August Feather's Chat! Get in here!

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  • I was inspired to get off my lazy train and pre make seem food, which always helps keep me ntrack. Just finish a triple batch of blueberry-almond- coconut oats with chia seeds. And a triple batch of Greek Veggie Quinoa (quinoa cooked with chicken buillion, added to diced spinach, Roma tomatoes, garlic and feta cheese). Since that is all for me for the next few days, I used some leftover bananas to make my awesome muffins. I always very the recipe, ut today they are Banana Raisin muffins, made with half whole wheat flour and chia seeds. I always put sprinkles on the top for the kiddos. :-). So tired now! Night.
  • Jossfit: You are so hard on yourself! You are supper skinny already, and though I won't judge you when you want to drop some more weight, you have to realise it's just almost impossible to be perfect and at such a low weight it's just hard. I notice it myself already, I have to be SO strict to see the scale go down. Which is fine, but just keep that in mind. You don't have to be perfect, just patient. It's gonna take abit longer.

    Chickie: I hear ya on the cardio, hihi. I'm a big cardionut myself. I am at some point gonna get into the weights because I want some more mucles on my body, but UHG. Sounds like you cooked some good stuff too!

    Thanks for the 'whoa's' on the 60miles, I admit it's a bit much. I just really wanted to cycle to the beach and that's far away. I usually do around 20miles or so, which takes me an hour and 15mins and is quite an easy workout. I just went on a 2mile run. I had my half marathon 2 weeks ago and beside3s the cycling I hadnt run or done aything. So a 2mile run seemed a good place to start. I have a 16k coming up in september that I wanna do a bit faster than my current pace, I am like a snail. But I have good endurance.

    Im finally serious about Uni and graduating, but that also means I am gonna be VERY busy the next few months. It's gonna be worth it though. Yeh.

    I've been unable to caloriecount, mostly because I just get lazy and I started using a different app for it, I switched back to myfitnesspal again today because it works way better for me and I think I will count again. Guesstimating just does not leave me enough of a margin to see some real weightloss and then one day of overeating brings me right back to where Iw as 3 weeks ago. It's just going so slow. So yeah, no extra's and "this should be about fine!" anymore. I can guesstimate for maintenance once I get there, because I've really not gained any weight everytime I did not count. So that's good!
  • Joss : I'm kinda feeling bad of talking you into weighing yourself even if you were not feeling like it. It was not at all my intention, sorry girl! I don't think anybody should listen to what I'm saying in the weight stuff, look at me, I'm still stuck at this freaking weight

    Chickie : Your sons are so adorable! Such big bright eyes! How old are they? Reading about you cooking and baking make me realize I should really do that too, but I'm just so lazy lately BLAAAAH!

    Philana : Your bike ride sounds INTENSE! Do you have the special pants for biking? I went out for a 20k ride yesterday and my butt hurts LOL Don't want to think about what if could be riding 10 millions miles like you!


    140.8 this morning. BLAH.

    I ate okay all weekend long. I ate a bit too much yesterday, but nothing horrible, and nothing salty or anything, just a bit bigger portion and some graham cackers for dessert. Like, graham crackers. I'm not talking of the biggest cheescake part in the human history. Graham Crackers. and still 140.8 this morning. Anyway. I kicked myself and told me that this number was NOT going to bring me down. So yesterday I went out for a 20k bike ride and this morning for a 11k run (it was a bad idea though, going late, it was SO HOT!)

    As soon as I got home and sipped my coffee, I had the urge to go to the bathroomm, so I HOPE to be a bit down tomorrow. We are supposed to be eating out tonight, it,s the last day of a world culture festival over here, and we are eating something exotic over there. I had a combo light breakfast lunch and I'm definitely going to check what I choose there!
  • Chickie - LOL I know it wasn't garden gnomes... it was ice cream, twix bars and sour cream and cheddar chips. Okay, some pizza too. (Um, and more over those 2 days). I guess I'm just mad because there was no real reason for it. Usually I indulge guilt-free because it's a special occasion type thing or I just work those goodies into my everyday meal plan, but there was just no excuse for eating that badly last weekend.
    I have heard that being on steroid pills like that can do wonky things to your body and definitely make you hold onto some water. That's got to be frustrating to see, even though you know that's what it's from.
    I do love oats actually. My standard is just plain oatmeal, and then I'll cook up 3 egg whites and sprinkle in some cinnamon and stevia while I'm cooking them to make them sweet. Then I just toss those in a bowl with my oats. Before I went "natural" I would add SF/FF Jello pudding mix to the oatmeal and let the oats sit overnight in the fridge. In the morning I would just pop it in the microwave while I cooked my eggs and then combined it. Sooo creamy and delicious! Now I am still experimenting with different things, but I just ordered a variety of natural extracts to try with it. I also love to add peanut butter.
    I'm not huge into the fruit in my oatmeal, but only because I have fruit with my post workout shake and usually with my third meal of the day, so I don't want to totally overdo it on the fruit for the day. Its not that I think fruit is bad, but too much of it takes the place of calories I could be using for healthy fats or protein.
    My other favorite breakfasts are quinoa flakes instead of oats, and I make some awesome pancakes out of egg whites and wheat bran (as a base).

