Doin' it the Old Fashioned Way #15!!

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  • a bit for the sense of ha ha ha...
    My WW buddy sent me this email, it put a smile on my face this Friday afternoon in 37C heat with no coolness in sight until Monday morning...... *pant*pant*pant*

    > Twas the month after Christmas, and all through the house
    > Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse.
    > The cookies I'd nibbled, the eggnog I'd taste
    > All the holiday parties had gone to my waist.
    > When I got on the scales there arose such a number!
    > Then I walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber).
    > I'd remember the marvelous meals I'd prepared;
    > The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared,
    > The wine and the rum balls, the bread and the cheese
    > And the way I'd never said, "No thank you, please."
    > As I dressed myself in my husband's old shirt
    > And prepared once again to do battle with dirt--
    > I said to myself, as I only can
    > "You can't spend a winter (or summer in Aus) disguised as a man!"
    > So-away with the last of the sour cream dip,
    > Get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip
    > Every last bit of food that I like must be banished
    > Till all the additional ounces have vanished.
    > I won't have a cookie-not even a lick.
    > I'll want only to chew on a long celery stick.
    > I won't have hot biscuits, or Bread rolls, or pie,
    > I'll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.
    > I'm hungry, I'm lonesome, and life is a bore---
    > But isn't that what January is for?
    > Unable to giggle, no longer a riot.
    > Happy New Year to all and to all a good diet!
  • That little poem is just too cute!
    I hope everyone is doing well, the posts have slowed down over the last couple days...
    I talked to my mother last night on the phone, and she is going to try to come up on Monday to see the kids, and she has agreed to work out with me when they take their naps, insted of with my stepfather later in the evening. This is going to be fun!
    Everyone get their water in today, and get in your exercise! Today is the 24th, and we only have 1 week left in the New Year Challenge! I have lost 6 in this one, but my goal is to lose a total of 8 like I did in the Christmas challenge-so I have a couple more I need to work off to reach my mini-goal!
    Nancy-how is your arm, and how is Curves? I am hoping that you are doing well, and that you are busy because maybe your house has finally sold. (crosses fingers)
    Have a good day everyone!
  • Woohoo!!
    Good result for me today at WW!! Another 0.8 Kilo (1.75) lbs gone!! Just a bit more and the Christmas explosion will be gone!!! Woohoo!!!

    Looks like 3 weeks on... 3 weeks off... not too bad!

    Hope everyone else had great weeks too!!! I will send some of this heat north!

  • Hi everyone,,,

    My arm is just a mess, and it has been snowing to beat the band. At 6 am this morning I had no choice but to go and shovel or I would of never got out of the driveway. I really must of strained a muscle or something. I have not been to curves in 2 days but hopefully Ill be able to make it tomorrow.
    I am going to do my WATP tape in a little while as I feel so guilty with not exercising. Even though I know I have been burning lots of calories shoveling.
    When I got home from work this afternoon I was dreading the shoveling that I had to do but to my surprise. My neighbor had got his snow blower running and had it all done for me. He also told me not to worry as he owes my hubby lots of snow removal for all the times that Bruce did his. So maybe I can get my arm to heal up some now!!!

    I have been so down in the dumps this past week, from the pain in my arm, and missing Bruce and TOM showing up. Its been real tough for me to stay OP. I am so worried about going to WW next week(first official one since they closed for 6 weeks) My scale is showing that I am up a few pounds and that makes me feel even more down. This is really the first struggle that I have had since September. Frankly it is scaring the **** out me as I am afraid that I am going to go on a eating frenzy!!!!!!

    Anyone have any suggestions for me, that will help me get in the right frame again?? I need some help fast.......

    Congrats to everyone that is staying OP and losing. I applaud you all

    Have a great night everyone

  • Buddy Responding To Cry for Help!
    Nancy, HANG IN THERE! What a hard time for you now; foremost missing Bruce, then the cold, snowy winter blahs...difficult time to resist the urge to throw all restraints to the wind, but you know how crummy you'd feel afterwards.

    Is there a specific taste you're craving? If so, try to identify exactly what it is...something sweet? or salty? If you can identify it, then you can choose something within reason, and have it, and hopefully be over that temporary feeling of wanting to have "anything, everything". For sweet, a piece of fruit in sugar-free jello/pudding? for salty, a measured amount of saltines, or a dill pickle, or a measured amount of pretzels?

    And even if you do cave, remember, it's not the end of the world. It just will take a little longer to take off. You'll feel better in a day or so; certainly by next week. Think of the calories on a weekly basis, instead of daily, if that helps. If ya mess up on a day, think of a day ahead that you'll be stronger and more in-control, and have less calories that day. We are on this road for life; if we have a bad day, it doesn't mean all is lost.

    Your poor arm, and having to shovel snow stinks. That was nice of your neighbor to help out.

