No Judgement Zone: What are you doing for weight loss?

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  • Yes, I do find this thread really interesting.

    I do Weight Watchers. LOVE IT! It provides the most freedom (in my opinion) and fits to my lifestyle. I can eat anywhere/anything.

    I also do triathlons, 5ks, 10ks and rides. I'm usually in "training" of some sort.
  • I'm a calorie counter as well using the Lose It app. I know the days I go off track are the days I don't track my food so my goal is to track every single day. Right now I'm at about 1500 cal per day which is very filling if planned correctly. The best thing for me this early on in my journey (week 3) is avoiding temptation. If it's not there for me to eat, I won't eat it.
    For exercise my goal is to go to the gym 3.5-4 hours a week. I usually do Zumba, Spinning or the Elliptical
  • I am just staring on my journey so I don't exactly know if what I am doing is working yet.

    I am using MFP which I really like, my Iphone is attached to my hip at all times, I swear if I could have it implanted I would. I use it to track calories. I am concentrating especially as I transition to staying around 1800 calories a day.

    I am also trying to exercise 6 days a week, combination of walking, biking and aquacise, for anywhere from 1-2 hours a day if possible (schedule doesn't always permit it)

    As for the food I'm eating, trying to do less processed, more veggies and fruits. I know that I do like my lean protein, and I have learned that Tofu absorbs flavor excellently! I am a carnivore however so while I am trying to dial back the red meat and pork, I know that occasionally I am going to crave that steak!

    Anyway it is really interesting to see what people are doing.
  • Love reading through this thread.

    I do Weight Watchers using the old plan and I love it because there are no restrictions and I can have anything I want as long as I can fit it in my points.

    I do not work out right now but I do need to get back to working out on a consistent basis again VERY soon.
  • I am counting calories (Trying to stay under 1,400), walking on treadmill atleast 6 days a week for 30 minutes, and drinking 80- 100 ounces of water a day. So far it seems to be working, I am sure I will need to tweak it in another 3 - 4 weeks.
  • Quote:
    Also, a real big one for me, is that when I commit to making myself a priority, I lose weight. Taking the time to plan my meals, chop fresh veggies, exercise, wear clothes that look nice, tame my wild, curly hair, do my nails - all of these things make me feel good and seem to go along with the mentality that "I am worth taking care of - inside and outside."
    This is awesome and thank you for sharing. I feel like I have ben working hard to have the right attitude towards myself this round. But while I tell myself everyday that I don't deserve to talk down to myself, I feel like what you posted here is a step I need to take. I feel fat so I hide in sweats and ugly baggy cloths lately. I know it make me look even bigger, but I do it because I feel like it's a shield from facing the reality of the weight I gained. I will work at showing myself on the outside and not just telling myself on the inside.
  • I've found some consistent success after figuring how my body works and what is best for my specific issues. I am a type 2 diabetic managing only with diet and exercise. I also have PCOS. I'm perimenopausal.

    I have some food sensitivity issues that helped me remove nearly all processed food from my diet, and I don't eat out much any more. The carb sensitivity and diabetes helped me learn what to eat and when to eat.

    So here's my formula for succeeding, and it's more than just diet and exercise. It's my lifestyle, and it works beautifully for me, WHEN I'M NOT DISTRACTED FROM MY PATH. Alas, I am flawed and human...

    1. Get 8 hours of sleep, consistently going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.
    2. Drink plenty of water. That's 11 8-oz. glasses a day for me.
    3. Here's my diet - I eat breakfast within half an hour of waking up. About 65% of my calories come from healthy fats. About 30% of my calories come from protein, and the remaining 5% is from carbs in the form of non-starchy vegetables. I eat lunch about four hours after breakfast. Lots of veggies in a big salad, with avocado, fish or chicken, olive oil dressing. And cheese. I eat a mid-afternoon snack that includes a slice of Julian Bakery sourdough bread. It's high in fiber and protein. I put half an avocado on it, or cheese. For dinner I cut back on my protein, but still eat lots of veggies and healthy fats. I might have a sweet potato or roasted winter squash. I eat a bit later into the evening. It helps me get sleepy for bed. One day a week, I fast from everything but water.
    4. I do cardio on a rowing machine six days a week in the mornings after breakfast for about 30 minutes. I do Pilates 3 days a week in the evenings, and a Pilates based cardio workout 3 days a week. I do TRX and weight training for an hour or two (depending on how slowly I care to do it) three days a week. It may sound like a lot of exercise, but I slowly worked up to this level, and I don't really work up a big sweat and get stressed by it. I really love all the exercise that I do, otherwise I wouldn't be doing it. I take one full day off from exercise per week (on my fast day) and I take a week-long break from exercise every three months.
    5. I do a practice of meditation to help me with my stress levels.
    6. I have put together a wonderful team of support, in person and online. They have my back!
    7. I get sunshine, at least 15 minutes, every day.
    8. I take this all one day at a time.

