"On-Plan Beauties" November Check-In ~ Anyone is Welcome!

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  • Sounds yummy Mandy. I've had it with spaghetti & meat sauce before and loved it. I'll have to go in search of a spaghetti squash now.
  • Mandy ~ I have always wanted to try spaghetti squash! My sister swears by it...she said it is really good. And it is low in calories, so you can't beat that! Maybe I'll put it on my grocery list for this weekend.

    I hope everyone had a great day today.
  • GettinFit - yay on the 207!!! Look out Onederland, you are coming soon!!!

    Allie - you asked about the Dukan Diet. It's a very low carb and low fat plan. Very restrictive but for some reason, the easiest plan for me to stick with that I have ever tried. It hasn't even been six months yet and I've lost over 60 lbs. Crazy!

    Hello to everyone and glad to see we are all getting November off to a great start. I'm OP with food, took a rest day yesterday but will do a work out after I eat.
  • I am so behind again! I need to get serious and post more often! I've maintained the exact same weight 228.6 for the past few weeks, including TOM week! Grr. I can maintain, I can gain but not lose! I can report that I am doing better with my campaign to be more active over all!

    Hubby came home sick while I was at Bible study today. He wasn't feeling well last night. Why didn't he just stay home?? Anyway he spent most of the day napping. He thinks he has the flu, one more thing he's brought home from work.

    I've been alternating working on Prayer shawls and baby blankets for the Churches' knitting ministry. I've actually been crocheting those because its easier for me to do more complicated lace patterns {read prettier} in crochet.

    Baby Blanket http://i554.photobucket.com/albums/j...pics/002-3.jpg
    Lattice Prayer shawl http://i554.photobucket.com/albums/j...pics/001-4.jpg

    Allie, welcome! glad to have you join us.

    April, congratulations on reaching Onderland! Great job!

    Mandy, I buy the occasional spa squash but Hubby will only eat it if its covered with cheese or red sauce, preferably both! The onion and garlic sound good however! And they are a lot of work, scrape, scrape. Glad you liked it.

    Gettin, congrats on the new low!

    Emme, hope you feel better.

    Working, good job skipping the pizza!
  • they are a lot of work. i just count it as exercise... burn the calories of the squash while i'm prepping it to eat :P
  • Good morning ladies,

    Penguin - Your crocheted items are beautiful!!! You are so talented. I hope the scale starts going down for you soon. Did you try making any changes to your diet? Just hang in there and you'll start losing soon. At least you're maintaining right now. Hope you have a great day!

    April - You've done an awesome job this year. Sixty pounds in an awesome accomplishment and I know you must be very proud of yourself and we're proud of you too. Keep up the great work. You'll be in the maintenance phase before you know it. I think that once I get back off vacation, I may go low carb for a while to see if I can speed things up.

    Emme - I hope things have been easier for you lately.

    Mandy, Workin & Allie - I hope you ladies are having a great day.

    I should have a good day today. No food challenges or anything. Today will be a rest day from exercise as I really need it.

    I have decided that I need to pull up on weighing every day. I'm starting to obsess with the scale now weighing morning and night. I just need to focus on eating right and exercising. I just had a woosh going from 210 to 207 and knowing how my body operates, I probably won't see another drop for a few weeks. To keep myself from becoming discouraged, I'm going to try and not weigh daily for a while. I'll be happy if I can make 205 by vacation on 11/23.

    Have a great OP day everyone.
  • Sorry to say but the salad thing didn't work out last eve. The pizza place was crazy busy with people who made reservations for their pre-event meal. We were going to the concert too but I didn't make reservations for the pizza. We've never had to do that here before but then again, we haven't had an event center that long. Thankfully, I did call ahead for the za and they said they'd squeeze us in. I intended to order my salad when we got there but the waitress had our stuff all setup and didn't really get back to us. When we arrived, they told us because of squeezing us in, there was another group coming for our spots shortly. Isn't that weird? I'm supposed to be thankful they squeezed us in I guess. I only had 3 small pieces of pizza and water. Not even my diet pop. I'll just get right back to things today and figure out the points for it. I was bummed though. Especially after all the congrats for planning ahead to have salad. Afterward, I wished I had been more assertive and even walked to the counter to add my salad.

    On to day 3. I'll just have to be extra careful with the rest of my week which is really no big deal.

    I tried spaghetti squash before and didn't care for it. Your prep with parmesan sounds great though. It sure would help with the carbs to switch out for a veggie. I'll have to consider giving it another shot. THANKS for the tip.

    Have a great OP day all!

    B~cream of wheat w/brown sugar pts, coffee w/sf creamer 2
    L~pork lion, brown rice stuff (pts for sauce made w/healthy request cream of chicken soup)

    Exercise: bike ride w/trainer, some stretching and lifting too
  • Workin - It sounds like you are still in control and like you said, just deduct the points and move on to today. Use some of your bonus points if you need too. That's the beauty of WW I hope you have an awesome day today!
  • penguin ~ It's great that you are becoming more active overall. I think sometimes our bodies/minds need us to chill out with weight loss and all things related to it, so maybe you are just going through a "chill out" period where you are not stressed about losing weight, so you are just maintaining. I hope that makes sense...I'm sick, and it makes sense to me, lol!

    GettinFit ~ I know what you mean about becoming scale-obsessed. I was that way toward the end of my WL journey a few months ago. I'm glad you are going to step away from it.

    workinmom ~ Don't get discouraged...that's life, and things happen! Don't beat yourself up...just move forward!

