Not sure if this is a good or bad thing

  • Well I went 'off the wagon' a bit during the past academic year and stopped exercising at levels I should have been and not eating nearly as well as I know I should be and I am capable of.

    So here is my current story I had bought these Acutrim Natural 'appetite control' pills a while ago but never used them. I am a huge supporter of what I call the 2 sentence wonder diet that everyone knows about and I firmly believe is the basis in one form or another of EVERY healthy successful weight loss journey. A balanced, low fat, lean-meat, low saturated fat oil, high whole grain, fruits and veggie diet combined with cardiovascular and strength training and lots of water. Combine that with loving life, loving yourself, eating slowly and mindfully and success will happen. I know. It was the plan I used to get from 340 to 205. It took a couple of years but I think that is healthy anyway.

    Ok so why would I even consider these Acutrim? I was hoping for a way to get me back on to my good habits and kind of a help to get across that bridge. I looked at the ingredients and no ephedra. But no free lunch either. They contain caffeine. How much? 178mg and they suggest 2 pills a day. Ok so how much is 178mg? According to a website I found a 5 oz cup of coffee can contain 46-164 mg. A 12oz Coca-Cola has 46mg. So there was that. I don't have a lot of caffeine sources in general and if I do have coffee it can make me very jittery. But I decided to try it. I found that it actually did a very good job at controlling my appetite. I was surprised. I started with just one pill and it worked and I did not feel jittery. I can drink a large amount of soda that is caffeinated and not feel jittery though. Ok the next day I took 2 but then after that I took one or none for the next few days. I started last Monday and it is now one week later Sunday.

    I did start getting back to my good eating habits and exercise habits. I think for me it was an ok decision. I hate to say good decision. But it was an ok decision for a few reasons. I looked at what was in the pills and I did some research to know if it was something I could do to my body for a short time frame and decided it was. Second I never, ever considered that I would use them for say more then 2 weeks and I firmly had in mind the right things to do for weight loss. Third for whatever reason they work for me. It would have been a bust if they had no effect on me.

    I am not sure why I wrote this post, I guess I wanted to share the experience and say there really are no shortcuts to being at a good weight; you get there by having good living habits (eating and exercise, social, etc.) But if you are aware of things and a good consumer and have in your mind that you are not going to become dependent on aids but may use them wisely rarely as long as you are always focused that they are a temporary aid not a habit or a solution. Even then though, I am not proud of having done this, but overall I think the benefit had outdone any harm. I will be stopping them either today or in the next couple of days.