SO endlessly frustrated.

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  • Quote: I was doing that too. You look in the mirror, you don't see results fast enough and you start skipping meals and eat a handful of nuts for lunch. Lucky me, my boyfriend called it out and laughed at me pretty hard "yogurt and a straweberry".

    I can tell you right away what works better. You can either eat 500cal a day: your body goes into starvation mode, metabolism slows down. Or you eat a normal diet of 2,000 cal and then go on a long run of 12 miles which burns about 1,500 cal you are still netting 500 cal. But you feel full, happy, strong and your metabolism is pumping. Now, you can't run 12 miles everyday, but you can swim the next day and whatnot, you get the point. Think about that, have you ever seen a heavy marathon runner? They are all pretty skinny for a reason
    Burning 1500 calories through exercise a day to create net 500 calories isn't normal behavior for someone trying to lose weight in a healthy way, and it certainly isn't a good idea.

    A toned down version - i.e. burn 200 or 300 cals a day through exercise with much higher net calories, would be more appropriate. I'd say listen to freelance and the other posters on here, their words seem wise.
  • Thanks so much for checking back, replying to everyone, and writing so considerately. It's nice to see people like that.
    FYI: I have zero expertise in eating disorders, I'm just a teen who's losing weight the healthy way.
    Anyway, I agree with the people who say you should up your calories. To 1200 (preferably net) at first, then 1400-1700 when you can. I also agree with the suggestion to stay off the scale. I'm one of those lucky few who can not worry about being one or even five pounds up in a day (it's all water, trust me), but I still don't weigh myself all that often. There's really no need to weigh daily - trust in your plan, not the scale.
    First, I'd suggest deciding on a plan and sticking to it. Find what works for you, don't chase fads. [To use myself as an example - low-carb and paleo-type things are popular right now, but I don't do well on a low-carb diet or high-protein diet. It's simply not right for me.]
    Secondly, you seem to be doing a lot of guessing with your calories. I know it's not fun to track them closely, but try to check your mental estimates against a more accurate, calculated number every once in a while. Actually measure your food for a day or two, write it all down, then look up the calorie count at the end of the day.
    Thirdly, may I suggest more fruit and nuts? (Maybe it's just that particular day, but I don't see them on your example.) Fruit and nuts are both super-easy and very healthy. Even with a busy job it's easy to snack on them, and can help get your calories up to a healthier amount without harming your weight loss.
    Trying some new grains and vegetables would be fun too. My favorite grains are quinoa and brown rice. Venturing out of my comfort zone with veggies gave me some unexpected new favorites like kale, jicama, and acorn squash.
    If you're still having trouble getting enough calories, try incorporating more oils and fats into your diet. Saute or bake vegetables with olive or coconut oil, use heavier dressings/sauces, take supplemental fish oil in the morning, whatever.

    Good luck!
  • I believe the priority here should be fixing your behaviors, not losing weight. Your poor body just needs nutrition and a break from the violence of b/p.

    Hope you and yours are OK in all the flooding :\
  • Elena: Haha, I don't know if I'd even survive a twelve mile run yet! I might pass out well before that. It's an interesting goal to work up to, though!

    Glamourgirl, you're a saint, you know that? You're totally right, as well. The last couple of days I've tried to eat more, and I kind of feel naughty about it, like I was being bad and "cheating". I thought hard about what I was putting in and only ate wholesome and light so I wouldn't trigger any poor emotions. I counted my calories and my exercise deficit (did you know that heavy bartending burns about 2000 cal after 10 hours? I don't feel it then!). This morning I uh... de-wasted and I'm right back to 151 (I couldn't help peeking at the scale! I felt my hipbones again and said, wait, what is this) - AND I ate like a pig yesterday. I have a blackberry unfortunately, we don't get the cool apps you fancy girls do, do you know if there is a web version of it? I want to thank you again: You've been a lot of help and I feel like I was throwing a temper tantrum. I'll definitely need you in the future, lady!

    sacha: thank you! It's a little embarrassing when someone shoos you off when you're looking for help. It feels very invalidating, so I'm so happy to meet so many kind and supportive people here. I'll definitely snoop around that forum more, it looks so interesting, and there seems to be a whole rainbow of struggles there. It makes it easier knowing I'm not the only one that feels like this!

    3cats: That sounds like a way easier goal. I'm not sure if I could manage 1200 right now. I'd probably frickin' keel over.

    Chronostasis: Wicked username! I took glamourgirl's advice and I'm telling my boyfriend to take the scale away from me tonight and I'm only allowing myself a weekly weigh-in. I downloaded an app on my phone that will track calories fairly precisely, and I'm thinking about buying a scale today. A friend came to me yesterday with a regimented meal plan that she wants to try, and I said I would do it with her - for support and my own benefit. It's only 9 days, because it's a mostly raw veggie, kick-the-sugar-addiction sort of thing, so I feel I may be able to stick with it at least a week. And I do love me some raw veggies! Yeah, you're right as well - that day I was out shopping at ikea and wasn't a very accurate depiction of what I generally eat. I try to be as-vegan-as-possible, so I rely a lot on quinoa and rice-bean-lentil mixes. I put kale in EVERYTHING. I've never had jicama, though. what's that?

