Get Movin! Part 3

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  • Gabi - Hope it works for you!

    Rest day for me today.
  • Gabi, what type of weights did you decide to get? Congrats on moving forward in your relationship. How's your son making out with school?

    Bunneh, constantly feeling sick can not be good. Enjoy your rest day.

    I was rangeled into a training class that started today and will last for three days. It kinda sucks because it was a last minute decision by my manager. That means no internet fun time throughout the day. The heat is back in my area. Not triple digits, but its getting hot again. I'm still nursing my patient and I'm very tired today. I walked like 8 blocks to his pharmacy only to be told his prescription was not there. I'm actually eating my dinner off of paper plates because I don't want to wash dishes. I think I will take an early night.
  • Bunneh, I hope it works too! I'm planning to alternate Jari with Jillian.

    Philly, not sure about the weights yet but probably 8-10p hand weights.
  • Ok I picked up a pair of 10 pounders, my arm was burning just carrying it out of the store. I figured 8 isn't enough considering I'm using 5 now...hope I can manage.
  • Happy Wednesday.

    Gabi - You might wanna get a set of 8 pounders too. There were lots of times with Jari that I have to switch down between exercises because it was a weaker muscle group.

    I'm feeling pretty awful today. I really want to do step or maybe Ilaria, but if I'm not feeling better this afternoon I'm not going to push it and will opt for another rest day.

    I'm hoping the Dr will tell me something other than "I don't know" when I go for my appointment on the 5th. Though I'm not sure he even realizes exactly how bad it all is for me... Part of me really just wants to walk into his office and have a breakdown about it like I've had at home. But it's so difficult to get past the feeling that I have to act as strong as I possibly can, otherwise I'm "wallowing" and looking for excuses to be "lazy." I'm approaching my wits end though, and very close to not caring at all what anyone else thinks.
  • Well, I got through 20 minutes of step aerobics. I had fun while I was doing it but I'm kind of regretting it now as I feel like I might actually throw up.

    I'm not sure what I'll do tomorrow. I was hoping for weight work but I may have to ease off.

    I hope you guys have a nice evening.
  • Bunneh, sadly I think there's a big difference in the care between a male and female doctor. The times I saw a male he was less sympathetic.

    Gabi, I agree with bunneh about getting 5lbs. When I read that I immediately thought that was a big jump. If you have wrist weights you can use them with the 5lbs to add a little weight. I can't wait to see what you think of Jari's workout.

    I'm pooped and off to bed for me.
  • Philly, I have been using 5p weights for Jillian since Feb & they seem like almost nothing now. I didn't buy 8p because it didn't seem to be that much of a difference. If Jari kills me I can always switch back to 5p until I can manage. I was also debating buying 3p ankle weights and a stomach wrap for Jillian...maybe in the future. I spend enough $$ as it is.

    So tonight I sat on my @ss stressing about the move, work, howework & lost my mojo. I seriously need to get more motivated. Lately I've been forcing myself to workout when before I looked forward to it, I need to get my drive back! I used to workout 5-6 days a week & July into August has become 4-5. Not good enough for me. Time to start over, Sept 1st is right around the corner.

    Bunneh, do you think perhaps you're dealing w/ some depression?
  • Gabi - I certainly feel depressed sometimes because of feeling sick so often. I don't believe it's clinical though, or that it's causing my fatigue. Been down that road already. And I'm willing to try more antidepressants later on but not until other possibilities have actually been explored. Especially since I really hate mixing anything with my anticonvulsants if I don't need to.
  • Bunneh, I hope the doc figures out something. I think I have chronic fatigue and it sucks! I don't know what it is but I think more than anything (besides work stress) my mind NEVER stops running and I exhaust myself. I'm a text book example of a worry wart. I worry obsessively sometimes. When I have days with energy I get a lot more done that's for sure. I'd say the last few months have been a little worse...I never used to fall asleep sitting up on the couch while watching TV. I must be getting old.

    I ran to my mailbox with much anticipation but Jari didn't come yet. Off to do Jillian.
  • Ok wow, I decided to do Ripped In 30 with the 10p weights since Jari won't be here until tomorrow and I made it almost all the way through! I only had to go back to the 5p for one part and by then they felt like paper weights.

    I have a feeling tomorrow night Jari will have the last laugh. That was really rough..

    Goodnight, ladies.
  • Got through some of Kari Anderson's Center Floor yesterday. Rest day today.

    Gabi Awesome job on the 10lbs!
  • And I know, vanity sizing, blah blah...

    But, I'm wearing a pair of size 8 jeans!
  • That's great, Bunneh! I love that I can wear jeans now minus muffin top.

    Jari has arrived! BBL to report the damage...
  • Jari wasn't bad at all. I made it w/ the 10p weights until the end for shoulders when she was sitting down. Bicep & boob muscles seemed to take the brunt of the beating but I definitely want to keep Jillian for my main gig.

    I will throw in Jari once or twice a week to switch things up & for extra toning. I definitely liked it but seemed a little too easy to be honest, I didn't even break a sweat whereas Jillian tries to kill you..

    In the end I think a combo of these two programs will be beneficial.