November? No Problem! - Daily Weigh in Thread Pt 1

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  • Aimee look at you, VERY pretty ... had to say that now on to personals as quickly as I can, gotta get to the school
  • Well got up to 180.2 down 1.8 from yesterday ... I am happy. If I CAN keep myself together I may just see the 170's before Thanksgiving. I'd like to get down to 175 but I know I need to workout. And we are so busy right now. My children are killing me, ughhhhh (It's a good kill though, I wouldn't change a thing )

    Aimee I don't how I managed to drop that .2, maybe my scale wants me to know that it can be friendly I'll have to check on PGX, maybe GNC will have it or the vitamin store. I LOVE your new avatar. Weigh in Lady Aimee, I think I'm gonna make me a little place card that says WATER FIRST .


    Rainbow, wow thanks for the information.

    Vixsin I think yoga sounds like a great plan, don't wanna get too sore the weekend is coming

    Diana good job on the 1.2lbs down

    crainjo to ONEderland

    Lori, glad the sodium is out the door

    Kukkie I'm sorry about the stresses of your job Would you consider going back to your old one? I'm sure they'd be glad to have you. They didn't want you to leave right?! Girl you'd better get you a clear blue easy They never lie, trust me
  • love the new avatar aimee!

    Kukkie, I'm so sorry that the job thing isn't working out. I know that feeling.

    Rennie: You can do it! Stay strong!

    Crainjo: Turkey Weekend this year will consist of lots of food here. My sister is having a thing this year, so we will make an appearance at that. I always go to my friend's family's house and that is a Portuguese meal complete with numerous desserts! I have to say that I am VERY thankful for my treadmill this year! Since I am not typically going out the night before thanksgiving, I am going to get a workout in the night before or the morning of. I am leaning more towards early morning on Thanksgiving. I think if I get a good run in I will be able to use that feeling to sustain me with food for the whole day. What do you guys think?
  • Hi Guys!

    Vixsin: I agree with your plan to maybe work out early on Thanksgiving morning. Whenever I work out, I don't want to wast the good feeling I have.

    Rennie: Way to go on 1.8 down today. It's hard staying on plan, isn't it? But you can do it! Remember? You told me we can do anything we want.

    Crainjo: I like your plan for Thanksgiving. I found a Green Bean casserole on the Eating Well website that might be a good alternative to the traditional one. I am planning to make it for my family and will see. And congrats on the 90 pounds lost! That is such an inspiration!

    aka: Noticed that you are on week nine of C25k. How do you like it? I've been thinking of trying it to give my body something different to try. Good luck with finals and your papers!

    Ona: Glad you saw the light on 1000 cals a day. I think that is too little for anyone. You said you want to get down to about 150; is that your ultimate goal from the beginning or a new one?

    I have been doing good. Still losing weight, slowly but surely. Down 1 pound this week, so I know last week was all about having a huge flush after TOM left. But I'm still losing past my Thanksgiving goal, and well on my way for my New Year's Day goal, so I'm happy! I have an Endocrinologist appointment today, so we will see what my doctor thinks about things. My plan for Thanksgiving: be seriously careful about what I eat and bring healthier options to share.

    Have great WI's today, everyone!
  • everybody..

    Down .6 today.Back to 167.4.After i finish jogging/doing my abs work(under the tree) at the track this morning.I took a final slow walk around the track and a girl I've been talking to caught up with me, we started talking..I was telling her that i was tired if fighting this fat and she said,What fat? I said( and pointed to) my abs,which is what I'd concentrating on now.She said but It's that mostly loose skin So I'll get my body fat checked tomorrow and see if that can help me figure out where i am cause it all looks like fat to me

    Aimee,you are beautiful love that picture. thanks.yeah,I've finally kick the Sf icebreakers habit now If i can just break the SF gum.Or maybe just not so much.Can't give up everything Hope you have a great WI

    What a pretty bird Rainbow and in the snow sad to think it's going to be eaten come to think of it,If i saw my fish/chicken or whatever in it's original form..I don't think i could eat it pretty picture though. thanks for sharing. great job on the pound

    Crainjo you're doing an awesome great plan for thanksgiving.

    Awesome job at the gymVixsin and w/the trainer.You'll see a loss real soon.Love your mindset about Thanksgiving sounds like that old fighting spirit is back

    Great job on the .8 Angie thanks.I avoid sugar like the pleague..except for SF gum But I've been chewing the gum for so long now.I have to have something to chew i guest but I even count it I'm allowed 75 grams of sugar a day on SB and I've been using the gum for my sugar allowance

    Great job on the 1.2 Diana

    Great WI Lori glad that sodium is gone

    Hope you can get some rest tonight KuKKie.your job does sound very stressful, bless your heart Stress really effects everything hopefully you can have a peaceful Weekend.