    I hope this was helpful in some way, Nancy! We sisters are here for you, pulling for you, thinking of you!

    Now a pat on the back for me - I donated blood today, and received my 3 gallon pin!! Confession - when I donate (every 8 weeks) I allow myself a doughnut from the canteen. It tastes so good with the coffee, and I figure one every 2 months is reasonable And I'll add my "stats" - Blood pressure 123/70; pulse 70. The nurse applauded me! (big grin!)

    Have a good night everyone!

    Your friend, Holly
  • Wow - I just calculated what 37C is - it's 98.6F! Hot!!!

    It is hovering around 0 here - and has been regularly dropping to -10 to -15F each night.
  • Good evening everyone!
    Nancy-don't get down girl!!! I know how badly you must be missing Bruce, but you will see him very soon. Your arm will feel better in a few days-I am officially giving you permission to do your Walk Away the Pounds tape if you want to in place of going to Curves for a few days and your arm heals up a bit. As long as you are exercising-it is alright to give your arm a rest. You all know a while back when I hurt my back that I had to really take it easy for a couple weeks-and had to limit my upper body exercises-so I know how you feel. It stinks, but your arm needs that time.
    As far as your cravings-do you have any points banked up? If you do, this would be the time to use them to have a treat. You can have a lot of decadent tasting things that are low in calories/points if you think about it. When I get to feeling like that and it is getting really bad-to the point where I am fighting off a binge, I give myself permission to do so in moderation. I usually eat around 1500 calories a day for weight loss, but on my first day of TOM when the munchies get bad, I purposely allow myself 1800-so I can munch in moderation. It is only 300 calories, and doesn't make too much of a difference in my overall weight loss, since it is only once a month.
    Kanola-great job at your weigh-in! You will be back to pre-holiday status before you know it!
    Holly-good for you on your 3 gallons donated! I really need to give again. I believe I am what they call a universal donor, where my blood type can be accepted by just about anyone if theirs is not available-and if I remember right, my father is one as well. I know from experience how blood donations can save lives. My father had a bleeding ulcer that was so bad it almost killed him when I was a teenager. He had many blood transfusions before and during the surgery to save his life, and he has been giving blood ever since.
  • Sorry Ladies, I have been kind of busy getting into the swing of school and all. So many thumbs up to give out it's crazy.

    Snowey~~~I hope you are going to get better soon. Maybe you should massage your arm with some Icy Hot or something like Ben-Gay? You have so much going on and emotions don't seem to help in your situation.

    Holly~~~Good going on you goal achievement. Save a life always feels wonderful. I am never lucky enough to give blood. I sometimes get to but most of the time I am just getting over a cold and they won't take me. So sorry to hear about your neighbors.

    Aphil~~~Love the belly dancing class you plan to enroll into. Wow and the fee is very good too. OOoow enjoy that party of yours.

    Nola~~~I really liked that little true so true.

    Christine~~~Are we hearing the joys of a crying baby yet? Getting those late night bottle feedings on schedule? Did we get a name for the child or will we just call him "Baby"? I hope you have a wonderful and blessed delivery. Hugs to you.

    Tryinhard~~~ Happy Belated Birthday!

    Okay I hope that I didn't miss anyone. I have great news myself. I am liking flying on the highest cloud. I recieved a letter today from the college I attend. I wasn't expecting any correspondence or anything; I was surprised to be recieving anything.

    WELL...when I opened it...OMG tears started forming in my eyes and by the end of it I didn't know if I wanted to cry or scream or both. I have been recognized for my hard work and scholastic achievement that they are inviting me to join Alpha Beta Gamma International Buisness Honor Society at Del Mar College(which is the school I attend). I mean it just blew my mind beyond description. I know I work hard but not becuase I want to be recognized but because I want better for my family. My husband refers to me as a nerd but in a very loving way. He is very supportive of my determination. I am so unsure of accepting this award only because I don't know the requirements and I don't know if I can provide all that they require. It's a big honor but if I can't follow through I'd rather not even waste anyone's time. Just to be recognized is amazing in itself.

