Thin for Life March 5

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  • Hi Lifers, Soon-to-be-Lifers and everyone else!

    My weekend went pretty well and I was able to get quite a bit done at home in
    anticipation of my new bedroom set arriving. Now that we've gotten the walls all painted
    I'm looking to get new carpeting...the old stuff looks pretty yucky with the new paint, etc.

    Eating wise I did pretty well over the weekend.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!

    161/141/142ww/135 personal
  • Hi Melissa and other lifers!

    I also had a great weekend. The weather in Austin was gorgeous - 70's and spring flowers and spring birds. Got up Sat. morning and did an awesome aerobics class at the gym (I am sore all over). I also worked out this morning. I have lost 2 of the 5 lbs I gained while on hiatus from excercise and healthy eating due to the move to our new home. I am back on track, and already feeling better. I have discovered that I need to do serious situps nearly every day or my stomach does a very good imitation of a pan of Jiffy-Pop popcorn!

    So, does this new server/forum have a search function? That would be really nice.

    Warm thoughts to all in the Northeast that are dealing with the winter storm up there. Stay safe and warm!

    I plan to go to a WW meeting on Wed. and learn the "scoop" about the new plan and get the new materials. The old plan worked for me, but too slow. I think it is a good idea to close the "fiber loophole". Although, I am sad that a bag of Orville Redenbacher's Smart Pop now counts as 4 points instead of 2!

    Have a great week, all!
  • Looks like there are lots of lurkers out there today. Did the old forum format show how many times a thread was viewed? Looks like this one has been viewed 20 times so far today, but nobody has posted. Well, to all of you that are too busy to post (I hope it is not due to being involved in that big snowstorm)... Have a great week!!
  • I don't recall the old forum noting how many people visited the site--must be something new with the upgrades.

    It's cold and windy here today--I managed to get out over the lunch hour for a small walk. I am so ready for Spring!

    I was just checking out the new Baker's Cookie site and notice that the cookies are now even higher in calories and the fiber is way down. The fruit & fiber cookie that used to be 2 points, then 4 points is now 5 points! I'm curious how the new recipe will taste.

    Hope those that are getting hit with the winter storm are doing okay!

  • Melissa - There is a conversation about the changes in Baker's cookies on the General WW thread - I think Bumby started it. Apparently, the cookies are not only higher in points, but they are also smaller. I've never eaten them, but I don't think I'll go to the trouble now - too much of a hassle and too many points. Plus, I don't usually stop at just one cookie - no matter what the type!
  • I am new to 3fatchicks. I was looking through the different boards. What is this one for I am a lifer and would love to get some support from others. I do attend my meetings weekly, but sometimes WW just does not offer us lifers a whole lot.
  • Bensmom,
    This is a great place to come for support- I agree that WW meetings don't give enough support once you are a lifetime member- they are geared a lot more for newer members. Hope to hear from you often!
  • Good morning everyone. It seems like ages since I've posted. This new look will take some getting used to. I'm amazed I actually found my password to be able to log in again.

    It's TOM for me so I didn't dare go near the scales for the past few days. I'm back on the exercise track (no pun intended) after a brief hiatus last week when everything just seemed impossible to fit in. Had an awesome run on Sunday - reached 53 minutes on the treadmill before my knees gave out. Will try to get a run in today if the cramps let up anytime soon...

    Has anyone heard from lalala? I think she's on holiday and was probably nowhere near Seattle when the quake struck, but I worry anyway. Hope she didn't experience any property damage, especially after all that painting!

    We're due to get that storm that's been battering the New England coast. If so, I hope it's bad enough for everyone to close up shop and go home for the day. I could use the time with a heating pad....

    Looking back on this post, I see I've done nothing but complain so I'll stop now. Will check in later today or tomorrow when I'm feeling more human.

    Have a good day all.

  • Hey, I'm back from Florida!! Wow, what a change in the 3FC's site!!

    We had a nice time - the weather was wonderful - highs in the low-mid 80s and dry. Hung out by the pool quite a bit and also went to the Magic Kingdom with DH & DD as well as Cocoa Beach to be by the ocean. Can't wait for spring to arrive here in Wisconsin. Got home on Monday & had a small birthday celebration for DD who turned 4 on March 5.

    I ate SOOO much on vacation it wasn't even funny. I am back in my routine now, so I hope I didn't do too much damage. I stepped on the scale this morning & was up a couple of pounds, so that wasn't too bad, I guess.

    How is everyone?? I couldn't log on while vacationing, so I was missing my daily check-ins....

    I hope all of you who live out east are weathering your nor'easter storm - sounds like a whopper.

    Ben's Mom - welcome!! I see you're from St. Paul, MN. I grew up in West St Paul but now live near Madison, WI. Are you a native Minnesotan?

    Hello to everyone else - will try to post more later - need to catch up on my work!

