Luscious by labor day

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  • wow... july 4th weekend took a little toll on me. thankfully i lost the 3 pounds i gained! i hate how i let myself just eat like that though. ugh...its over. back on track!
    nice job sms! keep it up!
  • thanks kristen you too! Kind of wondering bout my goal though I dont know if I will make it by labor day yikes!
  • Yay, SMS!!!

    Kristen- Way to go on your 3lbs!!!

    I'm not drinking nearly enough water since I moved here. I now live on 3rd floor so carrying the 5 gallon water jugs up the stairs are a pain in the butt for my water cooler BUT that could count as exercise, though.... LOL. Still holding at 187...
  • haha YES amandie!! doooo itt!!! its what 50 lbs? 40 something like that I think 1 gallon is equal to 8 lbs or something.
  • AH I think I found the root of my problem and why I'm still up from last weekend despite being very OP since Monday's disaster. I think stupid AF is here!!! Which is very lame because I don't get it with PCOS and especially nursing a baby around the clock at 13 weeks postpartum! It doesn't make sense that I have it, but it does make sense that I've gained a mysterious 4 pounds, been super moody, crampy and painfully bloated, milk supply has seemed to be less despite baby's growth spurt... it just all adds up.

    But still scratching my head because when you're used to NEVER EVER getting your period because of pcos and then it happens... lol. Hopefully next week's weigh in will be more stabilized!
  • Yea, SMS- you're about right. A friend told me 5 gallon liter was about 45lbs and if I drink like I used to in AZ, I probably will be refilling every 2-3 days. So that's a good start, yea? Heh. Though I am thinking about

    Aw, Sarah. At least you know those 4lbs aren't real!!!

    Weighed in 185.0 this am . I also saw 183.4 and 184.8 but the surface was all squeaky and wobbly. Darnnn, haha.
  • Pacsun...I hear you, I had one this month too and I too have pcos, its the irregularity, thing is you CAN get a perio while breast feeding and you CAN get on with pcos. So its possible, ahh the lovely trials of pcos, I am right there with ya!

    Amandie- See! LOL so lug that wter up the stairs an relish your muscles at the end of it!!

    Rndomly jumped on the scale this AM weighed in at 268.4!!! YESSSS!!!! (insert dancing bananaa that I don't have the code for) hahahah
  • Yes!! Goooo SMS!

    Had a fantastic evening! I took the dog for a jog/walk for about 25 minutes then went to the gym and did a c25k session with my
    girlfriends. Then did light weights in the gym, very light really.

    It feels so wonderful to be able to move again! I really feel like running another half marathon is in my future and not just a pipe dream!!
  • So much positive energy here lately!

    Congrats amandie, sms, pacsun, and everyone else!

    I'm still grinding away. This week hasn't been the best as far as attitude goes, but I'm happy that I haven't given up!

    I am very close to my Labor Day goal, so I'll probably adjust it on Sunday. Have to give some thought as to what I want to aim for.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • thanks! Actually down to 267.4 yest AM for the thanksgiving weigh in thread...cant wait to see what sunday brings!!!
  • Down 2.2 lbs this week, which brings me 0.8 lbs beyond my Labor Day goal.

    Start: 215
    Goal: 185
    Current: 184.2

    I'm going to continue with an amended goal - 10 lbs in the coming 7 weeks. That's less than 1.5 lbs each week. I know I'm going to hit a plateau at some point, so it may not be doable. But, I'm going to give it my best shot.

    Here's to another hard-charging week for all of us.
  • Quote: Down 2.2 lbs this week, which brings me 0.8 lbs beyond my Labor Day goal.

    Start: 215
    Goal: 185
    Current: 184.2

    I'm going to continue with an amended goal - 10 lbs in the coming 7 weeks. That's less than 1.5 lbs each week. I know I'm going to hit a plateau at some point, so it may not be doable. But, I'm going to give it my best shot.

    Here's to another hard-charging week for all of us.

    I knew you were going to hit that goal early! Keep up the good work
  • WTG RMC!!! THATS AWESOME!!! I am 265. today so roughly 15 lbs till my labor day goal *starts sweating it* we shall see!
  • rmc- congrats!!! Wooooohoooo!! And a very reasonable goal, too. You're doing so great!

    I weighed in today on a new scale, my old one's battery tab thingy popped off so we have to toss it. New scale has me at 207.8 which sounds about right. I don't understand why I'm so stuck. I haven't been doing wonderfully, but I should still be losing. I still have a deficit and I'm still tracking everything. I should be losing at least a pound a week.

    I'm going to keep plugging away and hopefully the scale will move down this weekend. I'm also kicking it up a notch again with exercise this week, both walking with my boys during the day and going to the gym at night with girlfriends. If the scale really doesn't start moving again (it's been 3 weeks, I was 205 July 3, then went up to 209 and have been at 207ish since then) I might not eat my exercise calories anymore because I just do not understand what's going on. My fatso baby is very well fed, and that's still my priority but it's just such a hard emotional place when I want two things very badly that don't compliment each other.

    Oh well- onward and downward! Gym tonight will be fun, we're working on week 2 of the couch to 5k again, and I just LOVE the way I feel after one of those workouts. I love to hate running, totally forgot how much it makes me feel amazing!

    eta: Maybe I just didn't see it until entering my numbers but I AM making progress!! I didn't realize I'm down 2 pounds from last week!! I think it's because I'm "over 205" and so I feel like I haven't lost anything until I am at that weight again. Either way, hooray!
  • Quote: Yea, SMS- you're about right. A friend told me 5 gallon liter was about 45lbs and if I drink like I used to in AZ, I probably will be refilling every 2-3 days. So that's a good start, yea? Heh. Though I am thinking about
    if you look at what you've lost...

    you used to carry about that much up and down the stairs all the time, without the 5 gallon jug of water