Getting out of the 280's and 270's (New!)

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  • @Erin, I have been really bad about getting enough water lately. Definitely need to make myself drink more this week.

    @Slick, Congrats on getting to the 260s!
  • So weighed in this morning at .... 278.6. Seriously I've played with .4lbs for a month up and down and up and down. But I'm going to keep chugging along.

    Did Week 3 Day 2 of Zombie 5K and ran for 8 minutes straight during the second free run and then 6 minutes straight for the second free run. It felt really good, and I even did it here on our road with the super hills. I managed to run up two of them. So 278 can suck it cause I can run (well jog slowly for most of the population but that is running for me).

    I came back to DH starting supper for me, which is wonderful except that he dropped a glass spice container on our glass stove top and cracked it. So now we have no stove until we get the gas plumbed to install the gas one we just bought (we were going to do it in stages so we didn't have to touch savings and got a great deal on the new stove). Here is to cooking in the crock pot and microwave for the next week or so.
  • Mary, awesome job with all that running, especially uphill! Ooh I used to have a gas stovetop, before I moved out to the country, & I miss it. I learned to cook using gas & now I hate cooking on electric. I don't know if the difference is real or just imagined, but I much prefer cooking with gas!

    Side note: I have a little fever & I'm all sinus-y, so no yoga for me tonight
  • Congrats Erin & Slick!!! Barely still counts!

    I enjoy cooking with gas too...I don't know, the food just seems to taste better.
  • Rachel hope you are feeling better. My allergies were driving me insane last week but we had a good hard rain Fri and Saturday and now I'm feeling much better.

    Cooking on electric sucks, our last house had an electric stove as well but we knew we were moving and would be renting it out so we left it. When we moved to this house it was on our list to be replaced we just wanted to take our time and do it all in cash. The glass top stoves are the worst too - you can't can on them and I can TONS of stuff every summer and we always have to do it out on the burner on our grill no matter how big the batch it. Anything that drops on the burner when it is hot fuses to the stove top, and you can't control the heat as well. I can't wait to have our gas stove hooked up I LOVE cooking on gas it is so much easier.

    So this morning I stepped on the scale and it read 277.2 - here is to hoping I have finally kicked 278 to the curb! It was just nice to finally see a number that did not start with 278!
  • Hi ladies.. Hope everyone is doing well. Busy busy week for me last week since it was Mothers Day. I lost a little bit so Im almost back to my new low. I have a feeling it will be a few more days if not a week before I get it all off. Darn that retreat and this mental block I am having. I'm trying not to think about it too much. Just going with the flow and not being too strict to see if that works getting me through to the 260's. I know I can do this I just have to stick to it and do it ya know!!

    Mary I hope you have beat the 278's butt!! You can do this. 278 was so hard for me to beat. Not sure why, but everytime I start to inch up I think about how hard it was to get that number to go away.. Good luck girl. OH and great job with the running. That is awesome!

    Rachel hope you feel better reallly soon. Probably a good idea to skip yoga till you get better. Ya dont want to get worse.
  • slick congrats on getting to 269. that's been a hard number for me for some reason.l. Woot Woot!!

    Erin, I love taking the before pics. I take a pic every 10 pounds or so. For me I don't quite see the difference yet. Just the side pics is where I see the difference.. Great job so far!!
  • Wonderful slick776!!! So you shortly in next forum hopefully!!!
  • Thanks sassyangiescant wait to see next month pics
  • Congrats on kicking 278 in the butt! I might weigh that after the last couple of days.

    I had a 6 oz steak Sunday morning because my Mom insisted on going to T.G.I. Fridays for Mother's Day and their under 750 calorie menu left much to be desired (yes...a 750 calorie meal is about as good as you are going to do there). A couple hours later I started to get horrible stomach cramps, I realized I hadn't eaten any red meat in probably a month. I'm assuming that's what made me sick. Don't get me wrong - I love red meat, it was a staple of my daily diet for many years, but it's not all that great for you and I usually can't justify the calories, and I really hadn't been all that hungry for it. I finally feel like I'm not going to die and am going to try to go to work today...ugh.

    I hope everyone else had a more pleasant Mother's Day.
  • Oh no! I hope you feel better punkrocksong! Every once in awhile I crave a good steak, so can't say I don't blame you!

    Weighed in at 276.2 today which is nice because I retained water the past couple of days.
  • Thank you everyone for the support see you in the next forum.
  • Congrats Erin! I should be retaining water here within the next week or so...ugh.

    And congrats slick...have fun on the next thread!

    I'm still on the mend from my food poisoning incident on Sunday - hoping to be feeling well enough to take a walk tomorrow before it gets too warm. Although it's after 9 and it's still 83 degrees - I doubt it will be too cool in the AM. I'm nice and cool now though...I made it about a half an hour after work before turning the A/C on.
  • Does anyone else deal with vicious heart burn, nausea and being incredibly tired right before their TOM? It always freaks me out that I am pregnant, those are the issues I deal with when pregnant (like heartburn so bad I have to stop eating a huge long list of foods). No matter what I eat the heartburn kicks in, and kicks in bad, and I've been struggling with it the last two days. Carbs make it feel better temporarily but make it come back worse, protein makes it mildly better but not enough that I physically feel better. If I eat just a bit too much it gets worse, if I eat too little it gets worse.

    Prevacid and other acid reducers kind of work on the heartburn issue but the rest is still there. Blah.
  • I don't really get heart burn, just headaches, bloating, and horrible know...the usual. I am usually really lethargic during that time though...not getting enough sleep from the cramps and the headaches. I'm really hoping that losing some weight will help to relieve some of the symptoms.

    I'm sorry you're having such a rough time of it though. I just think that it's only 3-5 days over and over until it's over.