*-100 lb. Club ~ August Daily Weigh In Thread -*

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  • Wow, good job nicole and devnet!

    Today I'm also back down to 259.8. The scale's moving in the right direction. Yay! I am still working on my running mini goal and ran 0.4 miles yesterday. I am aiming for 0.42 today!
  • Hello folks

    Diana - I did make it to the gym yesterday, thanks for asking! Now trying to get self moving for today.

    I also overate quite a bit yesterday - no reason, just poor discipline probably magnified by sleep deprivation - and saw a great big bounce today, all the way up to 159. That is probably some delayed effect of the weekend too.

    Ah well, back on the horse again... I am trying to think of myself as "maintaining below 160" rather than "trying to lose down to 150" so on that theory it is all good...
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Calories for yesterday: 1440 +
    Weigh In: 148.2
    Down: .4
  • today's weigh in: TOM

    yesterday i walked 5 miles and on the last mile (which i took later in the evening) i just had to run (6 miles total).
    i'm feeling so much better today and i don't have to work past 7pm all week! that means no more staying up late until 12am or 1am, so my weight loss can finally be back on track.

    @HealthyMeWannabe; you can definitely do it! just stay focused and remember to KEEP BREATHING STEADILY while you're running. good luck and let us know!
  • I weighed in at 136.4 this morning, which means I've lost 4 pounds in two months - soooo slow. But I think that's the best I can hope for, given that I don't want to limit myself to 1200 calories a day. At this rate, I can hit 125 by the end of the year.

    We had gorgeous weather yesterday so I went for a walk after work with a friend. She chattered incessantly, so it was almost like listening to one of my audiobooks!

    Diana, I got that book you recommended, by the recovered binge-eater. My first Kindle purchase! I've never been a binge eater to the extent the author was, nor have I ever purged, but it's interesting to get a different perspective.
  • Healthymewannabe- congrats on the dip. Progress.
    Carter-Good job getting to the gym. Everyday we start again. A new day.
    Diana every little bit adds up.
    Ciao wow great job on your exercise. Someday I hope to work up to running.
    Steph sorry for the slow loss. I don't think I am up to exercising with friends yet. I get too winded. I guess that would not matter with your talkative friend.

    I had a great walk yesterday. I wanted to quit half way but I got past that and finished 2 miles in 45 min. Not the best but for me I am proud of myself for finishing. I kept saying to myself "I am strong" over and over.

    Today I am working 12 hours so no walks. I will take my kids to the Y tomorrow and walk again. I love that they have childcare. I decided to go back because of that.
  • Steph: That must be very frustrating. But loss is loss, and you're doing great to be sticking to plan!
    Diana: Congrats on the .4!
    Healthymewannabe: Congrats on being back on track!

    Big whoosh of weight gone from yesterday to today. I'm still working on water weight here, so not surprising.
    From 298.2 to 295.8
    Down 2.6 pounds! Woohoo!
  • devnet, that's a great loss, keep it up!

    So it's my TOM and I'm now thinking that it's no use weighing myself anymore during that period, because I'm all over the place. Was 254, the next day 258.2 and today at 251.6.

    i've been working overtime, so I haven't exercised the past few days, but I'm happy to say that I've been eating really well (lots of planning) and I've resisted the tub of ice cream in the freezer (3 small spoonfulls only and that's it).
  • devnet Congrats on the weight loss! 0.6lbs in one day is definitely something to be proud of.

    Ciao That's great on walking/running six miles!

    Steph7409 Four pound loss in two months is great. Just imagine how much you will have lost at the end of the year.

    So I am back down to 235.6lbs, which is what I started the week at. Seems like all the water weight and sodium wore off. Hopefully next week will be more successful.
  • Ciao Good job on the walk/run!

    Steph There are a few points in the book that I find interesting and can relate to. The first one being the voices in her head and how important it is to tell that voice no. Also, I remember when I had lost weight before, the voices would tell me it was ok to eat something just this once. Then I kept doing it until I had gained all the weight back. The other thing I can relate to is that dieting or even weight loss for that matter makes you more prone to binging. I have even noticed that I have more issues since I've developed my food allergy. I haven't finished the book, yet. Not sure if I am going to get anything else out of it. I really don't think my eating issues are childhood related like the therapists in the book suggested. I really like that the book is from a different perspective and the idea that you can just talk to yourself and just say no to the voices. I know that sounds so simple. I find it helpful knowing that the other voice is something that we evolved from and it's not a realistic voice from today. Does that make sense?

    Lishar Good job on that walk! You are strong and you can do it!

    Devnet Good job on the 2.6 pounds!

    Martine Great job staying strong against the ice cream!

    Nicole Keep working!
  • Down to 259.2 this morning. The scale's moving in the right direction and the damage from the weekend is being undone. I ran 0.43 miles yesterday and am going for 0.45 today. Almost a half mile! I can't believe I'm actually doing it!!!!!
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Tonight is my monthly hair appointment and I get to eat at the Japanese restaurant that I like. I normally have a sodium gain, so I will expect that for tomorrow.

    Calories for yesterday: 1470 +
    Weigh In: 148
    Down: .2
  • today's weigh in: 145.0 lbs

    TOM has finally ended for me.
    i don't even know what to say to this. should i be happy about this?
    after bouncing around 148/149 since july 31st, i finally had a significant drop. and since there's no more bloating, i don't have to battle with TOM weight gain anymore.

    i think the scale is just trying to make me happy.
    the same thing happened to DH. he was 202.8 one day and the next he was 200.8. maybe our digital scale is just whacky! lol!

    but anyways, yesterday i took my sister on a 4.2 mile walk. then, later in the evening, i completed a 4.2 mile run WITHOUT STOPPING!!!
    i haven't even trained for a 5K, yet i surpassed one last night!

    i don't even know what came over me.
    as forrest gump once said, " For no particular reason I just kept on going."
  • Down again, woohoo! From 295.8 yesterday to 294.6 today. 1.2 pounds! And it's my TOM, so I'll definitely take it!
  • I'm still under 137, at 136.6. I haven't been exercising much the past few days because I'm really tired and my leg has been hurting a lot. I'd been averaging about 80 minutes a day, so I think I need to take it easy for a bit. I sometimes struggle to keep the mindset of "diet for weight loss, exercise for fitness."

    I'm having one of those days at work where I just want to bang my head on my desk. Aargh.