Positive Uplifting Notification: One Positive Thing About Me Today Is....part 16

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  • Cakegirl - you said you were scared of the gym. I was too!! and not just a little. The first time I went for a look-see was last September and it took this long to actually go. I signed up for a 6 week class, so no big membership $$ and no commitment beyond that time. I needed that kind of small commitment... Maybe if you look into the gym near you they would have something similar? (and the place I go has private dressing areas etc which greatly reduce anxiety) You were so brave with the amusement park, maybe this is your dare to do it time :-)

    Lynn, I know what you mean about the full length mirror... My belly is heading south at an alarming rate. I try to think of it like remodeling the house that it gets worse looking before it gets substantially better... but right now I have to admit my tummy is in need of some lolly columns.

    LinM - that sore muscle thing does feel kind of good, doesn't it? :-)

    Laura, hope you have good family reunion and look forward to hearing more from you.

    Inked, I love your posts they are so colorful it's like the cheerful just jumps out! Sorry about the big-bosses visiting...just the sort of thing to get in the way of getting work done :-) Hope you survive the tedium relatively unscathed.

    Learn, your pool workout is intriguing, sounds intense. Makes me want to go find a pool to jump into.

    silent - that sounds like such a peaceful satisfying day, no wonder you love your life :-)

    ReallyTrying - whoever commented on your hair is so right, it's gorgeous. Congrats on the -1 on the scale! and wow, serious kudos on inspiring others also.

    2nd exercise class yesterday went really well. Ladies night out was different, only 3 of us which is unusual but the food was LUSCIOUS. I had rare lamb on couscous with fava beans and sun-dried tomatoes. If I had been at home I would have LICKED that plate.

    Today my muscles were sore, but still walked .75 miles. yay! But now I feel like an old lady. It's 7pm and I am ready for bed :-D

    My positive is that I feel good because I'm doing a good job of keeping promises that I make to myself and only asking myself to do things that I know I can do.

    Hope you all have a Spectacular Saturday and a Satisfying Sunday.
  • Good Morning Ladies

    Sorry I haven't really been on I have not been feeling well the past couple of days. I've been eating chicken soup out the ying yang. So I should have a weight lose this week. My husband thinks that its due to stress because when I get stressed out my stomach starts to hurt; go figure. I found out yesterday that I won't be babysitting anymore because Chris quit his job So that layaway I put away I had to go get a refund on. Thats ok though next time I will just buy the stuff right out.

  • Happy Weekend Everybody!

    Looks like a good week for quite a few of us, so let's keep it going & going & going!







    Lynn- Oh my no! Mammograms are not a sign of getting older, there a must for every woman. So glad you had a good doctors visit and don't worry about all the loose skin. Just think of those as Blue 1st. Place Ribbons on this successful journey your on.

    Lacking- Your sore, but it's a good sore ain't it? Keep it going girl and no more leaping from the loft. Silly girl!

    Snap- Yes the pool exercises are a blessing. With all my back, neck, knee, ankle, etc issues it allows me to do so much more.
    Hope you rested well and remember...
    It's not feeling like an old lady, it's feeling like a warrior who has conquered another POP day.

    I had a great day yesterday, ate great (love it when my words rhyme) and exercised like there's no tomorrow (it is always a day away).
    I am planning a Dust Bunny attack today. Wish me luck!

    Hope everyone has a Super Duper Saturday.

  • Thanks Learn but When I get near my goal weight I am going to have to fork out bucks for plastic surgery...
  • Quote: Thanks Learn but When I get near my goal weight I am going to have to fork out bucks for plastic surgery...
    Your right and I expect I may have to do the same, but try not to let it bother you.
    If your looking for a cheaper alternative to plastic surgery, there's always duct tape. LOL!!!
  • Duct tape!!! ouch lol

    Positive thought: Even on the cloudiest day, a ray of sunshine can come through.

    Positive action: Maybe I will be able to eat normal food today. I have been sick for the past 3 days because of stress and nerves. I have been eating pepto bismol like its candy and I am thinking of investing for a tv for the bathroom. I am protesting eating another can of chicken noodle soup.

  • Good Sunday Morning Weaselettes!
    O.K. this is usually where I go right into personals, but I can't contain myself.
    As of this mornings W.I. I am officially OUT OF THE 280's. I lost 6.5 lbs this week (3.5 of which was vaca gain).
    Me so excited!!!

    Lynn- I hope you feel better soon. That's a rough way to lose weight, but I agree with the TV in the bathroom idea.
    Looks like it was just you and I yesterday!

    Here's to a great sunday everyone. Make it POP Weaselettes.