  • Hmmm .... I just got lost on this new site, and lost the reply I was in the middle of drafting. I agree that the new site will take some getting used to.

    I saw a post somewhere from lalala that said she got back to Seattle to assess the damage, and there wasn't any. Except a few books on the floor. Whew!

    I am going to try to work from my new home office today. We'll see how it works out. It is more convenient (no commute) but so much more distracting because there are other things I would like to be doing (like browsing through furniture brochures and web sites, getting a little extra laundry done, etc.). If I can get a lot of work done from home, that would be killer diller! ([whisper]I don't have any makeup on and I am wearing my cozy house slippers!! )

    Well, better go try to get some work done. Please stay safe and warm, everybody! (That's no problem here in Austin. High yesterday was 75 degrees; more of the same predicted today).

    p.s. Welcome to Ben's Mom. This is an awesome thread for support and common-sense advice. Lifers on this thread are in all stages of weight loss - from maintenance to those (like me) who have strayed a bit and are on a trek back towards goal. Please post often.
  • Aargh!?! This is so awkward! How to start? What to say? I'm really lost!?!?

    My computer had a "known" feature in Word which ate a whole bunch of memory (both its and mine) and by the time I found you all, it seems like a lot of changes have been going on. Well, we've moved!

    In any event, I'm still learning this system; so please apologies in advance for any breach in ettique etc. Are there specific rules or so for this section? What's the difference between "thin for life" entries and "journal" entries? Just the food logs?

    Hope to have these and other mysteries of the world figured out soon! I shall keep reading/searching, but if anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd love it! TIA!

    Oh! But, the good news is that after being at goal for 9 months, I slid out of the zone in an early January weigh-in 5lbs over?!?! Now, happy + thrilled to report I'm back within the goal zone (actually 2lbs under)....I guess lurking even has its benefits?! But, if you'll have me, I promise to post, contribute and get to know you all more! Hope you all are having a good day

    Karen Sue...still struggling with the drinking of the water...
  • Scarlett54 -
    No rules or regulations for the Thin4Life thread - we start a new one every Monday and we just talk about whatever - feel free to join in. The journal thread is just a daily food journal that some of us like to do on line - it has helped me out plus you can sometimes get some new menu ideas from reading other chicks' food journals.

    Way to nip your small gain in the bud and get right back to goal!

    191.8/142/145WW/137-140 personal goal
  • Good morning everyone!

    I had the day off yesterday to finish getting things ready for the arrival of our new bedroom set. I weeded out quite a bit of stuff--got rid of old clothes that I haven't worn and probably never will again. What a great feeling to get everything organized. I still have some things that need to be gone through and some clothes that still need to be put away but the major portion is pretty well done.

    Welcome Bensmom & Scarlett54! This is a great place for support, ideas, etc.

    kt marie Welcome back! I'm anxiously awaiting my trip to FL in April. Only 40 days! I can't wait. The weather here has been so cold and snowy the past few days that my trip is looking better and better as time goes on!

    On the eating front I've been doing pretty well. I'm going for my weigh in today and hopefully I'll be right where I want to be. I'm hoping all the painting, moving, running up and down the steps will have had an effect on the scale.

    Happy Wednesday everyone!

    161/141/142ww/135 personal
  • Melissa and All! Thanks for the Welcome!

    Well, it's that time of my day when I begin to struggle with the "drinking of the water": my current scheme is always have one huge glass in the frig so I'm drinking ice cold water out of a nice (large) glass. What do you all do? Or am I the only one with this problem?

    Melissa, I'm sure that your weigh-in will go fine. Really, it sounds like your doing the program oh-so-divine
    {Sorry, I hate to make this thing rhyme, otherwise it sounded so lame.} I'm now looking at my calendar and trying to figure out my next weigh-in time. I still wish WW would do more for the life-time folks. Any of you all gotten meetings changed or skewed to best "serve" Life-Timers?

    Ah well, these are just thoughts to put off the inevitable: work! {And the drinking of the water!}

    Hope you all are having a great Wednesday!

    Karen Sue...once more attempting great feats of drinking of the water...
  • Karen Sue - Welcome! Another water-intake struggler, I see. I can't ever seem to get in a full day's water unless I bring a water bottle to work that has a sport top on it. For some reason, I'm much more likely to drink water with a sport top than to drink it out of the glass. No clue why - maybe less chance of dribbling?

    I like to journal on-line because it is quicker than pulling out a paper journal (I work at the computer all day).

    The Thin4Life threads are just a great way to keep up with fellow Lifers during the week. We don't always talk about WW issues. There have been quite entertaining discussion about such things as black shoes, belly-button-piercing and I even once got on the tail-end of a thread about sculpting belly-button lint or dryer lint or something like that (don't know quite what that one was all about!)

    Well, got a lot of work done at the home office yesterday. Am back in the regular office today, with loads of work to do. Probably won't check in again today.

    Have a great day, all!