ...im sneaking shamefully into the last leg of this challenge because i got bored and wandered away from being healthy before the end of the halloween challenge. *shrugs* it happens.

    i'm up 4lbs since i stopped watching what i was eating (to be fair, i got really into homemade mac and cheese for a while there...so its no surprise i chubbed up)

    so the goal for 12/31 is to be back to my lowest weight of 2014 (which also lowest happens to be the lowest weight in a decade) bringing my weight loss for this year to over 20lbs. Can i lose 4lbs in 3 weeks? maybe, maybe not...but i can surely get back into the swing of things.

    the consistency of effort i see from you ladies blows me away! keep being awesome.
  • I've been so sick! I've got a silly cold that just will not go away. A few days ago it went from a cold to a cold/cough and losing my voice, now my throat hurts too. Also, I've gained weight the last couple days, and I'm up to 193.4. I worked out the last two days, but yesterday I became so tired I stopped around 35 minutes rather than doing my usual 45. I'm going to take a break from working out today because I'm feeling even sicker and worked out 2 days in a row. I've also eaten really well this week, although I have found it harder to get my water in the week. I'm switching to hot tea because the cold water irritates my throat. Hopefully this cold will go away soon. I've had to cancel work sessions (because I work with babies) and now I'm even more behind in trying to get everyone's visits in for the holidays. Not good. I have 2 scheduled for today and tomorrow and I'm worried that I may need to cancel them too, but then that will mean that I haven't worked at all this week, but I'm worse. I don't know! I still haven't decided whether I should cancel or not.

    I hope my weight comes back down after this illness, it's kind of frustrating getting towards the end here and not getting closer to goal. Hopefully it's just my body freaking out and it will calm back down soon.
  • Claygirl - thought I would let you know I tried my Nutribullet this morning! It works SOOOO much better than my blender. I haven't made a smoothie in like two months. They weren't appealing to me since it has been cold out, but I already feel so much better this morning than I have been lately and I haven't felt peckish at all yet today. Anyway, I hope you feel better. I think it's wise to take a break from working out, and the tea sounds like a good choice. Add some lemon - I hear it helps with weight loss, plus it's good for colds Take care of yourself and get well!

    tinneranne2 - Better late then never! I bet those 4lbs will come off easily, especially since you're just getting back into the swing of things, and it will get you off to a great start for the new year.

    I'm feeling pretty good so far this week, and once again hopeful for a new low, but my optimism has proven me wrong the past two weeks so who knows what will actually happen. I'd like to do really well this week and next, so that I can relax a little come Christmas (just a little!). Work is busy, and that honestly helps keep my mind off food. It helps that my boyfriend is back in the losing weight mindset.

    I told myself I would start training for a 5K come the beginning of the year and it honestly can't come soon enough. I really need to buy shoes which is probably the only reason I'm not starting sooner. I really suffer at the gym when I don't have a goal to work towards, but I know I won't be able to afford the shoes until after Christmas. I'm not a runner, but I'm excited to try something new!
  • Noname: good luck with the training! I keep starting and stopping. I don't have the greatest support system, my husband thinks running is dumb, but I like it well enough. I prefer dance though.

    Finally getting my eating back on track. Today is a bit of a weird day though, I ate breakfast early and got hungry again so I ate my lunch at 10:30. I'll probably end up eating dinner early since I have Zumba at 7.
  • Oh man yesterday was the last day of finals and I broke down and ate some off plan stuff but then I realized it is almost that TOM so it made a lot more sense and I am just gonna skip weigh in on Sat and go on with my weekend and next week as planned before weighing in again.

    Also I took a few days off from strength training for finals so I am gonna pick back up on that tomorrow and do my HIIT as well so this week should be ok health wise even with finals.

    I am feeling ok but just antsy to get back to a healthy routine. I just need to remember that finals mess everything up just for a little while, not forever, and I can't just let myself off but I can cut myself some slack.
  • I did I'm 138.2
  • Haven't been on much in a while cuz I got some hate on another thread. Didn't surprise me, but it was frustrating.

    Let's see... I got my holiday dress! I managed to find one on Amazon with great reviews, and it's all green sequins, so it should be perfect for both the Christmas dance I'm going to and NYE. Plus I got sparkly green shoes to wear with it at Payless for $8.50. Woah.

    My office Christmas party is this Sunday and I'm going but I'm kind of annoyed about it. They sent out the menu for the party via email the other day in order to get a headcount, and 100% of the menu is fried - fried chicken, fried pickles, fried cheese, fried meatballs, and fries. Even when I was overweight I wouldn't have touched most of that stuff - sounds like a ticket to IndigestionVille to me! Fried cheese is the only thing on that list I ever would have eaten. So I had to email the organizer and tell her to count me on the list of people coming, but not on the list of people eating.

    The good news is the party is from 2 to 6 PM so not really at a meal time. I can eat a nice lunch before I head over and just have a couple drinks at the party.
  • underanalysis - what a good plan. And with a drink in your hand, no one will (or should) even notice you not eating. That meal sounds horrendous though! Yuck! Glad you finally found a dress! And matching shoes to boot!

    I ended up ordering a black sparkly dress from JC Penney and I'm picking it up today. I hope it fits. It's from the Junior's department, which I fit into most of the time these days but ya never know. Sometimes their XL is like a women's medium, let's hope that's not the case with this dress!
  • ^well, the dress doesn't fit. Lesson learned. I may be able to wear juniors jeans and shirts but the dresses do not make room for womanly hips and butts!

    I am however happy to have had a good loss this week. And my size 12 jeans fit today! It was my goal to fit comfortably in them by the end of the year I have never as an adult worn a size 12. This is a big deal!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend
  • Hoping by early January my 8's will fit better
  • nonameslob congrats on your size 12s!

    My dream is to comfortably wear size 8 dress pants, because those suckers have no give to them at all. I'm solidly in a 12 at the moment and I don't know where i'll be weight-wise by the time I can get into some 8s.

    weighed in at 67.5kg today. I have to step it up if I'm going to reach my end of year goal of 66kg.
  • Week 6 Charts!

    20-Somethings Chart:

    Overall Chart:
  • Quote: My dream is to comfortably wear size 8 dress pants, because those suckers have no give to them at all. I'm solidly in a 12 at the moment and I don't know where i'll be weight-wise by the time I can get into some 8s.
    It is so hard to know! You just have to keep trying them on now and then and then one day, poof! You're in them.

    Fit into my size 12 dress skirt this morning, too, which was a nice shock (which has no give, as with your dress pants).

    Yay for finally being on the top 20 chart! Okay, December, I got this!