40-Something Friendship Day Challenge!

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  • I eat pizza every Friday; I make the crust myself with rye, spelt and other flours, use chopped tomatoes mixed with oregano instead of bought tom sauce, easy on the cheese and lot's of onions for flavour. I have one piece (about 6" square, maybe?) and one glass of wine and a LOT of salad. My weekly treat.

    I have a non-scale defeat for you all; went to my brother in law's for dinner last night. He asked my husband if he'd lost weight. 23 pounds down and nothng... What do I gotta do?
  • Susan: Did your husband step up and say. "No but susan has? " i found only some people noticed my weight losswhen i was at 10 lbs. 20 lbs more noticed. 30 lbs i now have people turning heads and saying? Carma?
  • Quote: I have a non-scale defeat for you all; went to my brother in law's for dinner last night. He asked my husband if he'd lost weight. 23 pounds down and nothng... What do I gotta do?
    Dunno, but I think we've all been there. It took losing 55 pounds and wearing a very slim-fitting dress before my MIL noticed.
  • My son and mom have noticed the changes most. The sister of one of my son's friends noticed and one of my son's friends, his mom is also working on getting healthier. I think often times it goes unnoticed because of the gradual changes all over your body. I think people are also prone to not say anything even if they do notice changes.

    Well, woke to no changes in the scale, 150.8. I am noticing big changes in the way my shorts fit again and can see changes in my thighs, hips, and stomach. With all my walking and jogging I see lots of changes in my legs, definitely nice muscle tone. Started weight training on Sunday, starting with two times per week, Sunday and Wednesday. I can already feel and see changes.
  • hi all...had a little swoosh today....i think it is because I have increased my water consumption......i also am paying attention to calories. I don't want to get too happy over it because we all know tomorrow i may be on here crying a river about how I gained six lbs overnight.

    I was too tired to work out last night and as exhausted as I was had trouble falling asleep which seems to be norm. I guess my problems are wearing me down....

    I plan on continuing to count calories today and keeping away from sugar . I had a smore last night and still managed to lose weight but i dont want to make that the "norm"

    have a great day everyone.
  • Addicted to fitbit yet, Heidi?
  • Quote: Addicted to fitbit yet, Heidi?
    I've been wondering where you were! Nice to see you! Yes, enjoying the fitbit.
  • Still here, just taking a day at a time... This thread got so busy that I felt a bit overwhelmed Seem to have calmed down some.
    Wonder where Jennifer is? Did she leave for her Boston vacation?
  • Hi Sum! Good to see you...
  • Hello all, my alter ego took over and made me eat chips twice today, I am in an epic battle to regain control before she makes me eat chocolate...it must be something in the cubicle, I was fine during my walk outside at lunch, now I keep thinking snickers bar...eek

    Best to all...
  • Quote:
    My continued goals- maintain bf%, eat OP, weights 3x week, dog walks

    My new focus: Improve chin-ups.
    (0) unassisted
    (13) with 2 bands
    Body fat good @ ~18%; Scale @ 138.6 this am, losing fractions of inches like crazy this last 2 lbs! http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/chic...allenge-5.html

    Eating is OP w/ calories avg ~2200
    Weights are OP, 3x week
    Dog walks are OP, every day it doesn't rain!

    Chin ups: I measured wrong initially - I wasn't going ALL the way down to straight arms and then back up. So technically I could only do 4. Oops.
    (.5) Unassisted (hey - better than just hanging there groaning and not moving!)
    (14) w/ 2 bands at the END of workout. I should try tomorrow when I am fresh!
  • Quick check in, exercises done, went up to 5 lb dumbbells today, feel like a big girl

    Best to all
  • Taught Zumba, did an insanity class. 1300 calories, approx 90 net carbs. I don't think I drank enough water...hoping to see an even 144 by Sunday night....
  • 2FC nice bicep I'm have to check the Target here for Archer Farms.

    Zumba on the two pounds gone Rooting for you on the pounds down by the weekend and good job on your whoosh today big or small still better than some (me) keep up the good work

    Aspen I love pizza, I found this low carb tortilla shell that works great as a thin crust, made by Ole Mexican foods. ... So your favorite food wasn't bad for you afterall Great NSV's noticing the changes in your body. That's got to feel great

    Heidi great job breaking into the 140's I really want a fitbit but I can't afford anything right now, maybe I can make it a Christmas present to me Heidi my MIL and my Mother are very thin so when they look at me all they see is almost two of themselves. When I loss weight before y MIL did tell me I looked good. My Mom on the other hand said oh now you think you can dress like a young girl. I just shook my head

    Keli keep pluggin' away ... you've got this Positivity is great LOL regarding the snickers

    Thanks Carma after you get things settled I believe you will do fine. You have a lot on your plate and you are still working on you, determination is a great thing, you will definitely make meet your goals

    Magicsusan ... it's weird to me how men lose quicker than we do Three years ago when I lose 30lbs it seemed I was working harder and definitely eating way better than he was but he was dropping weight quickly so I decided he needed to stop. He was getting a bit too thin for me

    Hi Sum

    I weighed in at 191.8 this morning which is definitely a shocker since my son decided he wanted chili and cheese fries after church last night. I couldn't resist. I am proud of myself though because when I felt full I actually stopped eating. I have never recognized that signal while eating something that wasn't good for me. I would typically eat it until it was gone. My fbs was at 188 not good at all. Gotta get that in check and also get back to the 180's before the month ends. My goal was 185 by 8/5 and to exercise 30 minutes a day 6 days a week. I have 7 pounds to lose and I have to do a restart on exercise.

    Have a wonderful evening everyone
  • Quote: Susan: Did your husband step up and say. "No but susan has? " i found only some people noticed my weight losswhen i was at 10 lbs. 20 lbs more noticed. 30 lbs i now have people turning heads and saying? Carma?
    I don't think my husband has noticed.

    Excellent, Zumba! I certainly feel better and lose better when I drink plenty of water.

    OH, Kelijpa- those alter egos are a pain. I'm still trying to pin down exactly what situations allow them to gain control

    2FC- chin-ups? Wow! I'm not sure I could successfully hang from the bar.

    Love2b, good luck with the goals. I hear you on the "knowing when you're full" thing!

    Apropos overwhelming, Sum, I was thinking the same and avoided this thread for a while- perhaps we should start a July goal thread to give it a fresh start?