Sarge's no Excuses and No Whining Bootcamp #19 - With a 2nd Drill Sargeant

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  • 30 min elliptical and MTCD1 @ gym this morning (which included 10 burpees so I think day 2 is covered)

    Was going to do a tempo run at the gym but for the 8th day in a row my workout buddies didnt show up (they are in a serious holiday funk I guess) so I figured I could stay at the gym by myself and watch a close caption interview with LeBron James and in depth analysis of where Albert Pujols is going to play next season or come home and run on my TM and watch whatever shows I have recorded (I actually thought it was wednesday and TBL would be on the recorder ). So off to do that, now...catch you later platoon.
  • Day 2 burpees done!
    Off to shovel snow. How long till March?
  • Quote: Day 2 burpees done!
    Off to shovel snow. How long till March?
    How long until June?
  • Well, at least I dont have to shovel rain. My kids are dying for it to snow for Xmas.

    Tempo run done. The tempo part was about 10-12 seconds per mile faster than last week but the recovery was slower. All good.
  • Dang, I forgot to do my burpees yesterday. To make up for it I just did 8. Hey, they make me breath harder!

    TM this a.m. 2 miles, mph avg. 4.3/3% incline.
  • trying to work up the courage to go to the mall. I do most of my Xmas shopping online but there are a few things I cant find. I HATE SHOPPING and it is a 45 minute drive each way. But at least mall walking burns calories right?
  • Uck Josey! June? You poor poor Canadian.

    Ennay- You also burn calories wading through the mob of shoppers. Every year I say I'm going to get my shopping done by Nov, and every year I'm trying to cajole my mom and sister out two weeks before Christmas. Perhaps I should abandon them to their procrastinating? Ah Christmas, you bring out the family loving side of me

    Finished W1 of E210K. Woot, on to week 2!
  • Thank you so much for all the great support platoon. The last two days were good!!!
  • Jeanettey's Mid-week challenge

    Choose Your Hard

    Choose one;

    1. 100 push ups
    2. 100 crunches or
    3. 100 mountain climbers (picture at bottom)

    Double dog dare challenge

    Do one every day for three days this week.

    You have thru Sat to complete it.

    Mountain Climbers shown below
  • josey: Congratulations on reaching a normal BMI!!!!

    Jeanettey: I'm sorry if I was critical when you were going through a tough time; I didn't realize. I'm very glad the last few days have been good ones for you.

    sumnerfan: Thank you very much.

    ennay: I love the "eat grandpa" image, lol.
  • My tushie hurts. Must have been a better workout than I thought either this morning or yesterday.
  • Burpee challenge done - 9 burpees.

    Xtreme Workout Upper Body - done. Shorter dog walk (rain) - done.

    A double dog dare challenge? Oooo, I'ma gonna go with the crunches. Thanks for the challange, Jeanettey. Sir!
  • Day 3 Burpee challenge- Done!
    Jeanettey Challenge Wednesday- 100 crunches- Done!

    Glad to see you back Jeanettey!

    Ennay- My first thought when I woke up this morning was 'my legs hurt,' and then general unintelligible rumbling about lactic acid build up.
  • Burpee challenge D3 done
    Jeanetty challenge crunches and mountain climbers done

    - did painful mall shopping today with little success. I put the kids in afterschool care today because I didnt know if I would get back in time and I barely got back in time to squeeze in a run and MTCD2 before afterschool care closed. Since my workout called for 65 mountain climbers and 50 crunches I finished both those off for the challenge.

    Yoga tonight. I am really struggling working my food on yoga days. I dont want to eat after yoga because it screws with my sleep and makes me hungry the next day but I keep not getting enough calories which makes me bingy the next day. MTA: or like tonight I eat too much for dinner which will make yoga uncomfortable.
  • Pushups,......crunches,......mountain Climbers,.....oh My!!!

    Have Fun With It Platoon!!!