Flying thru the 260s and 250 with fun! NEW!!!!

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  • Welcome Walrus!! Glad to have you here!

    Wanna, Look at you lose! Awesome!!

    We did have a great dinner... kind of, the whole time I was mentally complaining about the SALT!!! It seemed everything was pure salt. I realized just how little salt I have been eating lately, things like that never used to bother me. I am only up 2.2lbs this morning, as I was eating I could easily see 5 or more lbs of fake weight, so I won't complain about it now... and it should be gone soon, I am so thirsty today that it shouldn't be hard to drink that all away.

    Really glad it's Friday, ready for hubby to go back to his regular shift next week. This whole getting up at 2am is getting old, I have always had a hard time going to sleep so we go to bed at 8ish and I lay there till 10, I get up at 2 and pack his lunch and make him breakfast to take with him and lay in bed until 4 or later till I fall back to sleep and at 5:30 my alarm is going off so I can make sure the oldest gets out the door in time for the bus (he has an hour and a half ride each way!). I'm just drained.
  • Happy anniversary, fawn! Not too bad on the fake weight

    TOM is over but I'm still hanging on to the weight gain kinda. I've been between 268-270. This morning I was 267.4 Meh. Maybe I haven't lost at all. I've been eating more calories than I should the past few days. Between 1500-2200. My body has been dead tired so I haven't stuck with my strength training either. It's between healing from sickness and going to my volunteer job which has me on my feet for 3.5 hours running around, bending, lifting, etc. Not used to that much work anymore since I now work from home and am pretty sedentary in my day to day life. I think it's good for me though. I'll feel good about myself when I can somewhat adjust to it.

    The rest of the week starting today I'm going to try to hold myself more accountable to stick to my cals and resume daily activity.
  • Happy anniversary Findingfawn!! Not too bad on the weight!

    Welcome Walrus!

    Yay Lady for being in the 250s!

    I am 253.8 this morning, despite eating some fried dough at the fair we went to yesterday . But I walked around for about 7hrs yesterday!!
  • Hi everyone!

    I'm doing alright today.

    I have homework to catch up on tomorrow and Sunday but I'm hoping to find a few peaceful moments through it all.

    Earlier today I almost completed an entire crossword puzzle in German, which is cool and I'm reading a few good books. I've finally got my guitar out today. It's been a few weeks since school takes up a lot of my time.

    Overall things are going well! I don't know if I'll weigh in again until Monday, but maybe I'll take a peak just to see.
  • Hi thewalrus! I am glad things are going well for you. How often do you weigh in?

    I am 252.8 today! I am headed to a birthday party today where there is sure to be some wine, pizza, and cake. I am not sure if I will be able to resist it all so I am thinking a little of everything won't be so bad.
  • Selina, it usually takes a few days before all of TOMs fake weight goes away for me. So don't stress too much. Now that it's gone it's definitely easier to get on track and stay there.

    Justa.. You just keep going down and down and down, you will be in the next thread before long

    Walrus... sounds like you have a great weekend in store. I would love a weekend to "play" with things for me. Books, instruments, puzzles... sounds like heaven.

    AFM, I didn't do great yesterday, I didn't have my trusty old standby lunch available and it really threw me for a loop. I'm back in the 250s today though so I'll own it and move on.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Well I totally peaked at the scale early but I'm down .4 lbs! So I'm just one full lb away from having lost 30lbs.

    That's kind of a big deal for me because I haven't lost this much weight consecutively since I was in my early teens. Of course I also have never been as big as I was when I started but that has been the case in the past. I tended to lose twenty pounds, gain thirty or forty and then repeat. It was a yo-yoing. I remember reaching 220, losing to 200, gaining to 240, losing to 220, gaining to 260, losing to 240 and then finally I got on the scale and it was almost 300lbs. So technically each time I've started in the past I've been at my highest weight for that time.

    Anyways, I'm still doing great with my new way of eating. It's been a miracle. I am having some issues lately with being afraid of failing though. I mean, it's now been two months and I'm down 30lbs. This is just a bit past where I normally have gotten in all my previous attempts and I'm afraid that it's all too good to be true and I'm going to wake up tomorrow and be ravenous and binging.

