Awesome October - of mellow fruitfulness and all things Autumn.

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  • Good morning ladies,

    Pretty uneventful evening. Worked out with the trainer at the gym. Didn't get to walk with my friend Mark as he had to help his mother with something. After cardio and strength training, I picked up Santa and we went to the dog park. Got there just before it got dark. I think I might have to start exercising in the morning, or stop taking Santa to the dog park on weekdays. I don't like the thought of getting to the gym by 6am and working out then showering and getting ready for work at the gym.

    Tonight it's back to the gym and hopefully I can get out of there early enough so that Santa can have more dog park time.

    Shad - Good on ya' for getting your taxes done. Well done! I think everyone hates tax collectors. Thanks for the kicking, hitting, yelling and cattle prodding. I'm getting on with it. The scale isn't budging, but I know it has to move eventually. Sounds like between the paperwork sorting and the filing and cleaning in the 3rd bedroom you're on pace to have a productive day.

    Laura - Ooh, that sounds cool to watch a rugby game at Soldier Field! Rugby does look pretty rough especially since they don't wear pads. I have mixed feelings about having it done sooner. It would be nice to get it over with...but it means that I have to shed these last 5 lbs ASAP, and it means missing another two days of pay from work. They can only schedule the surgeries a month in advance. So since the scheduler is supposed to call me early next week and let me know if my surgery has to be rescheduled, I might see if I can get scheduled for December 1. That would still give me 5 weeks of recovery time. As for the pneumonia shot, I've been getting that vaccination every 5 years for the past 15 years. Since I have asthma, once I get a cold it goes straight to my chest and either becomes bronchitis or pneumonia. I can now picture the piano in your living room. The Classical Stretch program looks good. I'll see if it's on our PBS station out here. Bummer that you have to exchange your slippers. Good luck at the doctor.

    I'll try and check back in later to see what the rest of you are up to!

    Much love and big hugs to all,
  • Hi all,

    Who deleted my post I THOUGHT I did yesterday Boy oh boy. I got pretty peeved at the shop yesterday (I volunteer at a thrift shop in town that supports our local Humane Society MiniDoodles). There is one guy who is a total jerk and I've had enough of his condescending tone and ordering people around. He has teamed up with another bossy person and together they have designated themselves the king and queen of the store. All decisions are made by them including what we keep as donations and what gets tossed out. They decide how we do things, they decide where things are placed in the store. Your input and suggestions ARE NOT WELCOME. And they make ignorant comments about how SOME people do more than others. Just over it. I'm going to try and find another day to work when they are not there but for the time being I might just fill in as a substitute as needed. Who would have thought volunteering for a good cause would be so frustrating??? I also got a summons for jury duty which is in town so no hassle to get there. Each night I will have to call in to see if I need to make an appearance the next day. That really plays havoc with my busy schedule but it may keep me out of the shop for a time in order to cool off...

    Last night I was sitting at the computer and the back of my neck started to itch. It sort of felt like a stray hair or two was brushing against my skin. I would gently scratch at it but 30 seconds later it would start again. After 5 minutes I realized this was more than a random itch. Today my skin feels like it's burning underneath the surface. And it's painful to the touch. DH said there are some light scratches on the skin and possibly a bump. I am hoping the shingles are not spreading. This is definitely more uncomfortable than it was on my face. I am still taking the antiviral medication they prescribed which along with pain relievers (which I don't need at the moment) would be about all they could do for me. The Valtrex is the most important med. Shingles can last anywhere from a week (ok by me) to several MONTH (oh that would NOT be good!!!!).

