Great Nutritional Guide - Everyone should look!

  • Hey everyone!

    I found a great website today and thought I would share it with you all.

    It basically tells you what you should be eating daily and how much of it you should be eating too. I know there are a lot of people who come on the board confused that they're sluggish, still hungry or not losing weight even though they're counting calories - well I think this is a great website to educate about good eating!

    Also, there's a GREAT interactive tool here:

    It tells you what you should be eating of each food group daily and how many calories based on your age, gender, height and how you exercise too. I think it's very important the people understand that exercise will affect your calorie intake!
    Sometimes the results give you loads of advice links, but click "yes" on the right to see your plan. Sometimes it just says Would you like a plan for current weight or weight loss and it gives you the results.

    I printed out what constitutes as an oz or cup of each food group along with my personalised guide, so I feel like it's a great visual aid to my food plan! I found all the information by clicking the picture on the main page and using the charts on the right hand side to navigate.

    Hope you find it useful!
  • Thanks for sharing!!