a stomach bug? or something else?

  • You'd think i'd be able to answer this question, wouldn't you, after nearly 10 years post op? well, i'm not.

    this past week, late in the afternoon, after eating some raw carrot, i started throwing up. couldn't keep water down. and this went on until about 3 AM - just under 12 hours.

    i figured that the carrots had gotten stuck, and how stupid could i have been after ALL THIS TIME. but then, the next morning, the fever hit. so did the fatigue. I HAD A BUG!!!!!

    now, gotta tell you that since the gastric bypass, i usuallly manage to avoid these stomach bugs - i've figured that the 'rewiring' doesn't give the virus a place to set up shop. I have no idea if that's really true, but it's an explanation that works for me.

    ALL THIS TO ASK: how can a person tell if it's a bug or if it's literally something you ate?

    and you'd think i'd know this - wouldn't you???
  • It's the fever.....dumping feels just like the flu to me but I don't get a fever. When I'm sick I feel it in my skin, exhausted in a different way. I don't get sick like I did before surgery, I think there IS something to the reconfiguring of my plumbing, but I do have intestinal difficulties, if you follow me.

    Not chewing or eating something that gets stuck feels very different to me, there is a certain pain I get that means I didn't chew enough or eat too fast and I am GOING to throw up.

    I hope that helps Jiff! You help me so much, I loved that I get the chance to give back to you!

  • I can't help you except to say that I had a stomach bug this weekend as well. I know you're clear across the country from me, but something is making the rounds.