**** An Attitude of Gratitude in October ***

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  • * beautiful weather n fun day at festival yesterday.
    * ibuprofen n a heating pad r my friends!
    * being able to just stay home today n get caught up (hopefully).
    * veggie stands with lots of local goodies.
  • - DH planted a start of a plant I wanted - grateful my neighbor shared
    - planning to see Mom for lunch and good friends for dinner
    - tv, when I can't sleep
    - friends, family, YOU ALL, fb, cell, internet, music
    - having enough
  • + another night of good sleep - I am so grateful for this change

    + fun time at coffee after Church - they loved my baking

    + my cozy new Lands End hot pink jacket

    + another day of progress on the accounting project

    + have decided to drive to PA for American Thanksgiving - feel confident

    + my warm, dry and cozy house with m two darling dogs on a wet and cold day
  • *My niece
    *My husband
    *My family
    *My friends
  • +Hubby and I engaged in drunken debauchery last night and ended up dueling with Swiffer dusters. It was so good to just be silly and have fun.

    +It's a cool, rainy day here. We really need the rain.

    +After walking for two hours yesterday, I have very little pain today! Just a few months ago, that much walking would have rendered me immobile for at least two days.

    +I lost three pounds this week.
  • - a wonderful visit with long time friends yesterday

    - figured out what was wrong with my car battery

    - credit card found

    - friends, family, YOU ALL, fb, internet, cell, music

    - warm socks

    - talked to Mike and Alex yesterday

    - rain in the middle of night... much needed for my fall planted plants
  • + finished gathering the info for the audit - good to get that done

    + feel like the rainy Sunday was well spent and am glad I resisted the urge to nap

    + Disney continues to improve - she played for a while yesterday with Jazz

    + a busy day but I do have a slice of free time this morning and again late afternoon to do ME things
  • * getting my yard work n flowerbeds done yesterday.
    * bill of the week is paid.
    * calling for rain 2nite n its needed.
    * have my healthy eating class this a.m. always a good time.
    * family n friends.
  • * Two good arms that work!

    * Time spent with my grandchildren and children

    * A job with paid leave

    * I live in a country that lets me have a vote in its future

    * Family, Friends, 3FC, indoor plumbing, cell phone, Internet
  • - time spent with my son
    - the rest of my family
    - people at balancek for helping with my ... issues :S
  • *unexpected check just when we needed it
    *my husband
    *my family
    *my friends
  • + My electric blanket. It allows me to sleep in the same house with my husband and not be too cold!

    +My job. I'm glad that I have a good job in this economy.

    +Diet information. There's so much more good, science based information available to me than was ever available to my mother. Yes, it's hard to sort through sometimes, but it's out there.
  • *My husband
    *My health
    *Great weekend with my husband and family camping out in the mountains!Also everyone making it back home safely.
    *My job
    *Another beautiful day!
  • - grateful that I stayead on my plan through dinner. Ate extra in the evening

    - neighbors helped me with trash, etc

    - ice/heat

    - talk to Registered Dietician today... hopefully it will help me have a focus

    - friends, family, YOU ALL,fb, internet, cell, music

    - my eyeglasses
  • + made it back to the gym yesterday - it was hard but felt good later

    + was able to quickly make two batches of goodies for the 1:30 meeting

    + bean and taco meat soup turned out well - quite yummy

    + home by 3:30 from meeting and able to relax for a while

    + Beautification meeting went well and I have volunteers for this morning's daffodil planting marathon

    + pedicure and massage on the schedule this afternoon