Weighty Issues #5

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  • Oh Happy Day!
    Happy Friday everybody. It's my 5th day on track and already I feel some of my jeans fitting better so I'm stoked about that. I may have a 50th wedding anniversary party to go to tonight (read, yummy filipino food) & (some relative that I don't know very well), or I may just go out and do my regular walk...funny thing is, the function is being held at a center right along my walking route. Think I can grab a bite and keep walking ?

    Angie so did you try the Subway Pizzaiola sandwich thing? Just curious. I walk past a bunch of fast food restaurants everyday and saw that Jack in the Box has a new turkey burger. It looks like a jumbo jack except w/a turkey burger. I guess if you left out the cheese and mayo and all the extra fat, that would be another choice to have there. I haven't eaten there much lately or if I do, I'll choose the chicken fajita pita w/out the cheese and pour on the salsa. Hmmm, food is on my mind today. Hope I can make it through the weekend without screwing myself up too bad.

    Kempy a lot of cat fighting is just noise and posturing. I'm glad your Spartacus is fine. I'm sure the fur flies sometimes, but if you actually watch them, they're just basically trying to get the other cat to leave the immediate are so they can claim it as their own. All of our cats are fixed so they don't spray but once in a while we get a stray tom that comes around and tries to take over the territory. The last one I took to the pound .

    Holly, hope it gets better for you . Kempy has some really good advice. What's on the agenda for this weekend? Anything fun?

    Emily have fun on your night out. That drink sounds pretty sweet, literally. Of course, I like mine not virgin . Ooh, I saw these new(?) premium ice creams in the store that were made at a local dairy. Some of the flavors were Kona mud pie, mangoes and cream, coconut pineapple and triple fruit sherbet....OMG I wanted to buy a carton or two, but didn't...That would've been deadly for my diet. It sucks to live here with the diversity of good (but not so good for you) food.

    Sandy, hope everything goes smoothly for you in putting everything back into place. And hey, I know you'll get your groove back because you are awesome. I'm rooting for ya.

    I wonder if Jen ever got back from her road trip. If you did and are lurking, delurk and come post with us ...tell us all about your adventure.
  • The pizza thingy was so good!!! I got it without the pepperoni and cheese so it was basically a chicken parmesan sandwich without the cheese of course. I am hoping that I am excited for it tomorrow while we are out and about so that I dont crave junk food and I can make it through a weekend OP I would definately recommend it. I loaded it with veggies too.

    I was just thinking about Jen today too. I would love to hear how the vacation turned out.

    Meatball is fixed but he still sprays the little *******. Oh yeah, we did a new route last night for our walk and at the end is the river so we let Rebel loose to get a drink and play in the water so last night we took Candi too. We walk up main street and it is houses on one side of the street and a grassy park on the other well we get going and this little black cocker spaniel sees us and darts out into the road and almost gets run over. The owner (a cop) runs out and grabs him and then I hear the dog yelp. (That pissed me off) so we keep walking and I see this big golden retriever(the same dog that ran after me and Rebel last weekend on our normal walk so he was very far from home that day) well he decides to cross Main street and runs over to us with his hair on end so of course I am nervous. The woman I swear took 10 minutes getting over to us because she must have had to finish gabbing on the phone. Well her hubby or whatever comes over with the meanest look on his face and the dog knew it was in trouble and tried to get away so he grabs its collar and drags it back to their house. I was so mad because these people should have been smacking themselves for being so damn stupid!!! Who in their right mind would live on Main Street and let their dogs loose in their yard?I would have felt so bad if I had been the cause of a dog getting run over. That is my little rant for the day!
  • You want to hear something sad? It hasnt stopped raining here for even 1 minute today. YUCK!! I think I will just lie on the couch and watch tv tonight and maybe have some sugar free pudding.

    I think we should all have a mini challenge. Since weekends are our hardest times I would like to challenge everyone to see if we can all make it through this weekend OP together. Now if we dont then we wont gripe about it or anything but I thought it would be fun to try.

    Tomorrow I plan on eating my Subway Pizzaoli(sp) without cheese and pepperoni for lunch and then I am going to make lowfat lobster salad for supper with baked fries.

    Well, night night all. I am off to stare at the tube.
  • Had a nice low-key day today. I've been sick all week and not going to bed early enough so I really just needed a day to veg- and it was so nice, but now I'm staring at all this work that still needs done...Oh well
    It's so hot here...we stayed in all day since the past 2 were spent in the sun and my boys had too much. Poor Brendan went to bed with a headache last night. IT's really not even that hot- just for here - about 90. Definitely hot enough.

