Approaching Onederland and Beyond! We did it; you can too!!

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  • Yesterday marked the end of two weeks of dieting; today being day 15. I am almost out of the 280s, and I should be in the 270s by my next weigh in on Saturday. I had some roller coaster of emotions going the last couple days but I think I am back on track with high spirits.

    My clothes are definitely becoming more baggy even if the scale isn't saying much. I would love if my tummy flab would go away so I could wear a smaller pair of pants. The legs and butt are super baggy but I can't go down a size yet.

    Today I have a job interview, so keep your fingers crossed. I could really use this job since I have been unemployed for almost a year.
  • dogdays, I am not sure, it could be, I know my mom had dandruff, my sister had severe dandruff, I have it, and I was hoping ds2 wouldn't have it, but it looks like it is coming with puberty. I will have to take a peek at what it looks like, I might have to get an RX for it for him and see if it helps.

    thanks for the tip. Great job on the losses.

    Laif, I know what it is like to be afraid of the job scene, I am anxious, but ready to go to work, I am going to call HR at the hospital and see if they are processing applications for the positions.

    afm: took a good look in the mirror, man I have some bad looking cellulite on my legs, i'm not getting any younger, I really need to shape them back up, I guess I will go back to doing something on the rebounder maybe walking while I am watching tv.

    so yesterday, I was still at 196, I am on a low carb day today, so I will focus on chores and keeping my carbs to a minimum.
  • Down to 208.5 this morning! The ONEs are getting so close

    So I've lost 8lbs in 10 days after starting SBD last Monday. I know the weight loss will prob slow down but I'm thrilled so far. We've even had a few events this past week. And one tonight. I'm bringing a healthy brownie with me so I won't be tempted by dessert. One of "Kara's Fabulous Beany Brownies" from the SBD Phase 1 desserts forum.
  • tar- wow, great job!

    laifierr- good luck at the interview

    dogdays- thanks.... great job on staying focused

    jen- so sorry to hear about the salon drama

    star & kay- hi

    I subbed again today. Tomorrow we head to Kansas City for the weekend. My little brother is in a soccer tournament. Got my car all fixed which makes me feel better about driving that far.
  • teacher, be careful and have fun on your trip.

    tar, yay, good idea to plan for the event.

    nettle/rl/green tea-0g
    2 cups coffee w/ 1 tsp stevia sugar-4g
    13 pecans-4g
    8 pcs dark chocolate-4g
    1oz coconut-4g
    4 baked lays-1g
    1 baby vienna-0g
    1 pc turkey-1g
    2tbsp sour cream-1g
    mixed veggies-1g
    cream of chicken-2g
    3oz roast-0g
    beef gravy -2g
    artic bar-15g
    subtotal: 40g
    30z roast-1g
    1/4 cup mashed pot-9g
    beef gravy-1g
    arctic bar-15g

    total: 64g

    didnt get in any exercise, but keeping the carbs low motivates me to clean up the house.
  • Back up to 199 today, but it's soon TTOM, so I've decided not to sweat it. Walked 4km today. Going to go out and do another 2.5 and call it a night.
  • Laifierr - hope the interview went well! Congrats on being close to a new decade!! Such a good feeling. You're doing great - keep up the good work!

    Tar - congrats on your new low!! So close!!

    Teacher - glad to hear your car repairs are done. I hate car stress! We tend to buy conservative car brands known for their reliability just so I can avoid repair drama as much as humanly possible, LOL! A few years back, I had a very fun but unreliable brand and it TORTURED me - constantly needing repair (under warranty mostly, but i despised the hassle). Someday, maybe I'll buy a fun car again. Have fun this weekend!

    Jen - you're doing great with your food plan! Are you IFing too? I can't remember if you're still doing that. I hope your hard work pays off for you on the scale.

    Sushi - definitely don't sweat it. The water weight upticks are annoying but since you can explain it, you know it will come flying off (and probably some additional) once TOM is over for you. Keep up the good work!

    ItsMy & Kay - hey ladies! Hope all is well!

    As for me - finally dropped the rest of my ovulation water retention and saw a new low of 128.3 (previous new low was 128.5), so that was fun. I'm determined to behave and stay on plan this weekend (meaning no more giant cupcakes, LOL) so I can MAYBE ride this whoosh into 127. And of course, as you probably all predicted a month ago, LOL, now that I'm closing in on my new/lower goal of 125 I'm already thinking about lowering it. I can't believe how much fat I still have in my abdomen and upper thighs and arms. This last 5-10 pounds has definitely shrunk those areas, but there's more to go. So I think I'll reset my goal to 115 and see where I go. I'm not sure I'll really get that low, mainly because I can't fathom a number that low. I'm quickly learning that I can't talk about my goal weights with anyone other than you guys, my Mom and my DH because everyone else (friends/coworkers) are all harassing me that I'm losing too much. I look skinny in clothes, but definitely not when I'm naked....obviously only DH and my Mom see me naked (Mom and I went bathing suit shopping recently and she admitted she was surprised to see that I still had more fat to lose since I look so skinny in clothes). It's become quite annoying to me, so I avoid talking about it and pretend that I'm done losing weight so I don't have to hear it from people anymore. My DH is fiercely protective of my curves, so he will DEFINITELY alert me when I've gone too far, LOL! I still have plenty of curves...
  • My interview went well and I'll find out sometime next week if I get the job. I hope I get it, kinda tired of filling out applications.

