Weekly chat Sept 5th-12th

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  • Morning chicks.

    Carolyn. Core is a great program to follow. I lost about 40 lbs doing it.

    I read online that they don't give the antibiotics anymore, at the Mayo Clinic site, but I will see my cardio dr. today and ask him. I'm glad my dentist was able to fit me in on Friday.

    It's still much cooler here. 59 on my desktop. I just got up and need my coffee. My brain is not functioning right now.
  • Good Morning Ladies

    Still spritzing on the Cape so I guess I will be doing my walking tapes indoors today. Going to be a quite day again,but next week should pick up as my walking group starts again next Tuesday and the choir rehearsals should be beginning shortly again also.Along with my other activities,that should keep me out of mischief.Other wise nothing new.

    NANCY- Yeah we had heavy down pours all day long yesterday. I had to go to the bank but than I stayed home a watched TV.Thanks, that would be fun,but I'm lucky I have one movie buff like me to see my weekly movies.

    SANDRA-Sorry your lost your movie buddy, I was not always a movie goer,when I was living down in NY I only went once I while. Congrats on your 2 pound loss.

    VICKIE-Don't be afraid of the scale,its only a object. You might of shrunk in inches.

    RHONDA-Sorry your gained ,that's the spirit you will lose it again. Family activities are a part of life,and you can't say because of a scale.

    PAM- This morning again at 8 & 8:30 I got a political call again,I hate being woken up with these calls. I sometimes have a bad night and I like to sleep in a little longer in the morning. I hang up on them but they don't get the hint.

    CAROLYN- to the board. I not following WW but I count calories and carbs and eat in portion sizes.It took me a while to lost weight as i had to figure out what calorie count I needed. I'm now on a 1200-1400 range.

    Have to go,have a great day
  • Good Morning Chicks!

    Welcome, Carolyn! As Sandra said, I've lost 50 and I'm currently resting on my laurels though I should be. I'm doing Simply Filling eating all Core foods if possible. I'm about to get my butt back to meetings as I've been forced to admit yet again that I cannot do it alone. I've 100 pounds left to lose.

    I got on the scale today. I felt fatter but I wasn't. I'm still up 6 pounds from my lowest weight but I was scared that I'd gained more. Now to try not to stress eat anymore through these projects.

    I'm cooking my Core Chicken Cacciatorre today. First I have to go buy the stuff!

    Have a great day. Pool and deck demo tomorrow!
  • Pam, physicians are prescribing them in fewer situations and not on patient demand. But, bacteria from the mouth can cause bacterial endocarditis of the heart IF it gets into the bloodstream. During dental procedures there is danger of this happening. Most people are never affected, but IF you already have a valve problem, then there is a risk. I'll go read the Mayo site.

    More family coming tonight....a different family, from my mother's twin sister. I'm serving a Tex-Mex casserole.
  • Pam, from Mayo site. Antibiotics are not given for all dental procedures, but if the gums or teeth are cut, then they may be given.

    If you having your teeth cleaned, then you are at risk of having the gums cut.
    Forgive me for going on about this, but, honestly, my friend almost died last year, had to have open heart surgery, valve replacement, etc....and this was all with good medical and dental care having been given.

  • Hi there, Chickies. It's a beautiful day. Curtis and I took a walk this morning. Then I drove the mower pulling a wagon while he shoveled some dirt here and there around the pasture. It was fun!

    Maryann, my gf and I can still go to the movies--just not as often as we used to do. She teaches a couple days a week. If something is showing that we really want to see, we make the effort to go. If not, we don't.

    Vickie, your chicken sounds delish!!

    Rhonda, enjoy your company.

    I think I'll close so I can read and nap. Curtis is already napping. Ahhhhh retirement.....
  • Speaking of the movies.

    Our theater went up to $10 and popcorn and coke is $11.

    I am going to our dollar theater & sneaking in a coke & microwave popcorn from now on
  • Nancy, sounds good to me.
  • Quote: Speaking of the movies.

    Our theater went up to $10 and popcorn and coke is $11.

    I am going to our dollar theater & sneaking in a coke & microwave popcorn from now on
    Robin and I always prayed over our meals..One time we snuck a Chicken sandwich into a movie and prayed over it . We almost choked laughing at the irony of it all..
  • Morning chicks.

    Oh dearie dearie me! Our neighbours had a sumptious meal all cooked and ready for one of their family as a birthday treat, but illness forced the lady and her hubby to cancel... we were asked if we could go to dinner at short notice.... well what do you do???? Oh it was lovely and it seemed so rude to just nibble at the good bits, and well you didn't want to waste any did you? I'm not expecting great things at the next WI .
  • Hi everyone hope your all ok iv been busy with resits and uni work so havent had much time to myself.

    Im not feeling to good atm iv had really bad pain with endimitriosis stuff and im not feeling good mentally everything seems to be getting to me latley and im sick of friends taking the p1 ss out of me i do so much for people and they throw it bk in my face by treating me bad.

    Hope your all ok and sorry for the rant xxx
  • Good Morning Chicks! It's a nice Fall day here in Chicagoland. The pool/deck are coming down. We'll be left with a big hole until Spring but we really can't afford to re-landcape and remodel the master bath at the same time. We'll just have to keep Brodie out of that part of the yard.

    Hope you are all well.
  • Good Morning Ladies

    Another rain storm last night,but this time is was thundering, that woke me up.So this is the 3rd night that I haven't slept well.Might take a sleeping pill tonight in order to get a good night sleep.

    Have to go grocery shopping for the staples,and after that I will get some exercising done.

    VICKIE-See it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. You'll lose that 6 pounds in no time. I know its easy said than done,but you will & should be proud of yourself for losing all the weight previous lost.

    SANDRA-Ok I guess I misunderstood. I Like going to the movies especially on the hot summer months we had.

    NANCY-We have a pub theater where they have tables & captain chair and meals to order. Its expensive $7 for seniors and than if you buy the food or drinks it can add up,but we like the atmosphere.

    Its getting dark over here and I like to get out before the real storm starts again,Have a great day
  • I don't know what is going on with this site, but my computer starts getting loud, like the fan is running and I sometimes crash. Only on this site. Weird.

    I'm gonna post this real quick and then try to respond to posts.
  • Went to dr. yesterday. Blood work is good. He wants to to get my HDL up to 50. I just laughed at him. Never gonna happen. 48 is as high as I can get it. It was 44 with my last blood work. He agrees, it's my genes. Nothing I can do. I take Niaspan to help but still can't get it where it needs to be. Otherwise, a good visit. He said I do not need antibiotics. My valve problem is mild. Guess the dentist was being cautious. She said to bring a note back from dr. I told her if I needed the antibiotic, I would definitely take it, so I don't think a note is necessary. I'm not in grade school.

    It's still cool and damp here. I think we might see the sun again tomorrow and get back to high 70's. I'm not complaining.

    We leave on Saturday to start our trip to Vegas. I'm so ready to get away and have some fun.

    Wow, ems, you are getting skinny. Good for you.