    Shad - I have had some cloudy bits in the vinegar before - I don't use it much - and I wasn't sure if that meant it would go off or if it was making a "mother" - that which makes more vinegar - sort of like a culture with yogurts. Ugly looking thing it is... Yes, that agitator can get pretty yucked up, especially if you have the kind where the fabric softener (don't know if you use that) goes in a well at the top of the spindle. My sister pulled off the cap on my Mom's machine and almost gagged - the built up gunk was pretty gross. I have a low water washing machine - no agitator - so I periodically toss in some vinegar - good use for the bottle with the cloudy bits to clean the washer. They say one should also wipe down the insides of the drum with a bit of dish detergent because it does retain a residue. Potstickers are the Asian version of ravioli / dumplings. They are a sturdier dough with a meat filling - here we laugh at the "mystery meat" in them but I found out it's chicken based. Probably chicken beaks and feet They can be steamed or fried. I like potstickers - have yet to meet a pasta I can't be friends with I think they call them potstickers because if steamed (in a bamboo basket), the dough tends to be quite sticky and they do stick to each other like Siamese twins. They are often steamed on cabbage leaves. Do you get vanilla beans from your orchids or you don't have that particular variety of flower? I was talking to my partner at the shop yesterday. She is a traveler and is excited about planning for a transatlantic cruise in the next year or two. Said I'd like to visit NZ & AUS she said she'd like NZ, didn't see anything special about Australia. I started to tell her the neat things you post - like birds sucking honey in the silky oak tree and she said ok, maybe there's more than desert out there.

    Michelle - wow - sure do have a lot of planning for this surgery! Big checklist of things but at least it gives some comfort that things are well taken care of. I suppose that could also be of benefit to us in our everyday lives, never anticipating the old "brick in the head" as they say. So many of the things you are taking care of are on the "yes, I need to take care of that too SOMEDAY..." Your poor arms must be so sore. Is that going to interfere with anything if you have to go in a week earlier for surgery? Or does it just give you more time to rest up before returning back to work? Thank you for including the clip of the yoga pose - it was really helpful! Hope your knots have unkinked.

    Laura - how neat on the new piano. Do you play also or is this just for the BF? I'm very curious to see how you like the roaster. They had a rotisserie chicken type roaster at the shop - labeled brand new. It was still pricey even at our prices and I was afraid this would go on the shelf in the basement next to the George Foreman grill, the pasta maker, the crème brulee set and other gadgets that I used once. But to use it as a spare oven, now that would come in handy I really had a good laugh about you and BF getting lost in a corn maze and then yelling at each other. I am SO THERE with you on that I think being a bit claustrophobic I might have an issue with a corn maze anyway. They had a fantastic one in Memphis which I admired each year AS I DROVE BY

    Susie - I hope you didn't wear yourself out and that your project review day went well. I remember well what a dog and pony show that was - everything HAD to be perfect in the details. You need rocket powered roller skates for your job! And 12 hands.

    Thank you MiniDoodles for the prayers. I will gratefully accept all good wishes that come my way. I am not much of a trooper - actually I'm a horrid patient - no patience for this patient Sometimes all you can do is plug along although I am worried that there might be more to come with my neck bothering me this morning. How do you like the netti pot? I have always wanted to try one but have been afraid of it to be honest. I support your natural healing and wellness philosophy too. So many drugs have side effects, often worse than the problem they are treating! I did yoga DVDs in the past (I like Susan Deason as an instructor as well as Peggy Cappy). However the teacher I have now is the best instructor I have ever had in my life. Sometimes when we are laying on the floor I can't see what we are supposed to be doing and she comes along to each of us and corrects the pose so that we are doing it properly. That's the best part of a class in my opinion as form does matter - whether it is yoga or pilates. Especially since I am at that point in life where doing it wrong can mean ouchies for weeks on end I like your idea of the birthday cake - I made something like that for a friend who was dieting and served it with fresh fruit. It was DELICIOUS!

    Ceejay - the Orionids meteor shower was supposed to be last night / early this morning. I went out on the deck at 2am - we had perfect viewing conditions - clear and cold - the stars were amazing but I stood out there about 15 minutes and didn't see a single shooting star. Just a fluffy cat (????) and a coyote which I hope the two did not meet up. So don't feel like you missed anything. Are you dragging by this time? One or two more work days?

