Maintainers Vol 10

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  • Ishbel - there are a few cute pairs of flats at 'Bridal Shoes Canada'...

    Lesley - Enjoy your taco! That sounds yummy!
  • All....ALL...of you are so helpful I LOVE it! I didn't know I would be agonizing over silly shoes! Finding the dress was easier then this, took a day lol.

    Thanks! !!!
  • Quote: Ok. First phase 4 supper and I am freaking out!

    DH really wants tacos - is that something I could have now? I realize that there would be no sour cream or even cheese involved, but can I have a shell? It feels so taboo to be able to eat carbs! Ugh!

    P.s - anyone want to be buds on My Fitness Pal? Surely some of you are using it?

    P.p.s - stats on shell per mfp are:

    Cal - 50 grams
    Total fat - 2.2
    Sat - 2 (I answered my own question didn't I?)
    Carbs - 7
    Fiber - 1
    What a perfectly sized shell!
    Eat the shell. You could even have 1/8 cup or so of beans, too, along with your taco meat.

    Dinner doesn't have to be 100% fatfree. You can have about 5g of fat (the shell, a tsp or grated cheese, a tablespoon of avocado) in addition to the fat in your protein source. Careful portion control to add the flavor and/or substitute with the Greek yogurt and other tricks.

    It will taste amazing!
  • Hey everyone! I'm still around and kicking! Here's my latest Buddha pic - I am 17 weeks along now and I have POPPED - no more of that 'in between' stage is kind of nice to just be able to let it loose though.

    I had a pretty good week exercise wise, but the story is sounding the same - not a great week food wise. Although I actually maintained my weight the past 2 weeks, so I guess I am eating not too much...balancing out from my first trimester morning sickness pig outs!

    I'm running a half-marathon on Sunday, I signed up for it WAY before I knew I was pregnant. I am taking it slow and a lot of folks in my running group are doing it too w/their non-exercising spouses, so I will have a nice 'walking group' to hang out with. This is going to be my last long run over 9 miles. I can still comfortably do my 6.5-mile runs during the week and Bodypump classes.

  • Well, my taco was nothing short of amazing! Thank you all for helping me with my carb guilt!

    Lizrr - you look amazing!!! I'm sure I was twice that size by then!
    Ishbel - my vote is for the sparkly pink toms

    So.... Ready for the barrage of phase 4 newbie questions???

    1. How many calories/carbs/fats/ etc do you generally consume per day? I know it's not about the numbers, but I am very much a structure person, and I feel more in control when I have a general idea of where I should be. It's just such a jump from phase 1!!

    Ok - turns out that's all I've got for now..... But I'll be back!!! (Insert evil lol)
  • Oh that was fun going through the bridal shoe suggestions! I loved so many of the ones on the Canadian site Ishbel. Almost made me send a pm to my daughter's partner who is my FB friend and tell him to get a move on as I want to pick stuff out! That would be enough to make them finally decide to elope so I'll just continue to pick things out for you Ishbel, so tell us your shoe size! Just kidding, but I hope you find something neat.

    I had a lot of trouble with that fat/carb rule until I realized since I can't eat grains I am super low carb anyway so didn't really have any to seperate. But the big problem for me is nuts which are carbs and fats in a neat little package.
  • It is great seeing all the posting going on here, ladies. Thank you, it helps to hear what everyone else is doing.
  • Lesly, I am glad you enjoyed your taco. I agree one shell is keeping in IP Phase 4. It is scary to add carbs back at first. Someone here will have their calorie or carb stats for you. I am not tracking my food counts. I figured out exact counts for my breakfast and then just choose which ones I want.

    Ishbel: That is so exciting to have your Honeymoon booked..and near hot springs.

    Cheekyskeeter: I love both shoes! I wear my neon pink orange shoes to school when I feel like some color. I am planning on buying new shoes to celebrate two years of maintenance.

    Evepet: I followed the Phase 3 IP guidelines also, I think you have a sensible plan to figure out carb sensitivity.

    Scorbette: It is a very good feeling to finally feel in control with food.

    Greatlakes: I hope your Phase 3 goes well and you reach maintenance soon.

    Rofl: It is a learning curve. I do use olive oil to roast vegetables at night.

    Becky..It is helpful to have so many people posting as you learn from everyone.

    Patns: Are you staying away from all grains or just gluten?

    Lizrr: You look wonderful. I just came from a baby shower with three newborns. Those baby clothes are adorable.

    Snow and hail here again. I am in my range and on track!
  • I also appreciate reading what everyone else is doing! We all have different "tweaks" to our maintenance plans and I realize it is an individual, ongoing process of which I am happy to be in!

    Ishbel: I remember how exciting wedding and honeymoon plans were! Good luck with your shoe selection!

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • Hi All! Great to see a lot of familiar faces here...many of whom I went through phase 1 and 2 with!

