20-Something Runners United!

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  • Sontiakle - Those stats are pretty impressive, especially if you havn't run since August, well done . I wish I could use an app like that but i've looked it up and it only works if it's hooked up to the network continuously. Unfortunately I think there's only one spot on my circuit that has a very weak signal, another downfall of living in the middle of nowhere.

    Bones - You can also get C25K on Android/Iphone. Mine allows me to listen to my own music with a voice over promp. Free aswell.

    Well I got my shoes!! Asics gel thingy and wow! I've been wearing them around and I don't know how I put up with my old sneakers. I feel kinda bouncy in these can't wait to try um out on the circuit.

    Update: Ran my 5km and I LOVE my new shoes! no pain in my knees or ankles, no blisters, no pinching and best of all I shaved 1 min 30 secs off my time, yay!
  • Ali87 - that's awesome! I'm glad the new shoes are working so well for you! My current shoes are asics too!
  • Just completed week 3 of C25K . Can definitely skip the rest days atm I've found.
    Starting week 4 tomorrow eep! Found my legs were aching me today so hoping they hold out for tomorrow!
  • Just love reading you girls! I am so tired today and was contemplating not running but reading this makes me wanna go out again! Thanks for that.

    Ali: AWESOME shoes! Glad you found the right ones, it does make all the difference.

    Sontiakle: That is amazing. You must be really fit. Or you pushed yourself hard. Either way great results. I hope you are being careful and not hurting yourself by going too quickly from zero to everything .

    So, I am low-carbing (50g a day) and it is kinda hard with running. I timed my carby-meal properly before running friday and my run went faster than I imagined, but when I didn't time it so great the day before that I just felt like I was dragging my feet. Anyone here on lowish carb diets?
  • My legs are KILLING me from that run ladies! It also didn't help that I had a cardio/strength training class yesterday though! I took a spin class this morning and did some weight lifting so I exercised about an hour and 10 minutes. I think I might give my legs another rest day and go running after work tomorrow I'm still thinking about it as I'm not sure I could give it 100% since my legs are super sore right now!! Maybe I could do a mile or two?

    torito - thank you! I didn't know that app was on blackberry, but it's a good app regardless

    Ali87 - whoo congrats on running the 5k!

    PaintedButterfly - congrats to you too! great job!

    philana - I appreciate the concern, but I actually didn't push myself! I found that I probably could have run further, but since I was just starting out I began heading back home at the 3 mile mark. I didn't realize I had gone more than a half mile from my house though! I think it's all the strength training and spinning classes
  • Ah philana I can't imagine running on low carbs! I'm trying to slowly decrease my levels of carbs (and up my protein intake) but I can't imagine getting to 50g and still running tbh. I'm impressed you manage it at all!

    I just did day 1 of week 4.. 5 minutes walking, 3 minutes running, 90 seconds walking, 5 minutes running, 2.5 minutes walking, 3 minutes running, 90 seconds walking, 5 minutes running...
    And well my calves felt like there were going to snap! The back of my ankles especially were really really painful.. I managed to push through it and got to the end without stopping but argh...
    Then when I was doing a 5 minute brisk walk to warm down after the pain sort of ebbed away my feet got pins and needles then went totally numb
    Anyone else experienced that?
    I'm thinking I'll take the rest day tomorrow and do the next run on Tuesday as I don't want to injure my legs.. and just heck I don't fancy that pain again!
  • Philana - I never managed on low carbs, even when not exercising so can't imagine how you're dealing. Good on ya.

    Paintedbutterfly - The only thing i'm thinking could have happened is your feet could have swelled with the exercise making your shoes tight and causing the numbness and pins and needles. If it happens again it might be worth trying shoes half a size larger. Remember to stretch out calves and hammies before and after your run. Also Ibroprofen helps with muscle inflamation.

