
  • Hi.

    My son is now 6 month old and I'm STILL 75 lbs overweight! Therefore, I'm going to start up WW again tomorrow. I'm not going to meetings (no babysitter, parents with tots meetings not at a good time). How many extra points do I get for breastfeeding? I'm allowed 34 points (I have not gained/loss anything since my last meeting), I remember the 49 WPA and if I remember correctly, I should be allowed 14 extra breastfeeding points. Is this correct?

    Can someone help me out?

  • Sorry guys and gals.

    I just did a search and found my old post with the information I was asking.

    Still 14 though? No new development?

  • I'm not sure what the points are for the Points Plus program, but for older WW programs I know you get 10 extra points for exclusive breastfeeding and 5 for partial (supplementing, baby gets mostly solids, etc).

    I'm with you, though. My youngest is 5 months, and while I've lost almost 30, I still have 70 to go.
  • Way back when (*laughs*) It was 2 point a feeding with a max of 10
  • I'm not sure how the new point system works now but I used 10 extra points daily and lost like a mad woman. It literally melted away in 3 months....this time around not so much Good luck though!