    Had to change my whole life. My life really is all about me now. And it brings me joy!
  • When I first started (for realsies) I had already gone thru about 4 months of some counselling. I finally gave in and looked at myself in the mirror and admitted there was something going on that I couldn't see (except for the size 24 pants of course)

    Once I had a lightbulb moment of having been spoiled and indulged my entire life, and that the 2 year old BRAT was still controlling my food choices, I dealt with it and moved on.

    Sooooo that left me emotionally ready to not 'try' to do it, but to do it!

    I started with simple math, calorie counting. And since I'm lazy as F*K a walk a week was about all I could muster...until 20 or 25 lbs. came off in 2 months and I felt a bit more energy. Then I just walked a bit more (if it was cold I'd do laps inside a local rec centre for free) and gradually started eating better so I could get more bang for my calorie buck

    But still ate crap because I'm human LOL I just accounted for it that's all. Instead of the supersized meal, I got the kids meal etc.

    As I got stronger, I got nuttier I think! I was never one for the gym culture, so I did "extreme cleaning" or "extreme yardwork" ha ha and when MINE was done, I'd go do it for an elderly neighbour or family member who was struggling a bit -- a 2fer! you feel good helping and it works up a sweat if you go hard

    Now I've been in a holding pattern for a few years, seems all so long ago and far away but it's ALWAYS in the back of my mind, I always do a "state of the union" address to myself a few times a year to be sure i'm on track!

    ps my new obsession is weighted HULA HOOPING!!!! soooo ridiculous hilariously FUN and really has changed my tummy area !
  • bump
  • I'm doing it NASTY! But it works for me.

    First, I am intermittant fasting between 7am and 1pm. I skip dinner.

    Secondly, I am just eating salads (with protein such as eggs, meat etc.). And I take a multivitamin.

    In the evenings I drink beer.

    Exercise is fully integrated into my lifestyle. I walk instead of drive to work. I work on the house at the weekends. No gym or exercise that does not result in a tanglible outcome since no time (married with twin 2 year old boys).

    And so far so good.

    I did this with the sudden realization (after 10 years of being obese) that I was eating dinner too late at night for the sake of it i.e. I was eating a meal without being hungry. So I skipped it. And once I skipped it, I thought what the heck, let's max out on making the other meals more healthy. But beer has always been my red line. Can't drop that.
  • I found myself a gym buddy to make me go every single day whether I want to or not. I also cook once a week and bag everything in freezer bags that are properly portioned full meals, and stick them in the freezer. It makes it easy to just go and not think about what I'm going to eat. All I do is throw snacks into my lunchbox with my breakfast and lunch and I'm ready to go.

    This is helping. I'm also making sure that I get plenty of water and rest. You'd be surprised how much that has to do with success--at least I was.
  • i started with just calorie counting but had very little results from that so i just started the 30ds along with calorie counting and making smart food choices. i love to eat so being able to eat more healthy food then a small amount of bad foods is finally starting to kick in more lol.
  • i eat whatever i want..chocolate,candy,chips,bread,pizza. just not more than 1450 calories a day. diet plans seem kind of pointless to me unless you need it to keep you interested. for me i have found they all come down to how many calories your eating. i eat horrible but i lose weight. it really is all about calories.
    i watched tons of documentaries and shows on weight loss and the different diets and no matter how fancy or complicated they tried to seem they all just come down to calories in the end and i guess i learned that i dont need a diet plan to follow and that for me they are useless so i just calorie count and i use my treadmill to burn extra calories and i usually lose 10lbs a month unless i cheat .
  • IanG: I am kinda doing a similar plan (but I hate beer!)

    Intermittent fasting from 9pm to 5pm, very low carb, and loosely calorie counting. I am losing about 1/2 pound a day, but it'll probably slow down as I get closer to my goal weight.

    Training for mountain hiking so I'm walking twice a day for at least an hour each time.
  • I am re-losing a good portion of the weight I lost 6 years ago, pre babies, lol. I'm mimicking what worked for me then, and plan to modify where needed.

    I'm journaling via FitDay, keeping my calories at 1200 strictly.

    No drinking my calories!

    Get enough protein!

    Posting here daily. If I disappear, that means I f'ed up bad!

    30 Day Shred, currently on day 4 of level 1, doing great!

    Will be starting c25K as soon as I feel strong enough, I think May or June.

    Water and sleep. As much as I can! Not easy with 5 kiddos under 10!

    These strategies will be considered my "pre training" for a Tough Mudder in November, eek! I'm still developing my plan for that. I'm scared though!

    To touch on the "other" side of weight loss success for me, I'm practicing positive self talk, reflecting on my achievements no matter how small, and giving myself permission to forgive my own imperfections. This is harder for me than the physical work and discipline weight loss requires...