Getting out of the 160's - all ages/diets

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  • mad donnelly yay for you! See you over there!
  • Pauli: hey in my opinion leisurely counts. I think its just important to get out and move your body and enjoy it, not worry too much about the calorie burn.

    Love2b: wow I totally can't do low carb. I have tried it maybe twice in my life and I just don't feel good. And frosted flakes... yum. I used to eat a bowl of those every day after school at my best friends house. We didn't have sugary cereal at our house.

    Mad donelly congrats!

    I am still 165 but almost out of it. It's hard to believe!
  • 157 this morning. I really believe all the bike riding is the reason for me being able to come back so quickly from Vegas. And we love it so much it's here to stay School tonight, but doing at least another 20 mile ride tomorrow after work. Probably farther, we'll see. It burns around 700 calories and takes 2 hours - but doesn't feel like boring work-like exercise. SCORE! LOL everyone have a great day!
  • Grats to those in the 150s.

    At home I'm at 165.5 today.
  • Mad Donnelly on the NEW DECADE

    Pinkhippie, I agree about the movement, I sure try to do more than just sit on the sofa on 3FC. Since I got this pedometer I have been trying to get more steps in each day. It's just remembering to put it on Low carb works better for me because of diabetes. And if I had more discipline I'd do fine. I know how to make the oopsie bread which took me a while to get use to but I now like it and it works just as well for me as bread. I am still working on making it more cake like for gelatin and cool whip. Frosted Flakes, Corn Pops and Froot Loops are cereals that once I start eating them it is all over (if I eat them dry) If I put them in a bowl I am pretty much satisfied with one bowl but they seem to lose some of their sweet in milk IMO .

    Syckgirlsfv, you are just moving along, keep up the good work

    Koshka, nice weigh in

    TOM should be gone tomorrow, thank goodness. I ate what I input for a change on MFP yesterday and it paid off. I am down 3.2lbs of bloat. I didn't get all of my water in though thanks to my throat. I've done better today though and sipping some green tea also. Still hoping that I can make 160 by 6/30. I can't toot my horn because if I do I'll blow it
  • Hi folks! I have been slack about posting here lately but I've been lurking and giving you mental high-fives for all your successes. :-)

    I am excited to weigh in tomorrow morning. Last week's weigh-in was my lowest in over a decade, maybe longer. Maybe even lower than I've ever been since I met my husband (he thinks so, anyway). My good 'ole monthly visitor is here this week but that doesn't usually affect the scale (but it does make me extremely tired).

    I abandoned my strength-training program I started a couple weeks ago. I know it's stupid, but the scale doesn't move as much when I'm doing it. I know I'm getting stronger and more fit, and the scale isn't the most important thing in the world, and I know it's probably better to get started on strength training now rather than wait for some ambiguous "goal weight". But so much of weight loss for me is mental, and I need consistency on the scale or I will get into a funk and be completely moody. So I will wait until I am in the 140s before I start it again.

    Anyway, hope everyone is having a great week and gearing up for an awesome weekend. :-)
  • Cindy, on your LOW I say do what feels right to you. It's not stupid at all. At least you know that you can weight train when you're ready and maybe you'll do it anyway just not as much, because you know that you can Keep doing what you're doing. I wish TOM didn't show on the scale for me. I get so bloated, rings are tight, jeans are tight, smh. for a great weigh in tomorrow

    I'm up 1.4 to 164.4 thanks to a delicious dinner and cookies that I made
  • 157.0 this morning - the exact weight I was when I left for Vegas on the 16th. Took me 11 days to shake that 4 pounds of water! But TOM was involved earlier this week so I'll take it. Everyone keep on keepin' on !
  • Congrats on your 50s, Syckgirls and Mad Donnelly!

    Yesterday morning I was positively 168.4 which is very exciting! It gave me a huge self esteem boost, too. Hehe!

    Yesterday my husband and I had a little escapade to the beach for his birthday. We had a ton of fun. I ate 3 donuts with my Argentine tea by the sea, I ate a bit of cake and ice cream (just a bit because, really, I couldn't eat more; it was so sweet!), and a bit of an appetizer platter I split with my husband for lunch. Together we didn't even get to finish half of it, same with the cake. Then in the evening I ate deep fried Oreos at the amusement park and Sprite to settle my stomach (it went bonkers with the rides). Holy Molly. HOW DISGUSTINGLY UNHEALTHY! I remembered why I don't miss any of that stuff at all. We walked a lot and were pretty active throughout the day, and got to ride a surrey for an hour up and down the boardwalk (some of it against the wind and the rain, which made us work out even harder!).

