Surgery vs. On my Own (anyone lost a LOT of weight on their own)

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  • Hi!

    Ok, so I have 80-100pnds to lose and have struggled with my weight all my life. I lost 80pnds once by simply counting calories and walking. We moved across country and all calorie counting went out the window. Of course I gained most of it back. Years later I'm still struggling.

    So...I've never ever considered weight loss surgery until now. Why? I have a friend who had a specific kind of wls done that is less invasive and safer. However, after talking with her and doing tons of research I understand that it still takes a LOT of work. Whether I have the surgery or not I've got to do something.

    Of course people on the weight loss surgery boards tell me it is highly unlikely I could do this on my own and keep it off. A surgeon told one poster only 3% of obese people lose the weight and keep it off. I am actually in the process of getting the surgery (classes, etc) and am to meet with the surgeon this week.

    I want to do this on my own. I've lost 20+pnds in the last several months by simply counting calories. Can I keep it up? I don't know.

    Anyone ever consider surgery? Have you lost a LOT of weight on your own and kept it off? I really need support,

  • Hey there! I dont know alot about surgeries, so cant really comment on that, but I can say that if youre doubting it (which you are) maybe put it on hold for now. Even if you decide to go with the surgery in the future, wait until you are sure. Of course if your doctor is telling you you have to get it, listen to him/her!

    There are a TON of people (and I mean a whooollle lot) on this forum that have lost ALLLLOT of weight and kept it off without surgery. Start browsing around here! Good luck!
  • To have surgery or not is a very personal choice, no one but you can make it.
    This is why I have never considered weight loss surgery as an option for me...
    I had a coworker who had weightloss surgery, lost a lot of weight and over the next 8 years has put most if not all of the weight back on because he did not follow the long term plan for after the surgery. I am sure there are a lot of people who are successful, but there are also a lot of people who are successful doing it on their own.

    I am going to do it on my own with CCing and increased movement, and I will be successful. Each lb I take off is a success! I am not perfect, I have put some weight back on during high stress periods, but that is something that I need to learn to deal with in a healthier way. I can do it. I bet if you want to you can too.
  • I have lost 90 pounds by diet alone , and others have lost much more than that by dieting only. Here's the kicker is no guarantee that you will keep it off, many don't. Most of us dieters do some form of exercise some more than others, but diet and exercise is an effective way to lose weight.
  • I considered surgery, but decided against it. I think it's a good option for some people, and I know an awful lot about it because I did a lot of research while I was thinking about it. I, however, hit my goal weight today - 136.6 lbs lost without surgery. I know there are a lot of other people around here who have done the same thing, and hopefully they'll chime in. I think if you *can* do it without surgery, it's probably better that you do. Surgery isn't an easy out - it's hard work in and of itself and there are side effects that can be dangerous or debilitating. For some people who do the risk/benefit analysis on it, surgery comes out on top and ends up being great for them.
  • To echo what envelope said, I've heard stories of people that get the surgery and don't follow up then end up putting weight back on. The same is true with people who opt to do it on their own. The thing is, with either of these options, you can't have a mind set of 'Once I reach X lbs I'm done dieting forever'. If it's not a comprehensive, life long change then it won't stick.

    I also agree with DCchick - you sound unsure of the surgery, so it might be wise to wait a little longer unless for some reason your doctor is saying you need the surgery right now.

    Hope that helps!
  • I did it in a year. I am your height and we had the same starting out weight. I just changed my eating habits, and lifestyle. I'm much more active now. I've been maintaining for 1.5 years. Every day is a struggle because old habits die hard, but i've come this far.
  • If you're seriously considering surgery there's a WLS section here where you might be able to find more information...

    Surgery is an option. It's a tool that some people find they need in order to lose weight. But, the onus is still on the PERSON to do the work. Some things might be easier with help from WLS and other things are going to be much harder.

    Taking weight off and keeping it off is hard no matter what. WLS does not guarantee that the weight will stay off. It's very possible that even above and beyond all the potential complications of the surgery itself, that the procedure may not work and that the tool may not be enough for some people.

    So WLS is not an "easy way out".

    For me? Never been an option. I will not go under the knife for something that I know I can do. I lost 100 lbs before. It was my own carelessness that was the cause of the regain, and it would've been the same with surgery as it was without.

