Sarge's No Excuses Boot Camp #8

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  • Hey all...

    Here's the spreadsheet link again:

    Sarge just finished putting all the pledges in from last week for those who haven't had a chance or don't want to use the sheet????.... It's really awesome and also showed Sarge he needed to change the batteries in his abacus because we only had 71.something to lose. STILL A LOT OF POUNDS!!!!

    Anyways, I've also put the highlighted link in the first post of the thread and that is where it will always stay.

    Anon--question... How would newcomers be handled. Do they just say they want to join up, make a pledge and you'd add them to the spreadsheet? Conversely, when someone goes AWOL how do we remove them? And finally, MadamB & Nurse are the same person. As you can see in our many posts, she is a woman of mystery who goes by many, many names.

    Sarati--To reduce pics I always have to use my windows picture tool.

    Peanutt--Pedal to the metal for you, huh??? 3-a-day?!?!?

    Jeanettey -- No, no back story on the penguin...just a really great get the heck out of bed and your butt-er to the gym image that made me grin this morning.

    MadamHoe--I didn't even have to read your post to know you were already counting your chickens and setting your sites on your next victim. That's not to say that Kendrab is "chicken," 'cause I kind of agree that she needs to sit in a corner and take a maintaining time out. You're an evil, smack-talking, butt-er burning machine with ADD and you even scare Sarge!

    To those who have commented on how much they enjoy hanging out at Sarge's Happy Place Boot pleasure! You all make me laugh and I view continuing this thread as "paying it forward" in helping others achieve their goals. Let's face it, dieting and exercise probably don't top our favorite things to do lists. Enjoying a couple of laughs here each day sure makes the work we put in more tolerable!


    P.S. Rainbow...way back in an earlier thread there was a Jillian image you posted about making butts smaller. I couldn't find that image and I'd love to post it again if you remember where you found it.
    Let's do it! I'm so ready to kick this "OBESE" label and I think the challenge can help push me to get it done!
  • Dang Peannutt-- I was just gonna bet you were too sensible to get involved with that crazy woman! She almost killed me!
  • Quote: Dang Peannutt-- I was just gonna bet you were too sensible to get involved with that crazy woman! She almost killed me!
    LOL! She is a bit of a loon, eh? I didn't really think of that.
  • Okay...I am fighting this but feel like poo that's been stepped on. I am achy and exhausted. I took a 3 hour long nap earlier and woke up STILL feeling like I've been hit with some sort of bug. No. I REFUSE to get sick on my 3 day weekend! Hmmm....time to find some meds and start feeling better. I can't stand the achy feeling!
  • Quote: *my typos are a result of my auto correct on my iPod... NOT the alcohol
    That's what they all say ;-))

    You are sticking around though? It would be sad to lose you to the maintainers



    It'll be a 4-legged race to the finish, get there any way you can . . . drip that gooooooo and you will be through!!! <------------- Sounds like Dr Suess

    SARGE: So we have some two-somes & 3-somes, when we have 4 is it an orgy??? Hmmmmm, I guess Miss Peanut is gonna fly on the dangerous side for awhile . . . it's like you've ridden the Merry-Go-Round all your life and then one day you say the HE** with it, I'm gettin' on that DA*N BIG ROLLER COASTER AND I'M GONNA HOLD ON FOR DEAR LIFE . . . But when it's over you'll say Da*n that was fun, let's do it again . . .

    Josey: you crack me up . . . QUOTE: That's what they all say . . . LOLOLOL . . . I wouldn't worry toooooo much Kendrab WILL hang around or else SARGE will just send out the Apache helicopter and drag her back

    OK, All errands run and it's time for a little nappy-poo, then round 3 . . . 'cause lord knows I'm gonna have to BRING IT NOW
  • 49:35
    I made my goal of jogging the entire time and coming in under 50 min.

    Family reunion went well, I ate healthy, and drank lots of water. I might be heading to another picnic in a little while...the kids want to go bc they are going to have fireworks.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.

    Anon - Thank you!!!
  • wtg on making that goal envelope!! *grabs a glass of water and a 100 calorie pack of popcorn, sits back and watches the 4 legged race between bnh, peanut, cheshire and madam* this should be interesting
  • Quote: Anon--question... How would newcomers be handled. Do they just say they want to join up, make a pledge and you'd add them to the spreadsheet? Conversely, when someone goes AWOL how do we remove them? And finally, MadamB & Nurse are the same person. As you can see in our many posts, she is a woman of mystery who goes by many, many names.
    Sarge, for now, as people come and go I will just add them to the spreadsheet or remove them based on your first post of the week, where you sum up everyone's pledges and side bets, if you don't mind. So you will still need to keep track of the new recruits each Sunday and their pledges, and then also just designate those you decide are officially AWOL and should be removed. I will probably just "hide" people who go AWOL, though, so they won't be visible, but if they show back up, we'll still have them in the page and all of their old data, but they won't affect the running week to week totals when they aren't around. If it ends up being something you like and want to continue using, I'll write up a detailed How-To guide with all you should need to know in order to take full control over the document and take care of everything related to it. So, if you don't mind letting me handle adding/removing people, will you take care of making sure everyone's pledges and weigh-ins are entered? Also, I took care of the MadamB/Nurse confusion, she's a crafty one!