    Hi Annie and Terra

    I guess I should get some lunch in me and do a few things around here before I run off to yoga. Have a good one all.
  • Happy - I guess you can't get away from "office politics" even when you're volunteering at a thrift shop. That's a bummer, and it's awful that they make it uncomfortable and frustrating for other volunteers. I hope your shingles isn't spreading. I hope the medicine works to clear it up with minimal itchiness. Yes, there is A LOT of planning and preparing for the surgery. Thanks for the PM you sent me. As for having the surgery a week early, the biggest downside to an earlier surgery (which is 4 weeks from today) is that I have more time on disability where I will get less than full salary, and also I have less time to get down to surgery weight. The surgery sheduler is supposed to call me next week, and I might see if I can get scheduled for the week of Dec. 1...which would still give me an entire month off work to recuperate.
  • 132 hours worked these past 11 days. 2 more to go and I'm done for this week. Then my week end starts. And believe it or not I still have some stamina left. Told my sister that I was going to hibernate this week end. I'm sleeping as long as I want to tomorrow.
    Yesterday I tripped and fell at work. Nothing hurt but my pride though my upper arm is very sore today.
    What kind of a piano did you get, a baby grand?! I'm jealous, I used to play but it's been awhile.

    I'm doing a lot better than I thought I would. I've really had to pace myself. I don't blame you if you didn't volunteer except when needed at the Thrift store.

    Can't blame you for wanting to schedule for a later date. I will not get up early to exercise. 5.30 a.m. is to early for me but I have to do this in order to get to work by 7 a.m.

    Hello to the rest I'll be back tomorrow to finish this out. Need to get ready to go home.
  • So I was in yoga class today, laying on the floor and the instructor came over and was trying to show me how to place my legs. But my boobs kept blocking my view. I finally had to tell her - I can't see past my boobs. If my belly isn't cutting off my air supply, then my boobs are either holding me off the ground and straining my neck (I can't do stomach poses) or they are trying to suffocate me. Oh to be an A cup again...
  • Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes, I had a birthday dinner at a Chinese buffet, I know it wasnt the healthyist choice but it was the only place where I could get cheap snow crab legs


    I woke up at 6:30 a.m. this morning, I set my alarm for 4:30 though so I could wake up before taking a shower cause the last time I took a shower after getting out of bed I was still half asleep and I got some shampoo in my mouth, it was very nasty so since then I always give myself time to wake up before I go take a shower but anyway I took my shower at 7 a.m. and then I started watching for my bus at 7:45 a.m. Before I started watching for my bus I let Clyde outside and I gave him fresh food and he already had fresh water and I cleaned out his cage. Anyway I got to school a little after 8:30 a.m. and I'll be here until 5:30 p.m. tonight cause my school is having their 30th anniversary from 4 to 6 p.m. but I thought I would have the bus come get me between 5:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. cause the last drop off for the night is at 6:30 so I thought if I got picked up between 6 and 6:30 p.m. that will be cutting it to short. Anyway as always my plans for today are to get my 30 min/hour after dinner walk in and my 2 miles later on tonight and thats it. I hope everyone has a great day today, Take Care
  • Good morning ladies,

    Not much going on in my neck of the woods. Everyone here has baseball World Series fever since the SF Giants are in it. As for me...I still prefer the Milwaukee Brewers. Yesterday, I had a blood sugar crash due to waiting too long to eat lunch, and then not having enough carbs in my lunch. I took some glucose tablets and ate some fruit. After a little while I was good as new. I talked with my trainer about the blood sugar crash and told her what my breakfast and lunch consisted of..she was the one who told me that a salad with chopped up turkey doesn't have enough carbs and she suggested that I have a piece of fruit or a Greek yogurt with my salad.

    I didn't do as much cardio yesterday because I wanted to get Santa to the dog park. So rather than ride the stationary bike, I walked around the perimeter of the park. Today after work, I'll do 60 minutes on the bike, and then pick up Santa and go to the dog park.

    Tomorrow on my day off, I'm going to do some freelance website work, then meet with my trainer, and then in the late afternoon/evening I'll be going to a weight loss surgery support group. And I'll probably make a batch of dog treats. Me and one of the other "regulars" at the dog park have coordinated a Halloween Costume Party for Saturday afternoon. It's not really a contest as there aren't prizes or anything. But I planning on handing out bags of gluten-free, peanut-free dog treats (for trick or treating).

    Ceejay - I hope you have a lovely and relaxing weekend. You've certainly earned it. So sorry to hear about your fall, but at least you didn't hurt anything (except your pride). I don't get up quite as early as you do. I usually get up around 6 or 6:15, but if/when I start exercising in the morning, I'll probably have to leave my house between 5 and 5:30.

    Happy - I run into the same problem when I do yoga or even certain strength training moves - I always have to find a way to work around my tummy and my boobs. And when my trainer has had me do certain moves, sometimes it's hard to breath.