    Kempy- the stats people just get addresses randomly and the lucky habitants get to be surveyed. Wasn't too bad really, just a half hour or so.
    Noelle- have fun at the party if you decide to go-- sounds like yummy food! Still don't know what to do for dinner and it's after 6-ugh!
    Angie- good plan for the week-end and I have to try that Subway sandwich now!!
    Hi to everyone else- I'm going to go fold laundry while the boys are at swimming lessons.

  • Good Morning!! I am at 141 now as of this morning. I feel better that the most of the bloat left pretty easily once I got back on track.

    I got in 3 miles of walking first thing this morning and now I am off to do my shopping for the day. FUN!FUN!

    I hope you all have an awesome weekend.

    Noelle, Good luck today!!
  • it WAS supposed to be 5 days OP...
    Oops, I tripped! *burp* Rick and I decided to go to the anniversary party after all last night (hence no walk) and I was glad we did. One of Rick's former co-workers actually married one of my distant cousins so we got to see them and their 8 mos. old fraternal twins--I got to hold the baby boy only since the girl was just cranky (typical! ) . I ate a bit more than I should have since I tried a little of everything, but nothing too outrageous so all in all I did pretty good. I need to get my long walk in later this afternoon though, I'm gonna shoot for the 5.2 mile route--pray that it doesn't rain !

    Angie I will challenge myself to stay on track this weekend. I have the mindset today, tomorrow will be the real test~~Sunday BBQ . Your lobster salad sounds good. Ever tried putting some blanched broccoli in it? What time's dinner ?

    Hey Emily hope you can still have a restful weekend. Don't overwork yourself and have a relapse. 90 degrees huh? I don't think we've hit 90 yet this summer and I'm glad. We don't have anything like a sprinkler park here. We do have a small waterpark which was built about 4 years ago, but it's not the same. Your's sounds more fun for little ones + it's free.

    Well I gotta get some laundry started. Hi Kempy, Sandy and Holly...everyone have a great weekend.
  • Hey, I just bought some of the Arbor Mist Blenders so I am sure I will be over in calories today but at least it isnt junk food, right? hehe

    Have a great night!!!
  • Totally off track this weekend- and I'm too tired to care. Won't go into the gory details. WTG you guys that are doing it!! We are having company for dinner and I'm grilling chicken breasts and made potato salad (light mayo) and a yummy spinach salad w/strawberries, bananas, pecans and a poppy seed dressing. It is sooooo good! (and spinach so it has to be good for you right??) Anyway, my guests are bringing dessert so I'm off the hook there. I'll try to go easy tomorrow as today was a total wash.
    We are having a heat wave! Today it's 97-whooo-eee. Checked out some videos from the library and we are chillin' in our cool basement.

    Angie- what's in your salad? Is it pasta w/lobster? And what do you do for dressing? I love blanched brocoli and cauliflower in my salads!

    Anyway, talk to you guys later
  • Hi Emily, I hope you have a better day today. Your dinner sounds delicious!! We finally have warmed back up. The last few days have been rainy and cold here. My pool cooled back down to 70 degrees when just a few days ago it was 80.

    I watched How to lose a man in 10 days last night. That was such a good movie! I loved it and she is so pretty.

    What I usually do is have lobster on weekends because even though it is expensive it is still cheaper than chinese. I buy one small one and I get 2 meals out of it for me. Usually I mix it with vermicelli,garlic seasoning and low fat parmesan. It is so good like that but this week I had a craving for lobster salad sandwiches so I used half of the meat,low fat mayo(The 2 grams of fat one),lowfat sour cream(it makes it creamy). I used spray butter on hot dog rolls and toasted them and put the salad in and ate 2 of them with some baked fries.

    I made it through yesterday!! I am so surprised. I nibbled more than normal but I still made it. I was going to try some Arbor Mist Blenders but I thought they were gross so I guess my sis has her booze for next time she is feeling frisky. I guess I am not much of a drinker although Jay bought a Mexican Mudslide mix and that was awesome but it tasted so creamy so I figured it couldnt be good for me so I didnt drink any.

    Well, I gotta go watch Biker Boyz and then go to work. FUN!FUN!
  • It seems like we have been doiung good this weekend. Maybe your weekend challenge worked Angie.

    I had my cheat meal last night and boy was it good. We went out for Mexican and I got steak fajitas w/ wheat tortillas (I have to be good somewhere) and I ate it all. It was so good and I really enjoyed my date with Joe. He left again to head to Denver. He won't be home until Thursday. I really hate that he has to go and so does he. He was feeling a little down last ngith that is why I made him go out for dinner. I was just going to cook my cheat meal in but he need to be out.

