Back to school challenge!

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  • Wisdom teeth weren't too awful for me, RachelAnne, but I always wasn't sworn to a juice diet, jeez! I had all 4 out at once and was eating (very) mashed potatoes on day 3 after surgery Your system is probably freaking out having lost a few teeth, so don't worry too much about your gain, you'll be regulated again in no time

    Good luck with the sore mouth, though and don't push yourself too hard

    Highfive to everyone who reported today.. keep it up!
  • I wanted to ask for a little advice from you all too:

    I've been thinking since my weigh-in today that my weight loss might be beginning to stall. I haven't seen as many good losses as I was when I first started (probably mostly water and things, I know I know ) and wanted to know what you guys do when faced with a weight-loss plateau. My food/exercise has been consistent since I've begun, and I've been extended my workouts a bit too (going a little faster/longer each time).

    I was googling this morning and came up with a bunch of silly ideas like, "Replace chocolate with fruit!" "Try whole-grain bread instead of white!" "Replace your regular soda with diet!" but I already do those things (and haven't had a soda in 3 months). -_- I was reading about some sort of calorie cycling where you eat at maintenance a couple of days a week, but I'm skeptical. Any tips for a slightly de-motivated 3FCer?
  • pinksparkles - I totally feel your frustration. I lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks and have barely lost a pound a week since. It's maddening.

    How many calories are you eating each day approx? And what type of exercise are you doing? Do you typically do the same exercise each time? Maybe outlining your regimen a little will help us all find a potential solution.
  • Quote: pinksparkles - I totally feel your frustration. I lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks and have barely lost a pound a week since. It's maddening.

    How many calories are you eating each day approx? And what type of exercise are you doing? Do you typically do the same exercise each time? Maybe outlining your regimen a little will help us all find a potential solution.
    Argh, it feels like our hard work is in vain!

    I eat anywhere from 1400-1500 calories a day, but sometimes I find it hard to get up to that much. I don't really know how/when that happened.. but I'm sure I could have easily eaten that much in a meal from McDonalds before.. I planned it so my weight loss is stemmed nearly entirely from my calorie intake, but I exercise for the health benefits + a few more calories burned.

    2 days a week I do strength training with a resistance band and a ToneItUp workout video on youtube (lately it's been ab work, since I'm doing arms with the band and running for my legs.. and my belly is becoming my problem area) and the other 4 days, I go for a run.. normally 2-3K but trying to get a faster time each time, with a 1-2K walk with the dog afterwards as a cool down.

    The thought of exercise used to intimidate the heck out of me, so when I discovered I actually enjoy running, I've basically stuck with it. My ultimate far-away goal is to run an entire 5K, but that's a loooong way away, haha.
  • Wow pink - I wish I had more to say, but your routine sounds pretty fab. I'm impressed you are running 2-3k so many times a week! I can only offer some advice based on what I've read other 3FCers suggest elsewhere:

    - Would you consider doing one more strength training day and one less run? I've read a few times about how building muscle mass makes your body better at burning more calories. I've also seen some people say that their bodies can "get used to" a routine and become more efficient so you don't use as many calories. I don't know if there is science behind this but it's just a thought.
    - Perhaps you are not feeding your body enough on your run days? Again this is just what I've seen other people say: if you don't give your body enough on a day when you do a tough workout, it can kind of shut down. Not sure how much truth there is to this.
    - Lastly, how long have you felt you're plateauing? Is it just a week? It might just be that weight loss general slows down the closer you get to goal.

    So I know none of this is proven by my personal experience so I hope someone else on here has something better to add. I'd be curious to know as well since everything has slowed down so much here too!
  • Whoops I'm late - it's been a hectic week packing to move out, closing on a condo, moving into a storage unit, and getting home to stay for a week or two before moving back to my new place. I am really starting to hate coming home - don't know many people around here anymore and the older I get the more my parents drive me crazy!

    No exercise (or minimal) until I get back to school and my gym - so I need to be eating very carefully - ugh!


    Aug 1: 150 - why are my weekends such diet-busters!?!
    Aug 8: 148.6 - this is really disappointing considering I weighed 146.6 on Th - anyone else FREAK OUT on weekends - booze, beer, food, no exercise? What is wrong with me?!
    Aug 15: 146.6
    Aug 22:
    Aug 29:
    Sept 5:
    Total lost:
  • lisa130 - that sounds like a busy and stressful time. Exercise is always the first thing to go for me. Then sleep. Then food. Then homework. Then TV, haha.

