40 Something Valentines Challenge!

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  • Jennifer: being less is a good thing, even if it is by a few lbs!! Not sure what your stats are but if you're less you are less..the end...celebrate that and learn from this challenge..what can you do differently for the next one?

    Curlycarr: You're going to be first to finish line in this challenge...yayyyy

    Natamars...Hey girlfriend..thanks for the words of support but I own what a crappola job I did on this challenge, and this whole fall/winter to be exact. First the hurricane threw my life for a loop, then holidays and now cooped up with this weather. I am going to try and have a great weekend (my bday) and even though I feel like a cow I"m going to wear a dress that I bought with some control top spanx tights ..I figure if I drink enough I'll forget that I have a big bum...LOL...have a hot date and I'm hoping if he drinks enough he'll forget too!! (dim the lights ) Since whatever I am doing is not working I'm going to try a new workout that I bought a groupon for....its pretty intense stuff....

    Guac: I just looked at your stats, you did great girl, way better than I did that is for sure...for someone that was feeling so bad about herself you managed to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and you kicked some booty...

    Sum: No gain given you were on a trip and all is good......I would be happy.....I know what you mean about Europe, the women for the most part are smaller...they do not eat monster portions like we do.....they walk more than we do also, atleast they do in Greece. Oh my gosh, just read that you are sick, i hope you feel better.

    Everyone else, whether you did well or not, sign on tomorrow and lets size up how we did as a group..then lets get all psyched up for our next challenge!
  • Hey all.....didnt have such a great day. Kids were finally supposed to go back to school today and little one was sick...I just can't win. Having him home threw off my whole day in which I was supposed to make up for the stuff I didn't do because of snow days. Then some lawyer stuff to aggravate me, etc. I didn't turn to food for comfort which is a big surprise to me. I had a small breakfast, an atkins shake for lunch and a decent dinner....corn beef, cabbage and broccoli...don't ask me why I am making corn beef but it looked like a good idea when I saw them putting them out at BJ's. I guess I got a head start on St Patricks....Was a heavy meal but didn't eat much throughout the day so I am not going to beat myself up over it.............

    I have decided that what I am doing is not working so I need to rethink the plan...of how I eat and how I exercise. found an extreme workout that I plan on doing, bought a groupon for it so I'll be trying that..it is a bit extreme so I am afraid and hope I can handle it.....I am going to try belly fat cure again, but this time do it the right way..I really need to reread that book........Going away for a small romantic jaunt this weekend and how I wish I were doing it at a smaller size.....oh well...found a nice top today at Marshalls that will hide the junk and is very flattering......
  • OK so I can finally say it....

    Give your self a hug you made it!!!

    Bizarre morning ahead of me I am going to a 2nd interview....the last time I sat down with these people was a month go when I was 12lbs heavier! Very nervous ...don't you just hate interviews....deep breath.

    Its been so much fun checking in with everybody this month, that's you valantinas newleaf, natamars, sum, luvcats, jennifer, zumba, guac, junem , take a bow !!! Thanks a mil for keeping me on track!!! With your help I did manage to seize the V Day (couldn't resist one last time Zumba!)

    SW 193
    CW 186
    GW 187

    I must run off now and get my suit on ....which I won't be squeezing into today...wayhey!
  • I'm back again (have just been able to read all the mails!!)....to wish a special lady...Happy Birthday....heah Zumba I hope as they would say here that you have SOME CRAIC!! Romantic getaway and BDAY I think you hit the jackpot!!!!!!

    Adios chicas....
  • curleycarr for meeting and exceeding your goal!!!
  • Well I lost some

    SW 159
    CW 158.2
    GW 150

    My heart was not into this challenge because of real life challenges...now that stress is gone, and I am motivated and I can focus on our next challenge.

  • Happy Valentine's!! No romantic plans for tonight, but DH left cards all over the house..on my nightstand, by the cats' bowls..even in the microwave where I heat my tea water in the morning. And DS made us a beautiful ceramic heart in art class. I feel blessed!

    1250 calories yesterday, 20 min stairclimbing.

    I am 141.8 this morning. Finished the challenge down 5.8 lbs., which I'm very happy with. I kept up with the gym for the most part, tracked my food, and kept my calories within range. So even though I didn't hit my weight goal, I think it was a success.