    Congrats on buying a Kettlebell! I love them so much, so I use them whenever I can. You can do some excellent workouts with them and really get the heart pumping. Let me know if you need ideas!

    I totally feel you on being a homebody too. I also love my friends and I know I need to nuture those relationships, but I'm happiest at home just doing my own thing. It doesn't make it any easier when most social events around here are centered around food and alcohol.

    Philana - I can see how it would look like I am too hard on myself, so I don't totally disagree with you. It's just that unlike most people, I plan on making my living as a fitness model and personal trainer. My body is my calling card, and I've been doing my best to keep myself close to optimal shape so that the next time I have a photo shoot or if I'm meeting a potential client or sponsor I look credible as a fitness professional. Fluxuating by a few pounds is okay, but I don't want to get into a routine of stuffing my face for no good reason and gaining almost a pound per day.
    It sounds like you are going to be super busy for a while, so it's a good thing that you can maintain by just eyeballing things and guesstimating! One good thing about calorie counting is that if you do it consistently enough you get good at recognizing how much a serving of something is. It may not help you get any closer to your goal, but not gaining can be just as nice as losing when you're as busy as you are! I think as long as you don't toss it all aside you'll be just fine, especially if you keep up all the biking and running you warrior woman!

    Turbo - Hahaha, I was just giving you crap, you totally didn't pressure me into anything. I have realized that I need that accountability, because it's easy to "just not look" and slowly pack on the squishy pounds. Muscle pounds are one thing... squishy pounds are another!
    Good luck tonight... I'm sure you can make good choices, and even if you don't do as well as you would like it's always just a matter of getting back on track tomorrow.
    You are at 140.8 pounds now... where would you like to be?


    Ahhh Sundays. I love Sundays. I get a nice long relaxing cardio workout done, all that house cleaning and meal preparation, and its generally just a makeup-free relaxing day. The only thing that would be better is if my hubby were here to enjoy them with me, but I get to see him again in 18 days! Whoot!

    My latest concoctions today in my newfound natural eating adventure have turned out pretty well. I made some peanut butter "ice cream" today by blending cottage cheese, PB2, cinnamon, stevia and almond milk with a bit of glucomannan powder (it's a natural thickener made from konjac root). Then I stirred in a bit of natural peanut butter and left it fairly chunky, like ribbons of peanut buttery goodness. Popped it in the freezer for about 45 minutes, and it was marvelous!

    Then, I threw some cooked quinoa, baby shrimp, tomatos, mushrooms, spinach, fresh garlic and lemon juice into a skillet and made a fantastic lunch. It was amazingly good, especially with a little sprinkle of red pepper flakes. Nom nom nom. (Second picture)

    For dinner I just made chicken with spinach, sushi ginger, garlic, tofu noodles, soy sauce, sesame oil and chili paste. Wow. Perfect combination of hot, slightly sweet from the ginger. Amazing! (first picture)

  • Quote: You are at 140.8 pounds now... where would you like to be?
    I was around 133-134 pounds a bit over a month ago, and it was the best I have been feeling in my body for a looooong time. Right now, I don't know, I just feel swollen, bloaty, and always sticking in my tummy.

    Plus it's a bit panicking, it's like I can't get a grip on what's my body is doing, you know what I mean? I decided to stop counting calories because I was becoming too freak about it and it was time consuming. I just don't know what is working better for me right now.