  • Quote: ... I can't contain myself. As of this mornings W.I. I am officially OUT OF THE 280's. I lost 6.5 lbs this week (3.5 of which was vaca gain).
    Me so excited!!!
    woo hoo!! Yay!! Brava!! Bella!!
  • Learn - You are doing well congrats on making it out of the 280’s!

    Cake I love Fraggle Rock, I haven’t seen it in forever, that made me smile! Love the log fume pic! I can’t wait until I’m able to go on rides

    Lack in Motivation - I love that “sore from excercise feeling” not true pain but a subtle pain/burn that means yes, I injured my muscles but that they’ll heal themselves up and hopefully be stronger than ever after. I really need to figure out how to strength train without weights. Hopefully I will get stronger this year and pushups will be more of an option they are such an amazing exercise I need to get over my mental block about doing them on my own.

    Snaplet - sleeping early is good if its because you exhausted yourself.

    Lynn - Hope you feel better soon i MISS you!

    I am off to brunch with my one of my friends, I am hesitant to eat restaurant food but I am confident I can make some healthy choices, and still stay on track. It is a cloudy day and hopefully windy.
  • everybody!

    Sorry I haven't posted in awhile,been battling a serious plateau,have came out for now and moving on.Had to join a gym to change things up and really enjoying it.
    Learn,look at you go you are doing it lady you've found your groove,know what works for you now and I'm so happy for you

    Lynnie,hope you feel better don't worry about surgery after toning..you might not even need,want or can live with the extra skin

    Cake,laura,Mrs.Tee,Snap,Silent,Ags and Ink..apologies to anyone i missed.
  • Morning all.

    Hi to everyone here -I've been hanging out in the 280/290 thread, time some of you checked it out!
    Sooo much great progress here - keep it up ladies!
    Learn - you are really in the swing of this! Excellent work - and another decade of ponds gone FOREVER!!!....

    I am hoping to break out of the 130 kilos this week- maybe next - can't wait to see a 129.0 number!
    129 kilos equals 284.31 pounds - not very momentus in pounds but in kilos is another change of numbers to look and work out of....

    Did any one read the stages of weight loss someone posted? I loved it!

    I'll go look - be back soon...
  • Learn - that is fantastic! Your success definitely keeps me hopeful! Congrats!

    Lynn- I hope you're feeling better! I've been having stomach/intestine bug, not major just enough to make me feel blah! At least you'll feel that much better when youre well!

    Silent- I admire your resolve on eating healthy at brunch! That is a struggle of mine, just trying to keep mind set! Also, have you ever tried yoga? I feel stronger doing it and you strengthen with no equipment except your body! It makes me feel good from head to toe!

    MsTee- you were one of the first to welcome me here and I've always appreciated that! I'm so glad your doing well!!!

    My positive today was that I took my new puppy on a walk today, it was in the 90s, and it wasn't long (but it was her longest walk yet) but it felt good!! My puppy was exhausted and I was sweaty, sweaty but I'm glad for my new walking buddy! I hope everyone had a great weekend and that everyone has a wonderful week!
  • Good morning all,
    I'm gonna make it a quickie this morning. I've got me a bit of an intestinal yuck this morning. Not sure what caused it, weather it be something I ate or just dumb luck.

    Hope everyone has a great monday and if ya need me I'll be working out of the Oval Office today. Sorry, just a little toilet humor!

  • Quote: Good morning all,
    I'm gonna make it a quickie this morning. I've got me a bit of an intestinal yuck this morning. Not sure what caused it, weather it be something I ate or just dumb luck.

    Hope everyone has a great monday and if ya need me I'll be working out of the Oval Office today. Sorry, just a little toilet humor!


    Good Morning ladies

    Learn: I hope your stomach feels better soon!! Its a bunch of crap your dealing with lol!!

    Well yesterday was WI and I was down another lb. But I was hoping for much more. I guess its time to step up my game.

  • Hi everyone! Just a pop-in to see what's going on and WOW! Learn, congrats on getting out of the 280's. You are really going to town, I am so happy for you.

    And Ona ... you have done so super well. I think our bodies like to rest from time to time, and then proceed downward. (Of course I probably think that because it's my excuse for sitting at this weight for some months but I feel so "normal" here. But I know I could move a lot better at a lower weight.)

    Sorry, I haven't looked back in the thread, is Ags feeling poorly?? Hope she is okay.

    I guess my positive is I went on a week-long road trip and came back the same weight as when I left. That -- for me -- is a major accomplishment!

    Thank you all for being there. And keep on keeping on!