    This time is different. Scary different. **** the statistics. I can do this.
  • Wow! Thanks everyone! I am definitely encouraged by your successes.

    Let me be clear. I know wls is NOT an easy way out. It is a scary and desperate option that is ONLY a TOOL to help me toward my goal. I've been to the forums and read what people go through.I know it's not easy at all. Like I said, it will take a lot of work whether or not I have the surgery. The kind of surgery I am considering is not lap band or the traditional ones. It's permanent and gaining weight would be difficult. Of course, there is a great risk whether or not I do the surgery. I don't want to visit the WLS forum on here too much, for I want support from those of you who've been successful on your own. I so badly want to do this on my own and I need to make progress more consistently.

    Thanks for the encouragement!
  • There are many people who say that surgery saved their lives. For them, it was just the tool they needed. And you are right, it is not the easy way out. They work their butts off to keep that weight off. It's just that for them, they needed that push to get them going. The question you have to decide for yourself is, do you need the tool of surgery to help you get to where you are going? Losing weight is work, with or without surgery. Surgery is just a tool. Do you need that tool?

    People with weigh loss surgery can gain all their weight back. So can people who lost it on their own.

    There is no easy way, you have to make the change. The surgeons will tell you that there is no hope for you without surgery. You and I both know that's garbage, just look at the successful losers on this board!
  • I lost my weight by changing my lifestyle, IMO, if you want it bad enough it's more than possible, when i started out it was either do it or die trying or just lay down and die period.

    Everyone always wants someone else to do it for them, a secret pill, magic surgery, hired trainer to motivate, all pointless because it's you that needs to do what has to be done day in and day out. It's called life and only you can live your own properly.

    Eat properly and maintain an active lifestyle.
  • Well I was at your start weight (which wasn't even my highest weight, eek!) when I began calorie counting two and a half years ago. And I'm down to 191, so far. I still have more weight to go, of course, but calorie counting is absolutely a sustainable and long term solution to losing and managing weight. Surgery isn't on my radar, far too dangerous and too many side effects, for me to consider at this point. It's not a tool suitable for me, but your mileage may vary. For me, at least, counting and journaling my food and recording my weight is enough. It's not easy, it does take time and requires serious changes in my daily habits, but then again so does WLS! Given that both methods require effort and permanent change, I went with the less invasive option.

    Like Sandi, I know WLS saves lives and has been a fabulous tool for many people on this site. For me, however, it's not nearly as suitable as calorie counting, and I am happy to continue in it. There are many people here who have lost more, faster, and kept it off, just look around the Goal section of the site. I'm slower and newer, but I still consider my own weightloss quite successful
  • Quote: I, however, hit my goal weight today - 136.6 lbs lost without surgery.
    pardon the interruption but WOW!!!! Congrats!!!!

    back to the original question, like everyone else said, WLS doesn't guarantee keeping the weight off. Even the "permanent" kind - I'm assuming you are referring to where they actually cut your stomach apart and leave you just a small pouch. But that isn't permanent because people can and do stretch that pouch out by overeating.

    You KNOW you can lose weight because you lost 80 lbs. But while I know it's not a lot of fun while you are going through it, I think that it really the (relatively) easy part - maintaining that weight is the hard part, and something I haven't personally been successful with either.

    I'm not anti-WLS, I just don't think it's a fix for the problem of maintaining a loss, I think it's a fix for the first part, the losing part, for the people who aren't able to manage that part on their own.
  • Eclipse....Congratulations!! Seriously incredible and encouraging. Resolute , well as all of you!

    April, they take the most elastic part, so while it can stretch some, it does have limits. Of course, I could put candy bars in it all day and sabotage myself as well.

    I wish there was an in-person calorie counting support group (similar to Weight Watchers, but not points). I need all the support I can get.

    Feeling encouraged and determined. Keep it comin'!
  • I have lost 142 pounds so far on my own. Early last year, a co-worker had lap band. When she was going to classes, she showed me what was involved both with gastric bypass and lap band. Personally, I was like "**** NO!" would I ever go through that. But with that option out, I knew I had to get my butt in gear. So far so good...