    Hopefully my two weekeend workouts will pay and I'll see a move on the scale tomorrow...
  • Quote: I was around 133-134 pounds a bit over a month ago, and it was the best I have been feeling in my body for a looooong time. Right now, I don't know, I just feel swollen, bloaty, and always sticking in my tummy.
    I understand that. You get to a happy weight and then just being a few pounds over that really has an effect on you. I know you can get back to that 133-134 if you really want to... but thats the question, especially with what you said here.

    Quote: Plus it's a bit panicking, it's like I can't get a grip on what's my body is doing, you know what I mean? I decided to stop counting calories because I was becoming too freak about it and it was time consuming. I just don't know what is working better for me right now.
    It's a tough balance, isn't it? You have to watch things pretty carefully in order to really get lean, but then it feels like it's taking over your life and you wonder if it's worth it.

    I'm actually lucky in a way because for whatever reason I LOVE to count my cals, plan my meals and workouts ahead of time, and track all that stuff. I guess it's my Virgo personality. Not everyone is like that though, and it can be hard to stay on top of it and quite exhausting for some people after a while.
  • Quote:

    It's a tough balance, isn't it? You have to watch things pretty carefully in order to really get lean, but then it feels like it's taking over your life and you wonder if it's worth it.
    Though balance would be an understatement!! If my weight wasn't such a yo-yo right now, it would probably help to figure out what is working and what is not... but I'm up or down now and than depending of the day, for no really clear reason...

    My 1/2-marathon training will increase significantly in the next weeks, it will probably help create a greater calories deficit an everything...!
  • Hi everyone, drive-by update here...I had friends visiting the past couple of days and we ate a lot of cheese and drank not a small amount of beer. Up 1.6 pounds from Friday morning, not sure what to anticipate tomorrow, but I really miss the gym/exercising after not doing anything more strenuous than walking Friday, Saturday or Sunday. On the bright side, despite splitting an obscenely sweet blackberry cobbler with my boyfriend at dinner tonight, I did not OD on ice cream or desserts. Sometimes I feel like I'm patting myself on the back for not being a complete pig, but whatever keeps you grounded, right?

    (I obviously drank all these myself)

    TurboMammoth Argh, it's so frustrating when your happy weight is only a few pounds away. I am like, 2-3 lbs over mine right now, and feel fatter than I did when I hit 130 for the first time on my way down now. I hope you're able to find balance and calm the yo-yo!

    JossFit Those dishes both look INCREDIBLE. I should post some of my epic salads on here sometime...I always go hog wild and use so much that it takes me an hour or longer to eat them. Have you ever had konjac by itself? It's a horrible blob that has almost no flavor. I actually just learned via your post that the Japanese "konnyaku" is just their pronunciation of "konjac."

    philana Good endurance at any sport is really admirable. I get bored, "tired" which I think is mental, feel like I "must" walk, convince myself I'm too hungry and need to go home, all kinds of dumb excuses when I do long distance cardio of any type. I need a "destination" in order to keep me on the path. 60 miles is awesome!

    ChickieChicks Mmmm your most recent post is making me hungry! I grudgingly prepared some stuff to make salads for lunch over the course of the week tonight. It's much easier than rushing around in the morning before work!

    crazygurl61 Yikes crazy scale! Hope your next one is more reliable. I have a good friend who posts on here sometimes (Kahokkuri) who swears by her Fitbit and loves all the data.

    ion The hardest part about dieting is being hungry and feeling like you have to balance your calories juuuuust right - hope all went well at your friend's!
  • sooo i started IF today, thanks to some good advice (thanks pixelllate). i'm going to try this out for 3-4 weeks to see if it works for me. 14/10, and maybe i'll make it to the leangains 16/8.

    looking good, krampus! i did go over maintenance at my friend's but i know it's not hard to get back on track.
  • Hey everyone,
    Back from the beach - sorry no time for personals this morning but wanted to pop in. Lots of fried food, french fries, and general overeating. At least compared to how I eat at home. I did try to not order too much - only had ice cream twice and tried to keep my lunches light. Lots of crab cakes, scallops and fish - although not always cooked healthy. I took some yoga dvds and did those 3x and tried to do a 2 mile walk on the beach each day.