    Rest day today though was very tempted to get out and try a longer run on a flatter circuit. But think i'll leave that untill I've met my 30min goal on my current circuit.
  • Hey, thought I would pop in.
    I've been running for a few years now. I'm currently re-doing my running schedule after coming off training for my last race.
    I'm training/helping a friend get ready for her first half marathon in April now. We are at 4 miles for her long runs which we just did Saturday. I'm trying to add in sprints for me to help my pace. I not much of a speedster. I usually just like to go out and run whatever feels good and prefer trying for distance. But I'm going to try for faster for my next race.

    ilovetoot-When I was training for my marathons I could activity lose weight for a few months, but once I got closer I pretty much just maintained the same weight for the next few months. Marathon training is not the time to lose weight and a little weight gain is no biggie because you need the fuel for those long runs. But I agree with your sentiment about 'short' runs seemingly not doing much. Going for a 3 mile run now is not a huge effort for me because my body is use to it, so it kind of like a easy exercise. Now adding some intervals like some else mentioned will kick it up a notch. Or giving yourself a goal pace to reach for as well. Hitting some hillier routes too.
  • Ali87 I think you might be right on my shoes being too tight. That's one of the problems of running on marshy fields... I've got to tie them really tight to begin with or else they come off in the mud! So I guess that means they're too tight once I'm into the run.. perhaps I'll have to try stopping and loosening them part way through..
    Oh well I move house in 3 days time and will be running on concrete pavements then which'll be quite the difference but should sort that I'm thinking! It'll be good not having to wash my trainers after every run too!
    My doctor said my hamstrings are too short.. so I'm doing some stretches he showed me but I'm not convinced they're helping tbh...
    I'm wondering about taking ibupropfen before I run for a bit but certainly don't want to become dependant on it or make it too much of a habit :\. This probably sounds stupid but can you strengthen your hamstrings? I'm hoping this is going to get better with time :|

    I took a rest day yesterday and I think I needed it tbh due to my aching legs (which still ache today ) although I had some weird guilt going on about not running and missed it.. I did go for a long walk though.
    Today I'm going to do day 2 of week 4.. eeep nervous. I read ahead about next week's C25K and apparently day 3 of week 5 is a 25 minute continuous run! Heck I can't imagine doing that right now Seems quite a jump to me.... I'll be doing it on concrete too which'll be a big change in itself (does running on concrete make it harder or easier than off road do people find?)..
    Oh well.. the woman on it keeps reassuring me I can do it :P I hope she's right.
  • Quote: Ali87 I think you might be right on my shoes being too tight. That's one of the problems of running on marshy fields... I've got to tie them really tight to begin with or else they come off in the mud! So I guess that means they're too tight once I'm into the run.. perhaps I'll have to try stopping and loosening them part way through..
    Oh well I move house in 3 days time and will be running on concrete pavements then which'll be quite the difference but should sort that I'm thinking! It'll be good not having to wash my trainers after every run too!
    My doctor said my hamstrings are too short.. so I'm doing some stretches he showed me but I'm not convinced they're helping tbh...
    I'm wondering about taking ibupropfen before I run for a bit but certainly don't want to become dependant on it or make it too much of a habit :\. This probably sounds stupid but can you strengthen your hamstrings? I'm hoping this is going to get better with time :|

    I took a rest day yesterday and I think I needed it tbh due to my aching legs (which still ache today ) although I had some weird guilt going on about not running and missed it.. I did go for a long walk though.
    Today I'm going to do day 2 of week 4.. eeep nervous. I read ahead about next week's C25K and apparently day 3 of week 5 is a 25 minute continuous run! Heck I can't imagine doing that right now Seems quite a jump to me.... I'll be doing it on concrete too which'll be a big change in itself (does running on concrete make it harder or easier than off road do people find?)..
    Oh well.. the woman on it keeps reassuring me I can do it :P I hope she's right.
    On one of your post, you said you were experiencing some pain in the calves and musles... I had that in the past too. I realisez that even if my cardio was improving, my legs muscles were not as strong as it should be.

    I started doing some muscles exercices at home, only doing body weight muscles exercices, and it is helping a lot
  • Quote: On one of your post, you said you were experiencing some pain in the calves and musles... I had that in the past too. I realisez that even if my cardio was improving, my legs muscles were not as strong as it should be.

    I started doing some muscles exercices at home, only doing body weight muscles exercices, and it is helping a lot
    Hey thanks for the advice! I was actually reading a running magazine which advised weight lifting to help with running.. eep I've never even lifted a weight!
    When you say you were doing muscle exercises at home do you mean you have a set of weights or are they something else? I don't own any weights and the gym near me is really... horrible so I just can't see me going there regularly (it's really run down) so that's the problem.