    Well I am out of here. I will let you all know what is going to happen. I have to decide whether or not I would like to join and attend a introduction meeting on Wednesday or Thursday this week. Talk to you all later.
  • Good Sunday morning everyone!
    Kina-congrats on being recognized by the honor society at school. Even if you don't decide to join, it is great that you are doing well enough for them to ask you. Good for you! Your husband must be proud.
    I am noticing a bit of a plateau this week. I have been 100% on plan, and have exercised each and every day, but I am still holding at 186 all week long. Hopefully it will not last too long!
    Yesterday was a nice day. It has been freezing cold, and we have snow-but Jason wanted to get us all out of the house and go do something, so he took us all to Borders in a nearby large city. (For those of you who do not know what Borders is, it is a HUGE bookstore-they have any sort of odd obscure book or magazine you could want, cd's and dvds, and a great kids section, which is the size of about a 3 car garage, and it has a cafe/coffee bar inside.)
    We have went there a lot, but this was the first time we took the kids. They loved it, Raiden got a Cheerio board book, it is so cute-it has places for him to put Cheerios on the pages to finish out a picture-like putting wheels on a car. Jasmine got a nice Cinderella book, Jason got a fantasy/sci-fi book, and I got a couple cd's of bellydance music to practice with at home after I start the classes. They had a really nice selection to choose from-and lots of latin, hawaiin, new age, or any other type of music that cannot usually be found at a mall music store. It was a nice way to spend the afternoon together.
    Today I am going to try and get the sidewalk shoveled, and do my yoga-that will be my exercise for the day. After all the working out I have done all week, I really need the stretching!
    We have 5 days of the New Year challenge left, and I really want everyone to buckle down and try their best. The next challenge coming up will be a short one-a two week Valentines day one-and I really want everyone to get geared up for that and get strict! Everyone can be strict for two weeks! Think of it as a little boot camp for yourself, to get ready for springtime-which means shorts and swimsuits! So, do your best over the next five days, because boot camp is coming!
    Have a great Sunday!
  • Congratulations Kina, you have to be feeling so proud of yourself , like I said before, being a wife a mother, taking care of a house ,working and going to school you have a very full plate. Now with this invite to join the honor society you are remarkable!!!

    Amy, I am ready for boot camp only if my arm heals first

    It seems that I can't even let it have a chance to rest. Yesterday we had close to 2 feet of snow, so I had no choice but to shovel (in pain) or I would be stuck in the house. So several times I was out there during the day doing that. Then last night the snow turned to freezing rain...ugh....what a mess. I had to skate my way out to the driveway and body slam the door on my FIL's van in order to crack the 3 inches of ice and then pull and tug to get the door opened so I could start the van and let it warm up to start chipping away at the rest.
    After that I had to break icicles off the eaves that were nearly 4 ft long. Well dont ya know I got speared right in the middle of the forehead with the pointy edge of one????????? I was worried about how serious it was as I did not know if it was blood coming down my face or if it was the torrential downpour of rain that started. So instead of going into the house I got the courage to look in the side mirror of the van(after I scraped the ice off) and to my surprise, it is only a puncture with a little swelling, which was quite a relief.
    I have to admit the puncture wound sort of matches with the burn on the left side of my forehead that I made with my curling iron yesterday
    So as you can tell from my post, that my weekend has been a weekend from **** !!!!! .... I am hoping right now is that the rain that is coming down now will melt some of the snow and not change back into a freezing yucky mess.

    Tomorrow I am calling moving companies and getting prices on moving our furniture, I decided I am not waiting till this house sells, I am going to let the real estate take care of it, I am so ready to get the heck out of here !!!

    I need a Calgon bath...........................

    bye for now all..

    ps: did I mention the power was off for a few hours also????

  • go and take that bath need to get about a 10 gallon drum of safety salt and coat the walk and driveway with it to keep the snow and ice melted off. It really does work.
    Good for you on deciding to let teh real estate co. take care of things. I am sure you will be much happier with Bruce.
  • Hello all!

    First, to Kina - CONGRATULATIONS! You are such a sweet, humble and unassuming person to think that you might not be worthy of that award - you are, honey!!! They picked you!!! Hooray to you for your obvious hard work! Whether it was done in the hopes of bettering your family or yourself, you achieved!!! Hug to you!

    Nancy - crap, what a week you had! Doesn't this winter both s*ck and bl*w!!! Sorry for the cursing Poor you, to have to shovel your way out of the house with your hurting arm, then to be speared by a stupid stalactite!!! I'm SO glad it didn't puncture more deeply, nor go near your precious eyes!!

    Aphil , nice day to spend at Borders! We have one in Burlington, I love to go there. I need to take the drill sargeant's notice deeply about the two-week Feb. challange. I will!!!

    I have been very down in the dumps feeling for the past few days - and Aphil, I did sign up for 10 tanning sessions; did my first yesterday. I don't feel any immediate relief from my blues...but I'll give it time. It is the same each winter, just a real sad hopeless feeling...doesn't help that I KNOW I've extremely lucky with health, loving family, roof over my head, job, etc. It usually doesn't last more than a few days at a time, so I can bear it; and hasn't approached any scary levels of self-destruction. At THAT point I know I would need professional help.

    I must have some bear DNA in me, 'cause every winter all I want to do is eat and stay in bed (combination smilies!)

    I know the extreme cold has gripped about 1/3 of the U.S., so we're not the only ones suffereing from relentless sub-zero temperatures...but it's getting pretty old, baby! and we have Kanola suffering from extreme heat down under...

