Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome! 8/1 - 8/7

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  • Quote: I dropped another 2 pounds of that water weight to 223! I have 3 pounds to go to get back to ground zero.

    My legs and ankles have NO swelling or pitting edema this morning.

    I am continuing to severely limit sodium and fluids. Following my cardiologist advice to let thirst be my guide. I am surprised how little thirst I have during the day. Yesterday's water was 8 ounces total although I did eat a lot of water laden fresh vegetables. Fresh veggies are good for me , low cal, low sodium and supply a lot of my water needs.

    My total sodium intake yesterday was only 571 mg

    It has been hot outside and with my restricted water intake I made the safe choice and walked a mile inside of air conditioned stores.

    I'm really liking the sounds of this, Larry!!
    Where is the "LIKE" button??
    Nice Job!
  • Larry..Keeping that sodium down is hard work. You are doing a wonderful job. I agree with you about the fresh foods..the processed have so much sodium and sugar.

    Finally the scale moved and I am down one pound. Today 166. This is a slow battle. I am going to try to limit carbs today even lower to see if that does anything. I already worked out at the Y and am ready to pay pills.
    Happy Friday everyone.
  • hAPPi FRIDAy
    I was really hoping to post 148 this a.m. but it just isn’t the case.
    Down 0.2 for the week.
    Absolutely NOT complaining after 2 straight weeks of slow loss, despite being on holiday.
    CHEERS for me
  • peanut butter toast with flax seed on top for breakfast 242 calories. No gym today, gym buddy has been hit hard by allergies so she wants to stay home, and my allergies aren't playing nice either. Cleaning the house from top to bottom for company this weekend, and hopefully it will stay fairly clean through my surgery so I won't have to worry about house cleaning... better go, those floors refuse to wash themselves...
  • good morning...the scale dropped a bit this morning down to 207.8 so i recorded that for the weigh in day...a drop of 3.2 pounds for the month...so i'll be okay with that i feel better this morning anyhow, dont know what was up yesterday

    my last day today with all the kids...and i have ALL of them today...but DH is home too so maybe i can sneak out for a mocha later...we're going bowling tonight apparently, which should be fun!

    need to track down my sister today...her phone disconnected on saturday and she hasnt answered her phone since...her bf had a court date yesterday for a theft case and he's already on probation for drinking felony charges...mom is worried that the skipped town but i doubt it...my biggest worry is that he got sent back to jail and she's been drinking ever since...*sigh*
  • Quote: Good Morning and TGIF!

    I am hoping to sleep in and get caught up on my sleep this weekend. I am up an hour early this morning because I have some extra things to do today. Coffee IV anyone?

    Anyways, I am up on the scale this morning. I always eat a few of DH french fries or taste a little of his food while we are eating and he does the same with mine. Last night DH took a paper menu from the restaurant and it said that they fry in 100% peanut oil. So, here we are, I don't know if I am allergic to peanuts. I didn't even think about the fried seafood from the other night. I don't know what they fry in. At this point I am just going to see what happens. It will be interesting to see if I have a reaction.

    On another note, DH mentioned about going to an Italian restaurant that we haven't been to in about a year. I was planning on having a scheduled high calorie day. So, if we do go to this restaurant and I am in the process of having an allergic reaction, things will be getting pretty ugly.

    Weigh In: 143.2
    Up: 1 pound

    I did a lot of research into cooking with peanut oil. Up North we were having a chicken BBQ fund raiser and the BBQ sauce contained a lot of peanut oil. I was concerned about this causing problems. Turns out that peanut oil after the processing is not allergenic. Not even to those with severe peanut allergies. We went ahead with the BBQ and fed 600 chicken halves with no allergic reactions at all.

  • Ok this week has been great! I am down 4lbs and pretty much sticking to my plan. I need to exercise and I will be doing alright.
  • I'm soooo glad that this time around DH is on board too. He has had 1 Mt Dew all week! Also he is equally flabbergasted by the amount of sodium in everything. I found a site that sells salt free sausage seasoning, so we are going to try our hand at making our own sausage. He said "sounds like it might even be fun."
  • No workout today. Been getting ready for Trop Storm possible Hurricane Emily. Perhaps tomorrow if it's not raining early.
  • DZ: I was reading back on the threads and WhAT? Your dog likes vegetables??????
  • Quote: I'm soooo glad that this time around DH is on board too. He has had 1 Mt Dew all week! Also he is equally flabbergasted by the amount of sodium in everything. I found a site that sells salt free sausage seasoning, so we are going to try our hand at making our own sausage. He said "sounds like it might even be fun."

    Here is an interesting site for salt free products, Check it out


  • Hi Everyone!

    No calorie count for today.

    Well, I had my higher calorie day and feel totally gross. My breakfast and lunch was my usual fare. I splurged for dinner at the Italian restaurant. I know I am going to have a huge gain from the carbs and sugar. DH and I actually shared a meal (ribeye steak). I had a side of pasta, salad, and the bread/olive oil service. I also had something that I have never had. It was a Bailey's Irish Cream Cheese Cake. It was really good.

    It's funny, one of the reasons that I planned on having a higher calorie day was because I was starting to look a little thin in my face. I feel really good at about 143-144, but for some reason when I get below 143 I think the extra weight comes off my face.

    Also, I didn't realize that Wednesday is the day I get my hair cut and I go to the Japanese restaurant. I didn't plan my high calorie day very well. I will have to stay on track for sure now.

    Larry Thank you for that information on the peanut oil. I don't seem to be reacting right now. My appointment with the allergist is on the 24th. I hope to figure something out then.
  • Well I thought the fireman's picnic dinner tonight would be a safe one... how many calories could there be in boiled fish and veg? Well if you count the 1/2 cup of butter they poured on it.... yikes! LOL. Next year I'll know to hold the butter! Lol. Over all, half my dinner calories from butter, and I was still only 103% of my 1600. overall, not too bad, but too much butter!!!!
  • This has just been a crazy week....2 days without weigh ins because of my schedule...on top of that all of my weigh ins have been +?.? because of TOM...I'm still on plan and hanging in there I did have OG today -- although it was a stuffed treat (stuffed chicken marsala) -- I substituted the mashed potatoes with brocolli and asparagus so it wasn't toooo faarrr off plan...Enjoy your night....hopefully at the end of this week I show an overall net loss....we'll see....
  • Had a good day today! Worked and burned some calories standing around all day, lol. Then went and took the dog for a short 30 minute walk...it was getting dark by the time I got home. My calories were below 1,300 and I weighed in this morning at 160.8; which is sooo close to 150s!

    Hope everyone had a good day as well!!!!