    This morning I weighted 170.6. I'm not stressing about it, I know it has everything to do with the foods I ate yesterday plus the fact that one day that I don't use the RR bumps up my weight tragically. Anyway, I don't regret yesterday; it was a special day, and in comparison I ate a lot less than I used to. Also I had been doing wonderful all week long, and I'm back to doing wonderful today.
  • Love2b: Oh yeah I guess low carb would be best for diabetes. I don't like cereal without milk but my dh does and he loves sweet stuff. It Never occurred to me that they would taste sweeter without milk.

    Forkeeps: Congratulations on your low! I know strength training usually shows up on the scale for me but I look so much more toned and I feel really great so it doesn't bother me too much. But, I understand wanting to see the number move down.

    You go sycksgirlfv! Sounds like you are doing great!

    Pauli yay for your 168! Im glad you had a great day at the beach! I have never heard of deep fried oreos. I do love oreos though... Sounds like a nice day for a temporary scale boost.

    I weighed in at 164 this morning. I was pretty shocked. I will be interested to see if it stays. Its TOM for me too. Ugh the cramps. Hopefully they will subside in a day or so.
  • Deep fried Oreos are one of the many "deep-fried delicacies" you can find at an amusement park. LOL. Like the deep fried Twinkies, the deep fried Snickers, etc.
  • Pauli: I think I've been missing out. We never get treats at the amusement park because we are too cheap. lol

    Weighed in at 164 again this morning so I guess it's for real. Yay! Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far.
  • Paulitens, do they batter them in flour like a funnel cake type thing? I have only heard of deep fried treats since I have been on 3FC and actually I had never even tried a funnel cake until my daughter told me they were good after she and her husband went to the beach. My son bought the batter and made them here so that was a treat. Though just like Pinkhippie I think because I have so many children it's just cheaper for me to take our food But I see new things on the horizon so I should be able to allow the children to enjoy some yummy's the next time we vacation

    Pinkhippie, I wish I didn't like cereal without milk. That's why I have to stay away from it. I have even bought regular Special K and ate until I was full, sad. So it really doesn't matter for me as long as I like the cereal I guess it may be sweeter without the milk because the sugar can just stick to it, idk Good job on 164 way to go

    My kids begged me to make the cookies again yesterday and I said NO continuously. There was no way in this world that I was going to make them and not eat them so I stuck to my guns. I will make them a nice batch after July 1st. I am back down 1.2 this morning to 163.2 so I have 3.2lbs to get rid of before Monday .... Ladies it may seem petty to some but if I don't lose any weight in the month I REALLY DON'T CARE but I do care if I gain in the month, drives me nuts and gives me a bad attitude for a few days. So I need to do this, hoping I can. I started having some major bloating and cramping in my upper abdomen yesterday that got progressively worse by late evening. Felt like contractions because they would come and go. Stomach still a little crampy this morning and TOM is gone so I'm thinking gas. I ate some bran cereal yesterday and two Activia. I wonder if that was the culprit but it should be gone today, or maybe not since I haven't had a bathroom visit yet, stupid bowels, nothing works for them, smh.
  • Pinkhippie -- we rarely buy deep fried anything; when we go to amusement parks and carnivals we try to spend as little money as possible, but we've seen the stands before. This was my first time trying deep fried Oreos.

    Love2b -- yes, they're covered in pancake batter. Funnel cakes smell better than they taste, actually. LOL. Good for sticking to your guns and not making the cookies! Your kids will eventually understand that some foods are healthy and good for every day and some must be exceptions because they're fun food. My oldest daughter (7 y-o) was doing a great job understanding that but then grandma came to spoil all our hard work. And my hard work too.

    I was 170.6 again this morning. WHAT THE HECK!? I had a pretty decent dieting day yesterday, I even went to #2, and walked on the treadmill at a great pace for 2.25 miles, and there was not even an ounce of budge!? I don't buy it. The scale must be broken. I have been thinking that this might be the weight my body wants to settle for, for the pregnancy. That, or I'm finally plateauing. I can't complain, of all 40 lbs I have lost since January I had not plateaued yet once. Maybe it's fine. But I'm not giving up trying.
  • Down another pound this week, now I'm at 165.6. I am very pleased that whatever I'm doing is working, lol.

    Rennie: Thanks for your support. Yes, the TOM makes me a little bloated feeling but not much. Mostly just tired and hungry. But as you can see by my first sentence, luckily it helps me on the scale. Two weeks from now will be another story... :-)

    Pinkhippie: I totally know how much better I feel while doing strength training. I do feel stronger. Not sure if I've noticed a difference in my appearance or how my clothes fit, but I know it's good for me. I may take the plunge sooner than the 140s but for now I'm going to lay off the weight training for awhile. I wish I could stay positive while doing it, but I just can't! lol

    Deep fried oreos? Holy cow! I am actually not a fan of deep-fried anything, but I would be intrigued enough to at least try one. Last time we went to a fair I got chocolate covered bacon.... mmmmm, worth every last calorie and then some..... :-)