Goodbye to the 140's

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  • 139.6 today
  • Congrats Mer du Japon!

    I'm at 143.4 today. Lowest weight yet!
  • CONGRATS, mer du japon! That's wonderful!!!!! We are happy to see you go as it means you are lighter now (so long as you visit!) Teehee!

    I've seen 146.9 ONCE, but otherwise been hovering between 147.5 and 148.5. I am happy with that! (For now!) My weight loss anniversary is coming up January 6th- I know the holidays can be awful but I want to be 143.9 by then!
  • Quote: So that is 148.4 (today) down to 139.8 = 8.6 lbs. Sounds like so little but the recent past has taught me that this will be quite difficult for me to lose. I will say that my goal will be to do this in 9 weeks = just in time for American
    Quoting myself, haha. Did NOT make that Thanksgiving goal, not even close. I went in the other direction. Only just now even back into the 140s.

    Last week I almost posted at 149.6, then 149.0, Sunday morning I was up to 150.something (I cringed in disgust at the "5" and didn't really look at the number), now I'm back to 148.8 so I'm calling it - back in the 140s.

    Now to get out, this time in the RIGHT direction

    Hope everyone will see downward motion of the scale during the holiday season...
  • Bunch of folks on this thread in the same boat as me. This close to goal, it goes really slow. Steady but ultra slow. About 1.5 lbs a MONTH. I'm at 148. Hope to see 146 by start of February. My entire weight loss has been really slow, but I never back slid, so I guess that's good.
  • Clocked in at 145.6 this morning. For most of my adult life, my natural set point was in the mid-150's but I've been comfortably in the 140s for about 3 months now.

    It takes superhuman effort for me to come anywhere near the 130's although hoping to take it slow and steady and see what might be possible.

    Hang in there, holiday peeps!
  • Hey team, 146.1 today! YES YES YES! Almost halfway through the 140's- I can't believe it! I'm still hoping to break into the 139's by March but we shall see!
  • Ugh. 2 Christmas Party's last Friday. Had Cake at both. Was 147 that morning and next morning (Saturday) Weigh Monday and I gain 2.8lbs! So discouraging. Yesterday to this morning back down 1.2lbs. Getting worried about maintaining goal when if I am supposed to be able to indulge every now and then I gain 3lbs right away! But I have to remember....This time last year I was 100lbs heavier.
  • Medifast
    Trying to jumpstart this thing again with Medifast. Despite cheating the first night, down a half pound. I like the simplicity of it and think it will help me change behaviors.
  • Just 5 more pounds -- going for a hike now. No Christmas plans, thank goodness. Lost nearly 3 this weekend! Trying Medifast for a month to get into 130s-land, then back to real food. Finding MF incredibly convenient and easy.
  • Woo hoo! Reached my mini goal 2 days early! New mini goal and into the 130s sometime next week! This Medifast stuff is really helping me get there (just for a jump start).
  • Hi there! I made a resolution to work on the pounds I've packed on over the past few years. I'm up to 148 (eek!) this afternoon, though I've been hovering around 146 most days the past week. I feel and look my best about 130.

    I plan on intensively focusing on tracking what I eat and sticking to an appropriate calorie limit for six weeks. I figure six weeks is a small enough chunk of time that I can really focus on it. I'll reassess at that point.

    I'll be posting here occasionally for support and accountability. Nice to meet you!
  • I started my New Years resolution diet & exercise plan early this year at the end of December. Have not lost ANYthing really, which is always a bit demoralizing. Like I can binge out of control with sweets and processed white flour products and sit on my butt all day ... or spend a ridiculous amount of time planning and preparing healthy food and exercising ... and weigh the SAME? ugh

    No worries, I am not giving up. I can't. I have some disturbing new developments with body fat (much more is on my waist now) and possible too-high blood glucose levels, so I have much more motivation to get in shape beyond my weight.

    That being said, GET ME OUT OF THE 140s! I function SO MUCH BETTER at around 138 and below...

    jayavery - WOW 100 lbs less in a year.

    crimsons - I am the same height as you are and I *used* to weigh around 115 in my 20s. I could never get that low in a healthy way now, so anything in the 130s is acceptable to me... though 129ish would be ideal at this point.

    Kilketay - I have a 6-week plan too. That puts us at right around Valentine's Day for a check in. Let's hope for a good one

    I sort of count calories. We are around the same size - how many calories are you aiming for? I used to always shoot for around 1400 but then again I didn't lose much that way... When I was ready to start strength training everyone said I had to eat MORE to build any muscle, which freaked me out as I still wanted to lose some weight first. Very confusing. I guess it's just trial and error on an individual basis.

    My current 6-week plan is basically a hodgepodge "healthy" diet - based on diabetes recommendations but also a mix of South Beach Diet principles combined with other low carb tweaks, focused on whole foods, mostly vegetarian but with fish and seafood. I have committed myself to exercising every day after hearing Dr. Jordan Metzl speak about "The Exercise Cure"
  • Let's give this thread a go, once again

    149.4 this am. It won't stick though; we have some big dinner plans for tonight.
  • Noone else around?

    149.4 after a big night out