    Great WI Rennie keep doing what you're doing.You've found something and you're losing great job great plan for thanksgiving.
  • Hay Kya great job on the pound.You sound so happy and in control of everything your mindset is solid and you're on your way to being the person you want to be I'm so happy for you thank you 180 was my original goal. All of this is a dream
  • I can' t really add much to everyone's comments, but great job everyone!

    01: 300.8
    02: X
    03: X
    04: 300.0
    05: AF
    06: AF
    07: AF
    08: AF
    09: AF
    10: AF
    11: AF
    12: 296
    13: 295.4
    14: 296
    15: 295.8 Hmm, I've been exercising and on plan... where's my loss!?
    16: 294.2 Yay!
    17: 294.8 Must be holding some water

    5/7 days of work out in a row completed. Then I have the weekend "off" (because I'm super busy). I'm still surprised the loss is so slow when I'm working so hard. Oh well, any loss is a good thing
  • Oct 31-205.0
    Nov 1-204.5
    Nov 2-207.5
    Nov 3-205.0
    Nov 4-204.5
    Nov 5-205.0
    Nov 6-206.0
    Nov 7-207.0
    Nov 8-205.0
    Nov 9-204.5
    Nov 10-203.0
    Nov 11-206.0 WTF
    Nov 12-205.5
    Nov 13-207.0
    Nov 14-204.6 Official WI at WW
    Nov 15-205.5 (back on at-home scale)
    Nov 16-205.0
    Nov 17-203.5
  • Vixsin I really enjoy my normal, daily way of eating. I also have plenty of energy. I totally LOVE to eat off plan on those certain times that I choose to do so. The thing is, when I eat off plan I feel like crap and lose my energy. I think that's what pushes me to go right back on plan the next day. I don't feel comfortable having small amounts of off plan foods on a regular basis. I think that would cause problems for me. Some people can count calories but just have smaller amounts of these foods. I don't think I can do that because I have to have a lot of food to fill me up and satisify me. The good thing, like I said above is that I also love my on plan way of eating. I know I have mentioned this many times before, but all of this scares me. Food is like drugs for me. I have been working my "maintenance plan" like this for a little over 6 months. It still feels like a good plan for me. As we know, everything is good up until the point we have a problem. It's all weird and scary. We are all different and what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another.
  • Diana, what kind of plan do you follow?
  • Quote: Diana, what kind of plan do you follow?
    Kyapln I don't really follow a plan. This is my typical breakfast/lunch. My dinner consists of 700 calories worth of protein/veggies.

    I don't include the calories in the veggie or coffee w/cream & sugar from breakfast

    Breakfast (365 Calories + coffee)
    spritz oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 calories
    Vegetable of choice
    1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
    high fiber English muffin 100 calories
    1 teaspoon jam 20 calories
    juice 75 calories
    coffee w/sugar and cream

    Lunch (375 Calories)
    Natures Own 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Rounds 100 calories
    3 Slices Hormel Natural Choice Deli Turkey 60 calories
    1/2 TBS Hellman's light mayonnaise/Lettuce 25 calories
    Oikos Strawberry Greek Yogurt 4 ounce container 90 calories
    1 Apple 100 calories
  • Quote:

    aka: Noticed that you are on week nine of C25k. How do you like it? I've been thinking of trying it to give my body something different to try. Good luck with finals and your papers!
    I love it, and would highly recommend it to anyone. I'm still very overweight, but am a runner...and can go pretty fast already. It's incredible what your body can do. I do, however, recommend having contingency plans directly following your last run of c25k. If not, you may feel a little lost, and lose your fire for running without a set direction. Bridging or easing to 10k is something to think about, or just running 3.2 miles three times a week for several weeks until you figure out your next move.

    But you don't have to think about all of that yet.
    If you're looking for something to throw at your body, this is perfect. It will thank you later.
  • I am down 1.2 to 152.8. I finally got to change my ticker again! I might make it into the 140s this month after all. At least something is going well - stupid husband, stupid TOM, stupid cats, stupid weather, stupid house with its stupid leaks!

    Ona - 1000 calories is not much. Maybe you could try playing with your macronutrient balances, especially with the discovery of these splenda carbs. I know I lose best when I keep my carbs to 40% or less of my total calories.

    Vixsin - Your pizza sounds yummy and now I'm hungry

    Rennie - The dressings I use are Bolthouse and at our wal-mart they are in the produce section by the tofu, veggie dogs, and such. They are yogurt based so they need refrigeration even before opening.

    Aimee - Florida in 6 weeks!

    crainjo - Congrats on onederland!

    Diana - When you actually write out what you eat like that it sounds much smaller than what I picture when you say you eat huge amounts, lol
  • TOM finally showed up in full force, with its unwanted drama. I feel like crap, headache, nausea, crampy, achy. Really, I'm just finding everything intolerable, and to top it all off, my husband seems to be in the mood to pick a fight. Argh. Gonna tidy up my kitchen and go to bed early. It really seems like the overall best solution for everything.
  • Kukkie-Been there. Everything's just kind of delicate, strained, and dark. All while having lower back aches. We feel you, so sleep well and take some time off.