    Well I did day 2 of week 4 C25K and I've discovered I really need those rest days inbetween. My legs still ached and got painful towards the end but nowhere near as bad and I think that's thanks to me observing the rest day yesterday so I don't think I'll be skipping anymore. Of course I'm now itching to get onto the next one and tomorrow I'll have to fight myself not to go for another run.. but I like looking forward to my runs rather than pushing myself too much and ending up with aches and pains and dreading the next run.
    O0o and because I was getting bored of it I did my run in the dark with a headtorch which made it far more fun and exciting. I highly recommend it. I'm now totally sold on night running! Both me and the dog loved it. Shame I'm moving back to a residential estate in a couple days.. I doubt running at night is the same (or as safe) on pavements compared to in fields..
  • Hey ladies, didn't go for a run today because I plan on going 3x a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I was SO SORE from my Friday run that all I could manage was a 2.83 mile run yesterday. It didn't help that I've been doing spinning and weight training in between I guess, LOL. My legs need a chance to rest.

    Still, not bad for a newbie, right?

    PaintedButterfly & TurboMammoth - I think weight training is very important. I'm pretty sure it's the reason as to why I was able to run 3.6 miles on my first try since August (when back then all I could get up to was 2 miles). I've been lifting heavy weight for years and in the past few months I've gone gone really gung ho with it: eating protein, lifting heavier and lifting more. I've noticed that I'm stronger and have crazy stamina, which is probably why I was able to pick up running again. I've noticed that certain exercises also do nothing for me now when I used to be able to work up a sweat doing them previously.
  • PaintedButterfly Night running? way too scared of the dark to try that out. Wish I could 'cos that would give me greater flexibility as to when I could run, but for some irrational reason I keep imagining creatures stalking me in the night despite the fact I live in Wales and the worst thing I could encounter is an angry badger (they're vicious!).

    Agree weight training is the shiz! It really compliments any running regimen as it can strengthen leg muscles as well as core muscles which are important in running as a strong core will help prevent injury in the lower body.
    At the moment I'm doing the 30 day shred which is pretty simple and only requires a mat and handweights (I use 3kg and 5kg hand weights though they recommend lighter).
    You don't need the gym, or really any special equipment to start. You can start off just with body weight exercises
    For hamstring try lying on the floor with your legs bent at right angles and heels on the couch/low table/step. Cross one leg over the other, resting your ankle on your other knee. Lift your pelvis up from the ground using your leg and hold. switch over. This is really good for building up your hamstring strength. I'm hoping i'll get strong enough to actually power up that darn hill . but remember building muscle can actually make your muscles stiffer if you don't stretch them out after exercises.
  • Hey guys.
    I did 3 mile jog with a friend. Then did some sprints for me. Good to push myself a little. I am trying to up my pace when I run.

    I agree with the people who say add a little weight training in because running works one set of muscles, so it's good to balance out and work other muscles. Working on your core also it great because you need to be able to hold yourself up and stand tall when running for good form. Planks are my favorite.

    PaintedButterfly-Yes you can work your hamstrings and it's probably a good thing to do because running puts more emphasis on your quads (Front of the legs) then the back (hamstrings) so it's good to balance out.

    If you have a swiss ball (one of those big exercise balls) I've got some good stuff for you. Kind like the stuff Ali87 was saying where you lift your pelvis.
    Reverse lunges are good-stepping backwards into a lunge
    Deadlifts-I do mine with hand weights I have at the house.
  • Quote: Hey thanks for the advice! I was actually reading a running magazine which advised weight lifting to help with running.. eep I've never even lifted a weight!
    When you say you were doing muscle exercises at home do you mean you have a set of weights or are they something else? I don't own any weights and the gym near me is really... horrible so I just can't see me going there regularly (it's really run down) so that's the problem.

    The only thing I have at home is some Everlast resistance cables (and they are actually my boyfriend's lol) and anyway those are for the arms.

    For the running, I focus a lot on the legs, abs and back. And do exercices that only use body weight as bodyweight squats, body weight lunges, standing calves raises, some abs (I used the routine of the website randomabs that I do 3-4 times a week) and do some kind of bridge exercices for the back.

    I want to get one of those half exercice ball though (not the big ball, only the half one, but I can't find it anywhere!)

    I can REALLY feel that those exercices are helping, specially when I do hills. I know that when I will want to sprint a little at the end of my run, my muscles won't be the ones stopping me! And my muscles are definitely less sore the days after my runs since I'm doing strength training