Intermittent Fasting Support Thread continued

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  • Just saw this article on a study (caveat: mouse study, not human) and thought I'd share...
  • Hey Everyone! Thank you for thinking of my grandpa. He woke up today and recognized my family so that's good. The doctors say the surgery was a success but now he has to do the rest of the work in recovery. All in all, just glad he's awake and lucid although in ICU for a little while yet. I may end up going the week of the 15th to see him and help out as much as I can for a week.

    Finallythin and AmerhystJean - you girls are rocking it and will find your way. I've found after doing 16:8 since July that my body has learned when it's truly hungry. I love throwing in the 5:2 in the mix as it keeps me balanced but when I don't want to do it then I just stick to the 16:8 and all is well. Youll find your way just like I did. It'll take some time for your body to finally figure it out and really start burning fat. Whatever you do, keep your body healthy and make sure you do eat!

    Noname- as always, you're rocking it. Hope you get to where you want to get to soon! I bet counting calories on your nonfast days will help tremendously.

    I was at 143.7 this morning. I did an amazing 3 miles today, best time yet. Had some Brie and rice crackers for lunch and small slice of leftover pizza for dinner I did have 3 of the royal Danish short bread cookies? Man those things are the devil! Can you tell TOM is on its way? *******!

    Anyway - sorry I didn't respond earlier. For some reason 3fc only alerts me when it wants to! I didn't know anyone had responded.

    It's Friday! And I'm so glad!

    Good night ladies!
  • Normal day today but still ate under 1000 calories. So pretty happy. Really getting in touch with my hunger for sure.
  • FinallyThin - I had to do a double take when you said we weigh about the same. I have never in my life been this weigh (aside from maybe as a teenager) and I couldn't believe that I could be close in weight to someone who weighs 174! Good luck with your 24 hour fast. I hope this works for you as well as it has worked for me

    AmethystJean Keep it up!

    yoyoma Thank you for sharing! I would love to see some research done on humans, but I'd like to think so far I'm living proof lol I've been doing some form of IF for well over a year now and I am in the best health of my life. I used to get sick chronically (sinuses), but only had one (really bad) ear/sinus infection last March and that's it. Not to mention the weight loss..

    nayla - Glad to hear your grandpa's surgery went well! Hopefully recovery will go just as smoothly. Keep up the hard work. You're killing it

    I think I'm on track to see a new low tomorrow morning, which surprises me because I had only "planned" to get back to my low weight from before Thanksgiving. We'll is fast 3 of 3 for the week! Also planning to get to the gym tonight which will be my third time this week, much better than I've been doing...Not much else going on in my life lately, which I guess is good. My birthday is tomorrow, so I expect some indulgence for sure, but hopefully the weather will be nice enough Sunday to hike some of it off.
  • Hi fellow fastest!!

    I am chime in for a bit on saying thank you for keeping this thread going..have been reading and started fasting since August.. I am good..and will keep this going...I have more to go on...and this method is for me for life!!!

    I stop snacking...eating 1 or 2 meals a day...drinking 2 - 3 l liter of love my progress so far!!!

    Thank you and keep up the great work everyone...
  • Hi All,

    Noname such good review about your health and I am hoping for the same with the allergy/sinus situation. I didn't make 24 hours yet, but have had two days with the 6 hour window. Which is so funny to see how right after I eat my last food, (which was too much for a diet) I wanted more on and off during the day, even though I wasn't hungry. Eating is a habit we can reshape into healthy for us, and I'm still working on it. I did make two days with the 6 hour window. I will try again for the 24 hour window, but will take what I can get because it will be better than I have been doing.

    Hi Lilian,
    Nice to meet you. I am new too and haven't found my true WOE with this yet, but am just working towards a fast five style and so far have reached the 6 hour window.
    I'm aiming for the two meals during my eating window. How big is your window?

    Yoyomama, thanks for the great article!

    AmethystJean, how did you do today?
  • Hi fasting is 8 - 16....Good luck with your efforts!!! You can do it..
  • Today I snacked too much and drank a lot of calories. Not happy with that. 1957. Fast tomorrow.
  • Well once again I fasted 18:6. I didn't eat as many calories yesterday, but I didn't really count them. The day before yesterday I had a lot of butter, so I know the calories were up.

    Tonight I'm gonna stay away from butter....

    Lilian are you fasting for 16 and eating for 8?

    AmethystJean you kept it under control and counted. I am not sure I want to count exactly, I'm thinking of making things I eat for breakfast and lunch and then counting dinner. But it's really neat to fit all that into 6 hours, because it gives that nice full feeling I have to look forward to each day. I am on day 3 and am starting to feel really good about it....

    How are you doing Nomame and Nayla,,,,do you guys count calories?
  • Thin....I do my own way...depends on my hunger signal is..some days I do not eat breakfast or lunch/snacking..or just have dinner. I used to do fasting with slim fast shakes in the past..I just cut back on my meals and snacking. It works on me.

    Hoping all is having a nice weekend....stay strong...
  • 8-16 is the hours I am fasting....hope this helps..
  • Lilian

    I love when you call me Thin

    have a great week-end to you all too
  • No loss this week, but I did not get to do my 3rd fast as planned. I survived most of the day but plans changed come evening and I found myself enjoying dinner with a friend. Though I did manage to keep it light. Ended the week at 182, which I am happy with. This week I should definitely see a loss.

    FinallyThin - I have been counting calories lately, but I only do this maybe for a week every couple of months to get myself back on track. I will count throughout December to try to keep myself in check!
  • I am counting as well to keep on track and I'm only just getting familiar with the fasting lifestyle, so the cc came first.

    Saturday fast didn't happen. Didn't eat all day, went to a party and was hungry and had wine and then ate everything I wanted which included things that were not gf and I am still in serious pain. Ouch ouch ouch. Plus that was 1200-2000 cals

    Sunday I did fast, however I did cals and not a window....ate a tiny breakfast because I was hungry after eating so much the night before and then dinner ....see I don't really have a style yet.
  • Hey! I've been thinking of incorporating some IF concepts to see if that jump starts my weight loss. Last night I simply cut off eating at 8pm and didn't eat again until I woke up in the morning so it ended up being about a 12/12 split. Thinking of trying to work it into a 10/14 tonight. What are some of your favourite resources for starting out IF (particularly if you're a woman with insulin resistance)? Do you all count calories? I train mostly in the evenings so I'd be looking at two pre-workout meals according to Leangains.

    Any tips are much appreciated! Thanks