Seasons affecting weight?

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  • I'm starting to worry a bit. For me, I usually find that summer is an easy time to "be good." (Diet wise that is) But with the approach of fall, I started's so hard not to gain over winter.

    Does anyone else find there is a season that creates problems in your WLJ? How do you cope/plan for it?
  • Yep. Seasons affect me. I eat less when I'm out and about more, when I do more fun things, and when I'm feeling too warm - all of those are things that happen in the summer. I also eat more when I'm less active, colder, etc.

    One thing that helps me is to eat what I feel like eating. So in the summer it's easy, I want fruit, veggies, light foods that are cool in temperature (that helps with weight loss). In the winter I want heavier, warmer things like stews and warm sandwiches. So I shift what I make and buy - I get frozen/canned veggies for lower-calorie stews, and I'll make healthier versions of winter favorites. I find if I try to eat salads and fruit like I do in the summer, I get cranky and crave other, more wintery things.

    So, for me, going with what I want to eat is a big help. And then I also move my exercise indoors and adjust as needed so I don't go crazy with no scenery (I listen to music, watch shows, read or listen to audiobooks, etc.).

    Hope some of that helped.
  • I have problems with seasons -- although summer seems to be one of my problem times. I get all caught up in wanting to be carefree, which includes my food choices.

    Another problem time for me is the holiday season -- November through January 1. I'm going to try an experiment this year. I intend to commit on November 1 to weigh the same or less on January 1. If that works, I'm going to try it on June 1, too -- to weight the same or less on August 1. I think if I can get through those two two-month periods without weight gain I will have made a big step in my maintenance.
  • I think that seasons effect weight because of what we eat during them.

    In the summer, it's hot. We don't want to cook, eating light is easy. But in the fall and winter it's colder, cheesy hoppy comfort foods, baking, soups and all of the yummy richness that comes with fall cooking.

    Also it's easier to hide in our clothes in the fall. Jeans, hoodies, sweaters. You get the idea.
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  • Quote: Yep. Seasons affect me. I eat less when I'm out and about more, when I do more fun things, and when I'm feeling too warm - all of those are things that happen in the summer. I also eat more when I'm less active, colder, etc.

    One thing that helps me is to eat what I feel like eating. So in the summer it's easy, I want fruit, veggies, light foods that are cool in temperature (that helps with weight loss). In the winter I want heavier, warmer things like stews and warm sandwiches. So I shift what I make and buy - I get frozen/canned veggies for lower-calorie stews, and I'll make healthier versions of winter favorites. I find if I try to eat salads and fruit like I do in the summer, I get cranky and crave other, more wintery things.

    So, for me, going with what I want to eat is a big help. And then I also move my exercise indoors and adjust as needed so I don't go crazy with no scenery (I listen to music, watch shows, read or listen to audiobooks, etc.).

    Hope some of that helped.
    I could have written this post..same here!
  • I struggle the most during the summer...I manage a HUGE childcare program and am on the go almost 15-16 hours a day between work, kids and gym....I get very little down time beyond just going to bed....I get up earlier so I can work out before I go to work...I am busier all day, on my feet longer, but that doesn't counteract the access to tons of junk food around me all day long...part of my job includes shopping, hauling food and preparing two snacks a day for the program and i'm ALWAYS around unhealthy food (goldfish crackers, French toast, etc).....and add to that insanely stressed, busy, tired and often sore from working out and it's a recipe for overindulging All The Time and when it's hot I only want ice cream ugh

    in the fall/winter/spring I am on a better routine...more sleep, less stress, busy but not the insanely busy summer-type...and I am better able to make good food choices, continue my same level of working out, and better able to withstand hunger, and also less access to junk food right in my face
  • Summer seems to breed spontaneity, which I struggle with. The season usually works out OK for me, historically, but it feels very challenging. Winter time means less comings and goings, more hibernating in place , which actually works well for me. Give me time and space to set up a structure and enough steady routine that I don't get deviated from it, and I do well.

    Spring/fall are challenging in their own way because they feel so transitional. I'll be all settled in my summer or winter cooking groove, and suddenly I don't want frozen smoothies/salads/cottage cheese creations, or hearty stews/mugs of tea/roasted vegetables, and it takes time to adjust. Each season change, I almost have to re-learn (or jog my memory) that I'm not starting from scratch all over again.
  • The worst time for me is the winter because I get more depressed with less sunshine and also, the holiday season with all the temptations. Sometimes summer can be hard if it's too hot for long periods of time (makes my migraines severe and then I comfort eat).

    My plan is to stick to my diet like glue over the holidays. I"ll just tackle one at a time. I have been stuck at this weight for a while now (actually, I haven't weighed because I'm afraid it'll discourage me) and I need to step up my game and to commit every single day.
  • Summer is my problem time. I find that my schedule is all over the place, there are so many activities going on and it is just super hard for me to stick to my plan. But I've noticed as the weather has been cooling down and my schedule is calming down, I've had an easier time.
  • Summer is harder for me because there are more parties, BBQs, cookouts, etc and I have more free time (I work at a residential school, so summers aren't as busy).

    Winter is much easier for me to lose weight. I always want to eat soup/chili/stew (hearty, comfort foods) and those things are low cal, many times low carb, and they are filling.
  • I'm surprised by how many people are saying that summer is their problem time.

    I definitely struggle more in the winter. I'm stuck inside more often in the winter (I'm still outside a lot, but not as much) and thus tend to eat more just because I'm in the house and the food is there. Not to mention football games and family get togethers over the holidays, etc. Ugh. I don't want summer to end!
  • Summer kills me. I want to have "fun", and my fun usually brings on the this summer, sigh.
  • I feel like I gain a lot of water weight in the summer. My good losing seasons are in the fall or spring. I'm more active when it's colder out.
  • Like most other people, I definitely have a hard time losing during the winter. I've been painfully guilty of the "Oh, it's the Holidays, a few cookies wont hurt!" attitude in the past and I'm going to do everything I can to avoid that this year, because it was never just a few cookies - it was a few cookies, some candy, hot chocolate, a few more cookies, etc. Like others mentioned, I think it's easier to lose in the summer months since the urge to eat warm heavy stews and such is replaced by the complete disdain for eating anything that will sit in my stomach and make me feel hot.