    I'll try and check back in later. Hope you all have a great day!

    Much love and many hugs,
  • Afternoon all. I'm taking a half day of vacation today. I barely made my train home. Now sitting on the train perspiring after speed - walking to the station. Ick.

    Michelle - I bet the dog park costume party will be a lot of fun.

    Terra - Enjoy the school's anniversary celebration tonite.

    Happy - Hadn't thought of those types of yoga issues before. I do, however, have to remember to wear snug-fitting tops inatead of baggy t-shirts so they don't ride up & cover my face during the bending - over poses! Sorry you have to deal with the bossy jerks at the shop. Honestly, someone needs to remi d them that some volunteers don't want to tolerate that behavior, and for no pay or benefits, they don't need to and will walk away when the finally tire of it. I hope you shingles med nips the spreading of it. Hang in there!

    Ceej - Good job maintaining your energy levels. Sorry about the fall. Get it looked at if the soreness doesn't ease up soon. The piano is an upright in shiny ebony black. I'll post a photo sometime.

    My phone's about to die. Better post! TTFN.
  • Terra - Have fun at the anniversary celebration! If there are refreshments, try and choose the healthiest.

    Laura - I hope you enjoy your afternoon off. Are you off tomorrow too? I got a laugh out of the t-shirts riding up. Mine do that to me all the time and not just doing yoga.
  • Morning all,

    well after the terrible events in Canada yesterday and a full day of working in the yard and the house and little brothers birthday last night, I forgot to get on here.

    This morning I was watching the news on tv and then after that they had a segment from a new cd from an Australian male band. It was a cover version of Unchained Melody and it was delightful. So many cover versions of the old songs are untuneful, screeching renditions (rendition - meaning to tear apart). I'm tempted to go out and buy the cd. Made me think of Mel.

    Laura - Aaaah yes the rugby match. Do watch it if you can. The American Eagles have come a long way in the past few years. I doubt that they will beat my All Blacks but it should be a good game. The guys don't use the same sort of protective gear that your lot do in the NFL but they do have some protection. It's just not visible and is generally padding in the chest and back area for the forwards and maybe some soft headgear since their ears get mauled in the scrums. I think it is a faster harder game than NFL and they go for 80 minutes with only about a 15 minute break at half time. Very few time outs unless the referee has a problem with not seeing a score or infringement properly and asks the video ref. for clarification - you then see the slo mo on the tv. Don't know how your tv studios are going to get around the advertising since it is all go.
    A rates bill comes through the local city council, it charges for the use of water, sewerage, local amenities infrastructure. It pays for things like local parks, footpaths, roads, libraries etc. And it is getting more and more expensive. Damn it all.
    Enjoy your vacation day.

    Happy - Hope you get a nice juicy case to do for Jury service. It's such a pain when some people decide that they are the BOSS. Don't blame you for not wanting to work with them. Seems that a lot of charity places are similar all over the world.
    I put a hot wash through my washing machine the other day. Never thought to put vinegar in with it. Great stuff for cleaning - vinegar. I tipped the red wine vinegar down the sink. Think it might have cleaned out the gunk from the sink pipes since that seems to be running faster as well.
    It's terrible when one of the 'others' deletes your post.
    Thanks for the info on 'potstickers'. Now I can translate. We call these dim sum or dum sim or dum sum or dim sim or whatever the Chinese can write on the signboards. I like the steamed ones with a small amount of soy sauce.
    No vanilla beans from my orchids - wrong variety. I am currently repotting my lot - all twenty eight of them. Actually there are more since the DS2 and partner went to an orchid show and bought 2 more for me and I bought a couple of baby ones to grow on. I keep telling them that they are going to inherit the collection when I cark it so they better learn how to look after them now. Since the orchids thrive on neglect, I don't think they need to learn much.
    Your traveller friend has a skewed version of Australia. You can get around NZ in 2 weeks if you are in a hurry, but you won't see everything worth seeing, but to see everything beautiful and unique in Aus you probably need 2 months of constant movement and lots of driving in remote areas. The best stuff is not in the cities.
    re the boobs in yoga. Know the problem.

    Ceejay - hope you are quietly resting up and keeping cool or warm - depending on the weather. That's a long working week.

