dieting while going through a family crisis

  • I need some ideas..

    I am eating mega food!... and I am not even hungry! HELP!!

    My sister has cancer and is losing her battle..:C... My son has planned his wedding (it is to be in one month) - and the wedding was off... then on again, then off, now it's on! LOTS and LOTS of issues with the bride and groom. Between both of these family happenings, I am stressing... and eating.. and I really could use any and all advice!!!

    I can't stop my sister's cancer... I can't help my son and his future wife.. what can I do to help me stop eating???!!
  • I'm so sorry. Stress eating has been the hardest thing for me to give up, Its almost impossible when you are going through as much as you are right now. I don't know what works for you, but if you are really feeling down, and binge eating (I am the queen of binge eaters) I would go for a walk, or do something outside where I wouldn't be around food, because if I'm down, all I have to hear is the word ice cream and I'm elbow deep in a pint of ben and jerrys 10 minutes later.

    Just today I had to leave the house for a few hours because my mother in law was making sweets for her church. Being around my trigger foods stresses me out, and a nice walk outside makes me feel a lot better.

    good luck
  • Perhaps you should look into a support group for the families of people with cancer. I know someone whose daughter died in a car accident and she was pregnant. The thing that helped her was to talk to other people who had experienced the loss of a child. You are internalizing feelings that maybe need to be let out. I see you have a support forum online for weight loss issues- it's not too far-fetched to think a different type of support group may help as well. Also, hospice is a wonderful resource, even if the disease is not end-stage. They have helped so many people I know with different types of problems, maybe they could help you, too. I am sorry you are going through this, and I hope you can get some help. As far as the wedding goes, you might just need to wash your hands of that. Tell your son to let you know what the final decision is when he can make one, and that if they can't decide about getting married, then that is a sure sign it doesn't need to happen.Take care.
  • Lisa , I am so sorry that you are having all this stress heaped on you. Congratulations on losing 110 pounds, I am sure you don't want to regain any that you have lost.Keep reminding yourself of that and try to distract yourself from food as samcakes suggested, go for a walk, call somebody on the phone. Come to 3fc and post .
  • Lisa,

    So sorry to hear about your sister and the worries regarding your son. Sending you "hugs". I don't know, if these would help, but sometimes when I am really stressed I listen to my mp3 player. I usually listen to something that will take me "away" mentally. Everyone has different musical tastes but whatever you can listen to and get lost in seems to really help.

    Take Care!!
  • I'm SO sorry you're going through this too. I don't really know what to suggest, but I"ll throw a few things out there. How about pigging out on salad? No? I don't know, just a thought. Maybe you need to just have baby carrots to reach for. Not exactly comfort food, but it's something that's not thousands of calories. Another idea is gum. Chew lots and lots of gum. Finally, something that has really stuck with me is this quote: "If food is not the problem, then food is not the solution." That is so true! Eating is something you're (possibly) doing to dull the pain. I doubt you're getting much pleasure out of it. If you're not going to enjoy something, maybe go out and do some sprints. Just run as fast as you can while you think of your problems and then stop and walk to recover. Then do this again and do this about 5-7 times. Maybe that will calm your nerves.

    I want to send you many, many cyber hugs. I don't know you, but I really do feel for you!
  • It is hard, especially when you don't have the time to prepare food, count and plan. I've been going through some very stressful family stuff and to be honest... the best I can do is just maintain.

    Just remember, you don't have to eat perfect all the time, even if you eat good most meals you can probably atleast maintain, which is progress. Focus on eating healthy foods.

    Before you pig out, ask yourself if eating the food is really going to help your life or make things worse? Regaining won't feel good, and you'll have to rebuy big clothes or go back to your old ones.

    I've also found doing some yoga helps calm the stress down for awhile... it may not be your thing, and it was never really my thing but I had to try it for my back pain and found it really helps relax me and clear my mind.
  • So sorry about your sister's cancer. I'm a binge eater too, so I can imagine what you are going through.

    You have no control over your sister's health or your son's wedding plans. But you do have control over your meals. You need to stop everything and plan out what you are going to eat for the week. Go shopping, and get everything ready. Then you have the food you need for the day, you know what you are going to eat and you are going to stick to you your plan. Then do it. I think having that tiny bit in your control will allow you to cope a little better.