Getting out of the 240's - 2013

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  • Well done Only and Panda!

    Only - I haven't started getting rid of clothing yet, but I need to. I have a jean skirt that had become all I fit in and didn't feel like I was suffocating. That old faithful is baggy big now. It feels good to find "new" old clothes in my closet that I'm getting back in to.

    I have a goal outfit. My weightloss will be over once I can wear it comfortably. On our first Christmas together, he bought me this super pretty size 6/8 outfit. I told him 10/12. Needless to say, I've never worn it. I believe I weighed 160ish when we met, then gained about 25lbs after we were married (we both did). I want to wear that dress!

    245.4 this morning getting closer to my next goal weight of 237. I weighed that in May 2010. It's the lowest I got after my son's birth. 230s here I come!
  • Congratulations Onlybelieve and Pandthedestroyer!!

    Onlybelieve -- our numbers are similar, and mine feel surreal to me, too! I also have clothes that are now large on me, and I keep asking myself if they stretched! (No, I think they did not. )
  • Thanks so much Only, Nagazim and Beloved! I'm sooo excited...really hope I wake up in the 230's again tomorrow. It seems so iffy right now, and I'm doubting it, like it was a fluke [even though I weighed twice just to make sure].
  • Ladies you are total beacons of hope for me!

    Panda I'll really miss your energy but I'm so proud of you driving through this decade like that!

    Only Thank you so much for sharing your story. I marvel at how far you've come and how consistent you've been. Keep that skirt for the Women's World photo shoot when you're done! (You know the one...where you have that toothpaste smile on your face because the skirt is miles too big)

    Nagazim I got all choked up reading your post. You will wear that outfit yet I just know it!

    I'm bouncing a little bit but I'm really motivated to get in a great workout tonight and hopefully see the numbers coming back down down down again. Have a good one gals!
  • I am daily weighing again and today I got a very positive weight. But it's not official yet. I am glad since yesterday wasn't as positive as I would want!
  • Panda... WOOHOO for you! You did it! Onto the next thread.. I am very happy for you!

    I see everyone is talking about their big clothes... and storing them... (Me too)... My closet is full of everything from 3X (26) to L (14).. and I am not ready to give up the bigger sizes, tho they do hang on me. Its kinda nice to see the result of losing 62 lbs. The clothes show it too as they are baggy.... Its kinda my mirror of what I have done. I don't have much money and (just like a few of you) afraid to get rid of the biggest clothes as (if something happens,,,,, not that it would be up to me!) that I need them still... I could not afford to buy them for a few years... BUT I will not need them (I will NOT!).... Tho the way the scale has been treating me these last 6 weeks... I am just about ready to punch it! I will not be in this thread watching you all go onto the next one without me I WILL NOT!
  • Wannaskipandlaugh 62 pounds is wild!!! Way to be! I know that scale is going to shock you one of these days and you'll be on your way out of this group too.

    My weight is creeeeeeping downwards and I'm fine with that. I'm officially in 3rd place in my current biggest loser style challenge and I only have this month to see if I can win it all, so I'd love to see those numbers go down a little faster (a lot faster) but I am satisfied with any consistent loss.

    Of course being at 246.1 means I'm not at the lowest number I was last week yet so that's kind of a bummer. I hate hitting a low only to shoot up and have to work to hit it again. But I'll get there.

    I've done some really challenging yoga this week (my fitness goal is to hit 1000 minutes of yoga in September!) and I am feeling it all over.

    The most important moment for me today was pulling on a pair of bright red denim capri's that I had to sausage myself into earlier this summer only to have them fit and look great on even though I haven't lost tons of pounds yet, I've def lost some size and that makes me feel so great!

    I hope you all have an awesome day and a fantastic weekend. Keep up the amazing work everyone!
  • Weighed in at 240.0 today.


    I refuse to acknowledge this weigh-in [not changing my ticker, dammit!]. Going to work out and eat healthy and drink tons of water, and tomorrow, I'll be under 240 and that's all there is to it!
  • Panda -- keep at it and you will see the 230s again soon! Darn scales! lol

    wannaskipandlaugh -- You can do this! The plateau WILL break and when it does, you'll be that much stronger and resilient for it! Slow and steady will win the race.

    mjmelwel -- Glad to hear you're keeping on! And congrats with the pants! I always have such a blast being able to wear clothes that were previously too small. What an awesome feeling!!

    Diamere -- Yay! Here's to more of those this weekend!
  • Mj - do you find that you really enjoy yoga? Like do you feel more centered and relaxed after? I'm very interested in it but not sure I'd like it.

    Panda - I'm sure it'll be back down tomorrow. You've got this!

    Sue - I was planning to hold on to mine for awhile but I think I'm an odd shape and they hung really weird on me. Possibly because my boobilies aren't that big.

    I cleaned my closet of all the 3x I had. It's much more spacious and I may end up wearing more things now that I've found them! It was such a job to finish but I was happy to try on some of my stuff and they fell off. I went from a size 26/28 to now I'm a 20/22 comfortably. It's progress!
  • Hi Ladies!

    I'm new. I'd like to say that I hope I won't be in this thread for long, but I've been losing at a snail's pace so I might even be here at Christmas time. I look forward to catching up with all of you!
  • Hi Donna! Welcome!
  • Hi DonnaNoble! I'm glad you joined us!

    Nagazim- I recently cleaned out my closet too. I was trying on all the clothes and sorted them into 4 sections (too big, fits, still too small and toss) the first 3 went back into the closet in 3 sections. I will add to the 2 big side and give them all away one day.. Sometimes I think maybe I should hang on to them in case I gain it back.. BUT this time I plan to make sure I don't gain it all back by weighing often and adjust my food intake if need be to prevent or stop a gain in it's tracks!! I can't let the fat sneak back on my body.

    I was up 1 lb today to 247. There's no reason for the gain but I would even take 247 if need be, because it's out of the 250's and I'm a happy woman right now LOL
  • Donnnnnnnnna is my favorite! <3 <3 <3 Welcome! I just got to the episodes with Donna (rewatching again).

    So far I've been having very positive daily weigh ins. I can't wait till official weigh in day!
  • Quote: Donnnnnnnnna is my favorite! <3 <3 <3 Welcome! I just got to the episodes with Donna (rewatching again).
    I'm rewatchjng too while I wait for the second half of the current season to hit Amazon Prime for free.

    I weighed in this morning at 239.5. Of course. However, I won't change groups until its weight watchers official on Friday.

    We had a busy day but I stayed on track (a least the track I planned). I tracked everything. I took my girls to a street fair and ate nothing. My husband took me out for a belated birthday dinner. I ate what I wanted. My flex points are gone. It was good. No regrets. Moving on.

    I also got on the elliptical today and managed 15 minutes. I haven't been on in months. My calves are sore. Fifteen more minutes planned for tomorrow morning.

    Have a great weekend!!