    Hello and hugs to MiniDoodles, Susie and Annie. Have a great day everyone. I had better go think about what else needs to be done today. I've already put in 2 hours digging a drain out the front. It's now about half finished and hopefully I can get the rest done before I have to go back to work. I haven't heard back from the accountant, but no doubt she will do whatever she has to do whenever she gets around to doing it. And I should get back to the power company about this stupid mix up. Seems clear they don't want to get back to me.
  • I am very happy it is Friday, and it's payday with all that OT on the paycheck. It looks really nice! I'm going to buy me a new pair of jeans today--I love Lane Bryant jeans but don't always buy them as they can be pricey but I'm going to treat myself today with using a bit of OT money.

    I am also happy to report that I lost what I gained last week when I weighed in at TOPS and then some. I had a 5 1/2 lb loss last night! I am down 15 lbs since I started the Biggest Loser Contest at work.

    You all are so nice and supportive about all the hours and such that I put in at work and I appreciate it. I wouldn't do it if I didn't get paid so well and if I didn't really enjoy my work. I work for an amazing company and feel fortunate that I have the job I do. Everyone there works the way I do.

    They talk to us all the time about work/life balance and it is a hard thing to achieve. I keep trying though.

    Shad: I hope you got the ants under control. We get them so badly every spring when it is wet and then again in the fall when it is wet again. We have two different kinds. The black ants in the spring..and the ant traps I put out really help and I also go out and srpay with ant spray around the outside of the house and that seems to take care of them. In the fall we have these flying one and I have to call and have a professional come out and spray and then they go away. They told me they are ants and I don't know why regular ant spray doesn't work on them.

    Happy: You had me laughing so hard with the boobs and yoga problem! I hear you on that. I have always been "busty". I remember my grandmother saying that word to me when I was 12. So, I'm right there with you.

    When does the jury duty start? About those bossy people at the shop..I think I too would find another day to work when they aren't there. This is a volunteer job for you and you really don't have to put up with that.

    Michelle: It sounds like your trainer is a really good trainer to help you with your diet and exercise. Just stick to what you are doing and you will be ready for surgery when the date arrives.

    I don't know if you realize how dedicated you have become to your exercise but I have seen a big change in that for you. You should be proud of that.

    Laura: How are the new contacts doing? What did the doctor say about the tailbone?

    Tara: I'm so glad to hear that you had a nice birthday. You take wonderful care of Clyde...he's a lucky dog!

    I forgot who asked about me and Minidoodles being old friends on 3fatchicks, but that is correct. She is a lovely person and fun to know. Minidoodles....were are you?

    Hi Annie: I hope your week is going well and that we will see you soon.

    I am working from home today. I am going to see my orthopediest. About 2 weeks ago I hit my hand on the door jam coming into the house from the garage. I hit it pretty hard and it felt like I jamed my pinkie and ring finger. It turned black and blue and was swollen but I could move my fingers to I iced it. My pinking is still hurting me and I can't make a full fist with my hand so I think it's time to go see what is going on.

    I better log into the work email and get going for the day.
  • Morning all.* TGIF!!!*

    Shad – Ah, how interesting you pointed out that rendition contains the word rend!!!* * Yep, some of the covers of classic songs truly tears them apart, and not in a good way.* Yeh, I’m sure the US isn’t a big factor in the global rugby world.* The fact that there’s limited opportunity for advertising makes it less of a possibility.* Though I do know that there are “mandatory” time-outs in some sports to allow for TV commercials to run…Your rates bill sounds like a combination of my village’s water/sewer/refuse bill and my county’s property tax bill.* Yes, both continue to go up.* I know I’ll be happy when the mortgage is finally paid off, but the carrying costs for owning the home will continue on and on and up and up.* Wow, you have quite the extensive orchid collection.* (Like Nero Wolf, LOL.* I didn’t know they thrive on neglect – right up my alley, lol.* Our company did away with a weekly fresh flower arrangement for the reception desk area, but replaced it with a beautiful potted planting containing an orchid and another one or two tropical plants.* Those are changed out much less frequently than the flowers – a cost-savings measure.* Anyway – all that repotting will keep you out of trouble for a while.*

    Susie – Big congrats on your big weight loss this week, and bravo on the 15 pounds lost to date during the contest.* * When does the contest end?* My weight has not moved the past three weeks.* I need to get back on track with my eating to get it moving again.* Enjoy your OT pay – you sooooo deserve it!!* Ouch re your pinkie!* I know how that can happen – our house is an older home with narrow halls and doorways and it’s not unusual for me to bang my hand on one doorway or another.* Definitely get it checked out and see what’s going on with that finger…could be swollen, could be broken.*Hope it's not the latter.

