It's Friday and I feel like cheating

  • Weekends are my weakness. It's so hard for me to stay on track. I've done great every day this week and now it's Friday and all I can think about is going to the movies and having junk food. Help I haven't eaten over my calorie allowance for today but I'm very tempted and it's only 6:40pm.
  • I was feeling the exact same way. I was SO SO tempted. Instead I distracted myself, ate a healthy dinner and now I'm so glad that I don't feel all bloated and disgusted and disappointed from cheating. You can do it. Just hang on!
  • p.s. Can you rent a movie and make some air popped popcorn or have one of the 100 calorie packs?
  • Thanks! I just relocated myself away from the living room and TV and filled a container full of water. That helped a lot. I guess it's true what they say, cravings generally last only 20 minutes and your body can't distinguish between hunger and thirst.
  • Good for you!!!!
  • Good for you for staying on plan!
  • woohoo! i know how difficult that is.

    and if you had gone off plan we would have been here to support you in getting back on track.
  • Great job on staying on plan
  • Skyrim is what does it for me. I tend to just reach for something and munch on it while I'm stealing from people in the game. So I cut up a bunch of fruit and made some airpopped popcorn and I had stuff to reach for, but it wasn't you know..the potato skins and cheddar pretzals I -used- to have.