Home of the Loozing Floozie's.....(#12)

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View Poll Results: Do You Wear Your Seat Belt?
Only When Hubby Drives! LOL
Voters: 14. You may not vote on this poll
  • It is the law here to wear a seatbelt. They are very stricked. A ticket is $100 for yourself and $150 for a child.

    So where is everyone today? It is our long weekend this weekend. We get monday off. It is Dez's 17th birthday. She was also born on the friday of the long weekend.

    It is really windy today. I had a 3 foot tomato plant and a 4 foot dahlia plant on my pool deck and they both blew over and were damaged. I just hope the tomato makes it, it doesn't look to good. I got both of them for mother's day.

    I hope you all a great weekend.

    Ramona when is it again if you find out if you get the house?
  • Dee, they have until 5:01 today. It is 2:48 and we haven't heard anything yet. I don't know if that is good or bad........I'll let you know as soon as we hear.

    We are having storms again today like we had on Tuesday. The lights have been blinking on and off. I'm not really looking forward to another night without power!

    Have a nice Holiday Dee. Ours is next weekend and I can hardly wait to have a day off!!!!!!!!

    Later all,
  • The realtor just called and they did not accept our offer. We'll just have to regroup and see where we go from here.
    Thanks everyone for all your good wishes. You are the greatest!
  • Howdy & T.G.I.F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This has been a rough week.We're trying to get everything done for the end of the School year.Next Thursday the kids go for a 1/2 day and we work Friday....THEN OUT FOR THE SUMMER!!!!

    I got my results today on my pap-smear and everything was great.I'm still waiting to hear from my mamogram.The "wait" is killing me!!

    Sorry to hear the news about the house. Maybe you could give another bid? Don't get depressed over it.It's not over yet! BTW: Thanks so much for the sauage casserole recipe.It sounds yummy! I can't wait to try it!

    I can't wait until School is out!! Those kids are WILD!!!!! They are as ready as we are! It won't be long now until we're in Florida!! YES!!!!!!!

    Is your tomatoe plant & Dahlia plant dead? We were suppose to have bad weather again last night but it never came.I guess it's waiting for the weekend while we're off!!!!! (Isn't it always like that?!) How's your Mom? What do you have planned for Dez' B/day?

    How's your friend doing now? The one that was going to leave her hubby? Are you still OP?

    OK....ALL other Floozie's.......Where are you?????

    Will check in later
  • I wanted to share this picture of Debbie's Grandson Jacob. Isn't he a doll???!!!
  • Here's a picture of me back in October when Debbie & I went to Jacksonville,Fla. to see her Brother. (pic taken in the motel)

    It's not too good but the good news is......I'm 17 lbs. lighter today!!
  • And.........

    Here's a picture of Debbie in Jacksonville.She's 14 lbs. lighter today!!
  • Boy, look at the two hotties strutting their stuff!!!! I can just imagine what they will be like, pounds lighter and in bikinis for the trip! GREAT PICTURES!

    Dee: Sorry to hear about your plants. We have horrible winds here and it usually wipes out half of my stuff mid season. Tell Dez that I hope she has a very, very, very, very, very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Btw: Where is she working?

    Ramna: So sad to hear that the house deal fell thru....maybe you can go back in and snitch a wooden banister? Seriously, I hope the homeowners reconsider and the house will soon be yours!

    We had storms last night, the closest tornado was about 75 miles away. It swept through a city leaving all of the town without power and roofs off of buildings only to have a second storm pass through the city about 45 minutes later! Thank goodness no one was seriously injured.

    I am staying OP and getting ready for Liz's graduation on the 25th. My nerves are on edge knowing that we will have three different sides of the family there with a few that like to start trouble. Guess we all have them!! We will be having a small reception after the ceremony. She also go's tomorrow to the college to take her EMT certification. We have our fingers crossed on this one. I'm not quite sure if she is ready... she will know right away if she passes the practicals, the written results will come in about 4-5 weeks.

    I hope all of you have a great weekend, I will check in later!
  • Sherry-I came home yesterday in the worse mood because of the last days of school syndrome!! Everyone is in such awful moods, and some of the teachers think they are so high and mighty and expect us to do things that we shouldn't have to!! We had a teacher put two 4 year old students on the wrong bus yesterday, and somehow it ended up being the responsibility of the office staff. Transportation was not happy about the whole thing, and it left me really mad at the PreK teachers!! I will be so glad when the teachers leave for the summer, which isn't until May 30.

    Ramona-I'm sorry they didn't take the offer. Hopefully they will on your 2nd try!

    Dee and Gayle-I am sorry you are having such stormy weather. It is still very hot here, and I got up a little later today than usual, so I am going to have to run in the heat again, although it won't be like my runs in the afternoons.

    Debbie and Sherry-You gals are gorgeous. I can't wait to meet you in person!

    Gotta go sort laundry and let my coffee fester in my stomach before my run!!
  • Morning all.......
    We had severe storms yesterday and last night.
    A friend of ours, Nola Wills and her 8 year old daughter Taylor were killed yesterday when their car hydroplaned during the heavy rain. It certainly puts the little things in perspective. I was a little down about the house and now our friend Kevin has lost his wife and only child. Nothing could be worse.
  • Hi & Happy Saturday!!

    I know exactly what you mean!! It seems like this time of the year everyone at School is so ill!! So moody and they take it out on everyone.I guess it's all the stress! Hang in there and just remember that it won't be long 'til you're out!

    I'm so sorry to hear about your friends.What a horrible thing! I feel so sorry for the husband & father of that young girl.My thoughts & prayers are with the families. We never know do we?

    I'm so glad that you're safe from the storms.They are going to be here real soon!! I'm glad no one was hurt there. Maybe we'll survive this one too & maybe they won't be too bad. I'll keep my fingers crossed for Liz!!! I hope that she'll be able to do what she enjoys!!

    I hope that Dez has a great B/Day!!! My brother's B/Day is Monday too!!!! What do you have planned for her?

    I'm cleaning house & washing today.(The story of my life!) Gotta get back to it.

    Later Guys.......
  • Ramona - I'm so sorry about your friend. And you're right - it does put things into perspective.
  • Ramona-My prayers and thoughts are with you and yours. How horrible, and you are right!! Nothing could be worse than losing a child.
  • Ramona I am very sorry to hear of your friends deaths. I have goose bumps thinking of it. That is so sad.

    Debbie and Sherry you gals looked great even before you lost the weight. Can't wait to see you. You sure are tall. I will be a little pip squeek next to you too. I am just over 5 feet. If I remember Gayle and Shelley are on the shorter side too.

    Gayle storms are scarey. My plants that blew over I think are going to be ok. The tomato looks a little rough though. I was wondering when Liz's grad was. Your gonna look hot. I am sure that it will be stressful having the 3 families there but focus on Liz it is her day. You will be ok.

    Shelley we don't have the hot weather like you guys have here until about july. It won't be much longer til school is out.....hang in there.
  • Sherry, great pix of you and Debbie. I'm looking forward to the pix of the two of you on the beach!!!

    Gayle, Good luck to Liz. I'm sure she will do just fine.....after all, look how smart her mother is!!!! I hope all goes well with graduation.

    Jennelle, Shelley, Dee and Sherry, thanks for the condolances. This is going to affect a lot of people here and will take a long time to heal.

    I hope you all have a safe and storm-free weekend. Hug someone you love extra hard today.......