    Sum, take what you can get!! You stuck with it and that's what counts!

    curley, you ROCK!! GL today and see you in the next challenge!

    zumba, Happy V-Day and Happy Birthday!!! Sorry to hear you had a rough day and so proud of you that you didn't turn to food(and you should be too!). What kind of exercise are you going to be doing?

    Ladies, I think we did GREAT!! See you on the new thread!
  • Sw 166.2
    Cw 163.1
    Gw <160

    I couldn't maintain my momentum, but still feeling good. Not elated, but good. Down is down :-)
  • Happy 29th Birthday Zumba
  • Congratulations curleyCarr and natamars!!!

    And we'll done to everyone else; just being mindful and mentally engaged is a good thing! Onwards to St. Patrick's Day!
  • Wow! You guys did great! Congrats on all who are down! Congrats to CurleyCarr and Natamars!! Happy Birthday, Zumba!!

    I only gained 1.2 pounds at conference, so I'm at 191.8. Although it is not 189.8, which was goal, it's about 6.6 pounds from beginning of challenge.

    We are not celebrating V Day tonight, but DH and I are going away this weekend, which means another round of all restaurant meals and drinks! We will walk everywhere though, so hopefully I won't put anymore on.

    Happy Valentine's everyone I want you all to know how much I have enjoyed this challenge and getting to know all of you! The motivation and encouragement has been invaluable! I can't wait for our next challenge!! Onward and Downward!
  • Happy Valentines Day everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am so proud of everyone for getting through this challenge til the end. Some of you did GREAT..I'm so jealous and happy for you at the same time...my big fat bum is still here...so are the thunder thighs..but this period of time was a wake up call for me.....and I think it was the push that i needed to get this show on the road!! I'm so looking forward to kicking butt in this next challenge, starting TODAY because as soon as I finish this post i'm popping in a DVD.

    After my romantic birthday weekend (hubba hubba)...I'm starting cross fit next week..I bought a groupon and I hope this is the kick that I need to get fit again. I am going to need a lot of discipline to do this...

    Also I am going to re read the BFC book and try and follow the program to the letter this time...and I am going to log in everything i eat into fat secret.....

    I don't remember what i weighed at the beginning of this challenge....but I know that I didn't lose any weight...I'm sad Let's get the St Patricks day challenge underway, does anyone else want to start the challenge or should I?
  • Zumbachica - Happy B-day and V-day! Have fun on your weekend - how exciting! Maybe you didn't lose weight, but you maintained. More importantly, you are sounding HAPPY! I know you will make progress in our next challenge!

    Jennifer1966 - Congrats on not packing on the pounds at your convention! I know you will do well on your next trip. Eating away from home - especially with great food and drink - is a challenge!

    - Congrats on the weight loss during this challenge. I know all about losing momentum. Let's get the mojo going in March! Thanks for all of your support - you did keep the momentum going on this V-Day challenge for all of us!

    natamars - 5.8lbs gone forever! Woo hoo! You did great!

    Sum38 - How in the world did you go to Finland and manage to lose even 1lb after all is said and done! I think this challenge was a success for you, big time!

    curleycarr - You killed it! Thanks for being an inspiration...always nice to live vicariously through other's success!

    Jennifer1966 - Always nice when there is a little less of us at the end of a weight loss challenge! Congratulations!

    I am happy with my results. Considering my eating spree in the middle/end of January (vacation/wedding/organizational events/dinners) - well, I am on my way to shedding the pounds back to my ticker weight. At least I saw progress - but man - I have to fight tooth and nail for every little ounce lost and often, the pounds come crashing back if I have one off day. Is this what getting old is like?

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    Starting weight
    1/25/13 - 159

    Current weight
    2/14/13 - 154

    Goal weight
    2/14/13 - 150
  • http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/40-s...challenge.html
  • I did it. I managed to run for 5 minutes at 6.0 mph. VDay goal accomplished! People run whole marathons at a faster pace than my sprints.
    On to cooking dinner for 2. Husband requested tofu and herb stuffed shells and marinara. Really tofu? I said. He said yes, its one of his favorite. So I guess our romantic meal will be pretty healthy.

    FromSt Valentines on toSt Patrick.