    We got back late Sat and I went to yoga that morning. I couldn't bear to see the scale prior to yoga and was 131.8 after yoga around mid-day. This morning I was 130.5. So happy to see that number as I was 130.3 prior to leaving for the beach. Going to try and hit it hard the last few weeks of August as I want to hit my rather tight goal of 126. I also found out I have a high school reunion coming up in mid-September. I don't really know if I want to go - I keep in touch with people I care about via Facebook & phone, but one of my bestest friends who now lives in FL is coming up, without her husband (he doesn't want to go) and she's begging me to go with her. So, we'll see. But that's more motivation to look awesome if I do. I HATED high school. haha

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • Just gonna complain for a bit, I am working and am tryign to stick to my calories so badly. I ate extra protein during lunch to make sure I don't feel so hungry, but gosh I do! I know this is how it goes when I have been offplan for abit, and then I also ate a TON on saturday because I burned 3000 calories cycling. I need to figure out a way to eat a ton without stretching my stomach. Or is that just an old wives tale? Haha. I feel like it's true, when I've stuffed myself then I get more hungry the days after.
  • krampus : looking good! I love your pictures, you seem to be in the paradise of beers LOL

    ion : how is the IF going?

    DottieMea : welcome back, hope you had a nice time at the beach!

    philana : I don't think your stomach can strech that much in one day eating. is TOM is coming near you? sometimes with the hormons and everything, it could trigger hunger?


    Back to 141.0 this morning, the exact same weight I was when I got back from vacations. And I mean I was EATING all the time during holidays. Bwaahaha. I ate bigger meal last night including falafel, but the rest of my day was okay.

    Anyway. I'll give myself a week and if I doesn't lose, I'll start strict calories counting again!
  • Well I feel a bit better after checking in here and seeing that I'm not the only one to be indulging lately. I kept myself in check when I was away for 4 days visiting my sister. I was really hoping for a drop when I weighed in at home though, because I thought I'd been so good. My weight was the same as before I left. Honestly, I should've been happy with that because I missed a couple days of exercise, and was eating more carbs than usual (and was also backed up -- my digestive system never seems to move away from home). But Saturday I went crazy with food, and was up 4 pounds Sunday morning. This morning I'm only up 2 pounds, so I know it's not so bad, and will go down more over the next couple of days.

    It is a bit frustrating not to be making progress though. All summer the weight has been coming off slow, but I know I can't complain because I keep indulging and taking a week to work that off, and then losing for a week or less and then repeating. I've at least made a rule for myself that I won't indulge unless I'm at a low weight for me, that way the scale will continue to move downwards, even if it is slow going.

    I'm thinking of registering for a 5k octoberfest race. But that's 8 weeks from today, and I've been using the elliptical for all of my cardio. I'm not sure how hard it will be to do the transition to running, but I'm hoping 8 weeks will be sufficient. It's just gonna be hard for me to train for it, since I don't have a treadmill at home, and if I want to run, I'm going to have to pawn off parental duties on my husband a lot more, which gives me maternal guilt, even though it shouldn't. I also have to figure out how to get myself running 5k. I know that C25K is a good program, but I don't own a stop watch or an ipod or smart phone or anything that would allow me to use an app. I'm thinking of just figuring out a 5k route, and doing my best to run it, with walking breaks whenever I find I need them.
  • Quote: I was around 133-134 pounds a bit over a month ago, and it was the best I have been feeling in my body for a looooong time. Right now, I don't know, I just feel swollen, bloaty, and always sticking in my tummy.

    Plus it's a bit panicking, it's like I can't get a grip on what's my body is doing, you know what I mean? I decided to stop counting calories because I was becoming too freak about it and it was time consuming. I just don't know what is working better for me right now.

    Hopefully my two weekeend workouts will pay and I'll see a move on the scale tomorrow...
    Hi! I am in the exact same boat. Sucks! Wanna be accountability buddies?
  • Bow chica bow wow! I am having a KICK *** day! I feel super-de-duper! No headache and only four hours of sleep! I got a back migraine at 3:30am, took the Imitrex injection and it friggin' WORKED. It actually made me feel worse for about ten minutes, which freaked me out, then it gradually got better and made it go away. Crossing my fingers this keeps up!

    We went to the water park for our 8th Anniversary today. They give military personnel one free pass per year, so we only had to pay for parking and a snack there. The boys were great and I just had such a great time. I got in a ton of exercise climbing up stairs a million times, pushing the double stroller up hills and carrying my boys. I'm totalling counting it! LOL

    Off to shower and relax. POOPED!

    Here are pics from today. If anyone has good ideas about how to further whittle my tummy, you will NOT offend me by saying do. I am happy with everything else, but the bump ain't budging.

    My bestest, best friend and hubby. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!