It's getting hot in here -- July Daily Weighing Thread

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  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Calories for yesterday: 1295 +
    Weigh In: 149.6 (TTOM)
    Up: .2

    It doesn't look like I will have much movement on the scale until TTOM comes close to ending.
  • Hello folks.

    Still struggling, still overeating. Ballooned back up to 164 this morning.

    I'd like to say I'll be back on plan today but I already overslept and am skipping my early-morning workout. If I feel better later I can make up the workout after work, but I am not really committed to doing that.

    I hope everyone's week is off to a better start than mine!
  • I'm up a bit, to 138.4, due to eating too many sweets yesterday (I made brownies for the Ronald McDonald House and "sampled" a couple). I often don't see a gain until day 2, though, so I'm hoping tomorrow won't be even worse.

    I'm starting to worry about the lure of the old eating habits. I just ate a nice little 350 calorie lunch but I'm not full, so I want to keep eating - even though I know that, if I do, I'll feel bad later, both physically and emotionally. So I'm chewing a piece of gum and trying to banish the obsessive thoughts. Fingers crossed!
  • Hey everyone. Well after being at 151.6 for four days I'm up to 152.8. Boo. But I have not been working out as much as I had been. It has been way too hot and humid to find the motivation most days. I try to get to the gym but I've got to get myself up and out of the house!

    Carter Keep working at it. Some times really slow and steady is the way to go.

    Steph good luck with that gum. I do the same thing when I don't really need to eat anymore but want to.

    DianaHopefully tom will treat you right soon.
  • Carter Wishing you good strength today. I hope your day got better.

    Steph How did your day go? I have those bottomless pit days, too. Sometimes I just have to fill up on some veggies. It's not good when you feel empty nor does it feel good to just eat outside of your normal regimen. Hang in there.

    Domlacha Were you able to make it to the gym? Is there a pool near that you can use? Maybe that would be a little more refreshing than a traditional workout.
  • Diana, I ended up eating a 100-calorie snack and then a protein bar. That would have been fine, except that I came home and had a couple of brownies. I just wish I could be as committed to my eating plan as I am to my exercise. It's not like I had a stressful day or a bad experience that made me want to overeat, I just wanted to eat something tasty. I usually do okay with having that stuff in the house (I've had a bag of raspberry M&Ms, unopened, for weeks now!) but, lately, I'm feeling too tempted. Like you always say, I'm a work in progress, so I'll just have to keep trying to figure it out.
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Well, I'm feeling like a beached whale this morning.

    Calories for yesterday: 1470 +
    Weigh In: 149.8 (TTOM)
    Up: .2
  • Hi folks.

    Yesterday was a rough day and I fear today won't be better but I stayed on plan with food at least and dropped back to 161 - so yesterday's big bounce was just bloat from the weekend. Time to start trudging along to get back under 160. Also I am up early enough to get to the gym today, which I shamelessly skipped yesterday. (still not enough sleep though)

    Hope things go well for all of you today.
  • carter, I know you know this, but I'll say it anyway: exercise is a good antidote for depression. You get all those endolphins! (My favorite Annette Bening line of all time.) There have been many times when I've started my workout in tears and ended up feeling better. But try to get some sleep, too. You'll get through this.

    I'm up to 139.2, as expected. At least it's under 140, my new line in the sand. And even though I think about going on a binge almost every day, I haven't done it yet. I've overeaten, but not by too much.

    And we finally got some rain! Huge thunderstorms last night as I went to bed. I put out the tarp and bucket in my bedroom but didn't get any water - hooray!
  • Well I see this thread serves as a weekly weigh in for some too. I had posted about starting a weekly weigh in but see that you are doing that here and it's not just a daily weigh in. I weigh in on Fridays so I will be back to post in a few days. Good job to all those who are losing and for those who are not just keep up what you know is right.
  • Hi Everyone!

    I have been having some TTOM insomnia. I have been waking about an hour earlier than the alarm. That is better than it used to be. I used to wake in the middle of the night and not be able to go back to sleep. It's almost 8 here. I am going to finish my posts, do a couple other things, and get ready for bed. The plan is to be in bed by 9 PM.

    Carter Sending positive vibes your way. :

    Steph Stay strong. Hang in there. I have been feeling munchy, this week. I just put two and two together for me. I think it's not only the PMS thing but also losing an hour of sleep each day. All of that makes me want to eat. Heck! I don't need a good reason to want to eat. I need to go to bed now.

    Howie Hi and Welcome to the check-in.
  • Hey girls
    Here in Florida - seemingly after 5 days I am up 5lbs How ?? I have not overeaten and have worked out every day including an hours rumba this morning. Feeling fat and uncomfortable! How do you ladies cope living in the us the whole time?? There is so much food/temptation??
    Is it possible the weight gain could be water/muscle water?? I have been bench pressing 110lbs??
  • Hello everyone. This morning on was 151.4. Not really sure whats up with the weigh ins but whatever.

    Diana I did not make it to the gym yesterday. I was going to go for a walk last night but id not. However I did yoga today and played tennis for an hour. It rained all morning and the afternoon was cool for a little while.
  • Signed back up for WW an hour ago. I've been steadily gaining weight this summer, but I know once class starts again and I'm on campus it will subside. I've got some new mini goals up, and I'm going to reward myself with non food related items, because bread pudding has become my best friend lately. (?!?)

    Even though I've gained weight, there is one thing I have been doing all summer, and that is running. I did a 45 min. run tonight. I'm on week 6 out of 10 on 10K training.
    0:47:03.5 || 3 mi || 15:42 min/mi (+171 pts)
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Calories for yesterday: 1470 +
    Weigh In: 149.4 (TTOM)
    Down: .4