    You're right about having to be extra careful when you're not exercising... I think that's what screwed me last week. This week I'll have to try something new because I wore shoes I'd never worn last night and my feet are HACKED. So runners will not be going over these blisters... I'll have to just do strength training til I heal.

    I want to put a question out to you ladies: do you have any light and cheap lunches you like to make? I'm finding that I've used up about 2/3 of my calories by dinner, and I like having a decent sized dinner with meat and often don't have many calories left and am having trouble fitting it into my allowance.
  • ahyessophie, I normally like to have a pita with tuna and a piece of fruit. Safeway has a good whole wheat pita for 130 calories, the brand is Eating Right.. and half a can of any tuna for ~50-60 calories, with a squeeze of light mayo for ~35 calories. I normally add some spring mix or spinach, whichever I have on hand, and have the pita with an apple or nectarine or something with a bottle of water

    That ends up being about 300-350 calories, which isn't bad for a lunch!

    Oh, and I've taken some of your advice! I've been eating right at my 1500 calories on my run days so far this week instead of wavering low and I'm feeling good. I haven't seen any movement on the scale (1. because I didn't check 2. it's pre-TOM week, which I forgot about when I whined about my small loss) but hopefully I'll have okay things to report on the 22nd, and great things to report on the 29th! Thanks for your help
  • pink - that lunch sounds delish. AND so easy, it'd be perfect for school. I can't believe we don't have Safeway here, but I'm sure Superstore has something similar.

    I hope eating around 1500 works out for you. It's definitely still a calorie deficit so it shouldn't do any harm. I've learned through 3FC and any reading I've done since joining that the human body is WAY more complicated than I imagined when it comes to losing weight. Starvation mode, water weight, TOM bloat, many more factors in the number on the scale than I would've thought. I just figured less food = less weight (eventually). I can consistently eat around 1500 and see no difference even though I know its below maintenance. Oh well, slow and steady right? It'll come off eventually... I'm just impatient.
  • AH I weighed in today at 168. That's about 5 up from a week ago. I am so confused... I have had one off plan day this week, but it wasn't a binge or anything. Every other day has been 1500 calories or so. My sodium has been up, but so has my water intake. I'm so down not seeing any progress this week. I know I should chill and just wait til Monday or the week after to get out of this rut but I'm worried by then I'll be up another 5. Gah! Anyone else experience this?
  • i usually do wraps with lean meat, veggies and a whole grain tortilla as my go-to lunch. ellie krieger (from foodnetwork) has an amazing asian chicken wrap with the best dressing that i eat at least once a week (you can find it if you google her and the wrap).

    About the 5 lbs - I only do once a week because I think I'd flip out from weighing myself more since I tend to fluctuate like crazy. Are you drinking enough water? Sometimes if I'm lax on getting my 2-3 liters I show heavier the next couple of days. Could really be anything though...!
  • MMmm I will have to look that up. If it has a good dressing, I could recycle it to salads or other dishes too.

    I didn't think I would flip out and thought I had conditioned myself to think fluctuations were natural, but this constant upward trend really blew my confidence this morning. I haven't given in or anything, quite the opposite, but I'm frustrated. I usually get 2L consistently and 3L about 4 days a week. I suppose I should be patient and see where I am next week.
  • Haven't checked in since Monday - woops!

    The scale isn't moving anywhere for me, so I'm tweaking my diet some more. It does appear that I've lost a bit as far as inches go. Woo! This is Day 7 of TurboFire and it's awesome.

    ahyessophie - I usually go for a big salad for lunch, filled with mixed greens, cucumbers, green peppers, and sometimes broccoli. I love salad so this works for me. To mix it up I'll add some tuna or chicken and change dressings - I'm simple like that. I don't know how you feel about celery, but celery and peanut butter is a go-to addition to an otherwise light meal for me.
  • Nice job on the inches mindymoo! Those make way more different than a number IMO.

    I luuuurveee celery and PB. I like salad too, but sometimes I am craving a warm meal (especially in the winter). Salad is so easy though once you've prepped the veg which you can do in advance, and then assemble it the day of and dress it right before you eat. I like smoked fish on salad too but the sodium can be a biiit outrageous. Thanks for the suggestions!
  • Just thought I'd let you guys know I'm 203.2, 3 pounds away from onederland and my classes start on Tuesday. =(