    Good luck with your weigh-in's tomorrow! I'd post some 4th of July graphics, but since I'm a grunt (newbie) I'm not worthy to post them yet.

    I'm feeling good about this week. I've had to get in my walking in smaller measures because of my bad knee, but I think there is something beneficial to having some physical activity morning, noon and night.

    We are having a hot spell in Southern Calif, so I got the lawn mowed early and for extra measure, I didn't use the power assist feature.
    Hope to get to know everyone better in the day/week ahead.

  • Hey All!

    Sarge thanks for the shrinkage tips, pictures and arses alike!

    Anon YOU are a 1st Class Soldier ~ Thank you so much.

    My treadmill has been a little shakey lately. Okay after almost 12 years maybe it's time for either a tune up or a burial, only my bank account knows for sure ~ Now I'm off to wear it out some more~
  • Sarati-- Oh, you have no idea the routine I go thru to get my treadmill going! Right now I have to plug it in twice, pet it nicely and speak to it in a soothing manner before I turn it on. Then, and only then will it allow me to jump aboard. We're talking 12 years old and it's seen A LOT of miles.

    Anon-- We will work together on this spreadsheet thing because it really is awesome. We'll figure it probs and I have LOTS of time.

    MadamB & Dreamer -- I totally agree that the current side challenges are Lay-Z-Boy, popcorn & drink-in-hand worthy. Gonna be fun watching to see who gives first!

    Munchey--You're only at 3 posts now. Start yakking so you can start posting stupid pictures! I'm not sure, but I think you have to get to 30 posts to get a siggy and other benefits.

    Envelope--WAY TO GO on that non-stop run! Doesn't it feel great!?!?!?

    josey-- Nothing wrong with becoming a "maintainer"... it's gonna be a tough adjustment to change up the physical and mental aspects of maintaining. 2 to 3 hrs a day devoted to weight loss is a big time gap to fill each day if you've reached goal. I have a feeling most members of the platoon who make goal are going to hang around for quite some time. As a matter of fact, Sarge is toying with the idea of planning a 1 year from now meet at someplace really fun yet budget conscious. Wouldn't it be fun to actually meet some of the faces behind these virtual personalities? Also, it's a goal to shoot for if you're trying to lose AND/OR trying to maintain.


    Can't wait to see the numbers tomorrow!
  • Courtney- I hope you feel better.

    This week I gave it my all and my body is very tired (love it). My endurance and strength is improving quickly, it is very impressive. Now I wish I could loose the weight just as easily. That part is slowing down.

    I was able to buy real workout clothes at Target today, the XXL fit comfortably, very exciting. I thought I was very far away from buying off the rack exercise clothes.
  • OK ladies, ROUND 3 complete and gearing up for ROUND 4 . . . MAKE A HOLE I'M COMIN' THOUGH!!!

    Dreamer: although our little 4-legged race are as SARGE put it: QUOTE: Lay-Z-Boy, popcorn & drink-in-hand worthy . . . YOU better get up and MELTIN' THAT BUTT-ER!!! HUT, TWO, THREE FOUR . . . I WANT TO EXERCISE SOME MORE . . . FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT . . . WORKING OUT SURE FEELS GREAT!!!

    celrae: sometimes that scale likes to sit and think awhile until it catches up with your body . . . TRY not to worry about it too much (look who's talking . . . UGH, I need a 12-step program for scale addiction . . . LOLOLOL)

    Sarati: Like SARGE says . . . just talk nice to that treadmill, give it a little pet and then . . . run it ragged . . . LOLOLOL


    envelope: CONGRATS, WOW jogging for 50 min all together, in a row . . . I'm still AMAZED by all you runners . . . I'm still at 25 min and about 2.6 miles <sigh> I'll get there!!!

    Reso: Awful quiet . . . HOPE YOU'RE ENJOYING YOUR WEEKEND!!!

    Kendrab: when do you have to return to McD's??? Overnights are killers . . .

    OK, ENOUGH GABBING . . . off to do ROUND 4