    I am on a small reboot. Again. Last time I rebooted right after Christmas I went from phase 1 to phase 4. Not a good idea.

    So I am in phase 1 again for another 2 weeks or so. Not too much to loose, but would like t get down below my goal this time, since I tend to gain about 4 when the glycogen stores come back.

    However, I have to say I have maintained pretty well overall, and besides the few days of getting back into ketosis, rebooting is easy, and makes me feel like I am really in control.

    The key to my success is the motivation I get here. Thanks everyone.

    And Lizz, you look simply adorable! congratulations on your new little one!
  • Hi Delgen, It is good to hear from you. I think your plan is a good one, get below your goal to allow for any up pounds. You sound like you are doing well.

    Gazelle. We all do tweak our plans. Yesterday I went to a baby shower at a Mexican restaurant. I knew with 25 people ordering at once that the food would take forever. I also knew that this restaurant would never had any dish with the amount of vegetables I needed for lunch. So before the lunch I ate a salad with vegetables. Then at the restaurant I brazenly ordered tortilla soup without the tortillas and no cheese..despite somewhat curious stares from my co-workers. I also was the only one not to have cake. You have to be able to march to your own tune.,
  • Hi everyone! Day 6 on P3 and going strong. I was pleased when I got on my scale this am to see that I'm exactly at the same weight as I was on Monday am prior to my first P3 breakfast - so there's been no lasting glycogen re-gain so far. Suffice it to say that pleases me!

    Today LizRr's Baked Apple Pancake was on my breakfast menu again, and it tasted just as good the second time.

    I think tomorrow I'm going to experiment with making a flaxmeal wrap, and stuffing it with scrambled eggs, salsa, celery, and low fat mozzarella cheese. Then have my apple & ricotta/greek yogourt spread as dessert. Yum.

    Not much news really - just wanted to check in and say 'Hi' to you all. Gotta get my hair dry now (late shower), and get out and about to get some errands done.

    Cheers for now.

    LizRR - love your little belly. Thanks for sharing.

    P.S. I've got serious taco and shoe envy!
  • Happy weekend everyone!

    Ishbel: It is so fun to hear of your wedding plans and shoe shopping

    LizRR: Your baby belly is adorable! My son and his wife are expecting a baby in August. We are so excited to becoming grandparents even though it makes me feel old. But skinny old!

    Maile: You are so considerate posting to everyone. Thank you and I am going to try harder to also. I like this thread active!

    Delgen: Welcome back! Glad to hear getting back into ketosis wasn't that bad. I am sure I'll need a reboot sometime. I have done a few P1 days but not too many because I haven't taken too many fun days.

    Evepet: Way to rock P3. Isn't it fun!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Liz, I meant to add yesterday that you look so cute with the baby bump on your slim little self. How incredible you have done maintaining while preggers.

    Maile. I tend to avoid all grains. I can't do the gluten containing ones and I just don't care enough for rice to be bothered preparing it. Oats are OK though but don't have time in the morning to make oatmeal.
    I have signed up for a whole food Paleo 30 day challenge. Should be interesting. It doesn't start until April 2nd but I downloaded the info and will likely start right away.

    Beck, you are going to be a very attractive granny!

  • Hi everyone!

    My flaxwrap experiment turned out quite good. It's a breakfast I'd definitely do again.

    I was also preoccupied yesterday with researching how to make home-made almond milk. Got the idea from KitKat on the 'P3 Breakfast Thread'... she's found it really easy to make a delicious almond milk on her Vitamix, and I wanted to try as well. I'm using a regular-type blender though, and once researching started to realize that I'd be best to add in a few additional steps. Soaking the almond overnight, rinsing them, then blending... then straining the mixture. I soaked my almonds overnight and made my first batch this am, and it was really good! Delicious in fact. It helped that I have a Jack LaLanne Power Juicer... I was able to just slowly pour the blended almond/water mixture through it and it separated out the liquid from the almond pulp. The pre-strained almond milk would probably have been fine (and tasty and nutritious) in a smoothie, etc., but I wanted to strain it in order to keep the cal/fat content low for my use during P3. I've dried the separated almond pulp in the oven this morning, and found a recipe showing how to use it to make crackers - which I'm going to test out once I'm in Maintenance.

    So, that's been my preoccupation. Now that I've sorted out that one, what new eating experiment can I focus on today!?

    Have a great day everyone! Cheers for now.

    P.S. - I almost forgot! When I stepped on the scale this am it showed that I've dropped almost another lb! I was sooo worried about glycogen re-gain - and so happily surprised that I'm losing instead (so far). Can't help but wonder if it's because I'm focusing on P3 breakfasts that have contained organic oatmeal/oat bran, quinoa, almond meal, flaxmeal, etc... and very little wheat so far.