    Things have been easier for me this week eating-wise because I'm sick as a dog and don't have an appetite, so I'm not obsessing about food 24/7 which is something I'm not used to...but I like it! I'm staying in my calorie range, but not working out, but that's ok with me...I've been lying on the couch and not moving. It's a cold, rainy, windy day outside anyway. Perfect day for movies.
  • Hi Beauties.
    Yesterday was "ok" Ate a WW pannini thing for lunch and some ravioli for dinner. Had a ver stressful day and had a few glasses of wine while unwinding. Had a work meeting on my day off no less and met a friend for lunch who is on WW that I see rarely. We both had salads!
    Will take me awhile to figure out who everyone is so sorry about the general "all about me posts"... i will get better. Thanks for the warm welcome!
  • I decided I needed to make a new plan for the food/exercise. I need to be stricter with myself and my choices.

    we had a potluck lunch after Bible study today. I had two small bowls of two soups {chili and broc cheese}, about four tortilla chips and a slice of bread for my meal. Then had a spice cupcake for dessert. I brought home a cupcake and two cookies for Hubby, then our Leader put some more fun size candy bars in my bag. Everyone's trying to get rid of their sweets!

    Gettin, I had cut down on sweets gradually before Halloween then had about 15+ mini candy bars that night. I need to get back to the cutting down. I'm doing fairly well with eating more veggies than protein and having a fruit snack a day. I have been bribeing SP? myself by saying I can have a sweet at night if I have been 'good' all day. Then that bribe moved into "I get to have a sweet regardless' Then that always leads me downhill. Its a gradual slide but always downhill. I've gotten several complimants recently on my 'lost weight', so at least people think I'm losing even if Im not.

    Allie, it takes time to get to know new people, especially when you join an established group. We won't be offended.

    Emme, as it gets colder I've been trying to fight the 'If I'm cold I just need to cuddle up on the couch and not move" thoughts.

    Workin, you had the best intentions to eat the salad, just chalk it up to a bump in the road.
  • getting motivated to exercise more can be tough!

    luckily i've got a plan. monday (for castle!) and thursday (for bones!) hubby and i go to the campus gym (which has a tv connected to the satellite) and spend an hour working out during those shows. the rest of the week i've decided i'm going to watch "angel" via netflix (mmm david boreanaz), and during those 40ish minute episodes i use my pedal machine. i usually watch 2 episodes and pedal away.

    i figure if i give myself *eye* candy while i exercise it will be motivation don't tell my husband LOL!
  • Hey ladies. I know I've been seriously MIA lately. Things are still stressful around here. Even though my husband's situation seems to be taking a positive turn I still have no clue when he'll be home. I've been sick all week as well. I'm not what I consider on plan but I'm really not eating horribly at all so that's a plus. I haven't done my jogging this week or last week. All the stress, plus being sick this week and last week was TOM which usually handiecaps me into not much exercise. Hopefully nothing will prevent me from getting back to it on Monday.

    I'm not really giving myself any goals for this month. With our move coming up and all the traveling we'll be doing I know it's going to be crazy so basically I'm hoping to maintain for the month. I'm also probably not going to be on here much, especially starting around the 15th.

    Welcome to anyone new to our thread and I hope everyone has a great month. GettinFit and April, I noticed your tickers! Congratulations to you both. =)
  • Mandy ~ It definitely helps to have something fun to watch (and eye-candy isn't bad!) when working out. It helps the time go by quickly. I have been running indoors more since it's cold outside and I've been watching Oprah's Lifeclass shows or American Horror Story. It helps to be distracted!

    Kim ~ I'm so glad you checked in with us. I'm sorry you had the one-two punch of TOM and now being sick. That is no fun. Maintaining is a great goal to have for this month. You don't need to focus on diet and exercise if it is going to stress you out ~ maintenance for this month sounds like an awesome plan.

    I'm off to bed! Day 3 of being home tomorrow. I don't like being sick, but I've enjoyed being home.
  • Good morning and Happy Friday everyone,

    Kim - I'm glad you checked in with us. I hope things get better for you soon and I hope everything works out with your DH and he is back home soon. Hang in there and know that we are thinking about you

    Allie - Sorry that you had a rough day too but a few glasses of wine here & there isn't too bad. Some weekends I treat myself to a few glasses but I just count the points and I'm still losing. I hope yesterday wasn't as stressful for you

    Penguin - Doesn't it feel nice when people start complimenting you on your weight loss? If the scale hasn't gone down, you've probably lost inches from working out. Great job on making a new plan too. You just have to keep playing around with it 'til you get what works best for you.

    Emme - I hope you're feeling better today. Being sick is no fun.

    Mandy - Great idea for your workout plan

    Workinmon - How are you doing with your 60 day challenge? I'm excited to start my next 60 days. I can't believe I'm working on day 59 now!!! I hope it is going well for you. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    Tricia - How's it going with you? I hope all is going well. We miss your posts.

    I'm ready for the weekend and I'm so ready for the time to change this weekend. I HATE getting up when it's dark out. I'm not going to like that it will be dark when I get home though because that means I can't walk at Stone Mtn after work as that is something that I LOVE doing. I'll just be able to do it on the weekends.

    I have no major challenges for this weekend but I am supposed to be going out to lunch with some co-workers today. I'm not worried about going over board with eating though. I will definitely go for something grilled. I brought my workout clothes with me so I can go to Stone Mtn for a walk after work today.

    I hope everyone else has a great day and stays OP.