    Hellos to the rest of the Worldlies!* Have a great weekend!


    Let’s see…My doctor appointment went fine on Wed.* My blood pressure is well-controlled.* I’m on a low dosage of bp med, but I sure wish I could eliminate that completely.* My wellness evaluation blood test results were faxed to my doc earlier that week and she went through them with me, and they are all good.* My total cholesterol is a smidge out of range at 203, but she said that’s rather misleading because my good HDL is very high and my bad LDL is very low.* She did notice my weight gain…but that was after she had said I looked good, lol, and she said she wouldn’t have noticed the gain if she hadn’t seen my weight on the chart, haha.* As for my back pain – she did a few things to test my range of motion and see if certain moves might cause the pain, but noted nothing out of the ordinary.* She thought I might have set off the pain with the squat challenge (I’d told her that the pain had started the day after I finished day #30 of the challenge).* She recommended stretches and gave me a sheet with some suggested back stretches.* She also suggested a massage!!* I like that idea. A LOT!* * As for the pneumonia shot, she said that it’s generally for people over 60 and I don’t fall into any other category that would make it a good idea for me.

    Yesterday my half day of work went quickly.* I got my flu shot, so I’m glad for that.* As I reported in yesterday’s post, I left the office later than planned and had to walk FAST to get to my*12:30*train on time.* I was perspiring after that, and then made the mistake of a sitting next to a man with a tad bit too much aftershave and who made sucking sounds with his mouth – probably his dentures.* Eeeewww.* Very annoying to boot!!* The last straw was the man behind me putting his knees into my seat back.* On those types of seats, you can feel it!* Idiot.* So I got up and found another seat a couple train cars up.* Whatevs.

    It was nice to ride my bike home in broad daylight.* I think next week I’ll begin walking to/from the train station.*

    Bf and I ate a quick sandwich for lunch and his mother came over around 3-ish.* We visited a bit and then left to go to dinner and then bf’s niece’s school musical.* This was quite a ways away, but thankfully the traffic wasn’t bad and we had plenty of time to get dinner and get to the school.* BF’s niece is in middle school but the production was being held at the high school.* It was Aladdin, and bf’s niece was Princess Jasmine.* She was good – has a lovely singing voice, and it was a cute show.* I’m glad it wasn’t too long because we had a long drive back and I wanted some time to wind down at home.*

    I ordered a new winter coat from Land’s End last night – a maxi-length down coat that goes down to mid-calf.* I used a 25% off code, and also got free shipping.* Great deal.* Now to shop around for some nice accessories to match!

    That’s about it for me.* I’m happy to have no meetings*today, but I‘ll have at least three on Monday.* Bleh.* Oh well, not gonna worry about that right now – it almost the weekend!!!* No big plans, but most likely will return the slippers and re-order in different sizes.* Also Jazzercise class, dog walks, laundry – the usual.* TTFN!
  • Hey Girls I never thought to ask, r any guys here

    I've been swamped w work & fittings this week. I tried to read & catch-up on all your news here Our Sweetest Day gifts to each other were 'practical' this year instead of the normal Luv gifts. I got dh a 'camouflage bomber jacket' that he had been admiring & he got me a wood tool I need for wood-working a 'nail-gun' for my pancake air-compressor; I use a screw-drill driver for most things I build, but the nail-gun makes it so much quicker/easier. This week I built & upholstered 5 storage ottomans for 2 clients homes. I also finished adult Halloween costumes for parties. Yesterday I drove 1 1/2 hrs. to pick-up my 3 yr. grandbabe. 1 last thing, I bought the VivoFit by Garmin Fitness Band $130 that they use on Biggest Loser for $99 on sale @ ABC Warehouse yesterday in charcoal gray, it has 2 sizes of bands & the set of 3 colors is $24 there instead of $25 @ the Garmin site. I'll start using it on Nov. 1. If U don't have a ABC Warehouse store near U, go online & order it from their website before Sunday. soo go check it out