    Tomorrow will make my first week completed on thie plan and it really wasn't that hard. I am not going to jump the gun though b/c I have a long way to go.

    I hope all of you guys are having a great weekend and I can't wait to check in in the morning.
  • YEAH!!!! I made it through my first weekend!! Congrats Kempy!!! You are doing so great!!

    Sorry to hear that Joe had to leave again. That must suck. If I lived closer we could hang out. How come the only people I would want to hang out with are all of you and you all live so far away? Not fair.

    Noelle, How is the weekend treating you? Good I hope.

    Sandy, Where are ya? I miss you girl.

    Holly, How are you doing? Did you have a nice weekend?
  • I was up this morning from 4-6:30 after a coughing fit and so hot I couldn't get back to sleep. I slept for another hour, but have been dragging all day. It's 9:15 which is so early for me, but I'm on my way to bed!!

    Angie- your lobster salad sounds sooo good! I'll have to try that sometime (won't be the same w/imitation crab, but what do you do when you're landlocked?? )

    Kempy-mmmm Mexican- my absolute favorite!! The town I live in only has one mexican restaurant and it's not the greatest so I'm pretty safe. I could eat it every day I think...Sorry that Joe is away again I would be lonely too.

    Well, I am taking the boys to Montana on Tuesday so if I can't get on tomorrow it's because I'm trying to get everything I have to done before I leave. If not I'll check in from there!

  • I'm back!! My eating has been really bad. They are not excuses, but, my TOM is starting, and fighting with my husband didn't help. We have worked things out, whew, and I think my TOM is finally starting today. I have such a hard time with it!

    I bought a new scale yesterday, mine wasn't accurate. The new one is a Health O Meter Lithium Fitness Scale. I weighed myself this morning, reminding myself what time of the month it is, and it said 155, blah. I have been working out SO MUCH this last month, and nothing!! Probably because my eating is so inconsistent. I guess I have to set mini goals, the first being to make it though today OP, then until Wednesday, then Friday, then I'll reassess.

    On the exercise note, last week I did aerobic activity all 7 days, and JH Pilates 3 times. Food...let's not go there .

    Angie, Kempy & Noelle...GREAT job being OP, keep it up!!!

    Emily, so sorry you are still sick!! I hope you get better so you can enjoy your trip!


    I rented How To Lose a Man in 10 Days last week, it was great!! Even my husband liked it, which is surprising for him. Last night we had shrimp and angel hair pasta with the evil alfredo sauce, but, I only used a little. I think the only way I am going to be able to stay OP is if I eat a different dinner than the rest of my family. My husband is a big guy, 6'2" and 239.5 pounds, so, he LOVES to eat. I asked him if he would try to lose 20 pounds with me and he said it wasn't important to him to lose 20 pounds, and that I don't need to either. So, I guess I am on my own in this household so far as dieting goes.

    I'll check in later!! Wish me luck today.

  • It is Monday and not much is going on. I do love the new look of the sie though. Cute!

    I didn't bring my lunch today b/c I thought the boss wouild be here so I cold run out. Well to my surprise he isn't here. Now I need to try to get in touch with my sister to see if she will pick something up for me. I hate having to rely on other people to eat.

    Angie I hate that everyone is so far away too. I talk about you guys like you live here though. Sometimes Joe ha to ask who I am talking about b/c he has no idea if it is someone here or not.

    Holly don't worry about yesterday it is just that. You have a plan now work on that. You can do it if you keep your mind on it.

    All I did yesterday was eat too. I did only eat the things that I was supposed to so that had to count for something. I know it was b/c I was bored and that is all I could think to do. It was to hot to go outside so I just stayed in and watched movies.

    I hope all of you guys had a great weekend.

    Emily have fun on your trip.
  • Hey Kempy!! I hope your day is going well. I have been good so far today. Breakfeast was a Light and Fit Smoothie, by Dannon I think, and some black cherries. I am eating more black cherries now, and will probably have a lowfat vanilla yougurt along with them. Silly question here:dizzy, how many ounces is 1 liter? I bought a 1 liter bottle of water, drank all of it, and am going to try and drink another today. LOL, my husband always asks me who I am writing to, he hears the clickity click, hehe.

    I did Denise Austin's Power Kickboxing this morning, and hope to do another tape this afternoon after work. I am aiming for 1 hour of cardio per day.

    Where is everyone else????