    But, it's unlikely. My way of eating these past two months has been amazingly different from all the other times.

    Sorry for such a long post, these things have been on my mind lately.

    Thank you all, btw, for saying hi and keeping up with me. I hope you're all doing well.

    Good luck with the bday part Justa!

    fawn - Owning it and moving on is the way to go! <3

    I'm pretty happy to be 266lbs. This is roughly where I was at the beginning of summer. I'm looking forward to being in the 250's. Being closer to 200lbs than 300lbs will make me happy. It also means I'll be getting closer and closer to Onederland. I'm hoping to be in Onederland by next Christmas. But that's a ways away. Right now I'm just looking at getting into the 250's. ^.^
  • Walrus I feel the same exact way! This time it feels different but my reasons for losing weight are also different. Before I was losing weight for everyone else. Now it is for me. And this time I have hit a new low once I reached 265. From then on, everything else is a new low.

    I had a great time at the birthday party! I totally ate some yummy birthday cake and pizza. I even had a glass of wine. I am up 1.2lbs (I'm at 254 this morning) but I will gladly take it. I thought it would be more. Today is a new birthday party but I will stay OP for this one, eating before I leave and having dinner when I get home.
  • Walrus... I totally have to peek at the scale every day... it really helps to keep me on track. Congrats on all you have accomplished.

    Justa, hope you survived that second birthday party. We have to allow ourselves to endulge once in a while.

    I had a decent weekend. Had fun at the amusement park, it was CRAZY busy.. the weather was really warm for this time of year. The kids were disappointed because the main rides spooked up for the holiday had lines that ranged from 1-2 hour waits, so we picked on of those and then rode some of the regular rides. Enjoyed a spooky story, a spooky "magic show" if you can call it that, it was way lame and not even Yesterday I had a home day, I worked on prepping school work for my kiddos and enjoyed the quiet day. Now today I have to make up for it... I have got to go grocery shopping. Yuck! Won't complain too much, all the salt weight from the few wild days I seemed to have seems to be going away. Back down to 258.0 today.

    Hope everyone has a great day.
  • Hi findingfawn!

    I have been naughty, naughty, naughty! I had Wendy's for dinner last night and Dunkin Donuts for breakfast today! I am up to 254.6 this morning and I am sure tomorrow will not be better. I have to get my act together!!!!
  • 254 today (down .6). My belly is very unhappy today . Today I am staying OP!
  • Just remember being naughty isn't a deal breaker, just a deal slower downer. Pick yourself up and move on along... and well it sounds like your tummy is reminding you of this as Hope you have a great day.

    I over endulged on some chips with lunch yesterday. I really thought I would be punished for the salt on the scale this morning, but it is down even more. 257.2! I'm entering teretory I haven't seen in years. I'm excited and scared.
  • I'm back down to 269.8 as of this morning. I was up to 275. I'm hoping to be out of the 260's by the end of November for sure. So ready to get this weight off, once and for all.
  • Good for you Kayhm for getting down to a lower Decade! YAY!

    Justa... Hope you are having a better day
    Finding - Hooray for you getting down into the mid 250's! YAY! you are going to fly past me I bet!

    Me... I had a bad weekend and went up. Had my first PIZZA on Sunday and gained 6 lbs... up to 258... back down alittle to 256.4... but still 5 lbs up from 3 weeks ago... Walking and eating right and all body parts are working well (got my blood work back and I am healthy)... So maybe I need to change what I eat after these 9 months of my plan... maybe my body is bored... Thinking low salt diet (to jump start)... just thinking as my wish of being 200 at New Years will not happen .. so shooting for 229 would be awesome...

    Have a great HUMP day all!
  • Hi Kayhm!

    Wanna, good blood work is awesome, beats anything really! I think you have a very realistic goal for the end of the year.

    I weighed in at 257.4 for my official weigh in, down a whopping .8 for the week. Kind of disappointed, but I haven't been as in control as I should be. On to a new week....