    Happy, I've worked w the Humane Society for about 30 yrs. from being a AKC breeder. If I don't feel my puppies will fit a families needs, I work w them @ our local shelter to find their new family member & I require a spay/neuter contract too. I've been a AKC breeder of: AKC Pomeranians for my 1st 6 yrs. & 24 yrs. breeding Toy, Miniature Poodles. I began the mini-GoldenDoodles (Golden Retriever/Miniature Poodle) 11 yrs. ago when I became a Grandma & Loved Golden Retrievers personalities, but 'not the shedding hair' in my home. My puppies r 3rd generation & adult size ranges between 8 lbs. for the runts to 22 for the largest in a litter, depending on the momma. I'm soo Happy that your shingles is Better

    Michelle, what did U do to yourself, I hope its a 'elective surgery' instead of a bad problem 'surgery' What kind of doggy is Santa, b sure to post us a pic of U & him here Please post us your recipe for 'gluten-free, peanut-free dog treats. I 'envy' ALL of U girls that get to attend a Yoga class, my work schedule is all over the place w working w my clients schedules taking 1st Importance w my time, so I can't put myself 1st, only for a health issue or family plans.

    Susie, I Love the is working soo well for U. Hey we all deserve a few pair of great fitting jeans, especially for winter booties & yummy warm sweaters. TY for the sweet words about me We never made it to Columbus, but like I said when we do I'll text U. Dh & I did go to Florida in Feb. but I didn't have Tori's cell # w us to drop-bye & see her.

    Laura, nice to hear about your 'good doctor's appt.' I get a 1 hr. body massage about every 2 months, good for both body & spirit. I wish it was warmer so I could ride my bike like U r. TY for making me LOL about your train ride. I buy All my coats from Land's End, etc. I Love their sales & free return shipping @ all the Sears stores & free shipping when U reorder a item in a different size/color; great customer service.

    Shad, U r soo interesting. We had friends from Australia that we went to church with & they said they vacationed in New Zealand often. My ex-dh was in Australia for a 2 weeks military leave & it was his fav of all the countries. What season r U having right now?

    Terra, so glad your Birthday was a great week for U, Chinese food is so delish. What kind of doggy is Clyde? I'm a push-over for doggies/owners What r U majoring in @ school? I Love school & would b a forever college student if I could earn a living by just learning.

    Annie & Ceejay my Kindle tablet battery is down to 20% & ready to die, I'll catch-up w U on my next post.

    Hugs, Dee
  • Laura ~ Yeah I had a good time at the party last night.

    Susie ~ Yeah I love Clyde, I'm gonna be so sad when he passes away

    Dee ~ Yeah I LOVE Chinese food, Clyde is a long haired Chihuahua, I'm not majoring anything in school the school I go to isnt a public or private school, I just call it school cause I always learn things when I go there. I loved school too.

    Michelle ~ Yes I enjoyed the party and Yes I ate the heathyist foods that they served.


    I woke up at 6:30 am this morning and I wished my younger brother a happy 25th birthday and then I let Clyde outside and then I got ready for my appt and then at 8:20 a.m. I started watching for my bus and then I got to my appt. at 9 a.m. and my appt wasnt until 9:30 am and then I got home at noon, My return time wasnt until 11 am, It was 11 am to 11:30 am, There is always a 30 min wait. Anyway when I got home from my appt. I ate lunch and I got Clyde's food ready, He usually doesnt eat until the afternoon. Now I just have to do my 2 miles here pretty soon and then I'll head for bed for the night.
  • Guess I've been missing out on the home front news. My cousins wife has published a children's book and has a book signing at Barns and Noble in Jonesboro. November 2. I would like to go. Wishing her the best.
    Went to the doctor yesterday with my lower back and neck but not the result of the fall. I asked him to let me have x-rays. And did that yesterday as well. I'm still waiting to hear back from those. Also got my flu shot.
    And yes I was interrupted by my neighbor wanting me to take her to the bank. I told her no that I didn't feel like it.

    A big hello to every one. I will do personals tomorrow.