90 pounds gone, half way there!

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  • I don't even know what to say. A year ago on Dec. 20 I decided I needed to start walking. I spent Thanksgiving and Christmas alone and I realized that having someone in my life was important to me. I didn't think anyone could love what I had done to myself. I was depressed for 2 years before that. I didn't get off the couch. One of those years I spent 1 week away from my apartment. Rock bottom was pretty much hit at that point.

    Before, I was social, even if big. Those 2 years though, destroyed my metabolism, self esteem, and dignity. I had friends who barely knew me. I hid everything about myself, mainly. They were all online friends, so it was fairly easy. I played video games with them, talked to them all the time. I lived with a guy, who was supposed to be my boyfriend. Every day he came home, sat at his computer and didn't even notice that I was slowing trying to kill myself. I felt like I could never forgive him for it. But, a year later, I've forgiven him and we are friends.

    I had two friends that I let in. They were online friends, but I finally just told someone. One of them is my best friend. He's seen me at my worst, seen me at my best. He's been support when I felt like nothing else could be support. I told him about making myself throw up, and it helped to just have someone listen.

    Maybe none of these things are the right thing to say, but I've lost 90 pounds, and I never thought I could do that. Now I feel unstoppable. I finally got a job, I love it. I got my license. I am saving money and soon I'll get to go visit my mom. All things that I never thought I'd do, I'm doing. Its like I got my life back.

    Either way here's my picture. I posted it on facebook first, because I felt like of all the people who deserved to know and see it, my family did. I live really far away from them, so sadly, facebook is mostly our way of talking.

    Updated - May 13, 2012

  • You are unbelievable! You picked yourself up physically and emotionally. No easy task. Congratulations and keep going.
  • You are truly an inspiration not just with the weight loss but how you have made amazing leaps in your life in such a short amount of time! Overcoming your deepest fears that hold you back on the inside is true healing and I'm so proud of your accomplishments keep it up! and
  • Congrats for turning your life around! You should be really proud of what you have accomplished. You are a real inspiration
  • congratulations on both your weight loss and overcoming the issues you have faced, inspirational!! xx
  • You did an amazing job! Congrats on turning things around
  • Great job!!! To your continued success!!
  • Good on you, Lady! Loving yourself enough to gain your health is the best thing you can do for people who love you!
  • Honey, you are ahhhhmazing. What a dark hole you got out of, and you are an inspiration to others...plus you deserve to look and feel good.
  • Thanks all. The holidays have always been a very strange time for me. But this year I felt at peace.
  • Thank you
    Thank you for sharing your struggles and success. I have a lot of weight to lose and you certainly inspire me. Keep up the great work and never forget to love who you are as a person which in case you need to be reminded----you are awesome and can do anything---especially with the support of so many on this site believing in you and cheering you on as you continue this journey. God bless you and your family.
  • You're looking great! Keep up the good work!
  • Great job! Wishing you continued success on your weight loss journey and with finding happiness.
  • Excellent progress, Lala!!! Physical health is often tandem with emotional health. You have made amazing growth with both! Congratulations & good luck for continued success!!!
  • I've been MIA because of the holidays....YEAH YOU!