    Krampus: I believe they're not mutually exclusive. I feel like a lot of my wanting to b/p comes from being uncomfortable with my weight, and low self-image. I've always been a 'big' girl, so in grade school I was teased often. I haven't been teased or called any names by anyone else but myself for a long long time, but it's hard to see yourself as beautiful and worthy when you were teased about something that really wasn't your fault at age 6. Now, more importantly than just "losing weight, feeling hot", I want to take ownership of my health and how I feel about my body. I know I'll NEVER be skinny, but if I can look in the mirror, see the work I've put into it and feel 'thin' and healthy, then I imagine I'll be able to cope with my gut-reactions (no pun intended) much easier. thank you so much for your concern! It's truly appreciated.
  • Quote: I can tell you right away what works better. You can either eat 500cal a day: your body goes into starvation mode, metabolism slows down. Or you eat a normal diet of 2,000 cal and then go on a long run of 12 miles which burns about 1,500 cal you are still netting 500 cal. But you feel full, happy, strong and your metabolism is pumping. Now, you can't run 12 miles everyday, but you can swim the next day and whatnot, you get the point. Think about that, have you ever seen a heavy marathon runner? They are all pretty skinny for a reason
    Please don't run 12 miles and only eat 2000 calories that day. To run that much, your body needs fuel. You will make yourself worn down and have a harder time recovering. It could even lead to injury.

    And there are plenty of heavier marathoners. Just because I run marathons doesn't mean that I don't struggle with my weight as well. People race at all sizes.
  • Apologies as I don't have time to read the whole thread right now, but I just wanted to say - as an experiment, try recording your weight daily for a period of 2 months. You would be surprised to see how much it fluctuates and WHEN it fluctuates. For example, day 20-21 of my cycle is my lightest weight of the month. I can go up and down the rest of the month but I know those are normal fluctuations because of my history of tracking.

    Some may say if you are "obsessed" with weight and weighing this is not a good idea, however, I think it works in the opposite way - it lets you get to know your body better, observe its cycles and fluctations, and that way when you get a high number on the scale and you realize it's 2 days after your period you can safely say, okay, I know this is not a "true" weight gain.

    Just a thought, take it or leave it...
  • Flea - You could always try incorporating some healthy, high calorie foods in during the day. Nuts, avocado, and olive oil are all great and waistline friendly.
  • Thanks! I think it is a good idea to only weigh weekly. Good luck with the calorie counting. I really like my food scale but measuring cups are a cheaper and fairly effective option as well.
    I won't try to dissuade you from the raw veggie plan, particularly since you're doing it to support a friend, but I would warn not to let your calories fall too far. It's hard to eat enough calories on only raw veggies.
    Yum, I love rice-bean-lentil stuff. I would consider going vegan if I could get over my love affair with plain nonfat greek yogurt. Kale is awesome in everything. Jicama is a large white-colored starchy vegetable. You pare the skin off with a knife (don't eat the skin) and then can eat it raw or cook it. It has a very mild, crisp, fresh, slightly sweet taste. I like to cut it up and eat it raw (or Mexican-style, which means covered in lime juice and chili powder), but it's also commonly grated into coleslaw, added to salads (like fruit salads), or used in stir-fries (like you might use water chestnuts.)
    While I'm thinking of it, I want to mention that I had a spell while dieting where I was never hungry and didn't want to eat much of anything
    (I wasn't sick, just sick of food.) I made myself eat at least 1000 kcal, preferably 1200+ every day. It wasn't easy but I'm glad I did. Eating less than that starts to severely affect my emotional and physical well-being. After that period I was a little worried about increasing my intake, but I can honestly say I lose just as well on ~1650+ kilocalories/day as I did on ~1100 kilocalories/day. I think you may have a similar experience.
  • Quote:
    Glamourgirl, you're a saint, you know that? You're totally right, as well. The last couple of days I've tried to eat more, and I kind of feel naughty about it, like I was being bad and "cheating". I thought hard about what I was putting in and only ate wholesome and light so I wouldn't trigger any poor emotions. I counted my calories and my exercise deficit (did you know that heavy bartending burns about 2000 cal after 10 hours? I don't feel it then!). This morning I uh... de-wasted and I'm right back to 151 (I couldn't help peeking at the scale! I felt my hipbones again and said, wait, what is this) - AND I ate like a pig yesterday. I have a blackberry unfortunately, we don't get the cool apps you fancy girls do, do you know if there is a web version of it? I want to thank you again: You've been a lot of help and I feel like I was throwing a temper tantrum. I'll definitely need you in the future, lady!

    Well thank you! If you are able to join a local group of recovering ED people, you will find that their experiences and company really helps because they really know what you are going through. Its so much a mentally thing of what gives you guilt (eating) and what relieves that guilt. (In your case, sounds like purging, mine was starving or exercise).

    Its a long road. You minght stick with it from here on out which would be great. You might slip back into your old ways for a while, and although I hope not, don't feel like you failed if that happens.

    Good luck and I'm around. I'f I don't answer right away its because I have a baby is coming in a few weeks, but I'll be back on the board shortly after that to start my weightloss.

    One more thing, I will say that all the years I starve/binged and spent hours at the gym trying to make up for a binge I never really got below 160 lbs. I would starve my way down and exercise, but then fall of the wagon, and binge for days and think I was a failure and have trouble fogiving myself.

    After my last son, I finally, after much work, began to free from the cylce. I ate healthy, I did watch my calories usualy 1400-1500, and there were days I wanted to eat like 800 cals, but I MADE myself eat at least 1200 on those days. I got into running and *if* I binged I forgave myself, but really I didn't bigne anymore. I had occassions where I overate, but effort to eat a normal amount helped stop the binges.

    And I got down to 145 lbs in a healthy way and felt great. The weight actually came easier without ED.

    I did gain a lot with this pregnancy!! But I know I will work on taking it off without starving/binging.