    Yesterday was a pretty good day though I need to get more leafy greens back into my diet.

    Breakfast I made a smoothie with sunflower milk, spinach, kale, carrots, flax seed, strawberries, and blueberries.

    Lunch I had a bowl of left over cauliflower soup then went for a hike for about an hour.

    Dinner I sauteed some mixed veggies with teriyaki sauce. yum! =D

    And then I finished out the night by making some lentil stew which I'll have today.
  • dogdays, I definitely agree in redefinition, I just wonder if you wouldn't feel better putting on some muscle.

    Laif, you have an interesting diet. I echo the sentiment about applications.

    sushi, me too, must be all the salt!

    I hated the scale for being so indecent today, but I think it is water weight. I didn't get to drink as much water and ate alot of salt yesterday.

    so 2 of my applications were turned down, but the third one is in *active* status. It has the requisition #, but not the position, so I'm not sure which one it is! lol. Well, I applied for all of them because I thought that is what i want so , we will see. I am leaving it in God's hands. I do need a job very badly at this point though.
  • Laifierr - great job with the interview! I hope you hear good news...keep us posted! Sounds like you had a good eating day yesterday.

    Jen - I've actually been stepping up the muscle building over the last month. I suppose I haven't talked about it much since weight training and toning isn't my passion, LOL, but my DH has been working with me and has stepped it up a notch for me. I have been using resistance bands and some dumb bells over the last year, but probably haven't worked on challenging myself as much as I should have. I think the majority of my fat changes over these last 5-10 pounds have been more from the toning - lots more definition, especially in my abdomen. Time will tell. My DH has textbook muscle tone and definition (6 pack abs, obliques...definitely not hard on the eyes, hahaha) so I know he's the best teacher for me and that he knows his stuff. I just need to be patient and perhaps improve my attitude about it a wee bit more. Sorry you're suffering from water retention. I hope the job pans out for you - will keep my fingers crossed.
  • hmm, DH sounds tasty :P. I think my so looks like the statue of david naked. heh. Oh I have to put in here, that i did have some cake earlier but it made me sick to my stomach with a sugar high, and since I threw up, I am not counting it. Does anybody else get sick to stomach from sweets? I noticed even a few sips of sprite makes me severely ill and I try to drink my friends' sweet tea but feel ill from it too.

    well, here is the log for today.
    goals: 200 carbs
    15 min rebounding
    dishes clean and put up.
    sweep and mop kitchen floor.-done 6:00pm

    2 cups coffee-4g
    2 packets oatmeal with dried fruit:64g
    1/2 banana-13g
    bite noodles: 1g
    subtotal: 82g

    1 banana-27g
    2 oz coconut-8g
    1/2 cup pineapple-20g
    1/2 cup chobani-8g
  • Jen - hahaha...I think he's tasty, but admittedly I'm a bit biased, LOL! No complaints from me... Your chobani with banana, pineapple, and coconut sounds YUMMY!

    Small victory for me this morning...I whooshed my way to a healthy BMI. I call it a small victory because my doctor has considered my weight healthy since 135 because of my frame size, so I haven't put a lot of stock in the real BMI figures. But technically, weighing in at 127.4 this morning (big whoosh...drank and peed like crazy yesterday, LOL!) puts me at 24.9 for my height and weight on the official BMI charts. There's a HUGE weight range for my height though, so again, it doesn't mean much.
  • Dogdays - Yay for the whoosh!!!! I am so happy for you!!! That's a huge deal and you must be SOOO Proud!

    Laifierr - nailing the interview is half the battle, good job

    Jen - Sorry about the scale being mean, it will give in eventually if you do the right things though I will say some prayers for you to get employed (while I am saying ones for my DH for that too)

    Sorry haven't written as much, TOM has worn me right out. I am in the middle of it though, and still saw a lower weight on the scale :O By gory, I think I finally figured out why I plateaued for all that time Today my dear friend is coming to swim with the kids (they are old enough they really don't need a babysitter, just someone around to make sure they don't burn down the house or get hurt), and DH and I are going into the valley for supper with another "couple" friends of ours. I am so looking forward to it. Have a great weekend all!!!
  • I weighed in today but my scale is playing tricks... It's digital and stupid sometimes. I weigh a few times just because it's not 100% accurate.

    WI 1: 280.6
    WI 2: 279.4
    WI 3: 280.6
    WI 4: 280.6

    So I guess I am 280.6? Which means I lost about 1 pound for last week. I'll take it =P I have been exercising a whole lot more since I first started which means I should be putting on a lot more muscle. Today alone I hiked for an hour and 40 minutes.

    And I have been slacking on my leafy greens, so this week I'm going to increase those and try to even out my other portions. I get in plenty of fruit so no problem there.
  • where the heck did my post from this morning go?

    I posted that I blew yesterday's goal for 200 because we ordered pizza. ahh well. today is a friend's birthday party. I am going to do no carbs until that time, and then I will have cake and icecream with everyone else.

    I took a green tea fat burner pill and went out and gardened and it felt so good. havn't felt that good in a long long time.

    well, I am going to sell my wii and games, adn I am getting Your Shape Fitness 2012, I hope I like it.