    I am filling in for my employers' this week; they are going on a cruise (nice!) so I get to do 3 early-baking days this week. That means be at work at 5:00 a.m....just like the "time to make the donuts" man

    Hae a good night!

  • Australia Day !!
    Hey everyone!!

    Well the heat wave is over for 2 days, and starting tomorrow we are back in the stinking hot again. Saturday hit 44.1 C, second hottest day EVER in Melbourne, let me tell you .... I was one FERAL canadian!! I thought I lost my wallet when I went to leave for the WW meeting, then could not find it anywhere, called the supermarket, the last place I had it, looked EVERYWHERE, and it was nowhere to be found. What made me the maddest was that my canadian ID, birth certificate, drivers license, bank card for my joint account with my mom for 'emergencies' etc. Only thing not in there was my passport (thank gawd) and my Aussie drivers license because I had just gotten my new bike license and did not put it in yet.....

    BUT... the good news is that at 4 pm for some reason I went to check the mail box because someone might have put it there, and in the middle of the petunias that had shut up tight for the hot hot hot day.... there was that silly wallet. It had fallen out of my back pack when I was hauling groceries into the house from the car..... when the darn petunia's were open..... they were hiding my wallet. . . . it was a crap day.

    Sunday was much much cooler and we did nothing. I sat on the couch, watched tv, movies, and played SimCity 4 (my fav computer game), had a bbq surf & turf (prawns, steak, salmon, chicken!!) with hubby and relaxed..... very nice day! I did go for a half hour walk in the morning and another half hour in the evening

    Australia Day means... LONG WEEKEND!!! We went out on the bikes for a 9 hour ride today, it felt awesome to be on the roads again in 'normal' temps. My good friend, and most respected rider of our group followed me through some very twisty and technical roads today, I knew that there would be a 'critique' session when we stopped for lunch, so I really worked on my corners, keeping the speed even, staying off the brakes through the corners, and watching my racing lines.... and he had some really positive comments so that made me feel awesome!! And that the speed and confidence will come with time, but I have a great technical background he said.... sounds like I need another track day!!!

    So that has been my weekend...... we had lunch at a bakery at a small country town, I now have a yummy sandwich (instead of a meat pie) and always a treat... today it was the best caramel square EVER!!! I will have to watch the sweets this week, but it was sooooo worth it!

    Nancy - I agree... let the agent do all the work, get your butt to the chinook weather of Calgary to be with hubby!! You will feel mucho bettero! Just remember, Calgary Flames suck, cheer for the Oilers!!!

    Kina - that is awesome news!!! It is so great when your hard work is recognised!! I bet you felt like you were on top of the clouds!!! And you should be .... with all the hard work you have been putting in..... Good on ya!

    Aphil - Borders sounds alot like the canadian store, Chapters. They don't have anything comparable to that here in Aus, but there are so many more 'boutique' bookstores and cd/dvd places.

    Holly - I know what you are feeling.... I used to get that feeling all the time when I lived in Edmonton. I also did alot of tanning (3-4 times a week) during the winter months and it helped. But the cold, short days, hibernation feeling really got to be something bad!!! I always seemed to pull out of it so I never really worried. Soon it will be over, we are almost at February!! Maybe put your bike leathers on for motivation, and just have a sit on the girl to get motivated again!!!! Or put up some photos from last year!!! I know that would get me going again!!!

    Well... I am off to walk to the supermarket and get some dinner stuff... and then to build some more of my city tonight!!

    Take care everyone!! Have a great week!!

  • Hello!
    My mother is on her way up to play with the kids, and for me to teah her a little bellydance during their naptime!
    I have been thinking about something wild a reward for losing my weight. My kids left me with a lot of stretch marks, and they are not real high on my stomach, all under the naval-but I am self conscious about them-I won't wear a bikini or cropped shirt because of them, etc. and since I am getting into bellydancing-I thought about getting a new tattoo to camoflauge them. I recently saw a dancer that had grapes and grapevines tattooed all around her waist like a belt of vines...and I thought something like that would serve my purpose to a T. What do you all think? I was thinking about dedicating it to my children since the gave me the stretch marks, like having some Jasmine flowers in part of it (for my daughter Jasmine) and maybe some clouds or lightening bolts somewhere (for Raiden-god of thunder) and having like tribal type designs tying everything together. I need to get out my old tattoo books and start drawing some designs up...My sister in law has a tattoo on her lower back at about the level I am thinking of-and hers looks great.
    Oh-and I have lost another pound, down to 185-26 lost!
  • Oooow that really sounds nice, Aphil. You have such nerve. I have tinkered with the idea of getting a frog prince somewhere on my body but Where? At the same time, I can't stand the thought of the pain I would have to endure. I am too much of a weiney. LOL

    Okay homework beckons. Talk to you all later.